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Heliocor - Codex to Synthesis scanner please


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DE, I really love this weapon and I love the codex scan idea, but we already have helios, atlas augment, and normal scanners to scan to the codex. If possible can you please make this weapon synthesis scan instead please? It'd help greatly in getting that daily cap, for those of us who like to solo and don't have room to carry the kinetic traps to get scans with


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Idk about ore gaze, but iirc Helios can't get more Kavat DNA if you have completed its codex.

So I guess the main idea behind this weapon is to comfortably farm Kavat DNAs without CC.

Then again mine is still crafting.

Edited by King
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4 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Does it give you regular simaris affinity from killing normal enemies with synthesis scanner? If so that'd really be enough.

I've tried it and do not appear to have gotten standing. May only be for adding un-scanned creatures.

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21 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

for those of us who like to solo and don't have room to carry the kinetic traps to get scans with

Imma just interject here because I really felt this pain for a while. I can strongly recommend Trinity because Well of Life suspends them like any other enemy. Makes them immobile without damaging them and allows for really easy scans. She's also capable of solo-ing most content, including sorties much of the time. Makes her my ideal Simaris hunter because of facetanks out the wazoo and individual CC capability.

On topic, however, I do agree with this. The weapon is based on Simaris's tech, so it should do Simaris scans. 

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It doesn'

16 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

Does it give you regular simaris affinity from killing normal enemies with synthesis scanner? If so that'd really be enough.

It doesn't currently use synthesis scanners, so no. no it doesn't get affinity. But yes, that's what I'm hoping to get changed so you can get simaris affinity for it

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23 minutes ago, gluih said:

Can it use synthesis scanners? That's really everything I care about at this point. Simaris standing would be nice I suppose, but I have everything he got already.

Currently no. Which is why I made this post

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46 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

Currently no. Which is why I made this post

I think what he meant was can it do a regular scan with synthesis scanner charges with it if you are out of regular charges. And I think the answer to that is yes. I could be wrong though about that, it might not be able to use them. But I don't think he was asking whether it can get simaris rep.

Edited by Tesseract7777
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It can't use synthesis scanners at all, for codex scans or not.

I tested it with both equipped seperately and it seems only codex scanners work. You don't get any codex scans either unless you have codex charges in your gear slot too. Havent tried hitting the cats with it yet, so i can't say it acts like the helios and stops scanning them after 20.. but either way... that'd be the only use for it for me. Since I already scanned most things with my helios and atlas when the augment came out

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