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Please Fix: Bladestorm, Sound Quake, World on Fire and Synoid Simulor


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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Englands Own said:

The player was talking about op abilities/weapons.Whilst I can see that In two of what he mentioned, the other two I don't because of damage fall off and seeing Banshee Infrequently

Synoid Simulor is not OP. I can still dish out equal or more damage with other weapons out there. Only major complaint I see about it is being able to pick up datamass/power cells. which is indeed annoying if the user doesn't know how to use alt-fire.

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4 hours ago, Nuctalina said:

Don't like it - don't play it. 

You dare to tell people how to play their game, really?

It's not a matter of telling people how to play the game, it's a matter of fixing things that bypass any actual engagement. Avoiding gameplay is not a form of gameplay.

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Agreed with everything. From my point of view Banshee and Ember are the worst here. Absolutely brainless.

A lot of people here are saying that WoF isn't that good on high levels, but no matter what you do in this game there is always a lot of low and mid level grinding. And it becomes super boring with Ember in party. WoF is still too op. Sometimes people turn it on during FIRST SECONDS of the mission and leave it on for whole time (and someone complains about Nullifires lol). For a big radius aoe attack that can clear at least weak mobs it is too crazy. WoF should have huge activation cost AND increase energy consumption over time (like new Hysteria).

And Soundquake... I just leave party every time I see Banshee in Interception or Defense mission

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37 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Synoid itimul onlytr  gns not OP. I can still dishrequiredual or more damage with other wea pons out there. Only major complaint I see about it is being able to pick up datamass/power cells. which is indeed annoying if the user doesn't know how to use alt-fire.

I think unlike most weapons you can just charge In getting loads of kills without even aiming the weapon.There's something wrong when you can pick up weapon deal loads of damage and not be rquired to actually aim It.Yes there are arguably stronger weapons, But how many require you not to even aim?

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11 minutes ago, secret9005 said:

Synoid Simulor is not OP. I can still dish out equal or more damage with other weapons out there. Only major complaint I see about it is being able to pick up datamass/power cells. which is indeed annoying if the user doesn't know how to use alt-fire.

Synoid Simulor have one the best DPS, AOE effect, no self damage, energy restoration. This weapon is solid God Tier, which consist of OP weapons.

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WOF is almost useless vs lvl45 grineer damage wise unless I spam accelerant.
And I have to sacrifice even more damage or sustain just to include Fire Quake in the build to make it not useless at high levels.

So that is fine.

Sound Quake is okay, because you have to absolutely thrash your every other skill to make it usable for Banshee.
Conversely if you specc for Sonar and Silence, SQ becomes absolutely poop. That is a fair trade off which I will accept.


Ash BS is indeed too strong though, but I could just live without the invulnerability rather than removing the cinematic kill scene.
The cinematic Bladestorm animation is iconic to Ash himself. Just removing invulnerability would at least prevent people from doing casting wildly without care of consequence.

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2 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

WOF is almost useless vs lvl45 grineer damage wise unless I spam accelerant.
And I have to sacrifice even more damage or sustain just to include Fire Quake in the build to make it not useless at high levels.

So that is fine.

There aren't only 45+ level missions in the game.

2 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

Sound Quake is okay, because you have to absolutely thrash your every other skill to make it usable for Banshee.
Conversely if you specc for Sonar and Silence, SQ becomes absolutely poop. That is a fair trade off which I will accept.

At least make it fun to use. Let her move... is boring for who use the frame, and for the team.

Edited by (PS4)ghinellil
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WoF is still pretty strong at 80+ (dealing ~7k-25k DPS on a 227% pwrstr build with Accelerant, depending on how many enemies are in range) contrary to what people have been saying in this thread.  The real problem with WoF, though, is that there's no reason to ever turn it off.  It needs to become a power again, instead of a passive.  

Edited by RealPandemonium
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6 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I'm not sure about. I seen Mirage+Simulor do all the 3 missions on sortie without sweat. Nullifiers? Not a problem. People will spam it even if scaling is fixed.

