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Why Dark Sectors Should Be A Top Priority After The War Within


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People say they were toxic? You can't escape toxic behavior on any game and the conflicts were no more toxic than any other PvP game I've played. People get mad and complain, cuss, and rage all the same. Besides, a few minutes looking at the forums is generally more toxic than a few minutes looking at region chat lol (sad but true.) People say players that were there don't want them to return? I want them to return and if you have a thought then so do a million other people. The majority that's active on the forums shouldn't be answering for the much larger majority just playing the game. The rails were fun for ALOT of players and indeed, DE would be doing all of us and themselves a favor by returning a clan vs clan struggle for "territory" (whatever they decide that is.) I do agree however that it should be done differently. I urge anyone here that wants it back to come up with some ideas and start a thread on it and anyone that's here that doesn't, to give some constructive feedback. They will obviously not be making conflicts a priority since they've already stated what their priorities are after the war within, so it buys us some time to come up with something everyone can enjoy or opt out of.

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On 7/18/2016 at 1:51 AM, PapaFragolino said:

In my opinion, as long as nodes' taxes will still be a thing, Dark Sectors can stay dead forever.

PvP between clans and alliances? Cool. 99% taxes on the node I want to play? You can take your Dark Sector up Uranus.

>99% taxes

False. You people never learn. The three "big" alliances at the end of Rails (AR,AoW, and IT) had less than 15% taxes on all of their nodes. Art of War and Imperial Tenno even had 0% tax nodes. I always see you people complain about non-existent taxes but you never seem to mention Maroo's Bazaar. At least the miniscule taxes you paid on rails came back as battlepay. With Maroo's Bazaar, you get nothing back.

Edited by (XB1)Solar Rails
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lets get umbra first, dark sectors are not as important as the story progressing, and a new better frame varient being released. pvp shouldnt even be in this game in the first place imo. a whole new system had to be made and all stats changed just for it to work. warframe wasnt built for pvp 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

>99% taxes

False. You people never learn. The three "big" alliances at the end of Rails (AR,AoW, and IT) had less than 15% taxes on all of their nodes. Art of War and Imperial Tenno even had 0% tax nodes. I always see you people complain about non-existent taxes but you never seem to mention Maroo's Bazaar. At least the miniscule taxes you paid on rails came back as battlepay. With Maroo's Bazaar, you get nothing back.

i dont think ownership of anykind should exist for any area . as you made clear only a very small amount of large alliances will have any say so in what happens. if these come back No ownership should be won, credits should not be a part of it ( due to all the cred glitches that have happened over the years). if pvp is fun to you then pvp mods as prized should be all you need. not some fulse sence of ownership and bragging rights just for having more ppl then another clan. having alliances , clan lvls , and clan member max being increasable makes the entire idea of putting this back to how it was simply seem like a terrible idea. ghost clans would have 0 chance unless each dark sector was based tword clan lvls

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4 hours ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

>99% taxes

False. You people never learn. The three "big" alliances at the end of Rails (AR,AoW, and IT) had less than 15% taxes on all of their nodes. Art of War and Imperial Tenno even had 0% tax nodes. I always see you people complain about non-existent taxes but you never seem to mention Maroo's Bazaar. At least the miniscule taxes you paid on rails came back as battlepay. With Maroo's Bazaar, you get nothing back.

I played the game and I know for experience of what I'm talking about, you don't have to tell me what is true or false.

I clearly remember a specific node with all the taxes maxed, but even tho that was an exaggeration it was no surprise to see other nodes with even 30% on either resources or credits. Yes, some of them had "only" the 15%, some of them.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

>99% taxes

False. You people never learn. The three "big" alliances at the end of Rails (AR,AoW, and IT) had less than 15% taxes on all of their nodes. Art of War and Imperial Tenno even had 0% tax nodes. I always see you people complain about non-existent taxes but you never seem to mention Maroo's Bazaar. At least the miniscule taxes you paid on rails came back as battlepay. With Maroo's Bazaar, you get nothing back.

Hey, you're lucky that the XB1 didn't have most of the DS nodes owned by clans charging 100% interest on both credits and resources!  Even on planets which offer absolutely no resources that clans can even use!

Here on the PC that is what we had to deal with and no-one could unseat them because they heavily abused the system and had a score of fake clans that were run by a bot that would simply attack their rail the second that the armistice was over and make it completely impossible to attack them or offer battle pay against them as you would have the same 1 person ghost clan attack them the literal second the armistice was over and never offer battle pay or anything else.  And it would repeatedly be the same 1 person ghost clan that did it.

The majority of nodes had a >50% tax rate at the end with over a third having 100% tax rates.  And that third included some of the low level dark sectors which just hurt new players who decided to try them out and then wonder why at the end of the mission they didn't get any of the resources or credits that they picked up as they played the node.

So please, don't tell us that we never had taxes that bad for the majority of time that Dark Sectors were around because we did.
And they weren't miniscule taxes either.  Especially on the resource front.  Which guess what?  You couldn't get the resources back and the majority of resources were useless to clan research projects.  Didn't stop clans from getting 50-100% of them though.

Dark Sectors can stay dead with how they were abused by clans.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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35 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

Hey, you're lucky that the XB1 didn't have most of the DS nodes owned by clans charging 100% interest on both credits and resources!  Even on planets which offer absolutely no resources that clans can even use!

Here on the PC that is what we had to deal with and no-one could unseat them because they heavily abused the system and had a score of fake clans that were run by a bot that would simply attack their rail the second that the armistice was over and make it completely impossible to attack them or offer battle pay against them as you would have the same 1 person ghost clan attack them the literal second the armistice was over and never offer battle pay or anything else.  And it would repeatedly be the same 1 person ghost clan that did it.

