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Need a Saryn Prime Build and Why don't people play Saryn?



I just got Saryn Prime and I'm not quite sure on how to build her. I'm not sure if I should focus on Power Strength or Power Duration. I've seen builds with lots of Power Range and either full power or full duration.

Also, Saryn looks very powerful compared to other Warframes yet I see almost none of them in action. Is it because she's not played in public much? Is she supposed to be solo?

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I would disagree with the assumption that people do not play her.  I see her regularly in the content I have been doing lately: Sorties, Axi Key farms, Fissure runs, etc.  I don't know where you are on the star map, but if you are playing more with newer players maybe you do not see her often because those players have not acquired her yet, just taking shot in the dark.  I agree with the statements re: she is not press 4 to win.  I find her to be quite fun and she also feeds a numbers addiction if you have one.  Seeing your screen filled with numbers... :)

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I use Saryn Prime a lot especially for thing like long survivals, rathuums and sorties. I have a build for her that I slowly developed pre and post rework, but I'm almost certain you won't use it and won't like it, the reason why I say this will become pretty clear when I upload it later. Sorry if it sounds cryptic or dramatic.

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7 hours ago, Ivan_Rid said:

I dont see any complexity in Saryns kit - get high status weapon with Gas, get a proc on Spored target (Molt doesnt count) - enjoy the numbers flying all over your screen.

Low on hp? Tap 2 and roll out. Capped on energy? Tap 4. Want to go melee for some reason (usually on armoured target)? Tap 3.

Setting up a Miasma combo is as simple as getting a Gas proc on a target infected with Spore, or hitting it with a Lash. Its always set up for me.

Simulor Mirage is killing enemies before you can Spore them (just like with Mag`s bubble)? Spore a Molt and do a slam with melee weapon.

Solo farming/survival until reasonble levels:

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Whenever I feel like using Lash:

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Full on Spore, Corpus sorties/Hieracon:

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^Knows his stuff.  Really, it's understanding how Spore damage scales and how to use Regenerative Molt with Spores to stay alive and get enemies to do the work for you.  

Because she is a true "weapon synergy" frame, you need to experiment, strategize, and balance Meta with what you find fun. 

She works best with large groups of enemies that come at you while defending a fixed position.

For instance, I like using Saryn with my multi-forma'd Rakta Cernos because map-wide Viral bombs on Spore-infected troops gives the warm 'N' fuzzies.

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3 hours ago, OffaLimb said:

Whatever the build - make sure to pick up a torrid for your primary.  You can have all sorts of fun with it.


pox , torrid or mutalist cenros function about the same if built rigth

torid has range but pox has spam throw, cenros can be toxic corrosive and blast, better for spore as it also can spam and do long range easy and have multiple spore hits 

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Get a Telos Boltace.  Build it however you want.  Elements don't matter, just so long as the damage and range is high.

Build your Saryn for max range and high damage + duration.  Efficiency doesn't matter, once again, just so long as the damage and range is high.

Now just cast Spore on something, then slide attack it.  Then keep slide attacking all over the place.  Now you never have to cast Spores again, because the entire map is ticking with Spores so long as you're constantly spamming that slide attack.  Negative efficiency doesn't even matter, because you've only had to cast one Spores for this whole process.

Now just cast Toxic Lash every now and then when you really need to tear things up, and you've got an end game build.

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Max range > max strength > at least 60% duration > efficiency for Spore builds. Using something like Ignis/Hikou with Concealed Explosives/Pox/Torid for low-mid level content, Gas Lanka for high level content.

Max range > at least 100% duration > max strength > efficiency for Toxic Lash builds. Use a melee with high range (Orthos P, any whip, Telos Boltace etc).

She is not often played because she is not great at the moment. Damage over time has a limited appeal in games in general, even more so when the other options all basically just 1 shot everything. Why bother with Saryn when you can use a better damage frame (and for that matter even some of tanks) to instantly kill everything with no wait and less energy used? She's fun to dust off and strong in niche situations but 99% of the time you're better off with a better kill frame if you want to kill stuff or a Nova if you want to cut enemy HP in half.

Edited by Racter
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45 minutes ago, ArcusVeles said:

Get a Telos Boltace.  Build it however you want.  Elements don't matter, just so long as the damage and range is high.

Build your Saryn for max range and high damage + duration.  Efficiency doesn't matter, once again, just so long as the damage and range is high.

Now just cast Spore on something, then slide attack it.  Then keep slide attacking all over the place.  Now you never have to cast Spores again, because the entire map is ticking with Spores so long as you're constantly spamming that slide attack.  Negative efficiency doesn't even matter, because you've only had to cast one Spores for this whole process.

Now just cast Toxic Lash every now and then when you really need to tear things up, and you've got an end game build.

The Syndicate Melees aren't on consoles yet so...

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This is the build I use for my Saryn Prime. This build started before her rework, and was actually improved by it. I largely bring her to things like long Survivals, Sorties, and Rathuums. I have an explanation of my reasoning behind this build below the picture.


