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Bladestorm rework feedback


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I'd change how marks get added and completely remove the cinematic. Ash can only mark enemies once by looking at them, but using abilities adds two marks and hitting with a melee weapon adds one per hit. To make up for the lost damage in stealth, Bladestorm now gets stealth multipliers so marking once will be more than enough for stealthy players. When Ash activates his 4, his clones run around to do the stabbing while he gets reduced threat for the duration. 

That would be an Ash worth playing. Fits the theme of being a stealthy assassin or a whirlwind of blades and death but still allows the player to retain control at all times.

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I say make put bs back the way it was but with two changes; one enimies that are marked red can be killed by other players and two if you don`t want to see the animation press four again and you run around while the clones kill things. So the animation is still there but you have a choice whether you want to watch the animation or not, that`s just common sense.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Vexx757 said:

I say make put bs back the way it was but with two changes; one enimies that are marked red can be killed by other players and two if you don`t want to see the animation press four again and you run around while the clones kill things. So the animation is still there but you have a choice whether you want to watch the animation or not, that`s just common sense.


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On 27/11/2016 at 6:06 AM, rudman88 said:

then who will pick him. I would pick excalibur instead.

Energy drain, no blind. You will need to smoke to make sure you are not dead on high levels


and 10 sec invi. How you going to rev ur team mates for such a short duration?

if you equip duration, you will reduce all other skils.


Technically the ash now is the most in the middle of nowhere frame.


invi it cant be compared to loki. Loki max duration can g

loki max duration 32 secs, ash is 22 secs


but loki do not need power str. Ash does.


in form of 4th skill,

Is much more trouble some than mesa.

Mesa press 4, hold left click and spin around ur camera


ASH press 4, spin aorund ur camera, each target 3 times, then press 4.


Comparing his 3rd skill and 4th skill

3rd skill max range 60 m

4th skill range only 50 m


Energy 25 - 3rd

energy 15 if non invi, 10 if invi.


the third skill will jump you over and perform finisher ( dmg depends on ur eq)

the 4th skill will do damage. ( can increase dmg by marking the target more than once)




any lvl 30 weapon, with dmg mod and 2 element + pressure point will exceed 300 dmg.

lowest finisher multiplier is at 1200% = 3600

This is the same damage that ash will need to do with 2 marking at 30 energy.


So gentleman, i now find his 4th skill is inferior to his 3rd skill, much more troublesome






Dude the problem with Ash and DE is that more than 50% of player base play with Ash instead of other Warframes... ASh would be a good choice such as Excal... By the way in 10 secs you can revive your team. I think you are *@##$ing too much... or you havent play the game enough.

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