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[Suggestion] Option to activate booster from daily reward later that day.


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This has probably been suggested before, but can we please have the option to activate any of the booster rewards when we want to during that day. It's a little annoying getting a 3hr booster reward at midnight and it being activated...especially when my bed is calling ;)

EDIT: Just to be clear, I am not logging in at midnight to get the reward. This is happening towards the end of a play session, and here in the UK the daily reset is midnight. I don't log out then in again to receive it, it just gets given to you.

EDIT 2: Changed title.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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12 minutes ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:


This has probably been suggested before, but can we please have the option to activate any of the booster rewards when we want to. It's a little annoying getting a 3hr booster reward at midnight and it being activated...especially when my bed is calling ;)

Those Booster are a Daily-Reward. If we keep those to activate them when we need, DE would loose a huge amount of income. Because we all would collect them and only use them, when we need to.

Booster from Daily-Rewards should only be consumed while playing and expire at the end of the day. That way we could collect the Daily-Reward in the morning and benefit from it later on the same day.

Your MidNight-Reward would expire nearly immediately that way. But from my point of view this would be great change ;)

Edited by ReniMuffin
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33 minutes ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:


This has probably been suggested before, but can we please have the option to activate any of the booster rewards when we want to. It's a little annoying getting a 3hr booster reward at midnight and it being activated...especially when my bed is calling ;)

Question...if your bed was calling, why did you bother logging in? why not just wait until you woke up? it would still be there when you did...i know, i know...i said question then asked two...sue me.

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2 hours ago, Magicfingers said:

Question...if your bed was calling, why did you bother logging in? why not just wait until you woke up? it would still be there when you did...i know, i know...i said question then asked two...sue me.

Cause sometimes a login is the last step before a long hiatus or a deletion ?

Or sometimes folks are waiting to play actual new content ?

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3 hours ago, Magicfingers said:

Question...if your bed was calling, why did you bother logging in? why not just wait until you woke up? it would still be there when you did...i know, i know...i said question then asked two...sue me.

I did not log in at midnight to get the reward....especially if I wanted to go to bed soon after, that would be ret*rded. Such a stupid question.

Maybe rather than give the reward whilst you're playing and the new day starts, give it the next time you log in on that day. Or if you get a booster as a reward, you have till the end of the day to claim it.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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I think the simplest fix would be to make it so that the timer only counts down when a player is logged in... That way, if you get a booster and you have to log off, you get to keep it when you log back in.

That said, the fix would turn 30 day boosters into godly things... Imagine how long these would last if instead of being active for 30 days, they were active for 30 days worth of playtime... That's 720 Hours of game time...

So I guess it's not happenng unless DE drastically lowers booster times to factor and readjusts prices to account for a new system.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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3 hours ago, Shifty_Shuffler said:

I did not log in at midnight to get the reward....especially if I wanted to go to bed soon after, that would be ret*rded. Such a stupid question.

Maybe rather than give the reward whilst you're playing and the new day starts, give it the next time you log in on that day. Or if you get a booster as a reward, you have till the end of the day to claim it.

i don't think it was a stupid question. the way you had your post worded, it sounded like you logged in right before you were going to go to bed. that's what's stupid.

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1 hour ago, Magicfingers said:

i don't think it was a stupid question. the way you had your post worded, it sounded like you logged in right before you were going to go to bed. that's what's stupid.

No mention of logging in in my OP. Maybe it's different time for you, but the daily reset in the UK is midnight (maybe it's 1am, I was tired), so if you're still playing when the time hits you get the reward. Seems everyone else in the thread gets what I mean, I guess you haven't encountered it. Anyway, we are going a bit off piste here.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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You all already know we have these random boosters, and you choose to play russian roulette by logging in "hoping" (?) that you don't get a booster because you are only logging in for a few minutes. Think about this, you are hoping that you won't get a Booster, which is something you DO appear to want, just not now. That's not normal thinking.

Allowing you to select "when" you use would be the same as stockpiling Argon. If DE wanted to work that way, they would already have done it.

Might as well argue that Vauben or Forma alerts keep coming on when you are at work. Random is Random, if you are so annoyed at getting something for "free" when you can't use it, then log in when you have a few hours free "just in case".

Edited by DSpite
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31 minutes ago, DSpite said:

You all already know we have these random boosters, and you choose to play russian roulette by logging in "hoping" (?) that you don't get a booster because you are only logging in for a few minutes. Think about this, you are hoping that you won't get a Booster, which is something you DO appear to want, just not now. That's not normal thinking.

Allowing you to select "when" you use would be the same as stockpiling Argon. If DE wanted to work that way, they would already have done it.

Might as well argue that Vauben or Forma alerts keep coming on when you are at work. Random is Random, if you are so annoyed at getting something for "free" when you can't use it, then log in when you have a few hours free "just in case".

You have got the wrong end of the stick here. As have stated, I am NOT logging in at midnight for the reward. It just so happens I receive the reward towards the end of my play session. And I am not asking to stock pile boosters, please read the thread, I would just like to be able to select when during that day I activate it, if I don't activate it before the end of the day I lose it.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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11 hours ago, DSpite said:

Think about this, you are hoping that you won't get a Booster, which is something you DO appear to want, just not now.

Exactly i want to be able to login and check my stuff. without triggering them. just make them claimable to your account and then we can use them after.


Some of us have to work and dont have the time to sit and play all day

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20 hours ago, Magicfingers said:

Question...if your bed was calling, why did you bother logging in? why not just wait until you woke up? it would still be there when you did...i know, i know...i said question then asked two...sue me.

Because they aren't technically log in rewards. If you are playing and the daily reset timer hits then it gives you the reward. OP just happens to be in a timezone where this happens at midnight.

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This. The login rewards come in at around the time I'm winding up my play for the evening because I'm in the UK as well. So I end up with the login reward coming in as I get back to the liset before I log off. Boosters start running at 1am sharp, even before you get the login reward screen. So, invariably, I lose out.


Can WF do what Firefall does and have a button to click to claim the daily login reward? That way I could see it pop up as I'm winding down for the day and not have to waste it until I log in the next evening.

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