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Should Nullifiers be affected by Punch Through?


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I think the title says it all. And I'm just putting this idea out there for people to consider, criticize or whatever. (Not sure if this has been brought up before, I'm new to the forums, please be patient with me if so).

Nullifiers have some... Interesting, if annoying, features. And with their recent buff it I feel like they could be given a decent weakness, aside from their general low health. Now, I'm not totally sure how the Punch Through mechanics work, but seeing how they go through walls it got me thinking whether or not this would be a good addition to the Null bubbles. With a damage decrease or balance of course, to prevent them getting one hit through the bubble by weapons like the Opticor. Or maybe that might be a good thing.

Yay or Nay?

Edited by TyrannisPax
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Just now, WrathAscending said:

The only problem I foresee with Punch-through going through the bubble is that it will advantage weapons with a high RoF against Nullifiers even more than they currently are.

Yeah, That did occur to me, hence why I mentioned a possible damage decrease for bullets/whatever passing through the bubble. This is also balanced by the fact that there are quite a few weapon builds that leave out PT.

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1 minute ago, WrathAscending said:

The only problem I foresee with Punch-through going through the bubble is that it will advantage weapons with a high RoF against Nullifiers even more than they currently are.

They could make it a few meters thick so only bows, snipers, or things with puch through mod cpuld penetrate

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4 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:

The only problem I foresee with Punch-through going through the bubble is that it will advantage weapons with a high RoF against Nullifiers even more than they currently are.

I don't see how that's a problem , if your aim is right it shouldn't matter if it's a high rof secondary or opticor seeing how both shots would go through . 

Also seeing how most sniper have innate punch through that kind of gives them an edge against other weapons

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Absolutely not, that would take them from OP to pointless. Nullifiers' problem is that they fit too many roles, they just need their skill set distributed to a few units rather than one.


So... Nullifiers can keep their protective bubble, but lose the area denial of ability canceling. This means that nullifiers are exactly the same as now when outside the bubble, but now you can walk in the bubble without having abilities canceled.

Switch out Sapping Osprey's infuriating ball of death with the Isolator Bursas nullification bubble (the one that does not block any damage and is destroyed when you shoot the ball projectile thingy) so the Corpus as a faction keep their ability area denial.

There are already Railgun MOAs and Sniper Crewmen, who thought giving Nullifiers a sniper was a good idea? Give them a single Cestra.


Nullifiers need a full on rework, not a tacked on nerf.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Nah, not everyone's gonna use a mod slot just for a single enemy type (especially metal auger, damn it takes alot of mod points)

Metal Auger is pretty nasty on a lot of weapons though. 
idk about lv 80+ gameplay though but under 80 its neat
can kill like 10+ enemies in a row with a bullet

Edited by Vesiga
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1 minute ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Nah, not everyone's gonna use a mod slot just for a single enemy type (especially metal auger, damn it takes alot of mod points)

Yeah, I wouldn't either to be honest. :D


...But, who knows, especially since the HATE towards the nullifiers are so very real.

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4 minutes ago, Kierlak said:

Nullifiers should instead be affected by removal from the game.

True, but not likely to happen.

2 minutes ago, DrBorris said:


It's not like they'd be completely vunerable, they can still hide behind cover (which on top of their bubble's resistence would render the PT void). This isn't really a "tacked on nerf", more of a work around to the ridiculous buff they got of being able to remove abilities like Snow Globe. If they can be so offensive to our abilities, then they should be at least marginally easier to take down.

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12 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:

The only problem I foresee with Punch-through going through the bubble is that it will advantage weapons with a high RoF against Nullifiers even more than they currently are.

No, not really. This will fix the inability of slow weapons in dealing with Nullifiers. Unless you have problems with a Soma P killing a Bombard faster than an Opticor, I think it's the best fix since DE seems to love their Nullifiers.

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7 minutes ago, Jangkrik said:

No, not really. This will fix the inability of slow weapons in dealing with Nullifiers. Unless you have problems with a Soma P killing a Bombard faster than an Opticor, I think it's the best fix since DE seems to love their Nullifiers.

Much as I love the Opticor the Soma Prime handily out-DPSes it. Both Burst and Sustained. The fast pace of the game can often make it easier to use high RoF weapons as they allow you to stay on the move more readily than weapons with scope or charge mechanics, and high RoF weapons already have the advantage when attacking Nullifiers. Giving them the ability to shrink the bubble faster and do higher damage more swiftly to Nullifiers would only increase the disparity.

Personally I'd rather that Nullifiers only cancelled Powers, possibly with a larger bubble, and provided no protection to themselves or other units but that's unlikely to ever happen.

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I've always thought it stupid that they Aren't affected by punch through. Right now the only ways to deal with Nullifiers are:

A - Wasting half a mag on them with the Soma Prime

B - Charging in with a melee weapon or

C - Charging in and dropping a Tonkor round

Option A leads to running out of ammo way too fast, and options B and C mean a serious hit to frames that are dependent on toggled/timed abilities to stay alive (Mesa, Wukong, Trinity, Rhino, Ember etc. Even Frost now that it's been buffed to dispel his globe).


If they made it so that you needed say... 1.5-2m of punch through to pierce a nullifier shield then sticking shred on all of your weapons (which many people do anyway, including myself on everything automatic) wouldn't be enough to do the trick. To get through you would have to either run with Metal Auger OR use a weapon with innate punch through, like a sniper or a bow with Shred.

Instead of a nerf, i think it would actually balance corpus missions more. And lets face it, anything that makes bows more viable is a good thing, right?

Edited by Type-8
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3 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:

Personally I'd rather that Nullifiers only cancelled Powers, possibly with a larger bubble, and provided no protection to themselves or other units but that's unlikely to ever happen.

That's what I'd like to have as well. The problem is that DE seems to love their Nullifiers soo much that we can't really think of a good nerf to convince them right now.

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Punchthru to kill the nullifier seems a little too much and OP. But maybe punchthru to attack other enemies within the bubble .. now maybe that's not bad. Have punch they range just under what can hit the nullifier himself. But have punch thru that it can still attack other enemies inside the bubble, maybe with decreased dmg or something just another option.

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