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More Negative Press


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Ima just copy my response from the reddit post of the same article


Warframe: Closest We’ve Got To PC Destiny?

We are miles ahead of Destiny


in which you customise and upgrade a sort of spiritual robo-guy

Already I can tell they haven't played enough for a good review.


but will almost certainly spend money if you want to achieve any meaningful upgrades.



until I run into cash-blocks


So this person has clearly only played like 30 minutes of the game and they sound like a huge Destiny fanboy.

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2 minutes ago, aleco247 said:

Ima just copy my response from the reddit post of the same article

We are miles ahead of Destiny

Already I can tell they haven't played enough for a good review.



So this person has clearly only played like 30 minutes of the game and they sound like a huge Destiny fanboy.

thats the thing i hate about reviewers. they do not put in enough hours to justify their scores especially on free to play games. like 100 hours is enough to cover warframe? pfffft >__>

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17 minutes ago, aleco247 said:


there are a few cash blocks admittedly, you can easily work around them but frame and weapon slots are cash blocks, how in the world did he manage to run into them in 100h i hardly have any idea, but you need to remember that new player experience in warframe is a pita, it's like the game is designed to make new players flee.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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to the last two posters, i am around 300 hours. shortly will be mr 15.

i agree on the last two points.

i considered them fair and minor investment walls, especially compared to many other titles, mostly convolving around slot space. lets be fair here. 5$ with a 75% off of that price worth of buy in or 500, when design mechanics shovel you into it to not sit out the day, it IS a wall. be it this weapon type only sortie, or anything else that leads to it.

seriously, sit down make an alternate account and play without spending even that 50 starter plat. call me when you get through a seasons sortie rewards. and don't you dare decry but muh trade fer plat. someone still spent for that. if your mama bought plat and let you have it for cleaning yer room it'd be no different.

that was however pre SotR. it got WORSE with the added junction gates. 

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"More"? What is the other negative press?


And the screenshot of a Inaros build that had a rank 1 Redirection on it was... yeah, there is a lot wrong with that screenshot.


Edit: If a reviewer is going to spend a AAA game amount of time on a F2P game they need to spend AAA money on it ($60), they can't expect the instant satisfaction of a AAA game for free. I guess the problem would be that they probably buy foolish things, but at least it would be a bit more accurate. In addition, far too many reviews of F2P games review them only from a free perspective. Not everyone plays F2P for the free part and are willing to spend (reasonable) amounts of money.

Edited by DrBorris
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White Knights to the Rescue, huh.

RPS has played Warframe numerous times. More than enough to know what it is. Moreover, the opinions formed quickly matter MORE to the game's bottom line. If people see your game as greedy or pay to win and quit in two hours...that matters, and no amount of unfair mud slinging will restore that lost revenue.

Desriny fanboy? It's a dedicated PC gaming site, so...I doubt it.

But go on White Knighting a game that's seen its average concurrent players drop by nearly 50℅ in a year...

Me, I want Warframe to succeed. I think DE needs to take media criticisms to heart and learn from them.

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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7 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:

seriously, sit down make an alternate account and play without spending even that 50 starter plat. call me when you get through a seasons sortie rewards. and don't you dare decry but muh trade fer plat. someone still spent for that. if your mama bought plat and let you have it for cleaning yer room it'd be no different.

that was however pre SotR. it got WORSE with the added junction gates. 

Some still spent for that, however YOU don't need to, platinum is inflated artificially through prime access packs and warframe has one of the best economies out there, if you're telling me that you can't get 20p for a warframe slot i simply don't believe you, even selling syndicate augs can net you 100p a week if you just do the dailies.

Warframe is one of the best f2p games out there so you've got no right to be like that, 

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11 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

White Knights to the Rescue, huh.

RPS has played Warframe numerous times. More than enough to know what it is. Moreover, the opinions formed quickly matter MORE to the game's bottom line. If people see your game as greedy or pay to win and quit in two hours...that matters, and no amount of unfair mud slinging will restore that lost revenue.

Desriny fanboy? It's a dedicated PC gaming site, so...I doubt it.

But go on White Knighting a game that's seen its average concurrent players drop by nearly 50℅ in a year...

Me, I want Warframe to succeed. I think DE needs to take media criticisms to heart and learn from them.

