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[Spoilers] The War Within Bad Game Design


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The War Within is such a mess. So many bugreports from so many players. And to top that all of: The Mission where you are seperated from your Warframe? Even if it wasn't such a bugfest with doors not opening and strange instant kills by my sentinel...The Idea to escape a collapsing ship as the operator instead of the Warframe is nice and all, but the execution of the steam obstacles + your sentinel attacking you + the time limit is so player hostile. Have any other player had similiar experiences with the new quests?

Edited by TheZerberus
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1 minute ago, TheZerberus said:

1. No, bugs are not bad Gamedesign, they are lousy work. 2. Bad gamedesign wasn't directed to the bugs, it was directed to the bad gamedesign.

You didn't actually mention anything else, unless you are counting the "player hostile" thing, but the world is supposed to be hostile to a player in a PvE game.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

You didn't actually mention anything else, unless you are counting the "player hostile" thing, but the world is supposed to be hostile to a player in a PvE game.

There is a inherit difference between "difficult" and "player hostile".

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It's bad design from before it even began.

Warframe is a game about space ninjas. Fast active combat, flipping and shooting and stabbing. It's fun and that's what brought a lot of people in. And yet they keep making us do crap that isn't any of that. Archwing is a different game. Figuring out secret button combos in random Lua rooms is a different game.  Why is that crap in a space ninja game? 

The only thing I can think of is that they're so arrogant that they can't conceive of saying "no" to an idea. Like they thought of it so obviously everyone will want to do it. But then we don't want to... so they make it mandatory.

I don't want to search for random rooms and trial and error my way through whatever secret they thought was so awesome I needed to experience it. Maybe others find that fun, but to me it's a chore and I don't play games for chores. Archwing is the same way. And I know a lot of people dislike the hacker minigames, which is why ciphers are needed to skip those.

Basically DE, you made a good game. And then you keep blocking it with other games that aren't as good, and dumping people in missions with no idea what to do because it makes you feel clever. Stop it.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

care to explain?

Difficulty is there to challenge you. You see, die learn, get better, die again, get better, succeed. You get more skill and get rewarded with progression. Player hostile just fucks you over and over again, without you having any influence on the outcome. Good example the mentioned mission: You can not control the flwo of the steam leaks, you can not escape or even reliable dodge/evade the sentinal based on waht the game taught you to this point and what would be logical, and the time limit is not justified in a situation, where there is not real possibility in getting better and upgrading your pathing through the obstacles, besides from getting lucky the steam and sentinel don't stunlock you.

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I don't know about bad design. That gets thrown around way to often.

But I know I can't finish this quest.

Because I don't play games like Alien: Isolation for a reason. But as far as I saw others playing it, even that game, centered on things like this Golden Maw phase of the quest, gives you way more room for error.

This one just kills me time and time again. To the point of not caring not only about death in the game, but about the game as a whole. I can't stop the quest and forget that it happened. I can't even exit the game without using Alt+f4.

Basically, I'm baffled at the thought process that led to those design decisions.

Edited by Flirk2
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Just for the note: i actually think the mission on the mountain and teh Archwing part in TWW were ac´tually very good design (from that strange bug, that the 5 button would sometimes not work on the maw). They were different from the other gameplay in a fun way and they were not RNg dependend, you saw the stuff, learned to avoid it and got through it. The boss in the end was a bit weak I think.

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2 hours ago, TheZerberus said:

Archwing part in TWW were ac´tually very good design

Being insta-killed by a security beam because 1 nano-meter of your 'Frame / Archwing wasn't precisely behind a cargo ship with a hitbox that's larger than the actual model and pushes you away from the cover you need to survive is not, arguably, very good game design. That is what I call a poor, player-unfriendly, design choice. I burned through 3 revives attempting to progress and figure out what went wrong and then ultimately said "Screw it - I'm done." and deactived the quest.

This section of the quest at least is extremely unforgiving and a progression-stopper for me - and possibly others as well. It killed all the good feelings I had about TWW up to that point. I was really looking forward to progressing with the storyline, learning more lore, grabbing some neat gear, and enjoying the fruits of the dev's labors.

Thanks DE, after months of anxiously waiting, I don't want to play the quest you worked so hard on anymore.

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Quest is easy as hell. I only died once with the arcwing part before figuring out what to do.

This quest and people complaining about it is the symtom that Warframe's original contents are so god damn easy you can just turn off your brain and finish everything, and people are too used to having their brain turned off.


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Its funny reading how much everyone complains yet no one takes into consideration....number 1 its a BETA game people...its going to have bugs that is why it is in Beta its not a finished game, number 2 the quest came out like 6 hours ago and your all on here whining that the new quest has bugs and glitches...what do you expect perfection at the get go? its not gunna happen bugs will appear even out of the best made games....instead of crying...report the bugs and they'll be fixed, there's also that thing on if you cant and dont like the game that much...then quit? no one is forcing you to stay.

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31 minutes ago, Silvanous said:

Its funny reading how much everyone complains yet no one takes into consideration....number 1 its a BETA game people...its going to have bugs that is why it is in Beta its not a finished game, number 2 the quest came out like 6 hours ago and your all on here whining that the new quest has bugs and glitches...what do you expect perfection at the get go? its not gunna happen bugs will appear even out of the best made games....instead of crying...report the bugs and they'll be fixed, there's also that thing on if you cant and dont like the game that much...then quit? no one is forcing you to stay.

I agree with everything you said except for the "Beta" part.

You did leave out one notable fact. The game is free. I mention this only because I've noticed the recent trend of Triple A games having numerous game effecting bugs. These are games that players have paid good sums of money for and still get shot to hell products.

Taking that into consideration, DE is doing a damn good job of giving us a fine product. It might have some glitches sometimes, but they also try to fix them fairly quickly.  All this at no cost to us. 

Just giving something to think about fellow Tenno.  This isn't meant to insult anyone or their opinions.  :D

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