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The Salt Is Real


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On 23/07/2016 at 11:23 PM, Xzorn said:

Honestly if one of your issues is the damage they take you might not be  " advanced players who seek a challenge"

I rip through those enemies like any other, the enemy damage scaling is the primary problem not their eHP.

I do miss rolling through and ignoring Eximus fire waves though. In U19 they added a collision effect. You don't fall prone but it's not as useful and makes them a lot more annoying.

Energy Drain = Zenurik

Frost or Volt are basically req for lvl 100+ non-Infested Excavation.

Weapons don't scale but abilities double even triple their damage and they stack. 

Disarm loki is more important for lvl 100 excavation. I've done it with disarm loki plus slow nova and rhino. No excavator every took any damage at all. Frost is a lame crutch, no more, no less.

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Was this the eximus strong hold excavation? i just went in with a pub group, ended up with a excal (who died alot) an ev trin, and 2 frosts  (one of which was me), and it went pretty smooth, just put up snow globes and cc'd them with frosts 4, honestly one of the easier (if longer) sortie missions

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We finish this sortie very easy. Our setup(random squad,just got luck) me - EV Trin P/Soma P , other guys : Rhino P/Boltor P , Frost P/Tonkor and Nova P/ Sancti tigris ,no problem at all. We manage to run two exc at once and I get down just few times,bcoz Im a bit lazy/newbie.

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On 7/23/2016 at 3:33 PM, XenoFant said:

So I just somehow managed to get through the pile of garbage that brought us the todays final Sortie mission.

And let me tell you, the salt is real!

Every 2 seconds, a blast from one of the hundred eximus that stand around you about to drown you in one hits, everywhere you look, 3 snow globes from eximus in the already indestructible mass of bulletsponges, and constantly having 0 energy because of the twenty energy leeches sucking you literally dry.

Not just the ridiculous amount of bulletsponging enemies is the issue. The fact that your extractors last an average of 20 seconds, if you manage to, makes this thing so frustrating.


Maybe I am just salty, maybe I'm talking smack. But listen to me: I don't care.


Warframe is broken and ever was. No fixes concerning bulletsponging and ridiculous scaling, not to mention armor scaling.

"Sortie is for the advanced players who seek a challenge", let me tell you what, this isn't a challenge. Neither is it balanced for the immense weapon builds of some of us. Our weapons don't scale, enemies do. So there's a brink at one point at which weapons, no matter how OP they are, just get useless.


"Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

Sorties are utterly awful experiences. I mean, I often wonder any of this got past QA in the first place:

-Tragically bad scaling. EVERYTHING, even the lowliest crewman, is a mini boss sponge.

-Frankly stupid weapon restrictions

-Additional buffs to already overscaled enemies

-Severely diluted drops

-The same old missions, now with more idiot sponges than a Saturday Morning on Nickelodeon. 

Its a wonder anyone still runs these things. They're like everything wrong with Warframe, except all crammed into one mission. God they are awful.

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47 minutes ago, Kippenoma2000 said:

I did one today where I said "DONT KILL WHEN YOU HEAR JUGGERNAUT". People still killed infested, juggernaut came, all 3 of them died. Several times. Juggernaut didnt lose 10% health.

I just stood there and watched, because this was the second time already this day.

Oh, and my kavat was flying in the air when she got downed so she almost died. (i left the game and she was fine)

Really stupid people sometimes

Really stupid missions all the time, to be fair.

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21 hours ago, XenoFant said:

Good job guys. I now completely lost all faith in humanity.

Not sure what kind of responses you were expecting, whenever someone claims something is broken there's a bunch that claim it's fine (even Nullifiers...) usually people who get lucky with group setup or run premade groups ("ideal" setups make just about everything in Warframe trivial, so yeah).

Personally I only do the sorties when I need something from them, and even then I only do them when I consider the combination of mission type and modifier acceptable. But the reward tables are so diluted that I'm not sure even that is worth the bother as this was the second time the Dera Vandal was available and I'm still missing a part, I just kept getting Fusion Cores at the end.

Edited by marelooke
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On 7/25/2016 at 3:29 AM, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

Disarm loki is more important for lvl 100 excavation. I've done it with disarm loki plus slow nova and rhino. No excavator every took any damage at all. Frost is a lame crutch, no more, no less.


Until a single Grineer spawns and gets a shot off between your disarm casts.... I said lvl 100+ for a reason though. Even slowed a single burst will kill an excavator not much past lvl 100. Last I checked Snow Globe blocks Eximus Fire Blast, which one shots the Excavator, I haven't bothered to check on this in a while though but you also can't really say Loki is more important when you're still relying on other frames like Nova to help. If it comes down to it, Frost  can keep the Excavator alive without anyone else.

Snow Globe is a crutch. Not Frost. A Hybrid Buff / Globe Frost is a solid choice for a 4th group member. +200% additive group Cold damage, Snow globe as another layer against failure and a backup CC in case your main CC goes down.

People just go max Globe and that's not ideal for Frost in a structured group.