The majority of the article was about how it felt "hallow" to him, which is a completely valid opinion but a feeling is not something that should be stated like a fact in a review. I have stayed with Warframe for the time I have due only to the core combat, to me it does not feel hallow but rather very solid. I don't go out and pronounce this to the world as the end-all-be-all though. The reviewer plain did not like Warframe, the third person horde shooter combat that is so specific to Warframe did not work for him and that is perfectly fin, but reviews should not take that much personal preference into it.

Sure, talking about glitches is a problem but for me at least a glitch here and there does not make a game less fun and occasionally makes it more fun. This is a pretty valid criticism though.

Pay walls are there, yes, but of course as we know you can grind out plat. And before you say "that takes too much time" consider how many hourse you have enjoyed playing Warframe, then think about the last AAA game you bought, then comes back to Warframe. Spending money is okay, the F2P model is the most fair because it allows you to try out a game before you "buy" it, it is not a model for everyone to play a free game.


And let us not forget how so much was left out of the review. There was no mention of diversity in playstyles, end-game content (as the reviewer had obviously not gotten there) synergy, Modding (seriously, how was one of the most core aspects of Warframe left out?) etcetera.


(And the Destiny title is pretty bad)

Edited by DrBorris
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ironically a full read instead of skim of the article, i found it to be a bit nubbish, but overall exceedingly fair.

the author makes clear they aren't super happy with the combat system in mission, but love fashionframe, and see how the mod/collection setup can be addictively well done(for better or worse).

that theres a touch of paygate in there is also not a bad thing, simply a fact, as waaaaaaaay too many titles try to present as 100% f2p then have buried walls. knowing its there up front, that small investment is needed, far less than a b2p for real qol usability, and that more is possible in fair and incremental amounts but not required, is not a negative tbh.


as for me, i think i'd have written a similar article,with a few exceptions.

me i think the parkour movement system and combat has ruined me forever to anything less. i hate running missions with team setups that don't allow it to be used. so i'd lean the other way in that respect.

also i think the reviewer probably should have gotten through the end of second dream quest and play wise.

while true most missions, even assasinations feel, okay that happened kind of meh instead of epic, some of the quests are another matter. sadly they are few, and not repeatable(dammit pls can do repeat soon).

that said even the early questline(vor, kubrows wat) is kind of tutorial meh.

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36 minutes ago, Hemmo67 said:

thats the thing i hate about reviewers. they do not put in enough hours to justify their scores especially on free to play games. like 100 hours is enough to cover warframe? pfffft >__>

Yeah, I'm hoping we'll get a video review by Angry Joe soon. He's fair and thorough with his reviews, and he seemed really into Warframe when trying  it out a month ago.

Edited by Cyborg-Rox
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All things considered, it seems like a significant portion of the "negative" is just the result of aesthetic fatigue.

You can only play so many games that do certain things before you begin to look on those things with slightly jaded lenses, and I think this review suffered from a bit of that.

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16 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

but reviews should not take that much personal preference into it.

Yes, they should do that, instead of the misguided and foolish attempt to objectively rate a game which is impossible due to the way the human psyche is hardcoded, and that is why the smart consumer reads and watches more than one review.

Of course there's a lot more to that. for starters, Instead of simply saying that "the graphics are good", a good reviewer (or first impressions creator like total biscuit) would describe how the overall aesthetics of a game impressed him. a game can have good graphics but still look like S#&$ to one individual because everywhere you go is grey brickwall, and this is the kind of stuff that needs to be elaborated more thouroughly in most of the reviews that i read.

Edited by SFTT.Lightning
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Ah yes. Disagree and be called a white knight. Come on.

Warframe has a fuckton of problems, they keep adding to a messy foundation. Pay walls are fine when they dont interfere with one's power. One thing however, i do wish theyd give slots for Mastery Ranks, every X MR grants 1 frame and weapon slot.

Again, this article does not cover WF's problems well. Its just a bunch of subjective feelings.

Edited by Misgenesis
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1 minute ago, bl4ckhunter said:

Some still spent for that, however YOU don't need to, platinum is inflated artificially through prime access packs and warframe has one of the best economies out there, if you're telling me that you can't get 20p for a warframe slot i simply don't believe you, even selling syndicate augs can net you 100p a week if you just do the dailies.

