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Should Oberon Be Reworked?


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2 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

Radiation Braton.

Nah. Radiation Ignis with it's base 25% status chance, crazy range and impossible punch through. That thing is the AoE status master of Warframe. It's like a pocket Nyx when specced for pure radiation.

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7 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

It's a CC

Three times the speed, absurd range, synergy with buffs. There's a reason it's a meta nuke skill.

It's a CC, and Nezha is also meh. But at least he runs fast.

Now compare it to the skill Saryn actually uses nowadays.

And watching them get up slowly then start shooting each other isn't?
It's also a third, so it costs less energy, but then that's pretty much all he does if he's not Sword-turreting
Again with my Rhino point, and it does more damage still.
What does Saryn actually use nowadays? Spores? Or Toxic Lash?


8 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

The fact that there's only one proper healer doesn't change a thing for Oberon. "Second best" is irrelevant when said "second best" is garbage at healing.

Third* I'd say Equinox is still better, but given the choices we have, I'd choose Oberon over Trinity any day, mainly because of the playstyle differences. For example, I'd like to so something else other than Energy Vampire and Well of Life/Blessing


10 minutes ago, Epsik-kun said:

Radiation Braton.

Why use a Braton when you can bring something that does damage, and then use Oberon's Radiation instead?

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oberon is the king of derelict and other infested mission...i ve been playing him since the kavat update 24/7 and he can solo all the starchart, even do sortie.people keep saying "trin can heal better and so on" but oberon isnt a healer or cc or whatnot...he simply is THE anti status machine and radia king...people always want a overpowered jack of all trade...like with everyrhing in this game ...just now your S#&$ ...and you be fine 

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21 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

Rhino's base Damage: 800. Maximisation: 2392
Excalibur's base [Radial Javelin] Damage: 1000. Maximisation: 3140 [Per Javelin]
Nezha's base Damage: 1200. Maximisation: 3588
Saryn's base Damage: 350. Maximisation: 3322.6375

You don't use Stomp for damage, it's blast damage and doesn't scale above level 40+. It's there for CC while your weapon + Roar do all the damage.

Nobody uses Javelin outside of farming. Nobody. It also has tremendous range and costs less energy. EB post-change is still up there in terms of dps.

Nezha's Divine Spear also comes with longer CC. And, well, 2 long-a*s animations. Fine Oberon's better in this case.

Saryn's Miasma should never be used without Spore. That P42W time has passed. And the fact that she gets increased damage while everything around her is at half health due to viral procs makes it better than Oberon.

21 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

Trinity is the God of Healing, of course. For End-game, that is.
If you can use Equinox effectively, then she can be up there.
Then there's Oberon, He's decent for anything on the Star Chart, really. Even 'New' Void.
Then like Hydroid WITH AN AUGMENT

Everything is decent on the star chart.

Besides, are we seriously against a Renewal buff? Really? That slow, heal over time with travel time that also drains energy while it's still in mid-air and haven't hit the target yet? That 'heal' that's way too slow to be a reliable heal that getting downed and then revived by a teammate is faster than receiving the actual heal?

21 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

I think Nyx is the CC God.
Then maybe Banshee?
Then a few in there like Inaros, Hydroid, Rhino
Loki and Oberon are basically the same, although Oberon sacrifices Range for Damage.

Then you're wrong I'm afraid. Yes, Chaos has a really wide range. And yet it's about as reliable as radiation procs. The enemy will either attack each other or... Just keep shooting at you. The game's AI is way too random for it to be a reliable CC. Mind Control is decent-good. Psych Bolts has no place on her kit and I don't even know why they even made an augment for that ability. 

Banshee can lock out everything within 60m. She's better than Nyx in terms of CC with just a single ability and that's not even counting her augment.

Inaros' good. Not going to argue with that. Hydroid's CC hinders teammates but he's quite good at it. 

