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Why Are Index Mods Hidden With '?'


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Hoi Tenno, 

I'm here to ask that the mods you pick up from the Index when you kill a broker to be visible and not hidden behind a big fat ? sign. here's a perfectly logical reason why: 

The whole hidden item started with void SAB. if you get the 3rd cache, you'd get another prime part. I don't remember this exactly, but some people only open the 3rd cache, if it didn't have the part they want, they'd restart.....it doesn't matter if that's what exactly happened, I'm just making a point.

Then this trend continued with the acolyte mods. people would find the acolyte and kill it, they'll get a mod from them, if they already have that mod then they'll quit and start again

This is also the case with the Kela de thaym mods. if you kill her and pick up the mod and see that you already have it, then you just quit and start over 

In all of these cases, adding the hidden item/mod was reasonable and necessary for 1 reason: 

they are non-endless! 

The Index is a endless-ish game mode. you can just keep killing the brokers and not bank the points. then why are the mods you pick up are hidden? it's not like if I don't get the mod I want, I'll quit and start again. I can just keep going until I get it, or when enemies get harder (yeah right) or when I just get tired and wanna leave. when these mods get moved to the future nef anyo boss fight, then they can be hidden, since assassination missions are non-endless

it's basically like hiding the rewards you get from survival mission for example, or EXCAV, or DEF. maybe I'll get that AXI G1 at 20, maybe at 40. but I have to stay for like 60min since I don't even know if I got what I want 

TL;DR: Index is an endless game mode. so hiding the mods dropped from brokers isn't necessary, since even if you didn't get the mod you want, you can keep going until you do get it. If there's a whole reasonable point behind this then please, someone tell me. it seems DE just made a habit of hiding every single event mod you get from an event mission ever since the acolyte exploit 

Thank You 

Edited by GinKenshin
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You can only get the third sabotage cache by opening all three caches.

Anyone that kills Kela, gets the wrong mod and QUITS rather than running the one room to the exit after that whole fight is a moron. I'm sorry, but it's true.

While hiding the mods in Index may be pointless, I find it actually makes me look forward to seeing WHAT they are, a bit like opening presents on your birthday.

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Rathuum have only one executioner who can drop mods directly (more like mod, because he literally can only drop Silent Battery). And guess what, it also appears as "?" symbol after picking it up. It makes no sense even more than in Index, but I guess DE are just copypasting their code from Acolyte event.

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1 minute ago, taiiat said:

you explained exactly why the Mods are hidden. it's to prevent possible Mission Quitting abuse.

you don't need to know what Mods you got if you're going to continue playing anyways, sooooo.

It's pointless to quit in endless mission. In the old cases, it's 1 mission and 1 item. Now it's 1 mission and a lot if mods. A lot of chances of mods.....if you quit then tbh, that's just crazy 


I do need to know. What if I got already got it in the first 5 min and I stay for like 30 min. I know I'm suppose to have fun playing the game, but I can have fun if I got it quickly and do something else. Like I said, there's no point

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3 minutes ago, low1991 said:

For Index event. You could press 'P' can see those '?' identified mods.

I don't think DE is that stupid, i didn't try it, but even if it was true, it'll be fixed. And if that was true, then why make them visible and be done with it 

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28 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

I don't think DE is that stupid, i didn't try it, but even if it was true, it'll be fixed. And if that was true, then why make them visible and be done with it 

This reminds me of the old alert, where rewards of alerts are '?', but on forum' trackers/ WF tracker, it shows the actual reward, not ?

Where DE, afterwards, reveal '?' alert rewards in-game.

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1 hour ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

You can only get the third sabotage cache by opening all three caches.

Anyone that kills Kela, gets the wrong mod and QUITS rather than running the one room to the exit after that whole fight is a moron. I'm sorry, but it's true.

While hiding the mods in Index may be pointless, I find it actually makes me look forward to seeing WHAT they are, a bit like opening presents on your birthday.

Except that if you bring up the score screen you can see what they are, which sort of defeats the purpose of hiding them to begin with.

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It's a stupid fad DE started quite long ago to add +100% to the dissapointment when you finish the mission and see that you, again, didn't get what you wanted. Ofc since you can bring up the mission screen now during mission it's completely pointless now and I am guessing they just forgot about it.

Edited by Momo93
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You made the mistake of thinking the Index is an endless mission.

Traits of an endless mission:

  1. They have some form of "time."
  2. At every designated "time" interval the mission gives you a reward, guaranteed.
  3. As "time" increase so does enemy scaling.
  4. There is a minimum "time" that must be achieved for players to get the option to extract.
  5. There is no maximum "time" that forces the player to extract.