The majority of nodes had a >50% tax rate at the end with over a third having 100% tax rates.  And that third included some of the low level dark sectors which just hurt new players who decided to try them out and then wonder why at the end of the mission they didn't get any of the resources or credits that they picked up as they played the node.

So please, don't tell us that we never had taxes that bad for the majority of time that Dark Sectors were around because we did.
And they weren't miniscule taxes either.  Especially on the resource front.  Which guess what?  You couldn't get the resources back and the majority of resources were useless to clan research projects.  Didn't stop clans from getting 50-100% of them though.

Dark Sectors can stay dead with how they were abused by clans.

And it is said that people did abuse the system. But that's the past, over a year ago. When they do return, if ever, they've had more than enough time to fix what was wrong with them no matter how they come back.

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9 hours ago, PapaFragolino said:

I played the game and I know for experience of what I'm talking about, you don't have to tell me what is true or false.

I clearly remember a specific node with all the taxes maxed, but even tho that was an exaggeration it was no surprise to see other nodes with even 30% on either resources or credits. Yes, some of them had "only" the 15%, some of them.

I was a warlord in Arbiters Rage. I PERSONALLY set the taxes for some nodes, It was almost always 15% Credits and 10% resources for public-10% Credits and 5% Resources for Members. Ive spoken frequently with leaders in Art of War, their taxes were lower than ours on all nodes(Even 0% on Akkad and Memphis). Imperial Tenno had even lower taxes (Although I havent spoken with them at all). 

>But even tho that was an exaggeration

So you know you are incorrect ?

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On ‎7‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 1:20 PM, Sitchrea said:

Advertisements, marketing, and best friends trying to get you to play say Warframe is a game about space ninja warrior-gods killing thousands of enemies a mission in stylistic fashion.

They are right... And wrong.

Taking away all the flash, pizazz, and narrative, getting down to what the player ~actually~ does for his majority of play time is: loot acquisition.

Warframe is a grind - but not a bad grind. The pizazz and style make Warframe's grind enjoyable. Yet the core gameplay loop has remained for years a repetition of enter mission>kill enemies>acquire loot>enter mission> kill enemies with new loot> get more loot> and repeat ad infinitum.

Totalbisquit goes into great detail about how Warframe makes this work so well:



As a veteran player, I remember a time when the entire game of "Loot Acquisition" was just a means to an end. When the loot we garnered was meant for more than looking good - it was meant for furthering our Clan's goals of conquest.

I am speaking of Dark Sector Conflicts.

Say I wanted a Braton Prime today. I'd farm for the Relics, wait for a Void Tear, go to the tear, open the relic with crossed fingers, and repeat until I had received my Braton Prime. What do I do with it? Well... Use it to now get a Burston Prime, Paris Prime, Dakra Prime, and so one - which I would then use to just get more and more and more loot. It's a loot loop fruit suit juke. It's a cycle.

But let's take it back to before the Armistice. Back then I would go through the same steps of acquiring a Braton Prime. However, once I had acquired the Braton Prime I would not use it solely for more loot acquisition. Instead, my primary use for it would be to fire upon the denizens of the Dark Sectors to secure more territory for my Clan, and thus more wealth, and thus more capital for conquest.

My point here is that Dark Sectors are the perfect way to shatter the monotonous gameplay loop of Warframe. Instead of countless hours wasted just to use loot to get more loot, players would use their loot for a common goal - conquest.

plus 1,000

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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 0:01 PM, (XB1)Lvl58 Magikarp said:

*Patiently waiting over a year for the wars*

If we are keeping official track it's almost 1 year and 6 month. Officially DS were put into armistice during update 16 which was on March 19th of 2015. So the longest anyone PC or console has had to wait is almost 18 month. Even though we are not allies by any means we are waiting for the same thing and this is an effin ridiculously long time to wait for something. But it's pretty much my belief at this point that it's DE's plan to wait all of us out so that all of the older players will have lost interest and they won't have to deal with any of us.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

If we are keeping official track it's almost 1 year and 6 month. Officially DS were put into armistice during update 16 which was on March 19th of 2015. So the longest anyone PC or console has had to wait is almost 18 month. Even though we are not allies by any means we are waiting for the same thing and this is an effin ridiculously long time to wait for something. But it's pretty much my belief at this point that it's DE's plan to wait all of us out so that all of the older players will have lost interest and they won't have to deal with any of us.

You know, I could understand the wait if solar rails was a sequel or an entirely new game. But Solar Rails is a single gamemode that they already have all the assets and programming for. It shouldnt take 18 months to do some bug fixes. 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Solar Rails said:

>But even tho that was an exaggeration

So you know you are incorrect ?


Taxes went even up to 30%, but this specific node had a whopping 99%. It's the case being exaggerated, not my argument.

Btw I just noticed you're on console, I was talking about the situation on PC.

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Just now, PapaFragolino said:


Taxes went even up to 30%, but this specific node had a whopping 99%. It's the case being exaggerated, not my argument.

Btw I just noticed you're on console, I was talking about the situation on PC.

30% ? 30% ? 30% ? WHERE ARE THESE 30% TAXES ???? 

Ive searched up and down the starchart while rails were active looking for nodes which had high taxes. Very rarely did they reach over 20%. The few times they did, people from the community rose up and crushed them. During the brief period in April where Arbiters could catch our collective breaths and go on the offensive, we couldnt find any high tax nodes to deploy on. We just ended up retaking Gabii from people who had less than 10% taxes.

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