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OK, clearly DE aren't understanding WHY we Nullifiers get so much hate


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Way to fix Nullifier problem -

  1. Make it block every single ability. That includes EB, Ember and Ash. (A buff that does the intended job)
  2. Make it NOT BLOCK bullets, arrows, grenades, blasts from all weapons, etc. Basically, Nullies need to stop making out weapons useless. (A much needed and fair nerf)

That's it. It can not be any more simple. Let Nullies do their intended job. I can shoot Grineer nullifier drones, I can shoot Scrambus and Comba, I can shoot Bursa Nullifier orb, why exactly can I not shoot the Nullifier Crewman? Logic?

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21 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

ya and scrambas and combas dont do anything at all i can still kill them with equinox's 4 nezhas shield still stays on when they are around they cant do anything to limbos rift walk for some unknow reason they do nothing to frost snow globe and you say that the nulifiers dont work? combas work even less fix the combas/scrambas before you do anything to nerf the nulifiers 

Yeah but they don't round off 60000 crit/elemental damage to just 400 regular damage. They also don't make various weapon classes obsolete. The few changes they need is for their power to be constantly active (maybe visible) which will ward off an attack like maim and for their god-like damage to be reduced; so they can be spread across the solar system.

The other part of nullifiers that will need a substitute is their defensive ability. However it'll still need to not work like the current nullifier's shield, so weapon classes aren't made obsolete. Maybe a throw down like the Blunt except it's a small bubble that can fit 3-5 people inside.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Personally I hate comba/scrambi way more, therefore I would not like nullies replaced with them. Furthermore, I would hate seeing nullies removed completely, because the more enemy variety, the better. What I believe to be reasonable solution to nullifiers is:

- Limit spawning, by either implemening a cooldown between spawns or put a cap on how many nullies can be on the map at a time.

- Give sniper rifles and bows an innate punch-through for the bubbles.

- Have the bubbles supress powers rather than cancel them completely.

Edited by Lijka
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12 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

So in essence.. Remove Nullifiers because they are too hard to deal with, we want the easy to kill anti-skill mobs.

Another one who doesn't understand. 

3 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Ya and that is called playing smart and having a complimentary loudout.

Playing naramon or spamming quanta is not playing smart.

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Honestly I think an even bigger problem is Leech Eximi. In difficult missions you simply can't survive without abilities, and unlike Nullifiers which only cancel abilities within their bubble, Leech Eximi prevent any ability use in the general area. And yeah you can kill them, but with no energy you still can't use abilities after they die. And finally, there's no way to protect yourself from them. Usually there aren't enough of them for it to be a huge deal, but it is in Eximus Strongholds. There's not even a visual indicator pointing you towards the enemy that's sucking out all your energy, you just have to either hope you spot the aura or kill everything indiscriminately (if you can).

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

how is the balltisca slow? wat? did you mode it for negative fire rate?

beside the point you dont need a super fast firing weapon for nulifiers you can use a high powered close range weapon walk into the bubble enemies outside of it cant hit you when your inside and then you just blow there brains out. how is this so hard?! iv never under stood why people are incapable of such a simple task 

In low levels it's fine but try jumping in a nullifier bubble that's accompanied by another nullifier bubble accompanied by a couple of bombards and ancient healers.


3 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

Ya and that is called playing smart and having a complimentary loudout.

Have a slow Primary take a fast secondary for those "Oh shhh###" moments

Sometimes you just like to make a thematic loadout because why not? It's a game, why should a player feel punished if they bring a specific set of weapons for fun once in a while?

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4 minutes ago, Akavakaku said:

Honestly I think an even bigger problem is Leech Eximi. In difficult missions you simply can't survive without abilities, and unlike Nullifiers which only cancel abilities within their bubble, Leech Eximi prevent any ability use in the general area. And yeah you can kill them, but with no energy you still can't use abilities after they die. And finally, there's no way to protect yourself from them. Usually there aren't enough of them for it to be a huge deal, but it is in Eximus Strongholds. There's not even a visual indicator pointing you towards the enemy that's sucking out all your energy, you just have to either hope you spot the aura or kill everything indiscriminately (if you can).

Amen. Especially when playing against infested, who spawn leeches way more often than other factions.

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What I don't get is how people can't see that this is a problem =/

Also, I wholeheartedly agree w/ OP, Nullies are/ were a band-aid for a time that's long past, we really only have 3 map nukes left, but fixing them is real easy, IF DE ever gets on it. (Consoles just got SotR recently, and honestly the game has become a bit more fun than it was before to me at least, I'd call that an improvement) but Nullifiers still stick out like a sore thumb. They are beyond the point of needing any sort of buff, they just need to go.

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1 minute ago, izzatuw said:

In low levels it's fine but try jumping in a nullifier bubble that's accompanied by another nullifier bubble accompanied by a couple of bombards and ancient healers.


