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Umbra Warframes (Discussion Thread)


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Im afraid of Umbra frames just being primes remain or worse they will just become another frame that you have to do some easy quest to get. I admit the challenge makes obtaining items enjoyable. Also the unique properties of each is what drives me to continue playing. It would be a good idea to give umbra frames the same properties as corrupted mods. E.g less range on abilities with more damage instead... this would give the  umbra frames a unique feel along with a strategic use.

Edited by NovusNova
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Personally think that the only reason why DE's holding back Umbra is to please Chinese players.

By looking at the Chinese Warframe promotion page, the website literally states that "Foreigners are still waiting (for Excal Umbra)!". Seriously, I'm really fed up with how they promote Excal Umbra by directly flaming the rest of the world. Not cool DE. Not cool.

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2 hours ago, Madho said:

Personally think that the only reason why DE's holding back Umbra is to please Chinese players.

By looking at the Chinese Warframe promotion page, the website literally states that "Foreigners are still waiting (for Excal Umbra)!". Seriously, I'm really fed up with how they promote Excal Umbra by directly flaming the rest of the world. Not cool DE. Not cool.

Citation needed on that claim.

Either way, that's not DE fault. 

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6 hours ago, Ellthan said:

Where is that cookie from?

adventure time <.< ? 

6 hours ago, Madho said:

Personally think that the only reason why DE's holding back Umbra is to please Chinese players.

By looking at the Chinese Warframe promotion page, the website literally states that "Foreigners are still waiting (for Excal Umbra)!". Seriously, I'm really fed up with how they promote Excal Umbra by directly flaming the rest of the world. Not cool DE. Not cool.

4 hours ago, KJRenz said:

Citation needed on that claim.

Either way, that's not DE fault. 

id still prefer a citation posted here for reference 

and i dont take it as flaming but as just updating them on the status, i mean it is their founders  excal prime technically so it only makes sense


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1 hour ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

DE didn't mention marketing issues during the last Dev stream. Mabye that was it...also just go to the website it's not hard.

After all the salt spilled over excal prime's exclusivity and and DE saying that they wouldn't do that mistake again. Do you really think DE (or any other company) would admit marketing issues because of doing exactly the same mistake for a second time??  

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5 hours ago, -----LegioN----- said:

After all the salt spilled over excal prime's exclusivity and and DE saying that they wouldn't do that mistake again. Do you really think DE (or any other company) would admit marketing issues because of doing exactly the same mistake for a second time??  



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3 hours ago, -----LegioN----- said:

After all the salt spilled over excal prime's exclusivity and and DE saying that they wouldn't do that mistake again. Do you really think DE (or any other company) would admit marketing issues because of doing exactly the same mistake for a second time??  


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3 hours ago, -----LegioN----- said:

After all the salt spilled over excal prime's exclusivity and and DE saying that they wouldn't do that mistake again. Do you really think DE (or any other company) would admit marketing issues because of doing exactly the same mistake for a second time??  

Also auto correct messed up my sentence.

What I MEANT TO SAY WAS that during the de streams they DID hint that Umbras absence was partially due to marketing issues.

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4 hours ago, (XB1)MK Ultra K11 said:

DE didn't mention marketing issues during the last Dev stream. Mabye that was it...also just go to the website it's not hard.

no it's cause de decided in the middle of winter last year after they previously said they'd try to get him out last year that they would want to deliver him to us in a special way. fast forward to mid summer, when all this build up to this supposed surprise release he's gonna get at complete random. everyone goes and defends de when they constantly delay and give us bs reasons. blah blah blah lore schmore. i don't even care about the lore they wanna tie him to because the build-up has been so inflated without climax that they've killed all hype by drawing it out way too long. personally, i hate surprises anyway, not because they require patience, but because the surprise usually underwhelms me so greatly that i wind up being disappointed that it wasn't better. i kinda think my reaction will be "... ok, great, so this is what we waited all this time for... eh, i'd rather have just gotten a shiny replacement bootleg excal prime." nice try

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8 minutes ago, (XB1)ToothlessApollo said:

no it's cause de decided in the middle of winter last year after they previously said they'd try to get him out last year that they would want to deliver him to us in a special way. fast forward to mid summer, when all this build up to this supposed surprise release he's gonna get at complete random. everyone goes and defends de when they constantly delay and give us bs reasons. blah blah blah lore schmore. i don't even care about the lore they wanna tie him to because the build-up has been so inflated without climax that they've killed all hype by drawing it out way too long. personally, i hate surprises anyway, not because they require patience, but because the surprise usually underwhelms me so greatly that i wind up being disappointed that it wasn't better. i kinda think my reaction will be "... ok, great, so this is what we waited all this time for... eh, i'd rather have just gotten a shiny replacement bootleg excal prime." nice try

I think the lore stuff was just a cover up, but I agree the reward will likely not out way the wait.

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9 hours ago, Madho said:

Personally think that the only reason why DE's holding back Umbra is to please Chinese players.

