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Please Dont Nerf Ash


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honestly, ash is a very used warframe for insta kill enemies, ando sometimes allies, and talking about mesa, must have a specific build to do something with peacemaker, just have to keep pressing fire button and aiming to enemies inside the halo, and that halo shrinks with a certain number of kills, i vote for a rework on Ash, mostly he does all the job and that is NO the idea of the game, same to mirage and simulor synoid combo, using hall of mirrors and doing speedruns letting the team doing NOTHING in all the mission, in my opinion the simulor must be nerf, or atleast to create that vortex, use 7 or 8 shots

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13 hours ago, rytisrytis said:

He is not going to be nerfed but reworked. Just look at mesa is she useless? is she weak? NO.

Just let DE do their job if they mess it up they will buff him.

Well, which time are we talking about, because she was nerfed twice and buffed once. As is now I love mesa although my banshee has been getting more attention lately.  (But when destraza came out mesa + that was all I ran for a good while.

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14 hours ago, Lactamid said:


When you have missions like "shotgun only" or "sniper only" players who have Ash can use bladestorm and obliterate the enemies without ever using the specified weapon, bypassing the entire challenge that was intended.
That it on top of this just requires the push of a button and that you pretty much "just watch" leaves it feeling cheesy

I have no idea why people would do that because ash benefits way too much from his melle and to me feels underpowered without it, just like EB excal. If I do a weapons sortie its much more sensible to take a frame that synergizes with that gun. Mag + Sniper (ohhh love magnetize and lanka) Chroma + Shotgun, Banshee + my 5 forma braton prime, where I will get thru the mission while the ash is in the background still trying to bladestorm that guy he started on at the beginning.

Edited by AnonumusSoldier
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4 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I really hope ANY tool for play lazy to be crushed.

So I guess you also want all invisibility, tanking, stunning and CC abilities nerfed/removed as well? Why are you playing again?......................

Edited by AnonumusSoldier
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Some duck head noobs or vets whatever will never rest untill their nerfing desires are completely fulfilled. They flood out with comments and posts on the forums that it so normally appears that most of the people are supporting this but the fact is something else. I support DE and was watching a previous primetime last night where Steve expresses his boredom to the self made decisions and tells Rebb to run poll to get feedback on braton vandal's return issue and thats just awesome. But still, whenever DE touched a frame in the name of rework, that frame died for the average mass community if not for everyone. Now its NEKROS and there are several others on the line.

A small suggestion DE, try reworking enemy scaling and their damage, nullies and please please please leave our frames in our hands for a while...!!

Edited by AhmadIYE
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7 hours ago, AnonumusSoldier said:

I have no idea why people would do that because ash benefits way too much from his melle and to me feels underpowered without it, just like EB excal. If I do a weapons sortie its much more sensible to take a frame that synergizes with that gun. Mag + Sniper (ohhh love magnetize and lanka) Chroma + Shotgun, Banshee + my 5 forma braton prime, where I will get thru the mission while the ash is in the background still trying to bladestorm that guy he started on at the beginning.

I'm glad you do that. I'm pretty much using Nezha for everything since I read somewhere he couldn't do sorties well. Anyway, lets jut hope that what ever rework Ash gets he gets a "respectful treatment".

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2 hours ago, AnonumusSoldier said:

So I guess you also want all invisibility, tanking, stunning and CC abilities nerfed/removed as well? Why are you playing again?......................

Loki permanent invisibility is another silly thing, is like remove the enemies from the map. Why you want play in this way?


3 hours ago, Hayabusa97 said:

Like Soundquake Banshee in Interception sorties stunlocking enemies to death in their spawns?

Oh yes, that too.

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On 8/10/2016 at 0:11 AM, AnonumusSoldier said:

Then out of the blue we got Phoenix Intercept, a Tactical alert where we had to kill level 100+ enemies on an (old) draco like map with only a heavy weapon for 8 rounds of intercept. Pretty much the only way to beat this was 2 Ashes and a Trin.

Me and my favorite guy did Phoenix Intercept Escalation with Nova and Loki. No third (or fourth) person needed.

Regarding your main subject, my only 100% legitimate problem with Blade Storm is how it turns enemies invincible to all other attacks. That undermines the whole "team" aspect. If I wanted to watch someone else play a game for me instead of actually contributing, I'd play Final Fantasy XIII.

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On 8/10/2016 at 3:11 PM, AnonumusSoldier said:

Ok so im a little worried about the upcoming Ash "rework/Nerf". From what I understand Bladestorm is going to become toggleable and go the way of Channel Abilities (Mesa Peacemaker, Excal EB, Ember WoF ect ec t ect). Right now, the best Bladestorm build requires killing duration to up range and strength, so this would spell doom/be a nerf for Bladestorm, especially if it gets an energy drain cost like poor Mesa without a high damage counter balance. Can anyone shed light on this?

