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Fixing nitain


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put it has a NM Raid BP drop, and make it the insane resource cost orokin cells neurodes and neural sensors have. we now have an easier way to get nitain than a time wall, and it depletes our storage of resources DE wants gone by the looks of Vauban and sibear.

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put it has a NM Raid BP drop, and make it the insane resource cost orokin cells neurodes and neural sensors have. we now have an easier way to get nitain than a time wall, and it depletes our storage of resources DE wants gone by the looks of Vauban and sibear.

EDIT: I dont really care, but want an alternative. I have 96 nitain atm and have everything built

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9 minutes ago, -Voltage- said:

put it has a NM Raid BP drop, and make it the insane resource cost orokin cells neurodes and neural sensors have. we now have an easier way to get nitain than a time wall, and it depletes our storage of resources DE wants gone by the looks of Vauban and sibear.

EDIT: I dont really care, but want an alternative. I have 96 nitain atm and have everything built

I don't think that's helping anybody

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EDIT: After reading it 5 or 6 times I not get what you mean (forgive me if I'm slow to understand). I'm ok with the current system for obtaining Nitain. There are 4 or 5 a day that come on at various times. Besides, locking things like this behind raids (which not everyone likes) is kinda dumb imo. It forces people to play it just to get a BP for something they actually need. And why make it insane resource cost? Going under the assumption that everyone has stockpiles of rare materials is not a good idea. There are such things as casual players or just people who don't farm materials. So they don't have large stockpiles. 


If your just wanting this to be another method of gaining Nitatin along with the time wall then it might be ok. As it doesn't force people into playing raids.


As for you having a bunch of Nitain and nothing to spend it on. Stop playing Nitain alerts? it's not really anyone else fault if you have a bunch and already built everything. Just sit on it until more content requiring Nitain is released.

Edited by williamsos10
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2 hours ago, williamsos10 said:

 There are such things as casual players or just people who don't farm materials. So they don't have large stockpiles. 

Thats the business model mate, you spend time and effort farming or you pay money to buy built stuff.
Also you dont NEED to have everything in game available in a short period of time.

Im struggling with nitain too, because im playing little lately and i cant grab it from many alers (just one every 2-3 days) and i cant complain. When an alert is on its usually fast to finish.
And yes it took me alot to build vauban and dont know yet when i will have enough to build amesha. Other stuff it is needed for is totally unnecessary stuff, mastery fodder. And if one cant live without the top MR in the game one should definitely think about spending more time or money on the game.

For myself id just like to have it for sale in the market at 10p per piece.

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i think the only change that could happen with Nitain is letting people by it for Plat in the market, to tory and help DE's income. in terms of places to get it for free, we already have alerts and Caches that can drop it. forcing players into Nightmare Raids just for a Blueprint doesn't seem like a good idea. making it a disposable Blueprint from the Tenno Lab that you have to research first (basically same as Fieldron, Detonite and Mutagen Masses) to build one at a time would be better IMO.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

i think the only change that could happen with Nitain is letting people by it for Plat in the market, to tory and help DE's income. in terms of places to get it for free, we already have alerts and Caches that can drop it. forcing players into Nightmare Raids just for a Blueprint doesn't seem like a good idea. making it a disposable Blueprint from the Tenno Lab that you have to research first (basically same as Fieldron, Detonite and Mutagen Masses) to build one at a time would be better IMO.

I don't see the issue with making it drop from a raid or any other specific mission, this is what they did with the other 3 rare resource bps anyway.

They should apply the same model, allow a mission drop for the craft bp, make a craft bp available on market for plat only (with the usual ridiculous resource costs) and then have a crafted nitain available for plat only as well. 

I always say though that if rare resources were cheap on the market it would be very profitable for DE. I would have dropped hundreds of plat if they were like 1 or 2p each, 10p for 1 is too prohibitive. 

Edited by -Sandman
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On 02/08/2016 at 2:20 PM, -Voltage- said:

put it has a NM Raid BP drop, and make it the insane resource cost orokin cells neurodes and neural sensors have. we now have an easier way to get nitain than a time wall, and it depletes our storage of resources DE wants gone by the looks of Vauban and sibear.

Not neurodes, use alloy plates

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8 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

Just because you ran nearly all the nitain alerts doesnt mean that everyone has a spare hundred

No, but it implies that people that play the game regularly should have "enough" and that people that don't play regularly should not be able to complain and ask for more ways to get it, because if they are not playing much, they will have trouble with other resources, and the point of most games these days is to collect resources to get things done.

If you design a new resource, you can't just give it away by the thousands, and you cant make it so that it would take months to get enough just to assemble one thing, so you have to pick a point somewhere in between, and the only logical way to pick that point is to balance it around a real world amount of money, based on say, odds of people skipping the "grind" to just buy a pre-build item, or based on odds of people maybe buying a handful of the resource in trades or market.

DE can't base how often something should drop based on a handful of individual players in the forums, they need to look at logs and base it on the average of the overall player base (ie thousands/millions of players)

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13 hours ago, DSpite said:

No, but it implies that people that play the game regularly should have "enough" and that people that don't play regularly should not be able to complain and ask for more ways to get it, because if they are not playing much, they will have trouble with other resources, and the point of most games these days is to collect resources to get things done.

If you design a new resource, you can't just give it away by the thousands, and you cant make it so that it would take months to get enough just to assemble one thing, so you have to pick a point somewhere in between, and the only logical way to pick that point is to balance it around a real world amount of money, based on say, odds of people skipping the "grind" to just buy a pre-build item, or based on odds of people maybe buying a handful of the resource in trades or market.

DE can't base how often something should drop based on a handful of individual players in the forums, they need to look at logs and base it on the average of the overall player base (ie thousands/millions of players)

The more point I was making I s him saying that it should be no issue or everyone

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