If a mission does not have all of these traits it is not an endless mission.

In regards to those points, the Index:

  1. Have "time" in the form of Index Points.
  2. Doesn't have designated "time" intervals.
  3. Only the Endurance Run have enemy scaling.
  4. There is no minimum that gives the option to extract.
  5. It has a maximum that forces player to extract.

Because the Index doesn't have failed 3 of the 5 traits it is not an endless mission.

Edited by NekroArts
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1 minute ago, NekroArts said:

You made the mistake of thinking the Index is an endless mission.

Traits of an endless mission:

  1. They have some form of "time."
  2. At every designated "time" interval the mission gives you a reward, guaranteed.
  3. As "time" increase so does enemy scaling.
  4. There is a minimum "time" that must be achieved for players to get the option to extract.
  5. There is no maximum "time" that forces the player to extract.

If a mission does not have all of these traits it is not an endless mission.

In regards to those points, the Index:

  1. Have "time" in the form of Index Points.
  2. Doesn't have designated "time" intervals.
  3. Only the Endurance Run have enemy scaling.
  4. There is no minimum that gives the option to extract.
  5. It has a maximum that forces player to extract.

Because the Index doesn't have 3 of the 5 traits it is not an endless mission.

ok, let me correct myself: 


all good now? no matter how you look at it, you can just not bank the points and keep killing the enemies, that is endless. you can always leave by banking all the points you collected. there is no 1 reward per mission that makes us leave when we don't get the reward we want. there's no logical reason behind this >__> 

just answer 1 question for me: 

if you play the index normally by banking any point you get, and the mods ARE visible, and you didn't get the mod you want, would you quit and start over? or would you continue for MORE chance at that mod? this is my topic, I don't care about 'what's an endless mission'

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2 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

ok, let me correct myself: 


all good now? no matter how you look at it, you can just not bank the points and keep killing the enemies, that is endless. you can always leave by banking all the points you collected. there is no 1 reward per mission that makes us leave when we don't get the reward we want. there's no logical reason behind this >__> 

just answer 1 question for me: 

if you play the index normally by banking any point you get, and the mods ARE visible, and you didn't get the mod you want, would you quit and start over? or would you continue for MORE chance at that mod? this is my topic, I don't care about 'what's an endless mission'

You falsely believe the Index is endless because you're allowed to stay in the mission by not banking; I can make that same claim with sabotage, mobile defense, and spy.

I would extract and start over. There is no "more chance" if you continue, the RNG on those mods are static; the chances of getting Shield Charger on my first-short run will still be the same as my second-long run.

Knowing what's endless and what's not is needed to understand why the '?' exist in spy and sabotage and not in survival, defense, excavation, and interception.

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23 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

You falsely believe the Index is endless because you're allowed to stay in the mission by not banking; I can make that same claim with sabotage, mobile defense, and spy.

I would extract and start over. There is no "more chance" if you continue, the RNG on those mods are static; the chances of getting Shield Charger on my first-short run will still be the same as my second-long run.

Knowing what's endless and what's not is needed to understand why the '?' exist in spy and sabotage and not in survival, defense, excavation, and interception.

I don't think you understand mate. it's true I can stay in SAB or SPY, but I will still get 1 reward (3 of spy, you get what I mean). staying for 1 hour or 5min doesn't change anything if I complete the mission. it's all the same, yes 

RNG is RNG. you argument doesn't make any sense. if that's true, then why do you stay past 20min/wave or 400 cyortic. I know the RNG is the same, but I'll get more chance. why is that hard to get? 

if I CHOOSE to stay and I'll get more rewards from staying, that's endless 

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27 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

I don't think you understand mate. it's true I can stay in SAB or SPY, but I will still get 1 reward (3 of spy, you get what I mean). staying for 1 hour or 5min doesn't change anything if I complete the mission. it's all the same, yes 

RNG is RNG. you argument doesn't make any sense. if that's true, then why do you stay past 20min/wave or 400 cyortic. I know the RNG is the same, but I'll get more chance. why is that hard to get? 

Endless mission has a reward rotation the Index doesn't, hence my 2nd point.

That "more chance" is really more time. Staying 1 hour in the index is the same as completing the Index 6 times, 10 minutes each.

27 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

if I CHOOSE to stay and I'll get more rewards from staying, that's endless 

That's your definition of endless not the game's that's why the '?' doesn't exist in endless.

Regarding my claim with sabotage, MD, and spy I can get more rewards by killing and enemies will continue to spawn as long as the alarms are on.

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