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Reduce Trial Squad Requirement down to 3 players


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Please reduce the minimum members require to start the trials. Make it a challenge or something. Perhaps even requiring to build a separate "Challenge key" in order to run it, so that other will not get confuse. The rewards will be the same as the normal (LoR, JV) or nightmare version (LoR), depending on which challenge key crafted (Challenge Normal LoR/JV, Challenge Nightmare LoR). The current trials mechanic remain un-change; therefore, it do not get easier because of less people. (3 players to do 4 players job)  

Time and time again, my trial team is able to successfully run all 3 trials (quite easily) with the 3 regular members and a random recruit. At time, it's possible to do with 2 players although a good amount of coordination and efforts are needed.


  • A Challenge mode for "vets" or people who are bored because of no end-game
  • No more need to wait on recruiting or wait on clan mates to log-in (we all play at different time)
    • Enable more consistent raiding and not having to "not run a raid because Joe didn't login today".
  • More individual involvement in trials (more jobs/responsibilities per player) instead of sleep-fest.
  • Actually uses Warframe knowledge to mod properly and coordinate (co-op) to form a synergized squad
  • FUN!
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I think it will not happen because currently, trial are possible to done with every warframe at 4 players.
But at 3 player, you need a Loki or other warframe that can make a decoy, or use the focus power for the button at the hijack and it will probably break the rules.

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2 minutes ago, TheScytale said:

How would you manage the core in LoR stage 2?

Loki's Decoy will register on the pads for the Hijack part. It's a risky part that your decoy will get destroy but that's part of the challenge.

1 minute ago, Gelkor said:

Why not 2?

Why not 1?

I prefer to solo as much as I can. I avoid Raids because I'm  arbitrarily barred from soloing them. 

Yes, I want it to be Solo-able, too. But making it with less people will make the puzzle parts easier which some will argue that will make the trials easier. As of right now, I have found that you'll need a minimum of 3 players in order to do Lor and JV. It's not possible to do with 2 people due to Lor's Vay Hek phase and JV's puzzles.

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4 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

I think it will not happen because currently, trial are possible to done with every warframe at 4 players.
But at 3 player, you need a Loki or other warframe that can make a decoy, or use the focus power for the button at the hijack and it will probably break the rules.

I agree that with the reduction to 3 players, it'll cause some frame to be "mandatory" but that's the challenging part. You'll still have to the at least the same amount of work if not more, but still get the same rewards. There is no additional rewards beside getting something challenging to do. I'm bored, sorry.

What I mean is that player will get a choice to run normal or challenge mode. Rewards will remain the same.

Edited by (PS4)A_SimpleName
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

I'd like to see LoR changed into something other the stand-on-a-pad-fest that it currently is first.

I'd like all the Raids to be that. 

I'm super bummed about the JV Raid being nothing but S#&$ tons of ground puzzles with a cursory smattering of Archwing that requires non of the multi-forma'd and maxed out gear I've acquired. I wanted an AW raid, darn it, not just another ground raid that just happens to use Archwings to taxi between it's areas. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Magician_NG said:

I'd like to see LoR changed into something other the stand-on-a-pad-fest that it currently is first.

I'd like to see that also. I feel some of us need a high tier raid (top 5-10%) that's challenging. Probably won't happen since WF don't like to be restrictive. All my multi-formaed gears and enough potatoes to feed all of Ireland (mean in a joking way; sorry if this is offensive), and I have no reason to use them anymore.

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11 minutes ago, -Amaterasu- said:

Like 80% of the challenge of raids is actually getting people to do what they're supposed to be doing when they're supposed to be doing it, if you take that away you take away the challenge.

I agree that raids, especially those with puzzles, will have the challenges significantly reduce once the logistics are figured out. Another way for challenge is to less available resources (e.g. lower stats gears or in this case, less players to do more people jobs). With many of these comments, WF's raids overall need an overhaul or rethinking. I don't want to criticize unless I have a possible solution; therefore, I will refrain from tearing into the raids mechanics. 

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34 minutes ago, -Amaterasu- said:

Like 80% of the challenge of raids is actually getting people to do what they're supposed to be doing when they're supposed to be doing it, if you take that away you take away the challenge.

Agreed. The raids are about coordination and communication, not gear. The reason everybody is so bored of them and calls them "padfests" is that we're so familiar with the mechanics that we can do them automatically. Try taking only players who are new to the raid, and it won't be boring anymore. ("okay. if you look you'll see some buttons around the edge of the... No don't step on them! Ah, cmon, can't you just wait till I explain? No don't try to res him you'll... *sigh*....")   :)

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I was always disappointed that the Trials required 4 players minimum.  I've never experienced one (and it's the experience and lore aspect I care more about than Arcanes, I survive just fine without them) because a few people I regularly played with left just before they were added.  For a mix of personal reasons and burn-out we went from regularly having 7 players on at a time to being lucky to get 3 on at the same time in an evening.  The Trials sadly came just a little too late so I never got into them.  I do have to wonder why a mission designed for 8 players has it's puzzled scaled down to manage 4 when necessary but can't accept less than that.

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5 minutes ago, Katinka said:

I do have to wonder why a mission designed for 8 players has it's puzzled scaled down to manage 4 when necessary but can't accept less than that.

The parts that actually require 4 don't scale down. Only one of the puzzles scales down, the rest stay the same. Currently the map design makes it impossible for 3 players without a decoy or eximus or some other tricky way to press the buttons.

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Just now, Lord_Azrael said:

The parts that actually require 4 don't scale down. Only one of the puzzles scales down, the rest stay the same. Currently the map design makes it impossible for 3 players without a decoy or eximus or some other tricky way to press the buttons.

Well, never having done one I'll need to take your word for that!  ;P

So it could be solved in the same manner as the Coaction Drift puzzle room in Lua?

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Just now, Katinka said:

So it could be solved in the same manner as the Coaction Drift puzzle room in Lua?

Basically. There are 3 pads that need someone standing on them, and a 4th person needs to push a hijack core. it's just like those grineer hijacks but there's electricity on the rail, and pressing all 3 buttons turns it off. Obviously it's a bit more complicated than that, but you get the idea.

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no thanks.

what you're desiring, is a version that requires use of specific Warframes in order to just emulate back the 4th person in the first place.
doesn't really achieve anything interesting. you're removing something just to put it back anyways. which makes it a waste of Development Time.

50 minutes ago, Lord_Azrael said:

The reason everybody is so bored of them and calls them "padfests" is that we're so familiar with the mechanics that we can do them automatically. Try taking only players who are new to the raid, and it won't be boring anymore.

it was still boring. knowing what to do is easy. the 'difficult' part is "what exact places do you stand to turn off all of the Enemies most efficiently".
past that it's a gear check as usual. woo, Raids.

Edited by taiiat
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1 hour ago, (PS4)A_SimpleName said:

Loki's Decoy will register on the pads for the Hijack part. It's a risky part that your decoy will get destroy but that's part of the challenge.

Also I haven't actually tried, but when I'm thinking about it some pads seem impossible to reach with your Operator, they either require some jumping and such, or are too far away to have your Operator reach them and the core pass through the electric part. So that only leaves specters, Chroma's Effigy, or Loki. And it's obvious who'll get chosen here...

It's pretty well known by now what devs thinks of "mandatory" stuff. It's also pretty well known that they have no intention to make raids require fewer players. I don't see how a combination of both would attract them

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