Yeah, they're the same except Loki's better in every single way. You can break enemy AI by forcing them to pull out sticks and hitting each other while you just stand there with invisi. Disarm also covers larger area. Oberon's Reckoning, in comparison, has a small range and the damage is neglible. Let's face it, we both know damage abilities that don't :

- Ignore armor ( Bladestorm )

- Scales with the enemy ( old Polarize, EV )

- Can be stacked to ridiculous amount ( Maim )

... are pretty much garbage or require too much energy to work ( See : Accelerant + WoF spam for high levels )

Edited by TotallyLagging
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My ideas:

his 1: leave it. Its quite good for a 1 all things considered.

his 2: make it a radial ring around oberon that makes him proc immune for the duration and removes debuffs on any ally that runs by. Damages those nearby


his 3: make it a channeled ability (maybe allow it to pick up energy while active?). You can increases the regen rate with duration mods, but change it for oberon that higher duration on renewal costs more energy then lower duration (higher healing speed = high drain, low healing = low drain)


his 4: i dont know how to better this, other then a flat damage buff or a precentage of hp dealt

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1 minute ago, PickleMonster21 said:

And watching them get up slowly then start shooting each other isn't?
It's also a third, so it costs less energy, but then that's pretty much all he does if he's not Sword-turreting
Again with my Rhino point, and it does more damage still.
What does Saryn actually use nowadays? Spores? Or Toxic Lash?

Radiation Braton

Save for the fact Excalibur is better than Oberon in every single mission in this game  be it full squad or solo.

Again with Radiation Braton. Rhino's Stomp is a long lasting reliable CC with insane range. You can't really compare Oberon's attempts with that. Nezha's isn't as good, but it is still a reliable CC.

Spores. She's one of the best damage dealers in the game currently, you would look really stupid if you try to compare Oberon to her.

4 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

I'd choose Oberon over Trinity any day,

You're an M, aren't you? Nothing personal, just asking.

4 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

Why use a Braton when you can bring something that does damage, and then use Oberon's Radiation instead?

Well, because Braton will do more damage than Oberon attempting his CC-ish thingy.

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I'm going to end my discussion by saying that I think Oberon is in a good place. Sure, he doesn't heal like Trinity, damage like Excalibur and Crowd Control like Nyx, but if he could, why would we need the other Frames? We would just be running teams of 4 Oberons. I agree he needs a SLIGHT buff, maybe rework his 2 to give it a bit more use other than Status Dispel and choke point point, and give his 3 a slightly increased travel time, but that's about it. Possibly even allow his Status to last a bit longer on his 4 only, because of the time it takes for the enemies to get up off the ground. Otherwise, I think that's all he needs.

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15 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

And watching them get up slowly then start shooting each other isn't?
It's also a third, so it costs less energy, but then that's pretty much all he does if he's not Sword-turreting
Again with my Rhino point, and it does more damage still.
What does Saryn actually use nowadays? Spores? Or Toxic Lash?


Third* I'd say Equinox is still better, but given the choices we have, I'd choose Oberon over Trinity any day, mainly because of the playstyle differences. For example, I'd like to so something else other than Energy Vampire and Well of Life/Blessing


Why use a Braton when you can bring something that does damage, and then use Oberon's Radiation instead?

dude. you need to play all of the warframes you are comparing him to you obviously dont understand how any of them function.

with saryn you spread her spores WHICH HALVE ENEMY HEALTH and do damage. and then you put them on your husk to spread them more. and then you use toxic lash to shield a small percent of damage and spread spores even more, with melee and then miasma to damage them. read up on them atleast. if you use synergy at base saryn will do 1706.25  corrosive damage per tick on miasma know how many ticks miasma has at base? 4. that is 6825 damage. now just add power strength and watch it rise.

now since you are comparing oberon 's damage still which definitely is no where close to his strong suit. just please look at the numbers and play these warframes and realize oberon needs help. a lot of it.

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7 minutes ago, PickleMonster21 said:

I'm going to end my discussion by saying that I think Oberon is in a good place. Sure, he doesn't heal like Trinity, damage like Excalibur and Crowd Control like Nyx, but if he could, why would we need the other Frames? We would just be running teams of 4 Oberons. I agree he needs a SLIGHT buff, maybe rework his 2 to give it a bit more use other than Status Dispel and choke point point, and give his 3 a slightly increased travel time, but that's about it. Possibly even allow his Status to last a bit longer on his 4 only, because of the time it takes for the enemies to get up off the ground. Otherwise, I think that's all he needs.

and like i have been saying for an hour now and you are not listening. he needs to be able to compete with other warframes. obviously when modding you cant get maximization on a universal build. but if you wanted high power strength. you would want to do just as good as a saryn or mag or ash or ember wouldnt you?

just because he can heal, damage, and do small amounts of crowd control, does not make him good at them.

which is why he needs a massive buff

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1 hour ago, PickleMonster21 said:

Hold up.

