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"The alarms have triggered a Bursa"...what alarms Lotus?


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It's really frustrating whenever I run a Corpus sortie without tripping any alarms but still hear "The alarms have triggered a Bursa".  I know sorties are supposed to be bit more difficult compared to other missions, but that's the reason each sortie has a handicap attached to it and higher level enemies.  Does it really need to completely change other established game mechanics as well though?

I'm sure there are people who'll chime in saying I'm "whining" or "salty" because that's what all the cool internet kids are saying these days.  But certain things like Bursas without tripping alarms, rescue mission countdowns starting without alerting Wardens, and the inability to use ciphers at all are just frustrating (not impossible), especially when I'm not in the mood to play with others and just want to solo a bit.

Okay rant over.  I'll go solo it with Rhino so I can stomp the Bursa.  Just sucks that i have to be pigeonholed into using a frame(s) I don't want to use just to complete a simple exterminate sortie.

edit:  I used Rhino's Stomp as an example.  I know there are other frames that can handle Bursas.  My real gripe isn't with Bursas themselves though...it's with them spawning even though I'm doing what I'm supposed to do to prevent them from spawning.

Edited by Tizodd
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24 minutes ago, Tizodd said:

 I'll go solo it with Rhino so I can stomp the Bursa.  Just sucks that i have to be pigeonholed into using a frame(s) I don't want to use just to complete a simple exterminate sortie.

There are so many frames that can trivialize bursas it's not even funny. There are even weapons that can kill bursas from the front, such as some beam weapons, gas status weapons, and slash status weapons. For example, the staticor modded for gas can explode behind it and kill it easily, and if you shoot the front with the kohm you can just straight up slash proc it to death.

Off the top of my head, trinity, banshee, frost, inaros, mirage, nyx, loki, ivara, rhino, excal, and even potentially titania can CC and trivialize bursas. Maybe Nezha? Hydroid? Mag can just magnetize them, wukong can slash them to death in cloud form, uh.... You know what? Let's make a list of who can't trivialize bursas. Anybody got any ideas?

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Well let's widen that pigeon-hole a little bit:

They can't see Ivara, or Ash, or Loki.  Inaros can literally eat them.  Valkyr on Hysteria can slice their consoles from lots of angles.  Frost... freeze it, kill it.  Nekros can walk right behind them while they target his zombies.  Ember... stun it, kill it.  And this is just stuff that I do... I'm sure there are many other ways to kill them.

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I don't really do sorties and I've had this happen. Also sometimes mid-mission even after having to disable alarms once I've had the game seem to go from not alerted straight to lockdown in Axi fissures. My current theory is something might be bugged with informing us of the first level of alarms.

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10 minutes ago, Windspike said:

Well let's widen that pigeon-hole a little bit:

They can't see Ivara, or Ash, or Loki.  Inaros can literally eat them.  Valkyr on Hysteria can slice their consoles from lots of angles.  Frost... freeze it, kill it.  Nekros can walk right behind them while they target his zombies.  Ember... stun it, kill it.  And this is just stuff that I do... I'm sure there are many other ways to kill them.

As I said, it might be easier to make a list of what frames can't easily kill bursas. I, uh, can't think of any.

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ummm bursa have been nerffed so hard they are weak sacuce now just shotgun its face off

here are the frames i can use to kill bursa

















those are all the warframes i use 

Edited by hazerddex
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3 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

There are so many frames that can trivialize bursas it's not even funny. There are even weapons that can kill bursas from the front, such as some beam weapons, gas status weapons, and slash status weapons. For example, the staticor modded for gas can explode behind it and kill it easily, and if you shoot the front with the kohm you can just straight up slash proc it to death.

Off the top of my head, trinity, banshee, frost, inaros, mirage, nyx, loki, ivara, rhino, excal, and even potentially titania can CC and trivialize bursas. Maybe Nezha? Hydroid? Mag can just magnetize them, wukong can slash them to death in cloud form, uh.... You know what? Let's make a list of who can't trivialize bursas. Anybody got any ideas?