The most fast and easy fix is to limit the bubbles; it resolve all problems, Mirage will become useless with it, and less visual mess.

That is a "fix"
 that is being brought up a lot in every "Nerf SynSim" Thread, and you know what? It's the most agreeable so far!... Unlike 100% Self damage on it... Yeah right... Then you can just remove the weapon outright since no-one likes weapon with which you kill yourself no matter where you shoot.

6 hours ago, letir said:

Nobody need to use S Simulor on non-Endless and non-Sortie mission, because it's overkill. Guess what? Everebody and their mothers still use it.

Well, people LIKE being Overkill on missions that gave them hell before they acquired the means to be overkill. Have you never been in a game where you struggled in an area because the enemies were so hard that you struggled with them a lot and then later you came back and came across the joy of just annihilating them?

5 hours ago, letir said:

It's completly denying any in-game obstacles and gameplay with some sort of trick or ridiculosly OP power. Up to the point when you can press one button and win mission.


Like when Mirage or Banshee denying all enemies in Interception from existing. They press one button, and mission is alredy won.

Like when you trying to kill anything on Extermination Alert, but Mirage+Ember pain train alredy won the game with W+LMB.


I don't like things what denying me from playing in the game.

Yet when you say thing like that, you come across as if you want to deny people the main gimmick of this game: Play it how THEY (Including you) want it.

4 hours ago, letir said:

You can also go in some clickers and get mission done with one button.

This way you don't ruin my cooperative experience with cheat powers, which completly destroying GAMEplay in the computer GAME.


Don't like to play without cheats? Don't play in cooperative games.

So... If using something you can cheese the game with is cheating, you might want to take out all the Corrupted Mods, or Ultimates like EB (wait, that has been already nerfed) and Peacemaker (oh, also already nerfed.).

2 hours ago, secret9005 said:

Synoid Simulor is not OP. I can still dish out equal or more damage with other weapons out there. Only major complaint I see about it is being able to pick up datamass/power cells. which is indeed annoying if the user doesn't know how to use alt-fire.

That is indeed annoying even for me as an avid SynSim user itself. The main problem about this is that even if you trigger alt-fire the powercells/datamasses are still floating in the air sometimes and are difficult to pick up. Maybe they should make it so that they are not pulled into the vortices like the reactants - or are they pulled in as well?

The thing with Synoid Simulor is, that itself is NOT as powerfull as people make it out to be, even with a Hall of Malevolence Mirage. If you want it to be so powerfull as everyone claims it to be, you need to forma it 4+ times to fit all the necessary mods into it, maybe less if you have Primed Mods.

And also, I don't get all the complaints about bladestorm. You still can kill an enemy that is targeted by Bladestorm, so what's the problem? Just because it deals so much damage to a lot of enemies? Well better nerf Maim as well, since you can store up millions of damage and basically nuke the entire screen with it.

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8 minutes ago, Kiyomaru-EN- said:

1. Yet when you say thing like that, you come across as if you want to deny people the main gimmick of this game: Play it how THEY (Including you) want it.

2. So... If using something you can cheese the game with is cheating, you might want to take out all the Corrupted Mods, or Ultimates like EB (wait, that has been already nerfed) and Peacemaker (oh, also already nerfed.).

1. Well, they are not "playing". When Banshee hit press 4 on the beginning of the Interception, she isn't playing in Warframe.

2. DE alred reworked Excalibur, Mag, Trinity, Mesa, they nerfed Mirage's Disco Ball, they nerfed Synoid Gammacor. You see, they also don't like when someone "playing" in their game with one button.

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What about Volt with his CC, Saryn with being able to wipe out the map? Equinox with infinite scaling? Wukong with invulnerability? You make a point of Ember, but she falls off incredibly hard against higher level enemies, so she is only powerful in low level missions. You mention Synoid Simulor, but forget that it's damage was neutered recently as well. Also, Loki's Radial disarm stops any ranged attacks from enemies, while Hydroid can lock down a point potentially indefinately. 