Ash is our last massacre frame and I would hate to see him nerfed into the ground. I love playing him from any stand point and he receives a lot of undue hate. I have been using him a lot lately to carry teams thru sorties and have been really glad to have him in my arsenal.  To bring up some Warframe History here, back before we had a lot of warframes, guns, mods arcanes, and sorties we had Tactical Alerts. And during this time except for those weirdos (wink wink) that ran t4 void survival for 2 + hrs we didn't see level 100+ enemies on a daily basis. Then out of the blue we got Phoenix Intercept, a Tactical alert where we had to kill level 100+ enemies on an (old) draco like map with only a heavy weapon for 8 rounds of intercept. Pretty much the only way to beat this was 2 Ashes and a Trin. This was when i really fell in love with Ash, when he got me thru this event. Today Ash is even more powerful then he was then, where he showed us again his prowess in Rathuum (before the nerf), being one of the main frames to beat this event (Chroma and Valk included). If Ash, the last ninja is buried, what will we do when events like these come out and call his name?


And before all the Ash haters come out of the wood work because i know that there has been a lot of raging over Radiation sorties and hes always been raged at over kill stealing, that is the USER. Dont hate on the frame, its not his fault.

Kill stealing>Unless im massacring out mobs to save my team, i don't Bladestorm. He has enough other things in his kit to play with. I don't need to be hur dur no one gets me killz. Same with Ember WoF. Players go into low tier where its going to kill everything for 100 miles while u just follow and watch. Thats the User, not the frame, A responsibly player like myself either brings something else or asks the team if i can cheese it to make it go faster. 

                 Rad Sorties> Ash with an intelligent user and a team that doesn't stand around in Rad clouds wont kill his team mates. If i get Rad proced, i wait till it wears off. Then i proceed to kill off the enemies so they dont down my team mates. Simple as that. I see Saryn users in Sorties, which then proceed to murder the whole team 10x and faster then you cna abort, She however cant help it, because the second a spore hits a radiated enemy it can hit an ally. But im not demanding a Saryn nerf because its the user, not the frame.

 don't worry, everything will turn out great at the end. :) 

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I'm sick of people saying you can't kill enemies marked by bladestorm... You can kill highlighted enemies ... Heck, here's a video showcasing this, hopefully this will stop this nonsensical accusation.

The only enemies you can't kill are enemies that are in the process of being killed by ash's finishers because obiviously , interrupting the ash kill animation would create problems... So at worse, you only have a couple of targets on the map that are locked at a time out of the 18 targets which are selected by bladestorm...Definitively not a big deal.

Then there's people that say "ash steals too many kills"... Well, he has a 18 enemy cap, and his bladestorm takes quite some time to kill some enemies. In the meanwhile, he can't move, can't attack, does nothing. I feel like the tradeoff is more than balanced, especially considering we still have tons of frames like Nova, Ember, Excalibur , Simulor Mirage that just wipe the whole map constantly without being stuck in an unskippable animation...

Bladestorm isn't even that well suited for most mission situations anyways... Most missions are meant to be speed run, while bladestorm makes you static. Heck, even in stuff like interception, you can't actually grab points while bladestorming, so no , it's far from the OP skill some make it out to be. Honestly, Ember's world on fire is much worse, you can just cast that spell and keep it on at the start of the mission, litterally killing everyone on the map before your teammates even have time to see them while and walk from start to finish without recasting it...

Besides, Bladestorm is Ash"s survival skill... It's what's allow him to take a breather, clear a group of tough foes while his shield and health get restored, it's his survival skill in harder missions.




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I think Ash's main issue is Bladestorm combines his 1-3 into one power. If you think about it, it combines bleed attack, finishing teleport and replaces invisibility with invincibility.

As for Bladestorm itself, my main issue is marked targets taking damage from outside sources is inconsistent. Sometimes I'm able to kill them, sometimes not. It's not exactly funny when Ash is taking eternity to kill high health target while rest of marked mobs are shredding his teammates.
Other than that, I love "press 4 to cutscene". It's what makes Ash unique. I'd like it to stay. I wouldn't mind more interactivity though. But I have a feeling we'll get heavy nerf which wouldn't be good. It's one of the last heavy hitting AoEs left to counter ridiculous scaling

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13 hours ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

I'm sick of people saying you can't kill enemies marked by bladestorm... You can kill highlighted enemies ... Heck, here's a video showcasing this, hopefully this will stop this nonsensical accusation.

