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Loki balance


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I was thinking way so many people hate Loki and when I got Loki Prime today I found out his Invis was okay since he didn't have offensive abilities then I saw RD. Holy horseshoes. I thought maybe...just maybe it could be at base 100% chance to disarm but reduced by Overextended? Idk it would just mean you can't go crazy range. And maybe 80% chance to disarm enemies with Overextended. 

EDIT: Our friend, black_viper21 here has suggested that power strentgh should affect the amount of enemies that will be disarmed, similar to Bastille. It should start at 100% and if you use Overextended it reduces. This can be countered using Power Drift. This will enable RD to only be 235% range, meaning enemies far can still snipe you down, forcing you to have to move at least one step. 

EDIT: A parody of a song written by the generous community that I feel describes me accurately. 

And I would want 500 nerfs and I would want 500 more

Just to be that guy who wants a thousand nerfs for all abilities

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Disarm isn't really the problem, the Augment is.

Radiating Disarm simply should not have happened at all.

THAT needs to be somewhat nerfed so Nyx can still own Chaos as a special ability exclusive to her.

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17 minutes ago, Cenat said:


I was thinking way so many people hate Loki and when I got Loki Prime today...


I fail to see hate on Loki as much so that I think it's "A lot of people" and I've been around for a few years now.

Personally, the only issue with Loki is that the augment of his 4th power steps too much into Nyx territory. Other than that, he's a simple frame to mod and having a few like that is not too bad for newer players.

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IMHO loki is very well balanced. You can be invisible wich is one of the strongest things in the game, but you die if hit by some random bullet even in not-so-high levels (like 100ish)

Radial disarm is strong, but still with overext+stretch has less range than most 4th skills (because you multiply 20 and not 25 base range), yes range is still very long but its kinda fair when you are onehitted from random bullets.

And the augment is fine too, probably it just shouldnt have its duration accefted by duration mods wich is something you would have anyways because invisibility.

Also if we look at the direction the game took recently, not so long mission and not so long levels (top level is 100ish in sorties) there are much better options.
Imho the RD stuff really shines only in endless missions where utility and CC prevails brute force. For everything else i dont really see loki as broken, OP or else.

EDIT: Also speaking about CC and engame enemies there is plenty of frames almost on the level. Its too easy to incapacitate enemies in this game, unless Nullies are running around. 
Also the confusion proc aint that strong, enemies stop actually harming each other very soon (because their damage doesnt scale on par with health/armor/shields),id always rather have enemies trapped into a vortex or a bastille instead of having them disarmed and confused.

Edited by JohnKable
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"Hey guys, I found one of the only scaling abilities in the game, lets take away that scaling for literally no reason at all!"


Just why? Whats the point of even proposing nerfs to things that dont even really need it?


If we are gonna base loki's chance to disarm on power str, that would be the only ability in his kit that uses it. All this nerf would accomplish is mess up everyone's builds for no real reason other than you think its OP. Honestly, did you think this idea through before you posted it?

Edited by armedpoop
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Never thought of it that way. I have to agree now. 

Disarm is hardly overpowered. Irradiating disarm however  is neither the augment we wanted or needed.

I'd like one that makes it an instant cast or something similar.


That said, it really isn't the best CC, even with the augment. Its just that ever since nyx got recastable chaos, there is no need for it now.

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Loki's already got the defenses of a wet paper sack. Being able to remove the enemy's ability to take him out at range is a very important part of his playstyle, and leaving something like that up to chance would be disastrous.

His augment might need some looking at, sure, but let's not tamper with the base ability. If anything, Decoy and Switch Teleport should be shown a little love.

Edited by Roachester
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Characters in any game with good non-damage combat moves are always going to feel over powered because the ability to shut down an enemy is almost always better than just dealing damage to them, game system and amount of damage depending of course.

While Loki's Invisibility is definitely the best of the invisibilities (Ash's is shorter but he's better in direct combat, Ivara's makes her slow + constant energy drain + breaks if you're noisey but lasts super long/looting, the pet based ones are unreliable IMHO) he pays for it by having the worst survivability of almost any frame when he's NOT on top of things. Stray explosions, stray bullets, AoE effects left on the ground, or just invis wearing off at a bad time can all plant Loki firmly on his &#! in short order.

As pointed out though, Radiated Disarm is somewhat problematic though, as it lets Loki encroach on the territory of not one but two frames at the same time. I'm not a fan of taking away things people enjoy however, so straight up removal/replacement of the augment is no bueno. Reducing the duration of the effect somewhat (and/or not letting it scale with mods) would be better I think. It lets Loki dip his toes into the Chaos abilities of on demand radiation procs or Nyx's abilities without completely outclassing the 'specialists' of the ability. If that makes any sense.