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3 hours ago, Xzorn said:


Until a single Grineer spawns and gets a shot off between your disarm casts.... I said lvl 100+ for a reason though. Even slowed a single burst will kill an excavator not much past lvl 100. Last I checked Snow Globe blocks Eximus Fire Blast, which one shots the Excavator, I haven't bothered to check on this in a while though but you also can't really say Loki is more important when you're still relying on other frames like Nova to help. If it comes down to it, Frost  can keep the Excavator alive without anyone else.

Snow Globe is a crutch. Not Frost. A Hybrid Buff / Globe Frost is a solid choice for a 4th group member. +200% additive group Cold damage, Snow globe as another layer against failure and a backup CC in case your main CC goes down.

People just go max Globe and that's not ideal for Frost in a structured group.

Excavators are never getting shot because disarm can be spammed constantly and what's important it creates a target rich environment. Enemies don't prioritise targets, they attack closest available opponent, which would be one of dozens of irradiated comrades of theirs.

I've done a bunch of solo sortie 3 excavations and loki is definitely best option. For example I've never seen a nullifier aim for excavator instead of irradiated melee horde between them.

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It is a shame I will never reach the endgame content. The high players have no patience for lower ones, and at damn close to every bossfight where the boss does not insta die (or similar terribility) some player leaves. Others try to decide you shall go five more minutes when your life support is at less than 16%, you are leveling S#&$ty weapons and the closest capsule is at least four rooms away. No thanks, I'll keep the shet I got, and fyi, I do have a brain to decide when I´m out on my own. Other than that, bugs, insane farming, not wanting to pay money to speed up progress in a totally bugged game and so on does not at all make it any faster.

This is maybe not a sortie problem, but I won't be able to have a sortie problem until after any update removing them has arrived. And THAT is my problem - the unneccessary extra walls keeping players from rising.

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On 28-7-2016 at 7:34 AM, Wanettedeath said:

It is a shame I will never reach the endgame content. The high players have no patience for lower ones, and at damn close to every bossfight where the boss does not insta die (or similar terribility) some player leaves. Others try to decide you shall go five more minutes when your life support is at less than 16%, you are leveling S#&$ty weapons and the closest capsule is at least four rooms away. No thanks, I'll keep the shet I got, and fyi, I do have a brain to decide when I´m out on my own. Other than that, bugs, insane farming, not wanting to pay money to speed up progress in a totally bugged game and so on does not at all make it any faster.

This is maybe not a sortie problem, but I won't be able to have a sortie problem until after any update removing them has arrived. And THAT is my problem - the unneccessary extra walls keeping players from rising.

Veterans don't bail on bossfights, they solo them if the rest of the group can't handle it.

No veteran will leave a survival before the 15min mark unless requested to do so (and even then they might just ignore that wish and go until 15min before extracting, which I consider reasonable tbh, if you then act like a jerk then they'll just keep going to annoy you. At least it' s what I do if people act like jerks) and many enjoy just pushing the limits, but if you don't talk to your team you can hardly expect them to take your wishes into account. This is a co-op game, after all.

Occasionally you will run into jerks (or people who just have a bad day, it happens), but judging from how often you state it happens I'm inclined to believe the problem is you as the Warframe community in my experience is pretty darn welcoming.

Edited by marelooke
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On 7/28/2016 at 1:34 AM, Wanettedeath said:

It is a shame I will never reach the endgame content. The high players have no patience for lower ones, and at damn close to every bossfight where the boss does not insta die (or similar terribility) some player leaves. Others try to decide you shall go five more minutes when your life support is at less than 16%, you are leveling S#&$ty weapons and the closest capsule is at least four rooms away. No thanks, I'll keep the shet I got, and fyi, I do have a brain to decide when I´m out on my own. Other than that, bugs, insane farming, not wanting to pay money to speed up progress in a totally bugged game and so on does not at all make it any faster.

This is maybe not a sortie problem, but I won't be able to have a sortie problem until after any update removing them has arrived. And THAT is my problem - the unneccessary extra walls keeping players from rising.

I think this is more of a general player thing over veterans. I will admit that I have little patience but it has nothing to do with lower players, that's just me in every game. I leave founders behind just the same but I'm also more likely to help someone who's lower MR and prolly just doesn't know over someone who's just too suborn and thinks they know everything.

I  never vote to leave a mission, ever. I will stay as long as people want/can. I'd prefer it in fact.  Even if there's a complete leech in the group. I go into missions ready to carry so it has little effect on me.  People say "when you wana leave?" my reply is always "I don't care". There's a certain courtesy involved with grouping that I think many player miss. Always bring a good weapon in case people wana stay.

But take it from someone who's 90% solo, other players have little effect on your performance and gains in this game.

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On 7/23/2016 at 3:35 PM, aleco247 said:

Sounds like you just had a bad setup and/or team. When I went through it we had a Nyx for CC, Rhino to tank, Inaros doing Inaros stuff, and Nova for slow. We only lost like 2 or 3 extractors.

Congrats, you turned the enemies off and then killed them. Engaging and riveting gameplay at it's finest.