In terms od Simulor though, cap the bubbles to a limit of ten at a time. Problem solved.

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12 hours ago, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

Bad at high lvl missions serves as CC only.

You mean Mirage? :P 

I sense that if Simulor interaction with Mirage gets nerfed, people will discover that you can have the same effect with Mirage if you use properly modded weapons like the Amprex etc

Edited by (PS4)lhbuch
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3 hours ago, letir said:

2. DE alred reworked Excalibur, Mag, Trinity, Mesa, they nerfed Mirage's Disco Ball, they nerfed Synoid Gammacor. You see, they also don't like when someone "playing" in their game with one button.

Then why release a mod that actually makes it easier to do so? They released Resonating Quake. Why? Because Banshee was underused. But Banshee drains too much with it on even if modded for max efficiency, she needs an EV Trin to make it work.

Excalibur was a swordsman not a turret, but with EB he's still pretty much Press E to Win. Mag was a dead horse they kept nerfing and I don't know why. Trinity still plays one button. Mesa is still strong, if not even stronger. Mirage's Prism blinds enemies after it explodes, so it makes sense that they made it LoS. Sound Quake's explanation is that it generates an earthquake to stun enemies, so having it be LoS is kinda stupid IMO. I wasn't here yet during the Synoid Gammacor mumbo jumbo.

Synoid Simulor needs a Maxed Serration, Heavy Calibur, Vile Acceleration, and other mods that I worked hard for. Even then my Sancti Tigris still does more damage. Hek even my Tonkor can and that has higher range thanks to Firestorm. Want to nerf those too?

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So sick of nerf this nerf that when the little baby isn't happy.  So when you play with randoms the mission didn't go the way you planned and you throw a tantrum.

News flash..play with your own group of people then you can be the one who made the mission successful.

None of what you posted are overpowered to me.  Some are useful at times but the higher lvls you face you find better ways then what you cried about to handle it.

Random groups can be good or extremely terrible.  Grow up.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)ghinellil said:

I play this game for a while, and this stuff is the worse in the game.


- Bladestorm: will be reworked, i hope very soon. All the baby spam ninjas will move on. I don't hate Ash at all (nice frame), just who spam for play. 

- Sound Quake: after this ability is active, the player can go in bath. Have no sense to exist, like an auto pilot. When i see a Banshee in interception, i already know how it end. Yawn ! 

- World on Fire: really too powerful. The worse in on exterminations; it become run from A to B. Another boring situation.

- Synoid Simulor: really? :O I can't believe it still around all this time. Please DE, limit the bubbles active at the same moment; shot another and delete the first. 10 bubble max. Let people use it like the Torid... with some brain effort. Plus it counter nullifier much better then other weapons. All the bubbles make a visual mess, especially in dark mission; sometimes i have to play looking only the mini map.


The best is to encounter an Ash Prime with the Synoid Simulor, in sortie with Radiation Hazard  ಠ_ಠ


P.S: i don't like "please fix" threads, but after 200 login days, my patience start to fall.

This is not a matter of "fix the abilities", it's "change the missions and enemy mechanics".

Stop enemies bunching up like cattle, and Blade Storm drops off. Increase the size of where combat can take place, and Sound Quake won't reach the snipers still shooting at you. Stop missions being a race of Trackmania with all the enemies standing in the middle of the road, and WoF is far less effective. Make enemies avoid running towards the obvious Black Holes in the middle of the room and instead shoot from a safe distance, and the people with Simulors might have to move around more.

We have Rock, Paper and Scissors that we can use, but then every mission is full of Coconuts, which are rather hard to open with scissors or a copy of Price and Prejudice, so we resort to Large Rocks. Why is everyone surprised?

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2 hours ago, DSpite said:

This is not a matter of "fix the abilities", it's "change the missions and enemy mechanics".

Stop enemies bunching up like cattle, and Blade Storm drops off. Increase the size of where combat can take place, and Sound Quake won't reach the snipers still shooting at you. Stop missions being a race of Trackmania with all the enemies standing in the middle of the road, and WoF is far less effective. Make enemies avoid running towards the obvious Black Holes in the middle of the room and instead shoot from a safe distance, and the people with Simulors might have to move around more.

