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I think we have got "stealthy nerf"


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7 hours ago, (PS4)geomancer1980 said:

If you did that after the reduction it probably needed the reduction lol.

I don't level weapons like that often. Last time I did, it was in the old star chart on a uranus deception. Lower level enemies, of course. Took about the same amount of time.

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2 hours ago, Nijyumensou said:

DE has shown it's clear stand against farming XP like that by removing draco purpose of being a exp cave. The moment you choose to tell the world about the big discovery of a new exp farming area, it also means you are telling DE that they should start taking action against it.

You can't remove loot caves it's physically impossible, the best you can do is move them. It was Viver, now it's Draco, and now it's Berehynia. as soon as Berehynia gets nerfed it's some other interception or defense mission.

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16 hours ago, mobilehacker said:


I really don't know what's going on. There was the credit nerf which apparently wasn't a nerf, but a bug. But DE still have not said anything about that. And I seriously want them to talk about this bug/nerf because the massive difference to credits is ludicrous, you can't use booster on raids anymore, and you can't seem to get anywhere near the amount of credits you used to be able to get.

And now this XP nerf/bug? What is going on with DE. I want to at least know if it's a nerf or a bug. Just to know what's going on. If DE told us that it was a nerf, I would be happy that they at least told us and then move on with my life, but because they haven't said anything, many people are geting angry. DE are just making the grind even more and more even though they said they would remove the grind. 

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16 hours ago, mobilehacker said:

EDIT: More than that, My friend, who was playing on Banshee, was Buffed by Equinox, and the next run he was Buffed By Mirage. Somehow, he said that the damage numbers was the same, as if he was not buffed at

I guess is because Mirage don't buff skill damage , and equinox buff is only Inside equinox range, go for rhino 3x damage, secure, last looong time and awesome.


For the nerf.... Exp is based by TOT. Enemy killed and not TOT. waves. So i guess you just killed a bit l'esser t'han normal.


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4 hours ago, Abufhad said:

I feel sad when I find noobs with mastery +20 in sorti missions thanks to darco 

That thing is severely painful and it really hurts bad. When people playing all the spies, exterminates and ODS to level up weapons investing time and labor, then there are these people who just hop in and out with their upgraded M.ranks. Despite that it was really helpful though when you are investing formas on your favorite frames and weapons and cant allow much time without them.

People abused and now paying price.

Edited by AhmadIYE
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15 hours ago, Abufhad said:

I just don't get it ! why people can't level legit !

you have 22 points now on anything unranked with potato 

darco introduce noobs with high ranks to warframe before DE wake up.

learn how to be pro not how to rank up fast

I feel sad when I find noobs with mastery +20 in sorti missions thanks to darco 

Uuuhh... Yeah. I get where you coming from, with people not really taking the time to enjoy the game, but since you play Sorties you should know how ridiculously high the Enemy-Levels get, which often causes a good weapon to do very little damage, and believe me, emptying 15clips of Lex Prime Ammo into a single Enemy because it won't die is not fun.

And the 22 mod points? One, you should realize that they reflect your mastery rank, and as not everybody is in the double-digits it is mostly a drip of water in the ocean, it doesn't do a thing, except you can one or two mods on it early on.

The let's to get the point of leveling stuff... How often have you forma'd things? Leveling your brand new weapon or warframe for the first time, might be fun but having to do it over and over again because either the Enemies in Sorties or long running Endless Missions either play corpse-football with your dead body, or laugh at your puny bullets tickling them a little, can get really boring, really fast. Sure, power-leveling is not everbodies thing, and some people even enjoy it, but a lot of people don't.

Oh and encountering an MR 20+ "noob" in a Sortie? Maybe that guy just has never played a Sortie mission before, ever thought about that?

PS.: Just a friendly reminder that everyone starts out as a noob, so belittling someone because of it is plain stupid.

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17 hours ago, Abufhad said:

I just don't get it ! why people can't level legit !

you have 22 points now on anything unranked with potato 

darco introduce noobs with high ranks to warframe before DE wake up.

learn how to be pro not how to rank up fast

I feel sad when I find noobs with mastery +20 in sorti missions thanks to darco 

This is a 3rd person FPS , as far as games go it doesn't get much easier than this I you have mastered this game in 8 hours you should just not play any FPS game EVER.

That being said I was never one to waste my time on leveling mastery fodder weapons which are about 90% of all the weapons in the game. Draco (and other nodes like it) allowed people to go level this trash and go back to playing the game. BTW do you know what it's like to be in a PUG sortie where 2 out of the four people can't do any damage because they have weapons and frames that have NO forma on them? Yes that's how alott of people level there gear they get carried by others that have maxed out there frames and gear and are running 100% pure meta.

DE has decided that you will buy boosters or grind to your hands cramp. Me I really don't care how bad they nerf Affinity I have maybe 10 items left to grind but new players will never catch up.



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11 hours ago, DxAdder said:

but new players will never catch up.

May be now, because of the new starchart system (junction) new players wont be able to frog jump and catch up with the elites but majority of them have already covered the distance and reduced the gap using DRACO; now they have got something called 'BERE!'. I usually prefer soloing Spies and Exters of 30-40 level along with alerts to level up my gears and garbage but tbh it feels very bad when in some missions I encounter some players with high ranks for whom I waste most of the time giving directions or requesting for things to do or not to do...!!!

Everything in this world has both good use-abuse and in warframe DRACO got abused and now some of us are paying the price.

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