The only enemies you can't kill are enemies that are in the process of being killed by ash's finishers because obiviously , interrupting the ash kill animation would create problems... So at worse, you only have a couple of targets on the map that are locked at a time out of the 18 targets which are selected by bladestorm...Definitively not a big deal.

Then there's people that say "ash steals too many kills"... Well, he has a 18 enemy cap, and his bladestorm takes quite some time to kill some enemies. In the meanwhile, he can't move, can't attack, does nothing. I feel like the tradeoff is more than balanced, especially considering we still have tons of frames like Nova, Ember, Excalibur , Simulor Mirage that just wipe the whole map constantly without being stuck in an unskippable animation...

Bladestorm isn't even that well suited for most mission situations anyways... Most missions are meant to be speed run, while bladestorm makes you static. Heck, even in stuff like interception, you can't actually grab points while bladestorming, so no , it's far from the OP skill some make it out to be. Honestly, Ember's world on fire is much worse, you can just cast that spell and keep it on at the start of the mission, litterally killing everyone on the map before your teammates even have time to see them while and walk from start to finish without recasting it...

Besides, Bladestorm is Ash"s survival skill... It's what's allow him to take a breather, clear a group of tough foes while his shield and health get restored, it's his survival skill in harder missions.





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On 8/11/2016 at 0:14 AM, AhmadIYE said:

Some duck head noobs or vets whatever will never rest untill their nerfing desires are completely fulfilled. They flood out with comments and posts on the forums that it so normally appears that most of the people are supporting this but the fact is something else. I support DE and was watching a previous primetime last night where Steve expresses his boredom to the self made decisions and tells Rebb to run poll to get feedback on braton vandal's return issue and thats just awesome. But still, whenever DE touched a frame in the name of rework, that frame died for the average mass community if not for everyone. Now its NEKROS and there are several others on the line.

A small suggestion DE, try reworking enemy scaling and their damage, nullies and please please please leave our frames in our hands for a while...!!

Although i agree with reworking enemy scalling, not all frames have died with reworks, Mesa/Volt/Excal most notable examples. I love Capatence Volt over the old overload any day, Mesa got a downright buff (which was needed when she got nerfed under the Channeling ability inception) and need i say anything really over EB Excal? Nekros i haven't tested yet as i know i will be irresistibly urged to forma my Nekky and I would rather wait for Prime, but from what i understand from Youtuber vids and community posts he got a buff, his kit has just been divided up into 2 different builds, which is what always happens when a frame has a channeling ability(cough Inaros cough cough)

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Just started using ash to focus farm lately. Then i began experimenting with other builds not built around blade storm . He has one of the most efficient skill sets but most players won't recognize that because of bladestorm. 
He needs a alteration like Mesa where he's still a high damage frame but no matter what build you can't spam the ability every darn second of the day.

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On 8/10/2016 at 4:18 AM, (XB1)Oussii said:

I really don't understand some users and their hate for Ash

i have said this in another similar post and i will keep on repeating it:

you like ash, fine

You don't like it, cool, don't play with it and don't team up with someone using ash

You super players can kill a lvl 100 boss with melee or sniper only, we poor players need ash

you play your style, and let us play ours. We will not ask you to join our squad.

We are not asking you to love ash, but for the love of God, don't impose your opinion on us.

Thank you

Until DE introduces a system where we can chose what frames/weapons we get matchmaked with, I unfortunately don't have an option but to group with lame Bladestorm spamming Ash players (or abort the mission, which I often do).

That being said...I don't think DE will ever introduce a system like that because it would be detrimental to non-meta frames.  Next best thing is to fix overpowered abilities like Bladestorm and overpowered weapons like Tonkor and Simulor.

Have some faith in DE.  Saryn still does nice damage, she just takes some buildup.  Mesa still does nice damage, she's just a little more interactive now.  Volt is better now than he was before his rework imo.  Valkyr is still fine (she can literally become invincible, there needed to be more drawbacks to being in Hysteria).  I'm sure Ash will be fine after his rework...he just won't be press-4-to-win anymore hopefully.

On a side note: DE really screwed up with Nekros Shadows of the Dead and constant health drain.  I really hope that gets reverted back to a normal duration, or no duration like they originally said they'd do.

Edited by Tizodd
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7 hours ago, Tizodd said:

Until DE introduces a system where we can chose what frames/weapons we get matchmaked with, I unfortunately don't have an option but to group with lame Bladestorm spamming Ash players (or abort the mission, which I often do).

That being said...I don't think DE will ever introduce a system like that because it would be detrimental to non-meta frames.  Next best thing is to fix overpowered abilities like Bladestorm and overpowered weapons like Tonkor and Simulor.

