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You are all blinded


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14 minutes ago, Ioeper32 said:

1. Sorties no longer give credits. - Part of why I liked to play sorties is that even if it gave all crap reward, at least I got the credits from it, but now its just a no, no.

I heard that the recent hotfix brought back the credit rewards to Sorties!


...That's something at least, right? :D

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4 hours ago, pagepro said:

You are all blinded by this update. Lets start with the void. Why did we get an entirely new system for acquiring prime parts?

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

If you could choose between a higher drop chance in the old void that was = to the drop chance that we receive from relics now which would you prefer?

Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly. 

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 





I can say that this is more entertaining, and time efficient then the void AND with the added benefit of being able to quickly get a pug while going through the system instead of having to wade through recruiting.  It has it's draw backs, as it's not 'key/relic' efficient and instead of getting a chance at 4 ish rewards you have 1 chance at 1 reward out of how many team members you have.

Our keys are going to be re-rolled again, so hopefully that fixes that issue.

Credits needed to be reigned in to a reasonable level, I know several people with 100 million credits lol but maybe that's a glitch/bug(?).

Archwing has become better to some, worse to others, please explain how it's unplayable on corpus/JV-p3 as if it's just easier to get motion sickness there...

Gaining affinity isn't really that bad, play on Bere with a proper frame and you'll be getting slightly less then Draco experience levels.

Kavats are awesome and your opinion, like mine is Subjective.  Some people don't like the pets, other people are preying for a Prisma Aardvark that shoots loincloths at your enemies. Point stated, yes, I would like new mission types, which we got one (AW Pursuit) and I hope for more.  It doesn't hurt to have a Kavat that can boost your crit rate past the sky, net you extra drops, give you a free reload, reduce the energy cost of your abilities for a time, rip the armor from enemies, stun them, help you kill them.

Again, your opinion on a "Downgrade" while valid AS your opinion, is Subjective.  Not everyone is going to share it.  The only "Downgrade" I see is the bugs, and they are hotfixing daily so I'm not going to complain.

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I agree.

Earning credits , affinity , ducats , materials became more tedious and boring...and no, sorry...I don't think that's what teaches me "how to play the game" (I'm simply quite tired of leveling stuff after 40+ frames , 240+ weapons , all archwings and relative weapons...I'd like to play actual content and have fun ) .
It feels like the game became more suited for hardcore players and a LOT less for casual players .
Old void was fun, endless missions were fun, hosting stuff for friends who didn't have keys was fun and so was the fact that you were able to get more rewards by spending more time playing a mission.....now playing a mini excavation game , getting only one reward and only if you have a key....flawless / radiant relics.....it's just boring and repetitive...and it doesn't feel rewarding...at all....it also made every single item price crash down in the market, positive for whoever wanted to buy stuff, totally negative for whoever was planning to sell something to get weapon slots or something nice.
Maxing mods or earning enough creds/ducats for the void trader will also be a lot harder....
Nullifiers and enemies got buffed a lot this year...while tennos got nerfed...not a real problem , players still always find ways to stay alive but....it still doesn't feel too nice.
The startchart got more confusing.  It doesn't even allow you to pick between syndacate / invasion / alert / normal mission right now....I think it will be fixed soon hopefully but it still doesn't make me want to play for now...not to talk about the huge amount of bugs.
Archwings feel slower, their missions are more or less the same....mods drop rate looks slightly better maybe...I don't like the fact that we now have to pay for AW slots and relative weapon slots too.
Kavats and fashonframe changes honestly look like the candy you get before getting kicked hard in your stomach...sorry to look so negative but that's just the way SoR update is making me feel like...the game is still nice and enjoyable but it's not the same game I used to like so much when I started it years ago.

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1 hour ago, Kyronz said:

I thought i had done it quite well with the wiki, what exactly do you not understand?

Nope. According to the Wiki, it states that you need a total of 11 runs of a Refined Relic for a near guarantee. However, with 4 people using Refined Relics, you already have a 34% chance of someone getting the item of the highest rarity. Realistically speaking though, it is not impossible for you to get what you want without Refinement. Assuming the datamined values are even correct to begin with.

