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Just no pleasing us


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I been keeping up in the dozens of vacuum threads of complaints from vacuum becoming multiple mods to vacuum within, and now it's back to a single mod again ( which I personally like). I feel like it should be case closed at this point regarding vacuum. But I'm sure some will still find a reason to complain. It's one thing to not agree with certain aspects of the game but to get outright upset or angry over a GAME blows my mind. Get out some, get some fresh air, ride a bicycle or something. 

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)selfproclaimed said:

But I'm sure some will still find a reason to complain

Well some of us are still waiting for kubrow/kavats being able to vacuum loots.

Personally I'll keep my "all frames should have 5m vacuum" opinion, that's how I believe it should be.

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3 minutes ago, PoobahTheGrand said:

Bullseye. Just yesterday I read a post where the OP said carrier is more unbalanced than ever now. Too him, the Carrier having access to vacuum and having an ammo gimmick puts it " a nautical mile ahead of the competition. If they can even be called that anymore"

What actually puts Carrier Prime ahead of the rest is its survivability, nothing else.

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11 minutes ago, RoninJed said:

Yup this one hehe. I think the majority are happy with vacuum now...I know I am.

I honestly never cared for it, vacuum is nice and all but...it wasn't gonna kill the game for me if it got removed at some point. I'd be bugged a little but it would just cause me to use my other sentinels or my kubrow or kavat.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)selfproclaimed said:

But I am in no way upset over any of this stuff. 

Gosh, my head hurts...

If you are not being bothered about any of this, then why on earth did you create this thread in the first place?
I understand that it's frustrating when you have childish people just complaining and spreading BS around the board because of the changes.
but on the other hand it looks like so many people fail to understand that DE themselves asked for peoples feedback!
It's in the first freaking thread about the update!

If you are content with it, then good for you, but there are other people who are not, and that's why it's fine to express your feelings on the matter since DE themselves asked for it.

as long as people are being civil and constructive about it, I don't see why it's yours or anyone else's business if they want to express themselves or not.

and for the record, I was fine with the first version of it.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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14 minutes ago, Tuxie said:

Why would people still complain about Vacuum? They fixed it. That should've been the end of it.

I think it should be a universal passive for warframes, in this way you don't have yet another mandatory mod and you don't put pets in a disadvantage.

They didn't solve the problem at all, they actually just gave us even a bigger reason to use only Carrier over any other companion.

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People have different opinions of the different aspect of the game and if it is something they dislike then they are welcome to offer feedback on it, whether that is positive or negative, as long as it is constructive and respectful.

Telling people they shouldn't offer further feedback on something and that it should be "cased closed" because you feel its fine is not helpful when DE are looking for feedback on how they changed vacuum in the past and maybe how they could change it if they wanted to have another go at reworking it in the future.

While yes, some people can take things too far, but they will be dealt with appropriately by the Moderation team. If you see an offensive post, make sure to report it and it will be handled as soon as possible.

Feedback on all things is important to DE and the game as we all work hard to make this an awesome game with an awesome community. 

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