We have Rock, Paper and Scissors that we can use, but then every mission is full of Coconuts, which are rather hard to open with scissors or a copy of Price and Prejudice, so we resort to Large Rocks. Why is everyone surprised?

well that is the problem BS and simulor have   big AOE radiuses  so its not a matter of enemies herding up 

Sound Quake has an augment that gives it 1m boost over and over the longer its on hence why  banshee and trinity are best friends 


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4 hours ago, (PS4)THE_HUNTER96929 said:

Got any ideas on how to fix these powers / weapons?

Simulor : limit number of active vortexes to 3 , reduce duration of it.

Ember: hit only what you see (mag and mirage changed this way).

Banshee : Same as ember.

The main point is - all planets are low ranked (even sedna with level 40 is too low) we need higher lvl maps (x2, at least).

Now, the only challenge left, for most, is endless mission.

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10 minutes ago, DSjk22 said:

Simulor : limit number of active vortexes to 3 , reduce duration of it.

Ember: hit only what you see (mag and mirage changed this way).

Banshee : Same as ember.

The main point is - all planets are low ranked (even sedna with level 40 is too low) we need higher lvl maps (x2, at least).

Now, the only challenge left, for most, is endless mission.

Those seem like good changes, anything for ash?

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6 hours ago, secret9005 said:

1. Then why release a mod that actually makes it easier to do so? They released Resonating Quake. Why? Because Banshee was underused. But Banshee drains too much with it on even if modded for max efficiency, she needs an EV Trin to make it work.

2. Excalibur was a swordsman not a turret, but with EB he's still pretty much Press E to Win. Mag was a dead horse they kept nerfing and I don't know why. Trinity still plays one button. Mesa is still strong, if not even stronger. Mirage's Prism blinds enemies after it explodes, so it makes sense that they made it LoS. Sound Quake's explanation is that it generates an earthquake to stun enemies, so having it be LoS is kinda stupid IMO. I wasn't here yet during the Synoid Gammacor mumbo jumbo.

3. Synoid Simulor needs a Maxed Serration, Heavy Calibur, Vile Acceleration, and other mods that I worked hard for. Even then my Sancti Tigris still does more damage. Hek even my Tonkor can and that has higher range thanks to Firestorm. Want to nerf those too?

1. Because DE aren't most skilled in the balance department. And not, it dosen't need EV Trinity, we have Zenurik, Primed Flow and energy pads to run for miles,

2. So you don't even know anything about Vivergate. Duh.

3. Synoid Simulor dosen't need anythnig serious to become weapon of mass destruction. Even with just Serration, Split Chamber and 2 60% elemental mods it wipe out any star chart mission and most of Sorties. It's alredy OP weapon with AOE and without ammo problems.

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6 hours ago, DSjk22 said:

Ember: hit only what you see (mag and mirage changed this way).

Banshee : Same as ember.

Making it LoS would be weird on an ability that "moves through the ground". Just my thoughts.

3 hours ago, letir said:

1. Because DE aren't most skilled in the balance department. And not, it dosen't need EV Trinity, we have Zenurik, Primed Flow and energy pads to run for miles,

2. So you don't even know anything about Vivergate. Duh.

3. Synoid Simulor dosen't need anythnig serious to become weapon of mass destruction. Even with just Serration, Split Chamber and 2 60% elemental mods it wipe out any star chart mission and most of Sorties. It's alredy OP weapon with AOE and without ammo problems.

1. EV is the fastest way. Zenurik is too slow and Energy Pads are too costly to fill it up. That's why I didn't mention them.

2. I've only heard about it. I came here when Draco was the thing, so I'm sorry.

3. Do you even use it? Cause if you do, you know that putting Speed Trigger/Vile Acceleration is better than Split Chamber. Remove self-damage for other launchers and Synoid Simulor would be less meta.

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