By looking at the Chinese Warframe promotion page, the website literally states that "Foreigners are still waiting (for Excal Umbra)!". Seriously, I'm really fed up with how they promote Excal Umbra by directly flaming the rest of the world. Not cool DE. Not cool.

Had a quick look on the site and couldn't find anything about this. Also seems they recent had a problem with someone posting fake news on the site, can be translated here: http://wf.changyou.com/wf/announce/20160427/107816.shtml . So this Umbra "gloat" might be from someone posting fake things on the website, unless you find evidence otherwise.

Also just to note, they recently got Trinity Prime and they seem to call primes "holy", so over there Trinity Prime is "Holy Trinity", though it could be translating incorrectly.

The "Holy" Trinity information was translated from here: http://wf.changyou.com/wf/news/20160413/107186.shtml

Just some interesting information, I'd thought I would share.

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3 hours ago, NovusNova said:

Had a quick look on the site and couldn't find anything about this. Also seems they recent had a problem with someone posting fake news on the site, can be translated here: http://wf.changyou.com/wf/announce/20160427/107816.shtml . So this Umbra "gloat" might be from someone posting fake things on the website, unless you find evidence otherwise.


I'm fairly certain they were referencing the Warframe China forums on Baidu. Around the release of their "founder" pack, there were a few threads from Chinese players translated that seemed to be making fun of the global build being outraged about said pack.

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3 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


I'm fairly certain they were referencing the Warframe China forums on Baidu. Around the release of their "founder" pack, there were a few threads from Chinese players translated that seemed to be making fun of the global build being outraged about said pack.


3 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:





I....I heard people were Having Fun With Misinformation, so I got here as fast as I could.

well we know what to do with that info then 


Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
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20 hours ago, KJRenz said:

Citation needed on that claim.

Either way, that's not DE fault. 


On the 4th poster, you see the words "老外还在等", literally meaning "Foreigners are still waiting". Agree that it's not DE's fault, but it's really part of Changyou's promotion methods for the Excalibur Umbra Prime bundle with the Spira and Zhuge. Good gimmick going on, but I'm personally not cool with that.

p.s. Not trying to fuel any hate for Changyou or the chinese community here. Just stating what I saw for myself, and that is the message I'm getting from them. Going to leave this here.

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6 hours ago, Madho said:


On the 4th poster, you see the words "老外还在等", literally meaning "Foreigners are still waiting". Agree that it's not DE's fault, but it's really part of Changyou's promotion methods for the Excalibur Umbra Prime bundle with the Spira and Zhuge. Good gimmick going on, but I'm personally not cool with that.

p.s. Not trying to fuel any hate for Changyou or the chinese community here. Just stating what I saw for myself, and that is the message I'm getting from them. Going to leave this here.

Well, i guess this is the picture you're saying:


I think it's weird that the pic displays Umbra with a Zhuge, weapon that we have already obtained, so it might be an old post or something. I don't know how to read chinese, and I know google translate isn't the best tool for it, but even tough it confirmed that the first line in the pic (which has the text you posted) means "foreigners waiting", the entry seems to talk mostly about how feedback and design council works on their build and some other chinese founder privileges, so I wouldn't be so serious about it.

Currently all I want for our Excalibur Umbra, visually speaking, is that ours looks as closer to his chinese counterpart (if it is exactly the same but with pbr treatment would be even better, imo)

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

28% is next close value 

38>28 but thats a 10% value diff. highest value  though

Majority is 50+%, not just highest value. 

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10 hours ago, KinetosImpetus said:

Majority is 50+%, not just highest value. 

So if I have a poll with 4 choices split exactly in 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, there's no majority? Sounds legit. I guess you're confusing majority with quorum, being the second one 50%+1 of the votes given towards the same choice (ie 11 votes out of 20; 16 out of 30; 91/180; etc.) So in this case the 38% (currently raised to 41%) belongs to the majority of people who has voted. Is the sample actually significative enough to be taken as the whole community's opinion? Most likely not, given that there's a huge amount of accounts created while the poll has only been answered by 39 people atm.



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1 hour ago, LogaMC1995 said:

I have a feeling that Umbras will be operator-less warframes gone rogue, hence the dark color scheme and edgy look.

If that's the case, that leaves three options:


1. Umbras are truly, honestly non-player accessible. This would be deliciously rage inducing. It would be amazing. I would simply sit at my computer crying with laughter, helplessly clapping my hands like a sealion and making amusing honking noises. (DE are not going to do this. It would be the most spectacular act of trolling that I have ever seen. They would have my eternal allegiance until the final battle at the end of all time if they did it, but they won't.)


2. Umbras are antagonistic creations which players would have to fight off/hunt down. Successfully defeating an Umbra 'frame would grant you fragments and blueprints which would then need to be modified for use through Transference. This might lead to a frigging awesome quest about recovering the ancient labs and development temples of the original Warframe project, to access the data needed to recalibrate those control systems.


3. Umbras truly are for the edgelords who wish to kill their human bodies and permanently transfer into a Warframe. Ok, sure. I'd be cool with people doing this. I wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't stop anyone else from doing so.

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