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Endo not as exciting as Fusion Core?


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This might seem to be a strange topic but does anyone else feel like Endo is less exciting when you get it in mission compare to Fusion cores?

When i saw fusion core drop in mission there was a small sense of joy. When i get 50 R5 cores in sortie that makes me happy.


Now, just getting 80 Endo in a mission just makes me think “meh”. Or 4k endo in sortie i just goes “k”.


I dno, maybe its the Endo excitment for me.


sorry not sorry about terrible pun

Edited by 321agemo
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11 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:

Endo giveth, and Endo taketh away.

It's easier to rank mods with Endo points but the credit cost for doing so is a bit higher. I'm fairly happy with it; reducing the price a little would make it perfect IMO.

Defeating the purpose of farming credits. It gives us something to do. I like to farm Zambala myself. Easy 25k.

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I like Endo. For the first time in my few months of playing, I finally have a clear idea on how much I can rank up my mods with the stuff I have (I happen to have slightly less than what's needed to fully rank an unranked primed mod).

It also gives me something to work towards - I know I want to max mod X, I can easily check what I need to do that. It also gives me a clearer picture on how big of a chunk of my resources maxing some random mod takes.

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In all honesty, rare core drops always disappointed me more than excited me. Nothing brings me down like seeing that flash of gold on a mod drop, only to find out that it's not the stance, power mod, etc. I was looking for, but just another R5 core.

Endo's also a much more clear-cut system in general. Much easier to work with.

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