3 minutes ago, Windspike said:

Well let's widen that pigeon-hole a little bit:

They can't see Ivara, or Ash, or Loki.  Inaros can literally eat them.  Valkyr on Hysteria can slice their consoles from lots of angles.  Frost... freeze it, kill it.  Nekros can walk right behind them while they target his zombies.  Ember... stun it, kill it.  And this is just stuff that I do... I'm sure there are many other ways to kill them.

I just want you two to know: This is all your fault.


Let's play the Warframe ABC's, where we try to find one power that will CC, distract, or kill for each frame!

Ash: Smoke Screen (distraction)

Atlas: Petrify (CC)

Banshee: Sound Quake (CC, kill)

Chroma: Effigy (distraction)

Ember: World On Fire (CC, kill)

Equinox: Rest and Rage, Night Form (CC)

Excalibur: Radial Blind (CC)

Frost: Freeze (CC)

Hydroid: Tempest Barrage (CC)

Inaros: Desiccation (CC)

Ivara: Quiver, Sleep Arrow (CC)

Limbo: Banish (CC)

Loki: Invisibility (distraction)

Mag: Magnetize (CC, kill)

Mesa: Shooting Gallery (CC)

Mirage: Prism (CC)

Nekros: Terrify (CC)

Nezha: Divine Spears (CC, kill)

Nova: Molecular Prime (CC)

Nyx: Mind Control (CC)

Oberon: Reckoning (CC)

Rhino: Rhino Stomp (CC)

Saryn: Molt (distraction)

Titania: Spellbind (CC)

Trinity: Energy Vampire (CC, kill)

Valkyr: Hysteria (kill)

Vauban: Bastille (CC)

Volt: Discharge (CC, kill)

Wukong: Cloud Walker (CC)

Zephyr: Tailwind (CC)


There you go: One ability for each frame that can do something to Bursas. Some are more effective than others, but no frame is left out.

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6 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

There you go: One ability for each frame that can do something to Bursas. Some are more effective than others, but no frame is left out.

See?! You see what I mean?!

Okay, this leads to a different question: which frame has the hardest time dealing with bursas? Let's assume we have an average assault rifle, and it doesn't have enough status to get away with just shooting it in the face. Assuming we need to get behind the bursa or kill it with abilities, and also assuming we are bad at parkour and can't just jump over it while shooting and aimgliding, which frame will have the hardest time?

I'm going to vote for Limbo, since his abilities won't do much to make it easier to get around to the bursa's rear. Although there IS a stun that comes from banishing it, and you get that big damage multiplier that applies to slash procs as well, I'd argue that actually hitting it in the rear will be harder than with other frames. Of course, you can just banish with rift surge and then slash proc, but that requires a little bit of status.

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)BOBIWAN86 said:

Limbo would actually be one of the easiest given those conditions. Walk up in rift walk, ignoring *everything* the bursa is doing, banish, unload magazine -> dead bursa.

Right, the problem is getting behind it. Remember we're assuming that we don't know how to parkour and therefore can't get behind it very fast. Most frames have some kind of CC or stun that makes that easier. But then, maybe Limbo is easier than I give him credit for. I don't really play him much.

What's your vote? I'm curious.

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Being fair, I realized I have literally no room to comment reading your reply. I parkour like a madman, to the point I was unaware you could devour them for quite a while, as they weren't really an issue I felt the need for cc to resolve..... I can say the stun from banish lasts long enough, and has a quick enough recast, that Limbo shouldn't have too much trouble given those conditions, as when on limbo parkour sees much less use in combat, but it's *really* hard to 'vote' on such as It's really hard to imagine *not* aimgliding shots to the back....

Edited by (XB1)BOBIWAN86
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i was playing an normal defence mission on jupiter and i played with Sven3001, after wave 20 lotus said ,,The Alarms Triggered An Bursa´´. When we heard that both we stopped with the defence level and asked plyers to help us with an defence level on jupiter but nobody wantet to help us with it so we tried it again the same level, after wave 20 there were no Bursas, is the Lotus trolling us or is it an bug of warframe itself? i don´t know it anymore then we stopped to wave 25 and then after an hour we played the same level again and we equiped our level up stuff, i equiped my volt prime with my fragor prime and Sven3001 equiped his saryn prime with his broken war. then bursa was gone the next 20 waves then after wave 22 bursa came again and then we killed it and hacked it and then we stopped at wave 30.

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