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All jokes and salt aside: Does anyone actually LIKE the new Archwing 6DOF?


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I'll reserve judgement for when I can review it without feeling like I'm throwing up.  Once the camera's fixed so that I actually have some spatial awareness and it's not staring at my shoulder when I strafe left, it'll be a lot easier to actually appreciate this 6DOF movement system.

The one thing I can say confidently about it is this: the map is now grade-A garbage.  The flat 'plane of reference' that old Archwing is based around is pretty much gone.  A map that consists of a 2D plane attempting to represent objects (and especially moving objects, like enemies) in 3D space does not work when up and down are relative, and you're capable of pitching and yawing as you please.

Edited by Arkvold
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Alright, so my opinion, take it or leave it, is that I like it. However, I think it needs some additions/changes.

First off, we need a way to roll ourselves manually.

Second, we either need to be able to toggle friction at the push of a button, or remove inertia altogether. After all, as advanced as the archwings are, it makes no sense that they're missing inertia dampeners.

Finally, I think there should be an option in our gameplay settings to switch between the old and new movement types, as players like myself love the advanced flight, but others would rather not add difficulty to an already fast-paced gamemode.

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7 minutes ago, Boatsniper said:

It's terrible, and there is no excuse in the damn world as to why a "Legacy Archwing Movement" option is not present.

Then evidently you've never played any form of flight simulator. While I agree a "Legacy Mode" should be available for those who prefer the old system, I also believe you could've rephrased your statement better.


6 minutes ago, AethonWalker said:

Alright, so my opinion, take it or leave it, is that I like it. However, I think it needs some additions/changes.

First off, we need a way to roll ourselves manually.

Second, we either need to be able to toggle friction at the push of a button, or remove inertia altogether. After all, as advanced as the archwings are, it makes no sense that they're missing inertia dampeners.

Finally, I think there should be an option in our gameplay settings to switch between the old and new movement types, as players like myself love the advanced flight, but others would rather not add difficulty to an already fast-paced gamemode.

The first is already present, after a fashion, but I agree there should be a way to do so more easily.

Second point... I agree with as well... There's no friction in space unless you're tumbling through a dust cloud.

And the third is another I agree with... I believe others would refer to it as a Legacy Mode, but either way, having it would be handy for newer players, or even vets who prefer it.

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I actually love the new system it reflects that our typical methods of orientation are meaningless in space except in relation to another object.

That said I wish it was more responsive it's a lot more difficult to thread the needle at top speeds than it used to be.  I wasn't a perfect archwing pilot before but I didn't hit the wall as much as I do now.

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18 minutes ago, rockscl said:

for the love of the seven, read this:

you can roll

either make a circle with your mouse or map your key bindings as this video shows:

  Reveal hidden contents



We know this, but still the keybinding cannot work on a controller. 


51 minutes ago, SirCarmen said:

I absolutely love it.

It actually feels like an alternative game type and not just ground combat but you float. Archwing always seemed to have an identity crisis to me but thats been solved completely with this change.

As far as how polished it is, I'd say its the second most polished part of the whole thing and not nearly as buggy as the starchart, the only major part missing is an FoV slider and keybindings to change your roll better.

I'm quoting you because I really did get a kick out of this.  Your opinion is yours so no problem, but you are so far off base with your last 2 paragraphs that it's hilarious.

23 minutes ago, NinjaKitsune56 said:

Then evidently you've never played any form of flight simulator. While I agree a "Legacy Mode" should be available for those who prefer the old system, I also believe you could've rephrased your statement better.

Look, it's dishonest to compare the feedback being given in the current build of archwing with any relevant flightsim.  And trying to use it as a 1-up for yourself is embarrassing. 


Edited by robbybe01234
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2 hours ago, Echowing said:

Overall, if they polish out the major issues, it will be a good system.  That being said, it wasn't necessary.  People didn't play archwing because the controls were clunky (they were prefectly fine before IMO), they didn't play it because progression was slow and acquiring new weapons was worse than farming for prime parts.  The missions themselves were mostly fine, it was everything outside the missions that drove people away.

