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Can't get Ivara Systems to drop


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4 hours ago, Vyra said:

I have been farming SPY missions FOR HOURS ( those mentioned in wikia ) for Ivara systems but no drops...
this is real madness...

Hours ?
I farm Ivara for days.

Each day was 2 hours on a weekday.
Week ends considerably more.
It took me 2 weeks and I was considered lucky by my clan mates.

Hours is easy peasy.
Get patient, get a nice cup of tea or coffee and a good coaster, you will be doing her for QUITE a while.

Edited by fatpig84
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Here's the funny thing about farming Ivara and RNG.  You might have faster/better luck farming for prime junk to sell for Plat.  Then use that plat to purchase her.  I bought her straight out when I first starting playing.  I do spy missions all the time and still haven't gotten a complete BP set to craft her in the months that I've been playing.  Just some others options for you to think about.  :D  Happy hunting, Tenno.

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check the wiki for the different missions that drops the same part and switch between them, change your target (item you're farming) every two runs and that's it.

i got two Ivara sets in a single week when she came to Consoles, do it easy and don't stress yourself out for something easy to get.

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10 hours ago, LazerSkink said:

Don't give up. From the launch of U18 to the end of December, I farmed Spy missions frequently every day I could; I didn't get Ivara until around the 28th. Just Limbo cheese through Corpus Spy missions and rush like mad, that's all the advice I can give you.

actuallly lyxxy and me both use nova we bypass any security with wormhole and killing the entire room with "hush"ed tonkor...
but as i said we farm the missions in a row .. always rotation C.

i mainly ( or better only ) play fem frames and thats why i want ivara in my collection since shes the only frame with stealth/cloak ability that is fem.

one other thign i don't get is .. why do we need to play stealth missions when we want to unlock stealth frames?
i mean if i had loki or ash and wanted to play them why would i make any effort unlocking ivara at all?

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1 minute ago, Vyra said:

one other thign i don't get is .. why do we need to play stealth missions when we want to unlock stealth frames?
i mean if i had loki or ash and wanted to play them why would i make any effort unlocking ivara at all?

For the collection, or people that only want to play female frames. For me it was the fakt that i dislike Loki's skill set and generally dont like Ash.


i did my missions with Volt, old ulti killed corpus spys quite easy and the speed was practical for some laser traps

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13 hours ago, SaurusRex said:

Ivara remains the only frame I have ever purchased from the market. I've still never had the chassis or systems drop.

What i did? Farm other valuable stuff>>> sell for plat>>>buy ivara for plat.

otherwise i a week i had no drops. The other way bought me ivara in 4 hours 

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50 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

The whole Ivara stuff is quite funny, because I see people going crazy when farming for her while I don't really need it and got a couple sets or three by "accident" while leveling up my frames.

Guess the lesson here is just "don't wish for it!"

that would mean there is magic in the world...
im not religious i don't believe in magic or ghosts...there must be a scientific reason for this..maybe the drop is bugged 

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48 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

What i did? Farm other valuable stuff>>> sell for plat>>>buy ivara for plat.

otherwise i a week i had no drops. The other way bought me ivara in 4 hours 

nothing i have is worth anything... i have tons of prime parts but none of worth...

i have acrane helmets but no one wants to buy ...

also trading plat is expensive in credits which i don't have really :/

this also is bad for new players... they maybe just want to get things as reward for playing... and if one need to farm months for just one frame he maybe gets frustrated ( i know many ) and leaves for destiny or any other  generic game out there...

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