1.       Her Health

Saryn Prime has some very sturdy base attributes with fairly decent armor, and decent health. To my knowledge her Shields average, which are not a focus on my build and will likely stay that way even after, or if, shield gates get implemented. Add this to the fact that she also has variety of ways to gain health back. She has the Regenerative Molt augment, her innate D polarity lends itself well to the rejuvenation aura, and due to the mechanics of life strike with procs toxic lash can contribute to her healing pretty nicely. I also make use of arcane grace, but I only have one attached to an accessory. I also tend to not use sentinels so Medi Ray doesn’t really enter the equation.


2.       Her Energy Pool

Saryn Prime has the highest energy capacity tied with Volt Prime and like her health she has multiple ways of gaining energy back. Innately she can regenerate energy by using Toxic Lash to pop spores (no that’s not why I have Contagion Cloud, that’s there for giggles), she’s sturdy enough to take significant damage (and with my reckless playstyle it will happen) so I place Rage on her to get some benefits out of the constant attrition of close range combat, further more I run Zenurick (I originally ran Naramon, but after it not really helping much with extended infested missions or corpus missions I dropped it in favor of zeny) so the 4 energy per second obviously contributes to rapid energy generation. The energy becomes important for the very much niche (and slightly… controversial? I’m not sure what the right word is for it, but there are some understandable hang ups about it) Quick Thinking. Since she can keep a relatively high energy level at most times it surprisingly adds a hefty contribution to her survival capability. To further add to this her relatively high armor attribute affects the drain rate of Quick Thinking meaning she won’t take as many catastrophic hits to her energy pool from the QT drain and her previously mention ways of getting her health back. As a side effect it’s important to mention that I’m able to “channel melee 24/7” as someone put it, not really that accurate, but I can channel for significant periods of time.


3.       Other Stuff

Her molt innately shed procs which actually syncs well with her kit and mitigates wear and tear from procs like Slash, Electricity, Fire, and Toxin. It also helps with things like Radiation, Puncture, and the very rare Corrosive proc (yeah that happens sometimes). Of course this doesn’t prevent things Blast or Magnetic procs, as well hard CC like Heavy Gunner knockdowns, ancient pulls etc, and that’s why I use hand spring, constitution is also useful but isn’t incorporated into my build. Molt also draws agro which can come to be useful in situations where you need a buffer against incoming fire power like reviving teammates or activating life support.  When it comes to damaging/softening up enemies Spore works great as it halves enemy health, Toxic Lash contributes to her melee damage, and means she can always deal Toxic procs and damage which bypass shields. Miasma is my least used ability when I play, but it can be used to deal damage and the brief CC it delivers has come in handy.

tl;dr I built her like a Brick **** House

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11 hours ago, Culaio said:

Main reason people dont play saryn is because she needs too much set up, since warframe is fast paced game, I am not saying her abilities are bad, its just that she is only very useful against very high level enemies and with changes to void there is no real reason to go for long runs. At lower levels I can kill all enemies with other frames before saryn finishes setting up, for example once while playing with saryn I didnt realize it was setting up its abilities so I killed EVERYTHING  in the area before saryn finished, then I realized what saryn was doing and felt awkward about the fact that I ruined all his effort...

That's because Saryn was designed to be powerful against enemies between level 70 to 140 at least. 
Under these levels, even an Hydroid can clean rooms before Saryn can stack poison stacks with Poison Weaponry / Melee with Toxic Lash and Spores. Basically, same happens with Ember, but they other way. Ember is one of the best DPS frames on Early game, but when enemies start getting stronger, she is not as useful as she was. So that's it. Spores can still deal with low level enemies, but some other warframes are faster. When enemies get stronger is when Saryn start to shine as a DPS frame.

Also, remember, Saryn is not only a DPS frame, she has debuffs and has extremelly high sustain against any type of enemies in the game and against any level. 

Edited by (PS4)BrutalReaper32
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I think, as is stated before, running with Saryn means you have to actually use your brain. Apart from being squishy, she's also an energy sink. It takes time, patience and paying attention to get the best out of her. Also, she's one of the few frames that needs a synergy with your weapon loadout. But if you have fine-tuned her and her loadout, she's more lethal then most frames out there. Working on her and reading up about her abillities and working out how best to use them has taught me much about a myriad of other WF peculiarities. 
Bottomline: you're not nearly half way there when you copy someone's mod setup. For instance, my setup assumes you run with an atterax or the telos boltace. Any other weapon decreases her toxic lash potential significantly. And I run with the Telos Boltor too, for that sweet gas AoE, which saves me from having to use Miasma. 

TL;DR: Saryn is all about synergy. Having just the mod setup won't do much to help you if you don't know what works how with other variables. Building a good Saryn takes time, effort and knowledge, and she's totally worth that.