I agree.  The only reason I play archwing now is because I actually have a usable fun.

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20 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

I'm quoting you because I really did get a kick out of this.  Your opinion is yours so no problem, but you are so far off base with your last 2 paragraphs that it's hilarious.

Didn't say it wasn't buggy or lacking polish, Its just not the worst of the bunch.

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Like it in open space missions, just asteroids around and lots of empty space.

Dislike it on ship maps, Corpus ones are especially disorienting.

Wish melee or some other button would instantly reorient my Warframe to the default axis, not gradually over many melee swings.

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I absolutely hated archwing before this update, and now i actually really like it.I dont get motion sick or have any issues with orientation.I really dont get why some ppl seem to hate it, its a vast improvement imo.

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I used to play a game called Strike Suit Inifinty, here's an example of the game play:


If Archwing was more intuitive and felt like there was more freedom with movement it would be better.
Take for instance this game: (not including the switching between flight/mech modes)
In mech mode notice how the movement is super fast when you want to move, there's no ridiculous amount of continual moving when you want to stop or slow down, you know where the enemies are a lot better so you're not getting lost, you can side-strafe and shoot.

I'm not saying it should be like this game, I'm just saying the movement system made me feel like everything I did mattered. In Archwing I'm having to over-compensate for everything, nothing moves the way I truly want it to. They need to just throw this "realistic" physics out the door and get back to the basics - making Aarchwing enjoyable.

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In my opinion it was an upgrade, it gives a lot of freedom and completely changes the pace of some fights, making Archwing less tedious in general.

The real problem is how some players aren't adapting to it very well, it should be better explained and granular controls/rebind options should be added for close quarters.

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I like it, true three dimensional flying and the ability to turn on a dime and fire backwards is amazing. At first the spinning was getting me confused but soon adjusted to it. 

Now I really feel like a Gundam, all I need are laser swords and huge battle cruisers to fight and I will never leave the mode.

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3 hours ago, Echowing said:

Overall, if they polish out the major issues, it will be a good system.  That being said, it wasn't necessary.  People didn't play archwing because the controls were clunky (they were prefectly fine before IMO), they didn't play it because progression was slow and acquiring new weapons was worse than farming for prime parts.  The missions themselves were mostly fine, it was everything outside the missions that drove people away.

Yep I have the same feelings about archwing after this SOTR patch. It wasn't the controls nor the FOV that needed to be fixed it was the lack of interesting places to do battle with your archwing and reward system. Also leveling your archwing itself was very tedious and slow so if you wanted to even think about putting a forma into your archwing items you would most likely dread the thought of leveling again thus I would just say nope don't want to go through all that again. Oh and the melee with the new FOV and the weird stabilizers off mode is absolutely way to difficult to lock onto multiple enemy targets when your surround by enemies.


I loved Archwing before this SOTR patch but wow is it hard to stay stable through the inside of ships without hitting  the inner bulkheads constantly. I mean it was difficult enough to navigate your archwing before this latest content patch so why all this loss of stability on the archwing?

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The AW movement system did bring in a rework to AW exp and and to how weapons are obtained (syndicates are a much more sure thing than Int C rewards). And I have no problem with the new movement system, other than FoV issues. The corpus ship hallways could be a bit wider, but I can get through them with little trouble. And the shooting really does feel more natural like this.

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New system makes it much more interesting to me, of course it needs tweaking and: a. An autolevel key, Shadows of the Empire had this 20 years ago and B. To be able to adjust camera.

People, specially low MR's, seem to hate on archwing because a. They want everything right away and it slows their progress and B. bandwagon.

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I like it, but it needs a LOT of work. It needs rolling, camera adjustment, more realistic aim control, and a little tighter control to make it work better in more confined spaces. It's honestly not that great rn, but it has the POTENTIAL to be a lot better than before

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