Sometimes you just like to make a thematic loadout because why not? It's a game, why should a player feel punished if they bring a specific set of weapons for fun once in a while?

i do it all the time its called not standing still go in kill nulifier dont stop moving while doing this also please note that bombards dont have hit scan so you can dodge there bullets easy then after nulifiers are dead go back in and clean up 

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4 minutes ago, Lijka said:

Amen. Especially when playing against infested, who spawn leeches way more often than other factions.

infested are the worst faction to fight hands down give me corpus and void any da. late game infested the procs are just terrible especially as most of them ignore your shields and go straight for the hp thats why i build all my frames with vitality and not shields >_< and you cant dodge some of there procs

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

i do it all the time its called not standing still go in kill nulifier dont stop moving while doing this also please note that bombards dont have hit scan so you can dodge there bullets easy then after nulifiers are dead go back in and clean up 

They don't have hit scan but they also have knock down. Did they fix the bombard rockets tailing you 360 yet? If not the hit scan argument is somewhat invalid.

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Just now, izzatuw said:

They don't have hit scan but they also have knock down. Did they fix the bombard rockets tailing you 360 yet? If not the hit scan argument is somewhat invalid.

did you try bullet jumping the rockets slow has a donation timer, you can run it into walls.  and you can jump the shock wave  from there feet only enemy i find any problems with nulifier is heavy gunner and they are usauly a problem without the nulfier the bombards are hardly the most threating enemy in this game i find them often to be a joke.

only rockets that fallow you forever were the ones from razorback.


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3 minutes ago, Vyra said:

slide in / spin attack = win 

Eeexcept when you're playing a frame who's very dependant on their abilities to survive (Nyx, Ivara, Mesa, Nova, etc.)

Oooor maybe you didn't see the Corrupted Ancients standing next to them?

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

did you try bullet jumping the rockets slow has a donation timer, you can run it into walls.  and you can jump the shock wave  from there feet only enemy i find any problems with nulifier is heavy gunner and they are usauly a problem without the nulfier the bombards are hardly the most threating enemy in this game i find them often to be a joke.

only rockets that fallow you forever were the ones from razorback.


So I'll take that as a no? They didn't remove their almost infinite tailing? The rockets tailing you aren't even challenging, they're just a simple nuisance.

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22 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

So I'll take that as a no? They didn't remove their almost infinite tailing? The rockets tailing you aren't even challenging, they're just a simple nuisance.

they dont infinitely talling (unless your talking about razorback who we cant even fight anymore) idk where this myth came from but it needs to stop they explode after a while you can out run them out maneuver them 



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If you're in a team with a good composition, the nullfier can easily be a non issue with AoE status weapons like a Torid. The torid can also use firestorm when previously it couldn't, making the AoE even larger.

The issue is if you're running solo. Otherwise, there is indeed a solution for people that want to camp to go the extra time.

Watch the beauty in action.

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

they dont infinitely talling (unless your talking about razorback who we cant even fight anymore) idk where this myth came from but it needs to stop they explode after a while you can out run them out maneuver them 

almost. In a concentrated environment yes, you can focus your mind on that one rocket or two tailing you, but once 20-30 enemies start surrounding you  and a good amount of rockets are still chasing you alongside tons of enemies are targetting you I doubt you'd really miss all of the rockets.

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34 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

ya and scrambas and combas dont do anything at all i can still kill them with equinox's 4 nezhas shield still stays on when they are around they cant do anything to limbos rift walk for some unknow reason they do nothing to frost snow globe and you say that the nulifiers dont work? combas work even less fix the combas/scrambas before you do anything to nerf the nulifiers 

I say, we SWAP them. Yes, swap.

Make the Scrambus into an all-ability-nullifying enemy.

Then turn the Nullifiers to nullify different types of abilities like the Scrambus (used) to do.

Have the nullifying fields of nullifiers count in damage instead of fire rate.

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5 minutes ago, LunarEdge7 said:

I say, we SWAP them. Yes, swap.

Make the Scrambus into an all-ability-nullifying enemy.

Then turn the Nullifiers to nullify different types of abilities like the Scrambus (used) to do.

Have the nullifying fields of nullifiers count in damage instead of fire rate.

see that sounds better then out right removing them 

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16 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

almost. In a concentrated environment yes, you can focus your mind on that one rocket or two tailing you, but once 20-30 enemies start surrounding you  and a good amount of rockets are still chasing you alongside tons of enemies are targetting you I doubt you'd really miss all of the rockets.

who said focus my mind on the rocket i just ignore them they are that small a threat  the way i play the game is to not sit around picking my nose but to keep  moving never stop move all the time run gun and rip and tear though enemies in my way  i will RECORD A VIDEO OF HOW MUCH THEY DONT SEEK YOU for you if you want me to

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I think the problem isn't the nullies anymore. It's the devs themselves. They refuse to accept the truth. They refuse to go back to the drawing board and actually create an enemy that is challenging and doesn't take away so many gameplay options without providing a SINGLE ONE in return. Not only do they fail at their primary purpose, said purpose only existing because once again the devs refused to do something about CC powers often being too much of an off switch, that off switch itself ironically becoming something of a necessity for too many frames when enemy scaling goes full ret@rd at higher levels, while being way too easy on players at lower ones.

It's all a nice, obvious domino effect. And the devs just keep on keeping on ignoring it purposely, I think that much is clear now.

Edited by Marthrym
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