Within maybe 20 rounds and 4 people, there is a fair chance that someone in the group would have gotten the item everyone needs, allowing you to keep your Void Traces for another component. That would take maybe 4 minutes * 20 rounds for a total of 80 minutes, a little under an hour and a half. That 200 Void Traces can be used to give yourself a 1/3 chance for 2 rounds on something else.

The system also favors situations where the different components are of different rarity. You can slowly work your way on getting a Common or Uncommon piece with fair reliability and save up the Void Traces earned for the Rare components. There is no such benefit in the old System. If an item is in Interception Rotation B and Defense Rotation C, there's nothing else you can do about it but slam yourself against a brick wall until you get them.

Lets compare it to the old system.

Oh look! The part is in Rotation C of T4 Defense. Now it's about 15 ~ 20 minutes per chance. To make the situation better, the drop table has 8 possible items. Lets be very generous and assume that all the components have the same chance of 12.5%. Mathematically, it would take you 8 runs to get a specific item. That is, 15 minutes * 8 = 2 hours. This is provided you're even lucky enough to get it within 8 runs which is almost assuredly never the case. Just for a single part, you would have already spent at least 30 minutes extra compared to the new system. Chances are though, the drop rate for that prized component is less than 12.5% while something like R5 Fusion Cores have a higher rate.

Even if it was part of a Capture or Exterminate key, it takes 3 minutes per run and there are about 10 or more items in that drop table so the odds of it is just as bad as it is now because you are only getting 1 chance every 3 minutes in comparison to the current, 4 chances every 4 minutes. You might have to spend more time getting Relics instead of piggybacking on someone else's key but that's not really a problem when you consider that the Syndicates offer a Relic pack which you can easily afford 2 or more a day on top of Excavations/Survivals/Spy/etc.

To top it off, if you're not in a urgent need for a component, grinding out Prime parts for Ducats or just helping out a friend. All that Void Traces don't expire like Argon Crystals, allowing you to save up for the Relics with items you're more interested in.

The only real drawbacks to it is that there is a timing window associated with it because you will want to avoid running Void Fissures on modes like Mobile Defense and Survival and as mentioned previously, there's no more piggybacking on others and you actually have to get Relics for yourself.

Repetition is hardly an issue considering that the old system had it worse because you were locked to the same tileset, enemies and resource drops.

Edited by Flandyrll
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4 hours ago, pagepro said:

You are all blinded by this update. Lets start with the void. Why did we get an entirely new system for acquiring prime parts?

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

If you could choose between a higher drop chance in the old void that was = to the drop chance that we receive from relics now which would you prefer?

Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly. 

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 


+ REP  (32 likes , means they might fear reply but they all agree that the current situation is fcked up)



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Spending hours in a mission of endless spawning mobs just for a chance at a prime part I wanted was not my idea of fun. Having a better chance in a shorter more condensed fight with the same mobs is an improvement for me.

I like the Kavats, and am happy with them, I find them very useful especially the increases crits and armor shredding.

There were problems with the update. A LOT of bugs, these are quickly being addressed but still there should not have been so many in such obvious places, such as the market, and progression blocking bugs with the junction requirements. Arch wing for me is worse than before as the camera is way to close and the experience is disorienting .

Still I do like the idea that they are giving new players more of a road map to follow, and that they are obviously changing the map to make room for expansion; as Steve said : "I want to go outside of the solar system."

Overall if grading this update I would give it a C on the first release and now that we are several hot fixes into it I would say it is definitely up to a C+, and will probably make a B by the console release.

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5 hours ago, pagepro said:

You are all blinded by this update. Lets start with the void. Why did we get an entirely new system for acquiring prime parts?

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

If you could choose between a higher drop chance in the old void that was = to the drop chance that we receive from relics now which would you prefer?

Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly. 

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 




People have complained about literally everything you listed, except the ones that are simply opinions.

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5 hours ago, pagepro said:

up the drop chance on everything in the void?

If you were to raise the drop chance of one thing, you would have to lower the drop chance of another for all of the chances to fit into the 100% that we're limited to.

For example (drop chances made up):

  • Forma = 20%
  • Lex Prime Barrel = 10%
  • Vasto Prime Receiver = 50%
  • Trinity Prime Neuroptics = 20%

You couldn't simply raise the drop chance of everything. If people were complaining about the low Lex Prime Barrel drop rates, then you'd have to subtract some drop chance from one thing, and add it to the Lex Prime Receiver's drop chance.