Oberon's base Damage: 1250. Maximisation: 3737.5

Worst than Oberon
Rhino's base Damage: 800. Maximisation: 2392
Excalibur's base [Radial Javelin] Damage: 1000. Maximisation: 3140 [Per Javelin]
Nezha's base Damage: 1200. Maximisation: 3588
Saryn's base Damage: 350. Maximisation: 3322.6375

Better than Oberon
Frost's base Damage: 1900. Maximisation: 5966
Mag's base Damage: 1500. Maximisation: 4485 (but slow animation makes for slower DPS)

And then there's Healers
Trinity is the God of Healing, of course. For End-game, that is.
If you can use Equinox effectively, then she can be up there.
Then there's Oberon, He's decent for anything on the Star Chart, really. Even 'New' Void.
Then like Hydroid WITH AN AUGMENT

Then CC
I think Nyx is the CC God.
Then maybe Banshee?
Then a few in there like Inaros, Hydroid, Rhino
Loki and Oberon are basically the same, although Oberon sacrifices Range for Damage.

Like, if you look at it, Oberon does his job better than some others do. He's not bad at all. He doesn't focus on one thing, but many things, and he doesn't even do any of these things poorly. So Oberon doesn't really need a rework in his department. Once he does something worse than everyone else, then  maybe I'll consider a buff. But for now, he's all good. 

Right his post basically proves you're not listening at all and haven't actually played other frames properly. you're going on about damage. damage ain't the main focus, we want cc as well.

"Loki and oberon are basically the same." 

dude you are wrong on so many levels. can Oberon make enemies attack each other AND take away their weapons no matter the level? nope. can Oberon turn invisible and allow you to just insta kill every enemy with stealth damage bonus?

"Oberon does his job better than some others do."

he doesn't have a damn job that's the point. He's like an intern that's trying to copy others instead of standing on his own unique skills. name me one area in all of his "cc" skills that he does better than the other frames who are built for that category.

Edited by LorianTheElderPrince
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2 hours ago, JohnKable said:

the "regular" paladin theme is kinda hard to fit into warframe. But still you can do something close.
Now he's palading/king of wildlife and neither is well represented.

And yes he should be reworked to fit that teme better, with would be paired with some upgrades (really some powers can just be buffed by any rework)

His 1 is ok, its fitting and at the same level of most 1 skills
His 2 is kinda terrible, even worse since the nullifiers came out. Paladin usually have auras, it should be turned into a limited-range aura with continuous drain. At least wont dispelled in the very moment a nullifier touches it. 
His 3 is a very mediocre health regen in a game where health regen is not needed in 99% of cases. That should have been his passive (in a much weaker form of course) or it can be built-in with his 2.
Probably his 3 could be reworked fitting his passive too, allowing oberon to summon a pack of random wildlife creatures helping him in the fight for a short duration (like 30secs)
I like his 4, and the concept of its augment too. But has just a terrible range compared to many other damage/utility aoe 4 skills.

With such rework he wouldnt still be top tier but, to me at least, funnier and more fitting its very own theme.

trinity's ult is her only real hp heal ,  If we are going with Paladin, then Oberon would be ,  more of his one being well only complaint is it need to sek out more than one and have maybe 3x the orbs , his second basically says , hey trinity i took your aug for ev an your fourth and combined them for less energy,   giving him the true healing frame, title, but it would not give damage res,  his third should be like a huge aggro that only gives him dmg res like 75%  , but FORCES  the ai to attack him, his fourth?  if we keeping it the same buff it to 4x power , if not. a channeling storm of light bolts falling down that hae rad procs, basically a channeling  1 that he can move and shoot and such in, 

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4 hours ago, cookieknife said:

Since Limbo and Ash(bladestorm) are getting reworked, do you guys think oberon should be reworked?

Ash is getting reworked? Where can i find info about his rework?

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He needs a huge armor buff. Thought he was supposed to be a Paladin?

His heal also needs to affect party members within range instantly, instead of that damn slow-arse healing orb. Maybe boost max health along with it, or affect shields if at max health.