Warframe is one of the best f2p games out there so you've got no right to be like that, 

"syndicate augs"

still don't have a maxed tier syndicate, had leg up with planet unlocks before junctions mess.

its stupidly easy to not have access to get the thing you need to have access to solve the problem without the thing.

and now the walls between in that process are thou must do this thing x3 as well.

further points on that specifically.

syndicate dailies are spread out across planets, no planetary access = less dailies in tier.

the recent credit mess and title offerings. 

reactors and catalysts in offering tiers hurt, especially in a context wherein you *may* acquire one every couple weeks with the devstream gift of the lotus.

relic rng and mission location. take suda, lex p bp then nova p neuroptics. putting aside rarity of relic and needing to acquire them if one doesn't have a massive pre SotR stash converted for them, and relative prime part rng, theres also fissure difficulty levels and what appears where.

then consider what you know, and what a new player with that ten hours knows.

i was sitting here thinking, hey me, we really need to put together a psa on how affinity gains work from group kills and affinity ranges for new players, as i've explained it to one or more people in lower tier dark sectors more than a dozen times over the last week BECAUSE THEY SIMPLY DIDN:T KNOW and were hurting themselves and the rest haring off alone in defense. earth dark sector defense for crying out loud.

lack of clarity early and lack of knowledge issues early exist everywhere, but a few things could use some love.

trying to handle economics, market price and trade, AND producing goods by virtual farm, much less get to where one can from the start? not realistic expectation.

hells i sat on 55p for over a week asking after rhino p neuroptics periodically. no dice. eventually it went into a couple more frame and weapon slots because i gave up. trade is a specialized skillset requiring additional knowledgesets. for some its the entire game drive for them, in whatever game it exists. 

so yes, simply think like a new player with their options step by step. don't jump to the end and say, hey when i have everything its easy!

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3 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:


a new player doesn't need slots either since he doesn't have many weapons and you don't need to keep all weapons anyways  specially since the early ones are trash, i never said this game was newbie friendly if you read my first post you can see that, i just said that paywalls aren't that hard to overcome and that they don't lock you out of progression. the trick to new player progression is just to start excal, get broken war as fast as possible and level other weapons on passive affinity until you're rank 6+

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3 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:


a new player doesn't need slots either since he doesn't have many weapons and you don't need to keep all weapons anyways  specially since the early ones are trash, i never said this game was newbie friendly if you read my first post you can see that, i just said that paywalls aren't that hard to overcome and that they don't lock you out of progression. the trick to new player progression is just to start excal, get broken war as fast as possible and level other weapons on passive affinity until you're rank 6+

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3 minutes ago, steelblueskies said:


a new player doesn't need slots either since he doesn't have many weapons and you don't need to keep all weapons anyways  specially since the early ones are trash, i never said this game was newbie friendly if you read my first post you can see that, i just said that paywalls aren't that hard to overcome and that they don't lock you out of progression. the trick to new player progression is just to start excal, get broken war as fast as possible and level other weapons on passive affinity until you're rank 6+

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6 minutes ago, SFTT.Lightning said:

Yes, they should do that, instead of the misguided and foolish attempt to objectively rate a game which is impossible due to the way the human psyche is hardcoded, and that is why the smart consumer reads and watches more than one review.

Of course there's a lot more to that. for starters, Instead of simply saying that "the graphics are good", a good reviewer (or first impressions creator like total biscuit) would describe how the overall aesthetics of a game impressed him. a game can have good graphics but still look like S#&$ to one individual because everywhere you go is grey brickwall, and this is the kind of stuff that needs to be elaborated more thouroughly in most of the reviews that i read.

Personal preference is different from opinion. The reviewer did not like what Warframe is, the entire tone of the review revolved around the general dislike of the gameplay. He did not say anything bad about the gameplay, on the contrary he complimented it, but the whole tone was "it didn't feel right." When you read/watch other reviews they tend to go in with the premise that you like the type of game they are playing, you won't have someone say Witcher is bad because it isn't fast paced swordplay.

If a reviewer starts playing and notices, "it isn't bad, I just don't like it" they should probably hand off the review to the next guy.


And of course he conveniently left out some (most) of the mechanics of Warframe that make Warframe, Warframe.

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the trading for plat argument isn't always valid, some people do not like spending a long &#! time in trade chat  or just don't know how to do it.

I've been playing since clsoed beta and am now mr17 I think, in my entire warframe play time I only traded around 10-15 times because trading isn't fun and it's not my thing, I don't know anything about pricing and neither will new players, I know plenty of people who don't trade because they either don't have the time for it or trading overwhelms them. so therefore to those people there are paywalls

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