Edited by ComCray
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3 hours ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

That's because Saryn was designed to be powerful against enemies between level 70 to 140 at least. 
Under these levels, even an Hydroid can clean rooms before Saryn can stack poison stacks with Poison Weaponry / Melee with Toxic Lash and Spores. Basically, same happens with Ember, but they other way. Ember is one of the best DPS frames on Early game, but when enemies start getting stronger, she is not as useful as she was. So that's it. Spores can still deal with low level enemies, but some other warframes are faster. When enemies get stronger is when Saryn start to shine as a DPS frame.

Also, remember, Saryn is not only a DPS frame, she has debuffs and has extremelly high sustain against any type of enemies in the game and against any level. 

I thought Saryn was a tank.

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46 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

I thought Saryn was a tank.

Well, you aren't too far away from her concept. She has a lot of sustain, it means that she can't run out of HP or Energy easily, even against leech or poison eximus units. (without even a support on her team) Which is really close to a tank, but not really a tank. At least for me, a tank is one of these characters that can face tank a lot of damage without having to worry about anything. Saryn in the other hand, can survive a lot without a support frame helping her, but the player need to do a lot of things to survive and keep fighting. (dodge, use the short CC of miasma, use molt as a short distraction, knock down enemies, kill VIP targets and disengage if things become too difficult in a certain moment). 
But that's it. Saryn is like a combination of Nova with an Inaros in terms of gameplay basically. (Not as tanky as an Inaros of course) but you get the idea, she deals damage and debuffs at the same time and she can survive a lot in high leve missions, but she needs to heal herself a lot and use all her kit in favor of killing and surviving.
As her CC is pretty small compared to other warframe, I say that Saryn if played in high level content or without a CC warframe helping her can be extremelly difficult, but really fun when you are a good player that doesn't need instakills or perma CC to succed in that level of content.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

Well, you aren't too far away from her concept. She has a lot of sustain, it means that she can't run out of HP or Energy easily, even against leech or poison eximus units. (without even a support on her team) Which is really close to a tank, but not really a tank. At least for me, a tank is one of these characters that can face tank a lot of damage without having to worry about anything. Saryn in the other hand, can survive a lot without a support frame helping her, but the player need to do a lot of things to survive and keep fighting. (dodge, use the short CC of miasma, use molt as a short distraction, knock down enemies, kill VIP targets and disengage if things become too difficult in a certain moment). 
But that's it. Saryn is like a combination of Nova with an Inaros in terms of gameplay basically. (Not as tanky as an Inaros of course) but you get the idea, she deals damage and debuffs at the same time and she can survive a lot in high leve missions, but she needs to heal herself a lot and use all her kit in favor of killing and surviving.
As her CC is pretty small compared to other warframe, I say that Saryn if played in high level content or without a CC warframe helping her can be extremelly difficult, but really fun when you are a good player that doesn't need instakills or perma CC to succed in that level of content.

I mean as I mentioned in my previous post I use her for sorties, rathuums, and long duration survivals on places like mot (often solo) and it's no trouble. But I built her like a Brick **** House so there is that.

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22 minutes ago, TermiteFrame said:

I mean as I mentioned in my previous post I use her for sorties, rathuums, and long duration survivals on places like mot (often solo) and it's no trouble. But I built her like a Brick **** House so there is that.

I do the same xD
I love to go full melee on endless rathuum guys.
Also, I agree that is not that hard to make her survive, but you need to play flawlessly against level 140+ and that's a good thing for me, since not everyone can be a Saryn master :s

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19 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:




I'm no Saryn expert, but I get a whole bunch of good use and fun out of her. Tricky, but she's good times. I use this build exactly, except instead of Overextended I have on Steel Fiber. I play her hybrid style, switching between ranged and melee as needed, though I usually gravitate more toward melee. The biggest habit I need to break is expending effort on damaging an enemy after I've used my powers on them, since the poison will do the work for me and by continuing to smack 'em I'm usually just making something redundant.

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No one uses her anymore because she was nerfed into the dirt. You now have to use a skill, spam a second, then finish off with a third to do what you use to be able to do with one button press.

Some people like to argue that she is better for long endless runs, but the destruction of the void removed any point to doing those kinds of runs. 

So in short, she no longer serves any real purpose.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)BrutalReaper32 said:

That's because Saryn was designed to be powerful against enemies between level 70 to 140 at least. 
Under these levels, even an Hydroid can clean rooms before Saryn can stack poison stacks with Poison Weaponry / Melee with Toxic Lash and Spores. Basically, same happens with Ember, but they other way. Ember is one of the best DPS frames on Early game, but when enemies start getting stronger, she is not as useful as she was. So that's it. Spores can still deal with low level enemies, but some other warframes are faster. When enemies get stronger is when Saryn start to shine as a DPS frame.

Also, remember, Saryn is not only a DPS frame, she has debuffs and has extremelly high sustain against any type of enemies in the game and against any level. 

Well thats the problem since there is currently no reason to stay that long, also once you reach point where pretty much only saryn can deal damage in team, other players in team will stop having fun(since they cant do anything anymore) so they want to leave, which makes bringing saryn meaningless, previously people would stay for additinal prime parts but its not something we can do anymore.

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