Hallowed Ground needs to slow enemies that come into contact with it, with a stat proc stunning them or locking them in place for the rest of the skills duration.

Not sure for the other two. Either way he needs to have a lot more buffing going on. Needs to me more of a team player. The protector/paladin he was always touted as.

(Off topic, but I wish they’d get rid of augment mods and have them be passive ability boosts that you unlock from using said Warframe/abilities and gaining points in it over a period of time.)

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4 minutes ago, Numerikuu said:

He needs a huge armor buff. Thought he was supposed to be a Paladin?

His heal also needs to affect party members within range instantly, instead of that damn slow-arse healing orb. Maybe boost max health along with it, or affect shields if at max health.

Hallowed Ground needs to slow enemies that come into contact with it, with a stat proc stunning them or locking them in place for the rest of the skills duration.

Not sure for the other two. Either way he needs to have a lot more buffing going on. Needs to me more of a team player. The protector/paladin he was always touted as.

i posted an idea

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2 hours ago, cookieknife said:

dude. you need to play all of the warframes you are comparing him to you obviously dont understand how any of them function.

with saryn you spread her spores WHICH HALVE ENEMY HEALTH and do damage. and then you put them on your husk to spread them more. and then you use toxic lash to shield a small percent of damage and spread spores even more, with melee and then miasma to damage them. read up on them atleast. if you use synergy at base saryn will do 1706.25  corrosive damage per tick on miasma know how many ticks miasma has at base? 4. that is 6825 damage. now just add power strength and watch it rise.

now since you are comparing oberon 's damage still which definitely is no where close to his strong suit. just please look at the numbers and play these warframes and realize oberon needs help. a lot of it.

I've had 3 and a half years to play around with Frames. I'm confident I know how they all work. All except Saryn, which I never cared to learn after the rework.

But since Saryn is the only one you're bothering to correct me on, I'm assuming Saryn's the only one that  you can prove me wrong against? Either way, I think Oberon is fine where he is. I've seen the numbers (thanks to the Warframe Wiki) and I know that each of these Frames I've listed are more than just Damage Dealers. Like Excal can use Blind to get out of situations, or to melee enemies for extra melee damage, or that Rhino has Roar to buff allies, or that Mag can use Magnetize as deployable cover while still soaking damage to a single target to explode it all out after the duration, or that Nezha exists,

And then I believe I went on to show that Oberon can also Heal and CC (as well as deal damage)


Just a side note, I don't understand why people can't grasp the fact that Oberon isn't supposed to excel at anything. I'm not saying he's strong in every aspect. I'm simply saying he does what he's supposed to, well.
If he was on par with how Trinity heals, we wouldn't need to use Trinity.
If he was on par with the best damage dealer, we wouldn't need them.
If he was on par with Nyx for Crowd Control, we wouldn't need a Nyx.
Oberon is supposed to be average at all these things, which he is. And if you think he needs as buff for End Game content, he doesn't, because if you can't utilize him to his fullest in End Game, then that's on you. Oberon is supposed to be average in every class, whether it be Damage Dealing, Support, Crowd Control, Tank, he's supposed to be average. Not great in all aspects. Only average. Because if he was great in all aspects, Oberon would simply be overpowered as hell.

Edited by PickleMonster21
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I think that Oberon is decent warframe. His magic carpet completely negates all the staggering and knockdown as well (Say hello To Kela de Thaym), this is rather useful against corpus and infested (removes toxin debuffs, negates stomp knockdown)
He can fully heal most warframes in one use of his first ability (with proper build it regens aroun 800 i belive)
His first is something like chaos bolts from Nyx, exept it is more spammable.
His Ulti is CC, also you can install Simeris' Health orb transformation mod to buff his armor up to 1.5k (!)

His only problems are long animations and a bit derpy healing ability, it's hard to keep an eye out on it.
TBH, oberon is not the first in the queue on the rework, yet he will recieve it. Eventually. 
Now DE have Limbo, who certanly have a fanbase (me included), but his abilities are simply one ability put in all slots (Hi to Quite Shallow) and covered with small buff ability.
And also DE have Bladestorm rework, to tame Ash actually a warframe, not a thing that exists only for BS. (Actually, he is very good warframe, yet, everyone is using him as a Bladestorm warframe) 

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