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Sentinel And Kurbrow/Kavat Combination!


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Well I'm probably not the first one to say this, but i still want to say it why dont we have 2 companions? 

The big issue for companions is that if you have a Kurbrow/Kavat you cant pick anything up or Medi-Ray.

And for sentinels is one death and its all over, besides most people prefer having a pet.

Whats really's bothering me is why can't we have both? Their abilities are different as they should be because they are different things.

Instead or making some weird vacuum for a pet just put both?

Anyway since i mostly play solo it would be kinda nice to have 2 companions.

Any Thoughts? Let me know on thread below!

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This would be terrible powercreep not to mention the fact that both sents and pets have access to a lot of the same mods or mods with very similar function. The fact that sents have things like medi-ray and vacuum should be pull factors that make people want to use sents over Kubrows/Kavats while the increased survivability, damage, and unique abilities should be pull factors for Kubrows/Kavats. They each have their own niche and I don't think there's any need to devalue that by allowing both to be equipped at once.

This argument seems to be almost entirely based on the fact that people want Vacuum for their pets which I don't personally think should ever happen but if nothing else DE has said isn't off the table so just give it time and see.

Edited by -Amaterasu-
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1. We only have 1 slot for either companion or sentinel. [ DE can change that if they want to]

2. It would be OP [ Sure..... >.> looks at scaling level of enemies]

3. Majority dislike this idea. [Warframe is set into stone, thus we can only have one sentinel / companion at a time. Because thats how it is in the first place]

4. It would be buggy [ Doubt it ]

But in all seriousness, it's unlikely to happen. Not that it's entirely a bad idea, but it's not gonna happen. Seems like the majority has disliked this idea in the past, because it would be too op.

Oh look at that post above. Nuff said.

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Maybe when you equip both it sort of "nerfs" the sentinel and pet pulling it down to a moderate level perhaps it could be a entire new concept instead of making our pets and sentinels we know together, there could be a new kind of companion that is a combination of the 2 like a tag team companion with reduced stats and only one loadout set but could equip both sentinel and kurbrow/kavat mods (btw new kind of companion i mean entirely like they are born/built together as team) It would fix the OP part but does any have a part 2 or edit? I still think its possible to come to a conclusion but sacrifices will have to be made.

Oh also once you combine two you cant combine either with any other companion for forma and reactor reasons. 

Even if they come up with an awesome solution for pets I still think it would be nice to still have two companions even if they aren't more powerful.

Edited by SlayerXV
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well it was mentioned by Steve that he was thinking/toying around with a MOA pet.  This would probably be the closest thing to a combination between the two that I can see?  Other than that it's a idea that's been thought/brought up before :).


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I wouldn't mind seeing the option to run with more than one kubrow/kavat (same type if necessary for AI simplicity) as they're pack animals in the wild (in the game universe anyway).  I'm not sure about mixing sentinel and pet because that might cause issues with loadouts as said and would likely be a pain to code the AI for.

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Isn't bad enough how much Warframe has already derailed for the past few months?

Back when I joined it was a game about biotech weapons wrecking havoc with parkur and a huge set of guns.
Now it's James Cameron's Avatar with more magic, pets and non-stop twist of abstract bullS#&$. clumbsy gimmicks with made up names. And don't forget magic.

Edited by Duduminador
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