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Loki is definitely Overpowered but nothing will happen to him because 90% of the people on this forum main Loki. Limbo was just like Loki at one point(except Limbo was superior), but he got the biggest nerf of all the frames(because he was superior to Loki) its ok for him to cross in to Ash and Nyx territory but no one can touch Loki's territory forum logic). Its ok for Loki to hack and carry stuff while invisible(as well as kill without consequence) but its not ok for Limbo. Makes zero sense, but hey, welcome to Warframe forums self.


All the main frames(Loki, Nova, Vauban, Trinity, Frost, Valkyr) need a nerf but they wont receive it. Meanwhile all the dps frames are being ruined because they are doing their job. And its mainly because of people who main the main frames, aka the people who use these forums the most.

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

All the main frames(Loki, Nova, Vauban, Trinity, Frost, Valkyr) need a nerf but they wont receive it. Meanwhile all the dps frames are being ruined because they are doing their job. And its mainly because of people who main the main frames, aka the people who use these forums the most.

Wait what?? I fail to understand your point. You say frost needs a nerf? And vauban? Let me laugh at that one... ... ... ok. 

Trinity and Valkyr got nerfed hard in U18.13. Loki, Nova, Booben and Frost are pretty much balanced. Not sure what you're talking about.

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2 hours ago, Cenat said:

I was thinking way so many people hate Loki and when I got Loki Prime today I found out his Invis was okay since he didn't have offensive abilities then I saw RD. Holy horseshoes. I thought maybe...just maybe it could be at base 100% chance to disarm but reduced by Overextended? Idk it would just mean you can't go crazy range. And maybe 80% chance to disarm enemies with Overextended. 

Why even, I personally think Loki is pretty balanced being able to avoid enemies and bringing support to your team by disarming/radiating enemies.
His abilities are the reason they didn't give him a offensive ability you'r a stealth frame that his whole purpose it to distract/avoid the enemy without giving away your position.
U can see that again in his augment, Hushed to not give him away with any weapon, Safeguard to support/save your team(mate), Disarm to disarm ;v


On a more serious note: His sprint speed should be nerfed though shouldn't surpass NEZHA's!!

Edited by RayzorDA
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49 minutes ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Loki is definitely Overpowered but nothing will happen to him because 90% of the people on this forum main Loki. Limbo was just like Loki at one point(except Limbo was superior), but he got the biggest nerf of all the frames(because he was superior to Loki) its ok for him to cross in to Ash and Nyx territory but no one can touch Loki's territory forum logic). Its ok for Loki to hack and carry stuff while invisible(as well as kill without consequence) but its not ok for Limbo. Makes zero sense, but hey, welcome to Warframe forums self.


All the main frames(Loki, Nova, Vauban, Trinity, Frost, Valkyr) need a nerf but they wont receive it. Meanwhile all the dps frames are being ruined because they are doing their job. And its mainly because of people who main the main frames, aka the people who use these forums the most.

What in God's name are you even talking about?

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Nerf every useful thing in sight, and leave enemies how they are no matter how bad their scaling or OP they are. People have a funny definition of balance. What does OE even have to do with chance? It already decreases the damage for an ability. Don't tell me next your going to suggest corrupted mods should be adjusted so that if the drawback of the mod doesn't affect a frame, it is randomly changed so that it does affect it. Oh sure, cast an ability in a desperate situation and because RNG isn't on your side when you need it the most you get rekt



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2 hours ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:

Loki is definitely Overpowered but nothing will happen to him because 90% of the people on this forum main Loki. Limbo was just like Loki at one point(except Limbo was superior), but he got the biggest nerf of all the frames(because he was superior to Loki) its ok for him to cross in to Ash and Nyx territory but no one can touch Loki's territory forum logic). Its ok for Loki to hack and carry stuff while invisible(as well as kill without consequence) but its not ok for Limbo. Makes zero sense, but hey, welcome to Warframe forums self.


All the main frames(Loki, Nova, Vauban, Trinity, Frost, Valkyr) need a nerf but they wont receive it. Meanwhile all the dps frames are being ruined because they are doing their job. And its mainly because of people who main the main frames, aka the people who use these forums the most.

You cant be serious, theres no way that you are seriously saying and believe what you typed. I refuse to believe that anyone seriously thinks like this. 


If you are serious, ima need you to elaborate on why Loki is OP (or any of the "main frames" as you put it). 

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I love loki to bits, he was my starter back in the day and i can solidly say he is my main now

But he is boring, af not gonna lie

His 1 scalies poorly amd his 3 has uses far and fee between.

The only 2 builds i ever see are minute long invisibility  (and as someone that spend so much time and money to make my loki look good I want to see him slaughter things) or disarm builds (which is also kinda boring). Both are amazing builds, very strong but boring.

I do beilive he needs a DUST OFF. Not an overhaul, not a rework, not a change in abilities, a touch up. That ol DE synergy touch

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