Have some faith in DE.  Saryn still does nice damage, she just takes some buildup.  Mesa still does nice damage, she's just a little more interactive now.  Volt is better now than he was before his rework imo.  Valkyr is still fine (she can literally become invincible, there needed to be more drawbacks to being in Hysteria).  I'm sure Ash will be fine after his rework...he just won't be press-4-to-win anymore hopefully.

On a side note: DE really screwed up with Nekros Shadows of the Dead and constant health drain.  I really hope that gets reverted back to a normal duration, or no duration like they originally said they'd do.


Let it be, keep Nekros as it is

You attack Ash, we will attack Nekros :) lol

See? just an example when you alter a frame how bad it becomes


PS: Ash for presidency :)

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Once again, the underlying rooty of the problem isn't Bladestorm ,as always, the problem is the fact that frames nowadays get near unlimited energy and can spam their ult over and over again without a care in the world. As such, any frame that uses his top abilities constantly appears to be broken and in need of a nerf when in fact, DE would probably only need to adjust energy restoration rate and/or the spell cost of most 4th spells and the problem would fix itself on every frame in the game at once. You can't spam an ability over and over again if you don't have the energy to to so.

For years, prior to Zenurik, I personally never used bladestorm precisely because in terms of energy cost, I felt it was a better bang for my buck to use invisibility and kill 18 enemies with a sword and 4X damage multiplier  than pay the high energy price for a bladestorm cast... But nowadays, with 4 energy restored per second and 145% power efficiency, it's tempting to just bladestorm over and over, especially since by the time the first bladestorm is done, I have restored my full energy already.

I still don't get why DE doesn't adress the energy overload rather than nerfing skills that worked fine in the first place, but are now overpowered because everyone and their mother have maxed efficiency and zenurik on and can spam their ult nonstop for the whole duration of the map, Granted, people could still use energy pizzas and Energy Vampire to achive similar spellcasting, but it would go from being the norm to being something you actually have to work for with team synergy and resources...

But hey, let's focus on individual abilities instead of looking at the big picture and accepting maybe Zenurik / Energy Vampire isn't supposed to be the norm in a game that's supposed to be about space ninjas that use three different weapons and four powers to accomplish things.

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30 minutes ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

I don't understand, why do we need to take a perfect killing machine and turn it into a wimp?

We have already oberon

 Ash is the last massacre frame, the last frame that can hold off the hordes. In alot of high tier missions that get randoms in them that cant handle it, you NEED IT. You can argue all day long, dont run random, those people shouldn't be running those missions, you shouldnt be carrying people ect ect ect. 1) My internet connection is very poor and i cant run with premade squads. It is alot easier to go random, and i hate playing  by myself. its a co-op game, thats why i play it. 2) You can nerf all the things untill the only way that you can get thru the mission is by working together, but that isnt going ot make every team work together.

I was running xp farms today because i got a login booster, and lost 6 times because the players couldn't make it. If i had had my ash, we would have won. Same in sorties. any interception or defense oriented mission i dont even bother to bring any other frame any more, because  50 percent of the time teams cant hack it, and I end up failing the mission and running 5-6 times untill i break down and use Ash. If your complaint is Ash Bladestorm isnt interactive enough , its just press 4 and watch, i have no problem changing that. But dont kill its massacre power. If your complaint is its massacre power, then Im not going ot fight with you over it because theres no logic behind killing it aside from making other players lives harder.

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16 minutes ago, AnonumusSoldier said:

 Ash is the last massacre frame, the last frame that can hold off the hordes. In alot of high tier missions that get randoms in them that cant handle it, you NEED IT. You can argue all day long, dont run random, those people shouldn't be running those missions, you shouldnt be carrying people ect ect ect. 1) My internet connection is very poor and i cant run with premade squads. It is alot easier to go random, and i hate playing  by myself. its a co-op game, thats why i play it. 2) You can nerf all the things untill the only way that you can get thru the mission is by working together, but that isnt going ot make every team work together.

I was running xp farms today because i got a login booster, and lost 6 times because the players couldn't make it. If i had had my ash, we would have won. Same in sorties. any interception or defense oriented mission i dont even bother to bring any other frame any more, because  50 percent of the time teams cant hack it, and I end up failing the mission and running 5-6 times untill i break down and use Ash. If your complaint is Ash Bladestorm isnt interactive enough , its just press 4 and watch, i have no problem changing that. But dont kill its massacre power. If your complaint is its massacre power, then Im not going ot fight with you over it because theres no logic behind killing it aside from making other players lives harder.

You got me all wrong bro, i play ash all the time and it's my favorite frame

I don't want them to mess it up or it will end up like oberon, Got it?

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