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Help my tonkor is too broken now


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The first two I got were utter crap for weapons I'll never touch again, but I got a decent Braton one from today's sortie that could work it's way into my 6 forma Prime at some point. Though, I may re-roll it until it is damage and crit chance/damage.

But, I'm not going to do anything beyond hang on to the ones I get for weapons I care about for quite a while. This is too broken for them not to backpedal on in some way, and I'm not going to waste my time on it until that happens.

Seriously, I don't know what they were thinking here, and as someone else said this will be difficult for them to nerf without massive backlash.

Either this was horribly not thought out on their part, or they just tossed all hope of weapon balance out of the window intentionally. 

7 minutes ago, mstriker said:

a) nerf already op weapons so they are in line with normal ones and riven mods dont create such gap

Oh wow, that would p1ss people off right there. That would mean to get to the levels of damage people are already used to on their favorite weapons, they would be required to deal with the punishing RNG that are the Riven mods.

At least as they currently stand, no matter how broken they are, they are just fun overkill collectibles for vets. Making them part of the weapon balance for everyone would make the rage from Vacuum look adorable by comparison.


Edited by Dizzle22
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Ok I haven't finished the Quest, but I allready figured we would get new weapons and a new system.

What enemies require this? Seems beyond unneccecary unless the Sentient armada roll in soon, and they will require this level to kill.

Why did DE do this?

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Its pretty funny, im cool with power creep in new weapons when they arent giant leaps like these mods have been. This is insane, I hope to see some official word on this soon. Power creep like this is not ok. This pretty much confirms that damage 3.0 is going to happen. 

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Shrug, doesn't really matter post end game the tonker still 1 shot without it so unless your going for a 6 hour survival or something. However my Karak riven mod just allowed me to justify using it in sorties.

Edited by Fast_98
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1 hour ago, oshunter124 said:

Its restricted to 1 per weapon.

Too bad, really.

I mean, if you're killing the balance, might as well do it with a 10,000 RPM chainsaw and laugh while the gibs fly. 

Imagine fitting all 8 slots with mods like this.

+1600% Damage, nearly +1200% Crit Damage... Oh, and probably negative/infinite ammo, since -192% Ammo Max also applies. Then go to some Mercury mission as a Roar Rhino in a team with Eclipse Mirage, Banshee and Volt, find a level 1 Lancer, apply the buffs, stack Sonar and shoot it through as many stacked Volt's shields as you can. And watch the game melt your GPU trying to calculate what happened to the body and how should PhysX react. 

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2 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

Too bad, really.

I mean, if you're killing the balance, might as well do it with a 10,000 RPM chainsaw and laugh while the gibs fly. 

Imagine fitting all 8 slots with mods like this.

+1600% Damage, nearly +1200% Crit Damage... Oh, and probably negative/infinite ammo, since -192% Ammo Max also applies. Then go to some Mercury mission as a Roar Rhino in a team with Eclipse Mirage, Banshee and Volt, find a level 1 Lancer, apply the buffs, stack Sonar and shoot it through as many stacked Volt's shields as you can. And watch the game melt your GPU trying to calculate what happened to the body and how should PhysX react. 

Jesus @(*()$ christ. I understand that people love to break the game and all but these are purely for testing and diversifying.

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5 hours ago, SpeedOfLightPuncher said:

And then people say that Riven mods are supposed to help bad weapons

It is also scary that you are able to get even better mods for OP weapons 

OP weapons will remain OP with their riven mods, yes. But they are already 1-2 shotting sortie level enemies and they will continue 1-2 shot them with riven mods. Most of the damage the mods give to these weapons will be overkill and useless. But less popular and powerful weapons will get closer to the level of OP weapons that are not using riven mods, so they become more viable.

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1 hour ago, Vilmu said:

OP weapons will remain OP with their riven mods, yes. But they are already 1-2 shotting sortie level enemies and they will continue 1-2 shot them with riven mods. Most of the damage the mods give to these weapons will be overkill and useless. But less popular and powerful weapons will get closer to the level of OP weapons that are not using riven mods, so they become more viable.

This precisely.

ogris time. :3

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... Which is precisely why De should have restricted Riven mods to average weapons, or at least avoid pushing things like Tigris, Tonkor and Simulor even further... Plus put guidelines and limitations on individual stats (like never more than 60% increased damage / 60% increased crit chance / 60% increased crit damage or something)... Or at least ensure that pluses would always be offset by a signifcant penality... Like two crit mods always go with a negation of status, a huge elemental damage increase goes with a diminution of base damage, you get what i'm saying.


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5 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


I may be interested if you're selling, I'm a frequent Penta user.

it's a +5.4% reload speed, +9.5% electricity, +8.8% toxin,  and -7.6% multishot. unranked. Not sure if that sounds appealing at all. How would a duel elemental mod work? would the elements auto fuse? would they stay separate? nvm they auto fuse to corrosive.

Edited by Implodingbanana
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