Conclusion: You didn't think that statement through.


Edited by DwlfTheDuck
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1 hour ago, NativeKiller said:

I heard that the recent hotfix brought back the credit rewards to Sorties!


...That's something at least, right? :D

Aye sir. Thank you. I hadn't known. I actually checked the update hotfix list daily but missed this admist the many lines. But here it is:


Hotfix 5:

- Fixed Sortie specific Credit rewards not working on Mission complete.

I'm going to roll with the sorties from now on to check it out :/

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people will eventually get bored of defending it, its just DESIGNED  so to either pay up or join the anguished grinding

Does this game have to start dying  in order for DE to get their S#&$ together? that is the question...

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7 minutes ago, Mal4di said:

people will eventually get bored of defending it, its just DESIGNED  so to either pay up or join the anguished grinding

Does this game have to start dying  in order for DE to get their S#&$ together? that is the question...

Congratulations you have figured out it is a free to play game!

And no it won't kill the game, what will kill it is if they make it too easy to obtain and no one buys plat.

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inb4 Lock.

way I see it, this update was destined to go un-smoothly due to DE being all giddy about having their first ever TennoCon. it really was a case of "let's rush it now, go to our party and fix it when we get back". well now they are back, so fixes will appear. it will take time, but they'll appear.

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6 hours ago, pagepro said:

You are all blinded by this update. Lets start with the void. Why did we get an entirely new system for acquiring prime parts?

You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?

If you could choose between a higher drop chance in the old void that was = to the drop chance that we receive from relics now which would you prefer?

Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?

-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly. 

-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know.

-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3.

-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore.

-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?

I find it crazy how a lot of people here are so quick to accept downgrades in fun. 




"You say that the new system is better because you get prime parts faster. Alright but lets ask ourselves why DE simply didn't up the drop chance on everything in the void?"

Because they're a company and still need to make some money.

Also because it's pretty difficult to make it to where 3 items all have a 50% chance to drop.  Simply put: Short of adding another several tiers of towers or removing all non prime items from the tables  (which are both band-aid fixes), there's really nothing they could have done to actually fix the dilution. Now, you have a pool (that you can actually choose) of only 6 rewards, rather than having to do a 20 minute mission and being subject to the pure RNG of randomly getting one of the 8 possible rewards that can in no way be weighted differently. 


"Can you honestly say that this new void fissure crap is more entertaining than the old void?"

I'm not sure how this correlates to the drop chances. Honestly, the new system isn't as fun, as it's mostly running similar missions over and over. However, I find the drop chances to be good.

In the end, fun is subjective, so maybe you enjoy getting rewards more than you do playing the mission. I'm not sure, but it is worth noting that Warframe is active development and it is likely DE will want to expand on how Fissure missions work.


"-We also didn't have our keys converted correctly."

Which is currently being looked in to for a fix.


"-Credits were/are broken or DE simply reduced them to increase the grind for all we know."

I'm not sure on this one, but I don't think pessimism to the point of almost dev bashing is the appropriate response.


"-Archwing is unplayable on corpus nodes and the Jordas verdict raid phase 3."

Bugs, which are fixable


"-Gaining affinity has become tedious. This effects focus as well I don't even bother with it anymore."

....Because Draco is gone?

Or if that's not your issue, you should know that there's a possibility some people's boosters aren't working correctly.


"-Kavats are just more of what we don't really need. How about some different mission types instead?"

I think you're complaining just to complain at this point. Kavats are amazing with the armor stripping and crit buffs. I mean, have you even used one yet? People are always wanting more companions. The only problem is that Carrier trumps most because of vacuum.

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8 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Congratulations you have figured out it is a free to play game!

And no it won't kill the game, what will kill it is if they make it too easy to obtain and no one buys plat.

I would prefer an easy game rather than a mindlessly grinding one (im not the one saying it it IS one of the most grindy games, even borderline-korean)

If they actually did this in a not blatant way and actually released some FUN content instead of  powercreeping weapons and warframes then sure  i would pay FURTHER to buy some of their features and support the game

But right now im not the only one who doesnt like where its heading

Edited by Mal4di
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