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On ‎24‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 1:17 AM, Vastarov said:

That is completely false.
DE is perhaps the only company I've ever seen actually collecting feedback from the players and using it to improve their game.
Moreover, they employ at least 3 different phases of play-testing: the first two are internal, one executed by a selected debugger squad and the second by a larger group of employees; then a specific test-server is deployed, on which selected players (mostly Founders and alpha-testers) play the updates as regulars and comb through the new add-ons.

After that, bugs can still be present. As an example, think of old Nintendo - the go-to company for bug-less games: triple-A titles went through months or years of play-testing before being released, and that just to have a 99% chance of the game being perfect.
If you don't know how programming and debugging work (please) don't blurt out nonsense.

Also, on a comic note:


So, the situation is even worse than I though. Normal employees aren't trained to test a game properly and proceduraly, like professional game testers do.  

HERETIC! is when you update your game, make a squad and your friends get kicked out from the mission because DE did not tested the freakin game!

If DE its the only company you ever seen collecting feedback from the players Im very sad for you, because there are many, many companies that make this. You should play more games and visit their forums. Not all companies do this because many games dont change or dont need to change, they are ok

What I say about the changes is that DE did these changes without collecting the feedback from players, before releasing the update. The concept and gameplay (not bugs) of the relics system was not tested before release. You know, after days playing a thing you say: wait...this is good but needs to change this and this and..

Now (july 29) they released an update that changes the relics system. Why? Because the system was not tested before releasing it. This is what professional game testers do: they test the game and playability, then identify problems (not only bugs) and suggest improvements. They say to developers: players will not like this, players will criticize that change..   

But if you are a player that only agree with all that DE imposes, even if its bad for the game, or absurd, thats up to you

Right now, Steve its not a good producer because hes not fulfilling his role as a Producer: to maintain the vision and concept of the game and ensure his final quality when delivered to players. This is not happening for millions of warframe players


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On 30/7/2016 at 10:35 AM, CrisFenix said:

- snip - 

Allright, it all comes down to different perspectives. I can't agree with yours and you can't agree with mine.
Luckily there's an open market filled with lots of interesting games, if this one doesn't suit your tastes anymore - or if the developers don't listen to the feedback you agree with.

Of course there are other companies that pay attention to players' opinions and suggestion; DE is simply the first one I see willing to completely overhaul their game seconding constructive critiques, more than once even.

And again: I think you don't really know the process of coding or production in general, or you would understand certain things better... but it's just my opinion - which doesn't really count. Just saying, you can test all you want privately, but often times things work differently with thousands or millions of users - and it's not always foreseeable.

Anyways, keep on keeping on.

P.s.: "heretic" is not what you described; that's a "bug" or more generally an "error", either regarding connection or coding issues.
This is "heretic":

  1. a person believing in or practising religious heresy.
    synonyms: dissident, dissenter, nonconformist, unorthodox thinker, heterodox thinker, apostate, freethinker, iconoclast, schismatic, renegade; More
    • a person holding an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted.

Or, well... a first person game from some time ago...

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On 7/23/2016 at 3:33 PM, XenoFant said:

So I just somehow managed to get through the pile of garbage that brought us the todays final Sortie mission.

And let me tell you, the salt is real!

Every 2 seconds, a blast from one of the hundred eximus that stand around you about to drown you in one hits, everywhere you look, 3 snow globes from eximus in the already indestructible mass of bulletsponges, and constantly having 0 energy because of the twenty energy leeches sucking you literally dry.

Not just the ridiculous amount of bulletsponging enemies is the issue. The fact that your extractors last an average of 20 seconds, if you manage to, makes this thing so frustrating.


Maybe I am just salty, maybe I'm talking smack. But listen to me: I don't care.


Warframe is broken and ever was. No fixes concerning bulletsponging and ridiculous scaling, not to mention armor scaling.

"Sortie is for the advanced players who seek a challenge", let me tell you what, this isn't a challenge. Neither is it balanced for the immense weapon builds of some of us. Our weapons don't scale, enemies do. So there's a brink at one point at which weapons, no matter how OP they are, just get useless.


"Balance"-- Sure man, believe it if you want to.

The first try ended in everyone dying two or three times then aborting.

The second try ended in killing the bosses in under a minute.

Let me give you a bit of advice about a mission.  If for some reason you keep dying or keep failing the mission, change your frames.  You've got the wrong combination.


It really is that simple.

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On 7/23/2016 at 4:57 PM, Trayzerlol said:

i dont mind sorties being hard... ... IF!!!! the rewards are according to the difficulty / time invested. and no, a lens or latron part does not qualify as a good reward if you ask me.


Someone who feels my pain.

MR21 with every mod, weapon and frame the game has made available to me and I haven't done a full Sortie (3 sets) in over 4 weeks due to the rewards. I'm so sick and tired of getting lenses (have over 30) and Nezha parts (have 3 full sets). Until such a time where a token system that was talked about MONTHS ago is implemented, I don't care how "bored" I am with the regular Star Chart, I'm not doing Sorties.

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