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How would you feel about a Nova rework?


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I would like to see her first ability reworked. But that's about it.
Her ult or fourth ability, used to steal kills, which made it look like Nova did all the kills and made it look like anyone else in the party, didn't contribute.
It also used to have a very big range, since it could affect the current room and nearby rooms (assuming the rooms are decently big). 
Now she's in a good place.

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1 hour ago, Buzkyl said:

Don't even get to nullifers as they not only affect MP but all other abilities in the game. Even then all you need to do is shoot the bubble down before the wave hit s and the nullifer will be affected.

But the bombard or the Copus tech inside the bubble isn't affected also.

Edited by TheMuslimGamerGB
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The problem here is that DE's most recent decision was to give up on game balance altogether and just put it wholly into the hands of RNG. Riven mods for Rifles came out, and DE said that it was to make less popular/underperforming weapons more attractive...while releasing Riven mods which give +100% Damage and +100 Crit Chance, -60% Status Chance to the Soma.


Then they modded that system with Riven Disposition which made all of those hideously overpowered mods for top tier meta weapons...slightly less hideous. Now, make no mistake, Shotgun, Secondary, and Melee Riven mods are definitely coming. I understand that the devs made a statement that there will not be Riven mods for Warframes, and I do believe them. I eagerly anticipate the release of Roven and Raven mods for Warframes, however, because they're certainly coming along too.




So, what I'm getting at here is that y'all should stop worrying. Game balance is going out the window anyway.

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3 hours ago, Ailissa said:

Which a vocal group are trying to get nerfed, reworked and "balanced" to give everything an equal standing which would in turn get rid of the most original concept that makes it stand out the most.


Not all things are created equal, not all things are special and when things are equal they are similar and boring.


The vocal group get their way and that's the direction it will go.


As you also missed the point I was trying to make, which I thought was painfully obvious, it's that group I want to shut up.

But Warframe abilites are not all the same. But there are cleary Warframes whose abilites are too bad and there are frames whose abilites are too good. As you yourself said, not everything is equal. But if Tentacle Swarm and Blade Storm did the same damage, would they be the same? Of course not. They are fundementaly different. They would be equal, but not the same.

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On 11/28/2016 at 10:57 AM, Misgenesis said:

Nova does need a rework. Her 1 is useless, 3 is pointless.

AMDrop is a instant kill button and needs to go. MPrime was NEVER balanced and shouldnt exist in a game with emphasis on killing hordes.

In conclusion, 2 outdated useless abilities and 2 trivializing ones. A one trick pony if you will.

Her 1 is the only one that is bad, but not every skill needs to be good. I would rather have a bad skill than risk DE ruining her like they did with all the other frames they reworked (other than Frost, who somehow dodged (snow-globed?) a bullet).

We all know MP would not make it out of a rework intact, and I don't want to have to manually target everything I want to MP ala Bladestorm (R.I.P.).. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Her 1 is the only one that is bad, but not every skill needs to be good. I would rather have a bad skill than risk DE ruining her like they did with all the other frames they reworked (other than Frost, who somehow dodged (snow-globed?) a bullet).

We all know MP would not make it out of a rework intact, and I don't want to have to manually target everything I want to MP ala Bladestorm (R.I.P.).. 

...Every rework they've done has been a massive and fun improvement. Bladestorm was too easy before. It required no effort. Now, it requires you to use half a neuron to look around before you murder everything just like before.

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Although i understand that some players take issue with some frames abilities i have to say that, at the moment, there are other frames that should be first in line for a rework... Nova as already been reworked more than once since her release, while there are frames that never received any attention in terms of balancing or reworks. Eventually she'll be revisited but there are others that need to come first (Oberon, Hydroid, Limbo, Banshee, etc).

In the grand scheme of things Nova is perfectly fine in my honest opinion.

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1 minute ago, Cradicias said:

...Every rework they've done has been a massive and fun improvement. Bladestorm was too easy before. It required no effort. Now, it requires you to use half a neuron to look around before you murder everything just like before.

You're free to your own opinion, but I don't think you actually believe that/played as Ash. The only people that I have seen that are happy about the nerf are people that couldn't get kills when Ash was in their party. Nothing about the ash rework was an improvement. All the problems with BS that needed fixed, are still there. The skill is just far more tedious now.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

You're free to your own opinion, but I don't think you actually believe that/played as Ash. The only people that I have seen that are happy about the nerf are people that couldn't get kills when Ash was in their party. Nothing about the ash rework was an improvement. All the problems with BS that needed fixed, are still there. The skill is just far more tedious now.

I actually have played Ash. I mained him in Closed Beta and for a good time after that. The rework actually got me to play him again and I've enjoyed it thus far. I like being able to control who I target instead of it being random. I like being able to cast Smokescreen without having to break my stride or while in the air and to be able to teleport to anything with a health bar. None of what they did to Ash was bad.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Then why don't you know that Ash used to be able to freely teleport and so this change is still a downgrade of that?


Wait, freely teleport? Like Itzal's Blink? And you _wonder_ why they nerfed it?

Hm, yes, I can't POSSIBLY imagine why.


*sips tea*

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Considering bullet jumping exists . . . 

Considering bullet jump exists what exactly?

You're telling me you're capable of bullet jumping across an entire tileset in about 3 clicks of a button, yes?

Teach me your secrets, senpai.

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6 minutes ago, Synville said:

Considering bullet jump exists what exactly?

You're telling me you're capable of bullet jumping across an entire tileset in about 3 clicks of a button, yes?

Teach me your secrets, senpai.

Sprint, hold slide, jump, keep holding aim, air roll, keep holding aim, and tap air kick. It might not be 3 clicks, but it is basically just as quick. Plus, it lowers enemy accuracy.

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36 minutes ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Then why don't you know that Ash used to be able to freely teleport and so this change is still a downgrade of that?


...Ash only used to be able to teleport to Allies and Enemies, now he can teleport to ANYTHING with a health bar (Defense targets, companions, gun turrets, etc.)

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1 minute ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Sprint, hold slide, jump, keep holding aim, air roll, keep holding aim, and tap air kick. It might not be 3 clicks, but it is basically just as quick. Plus, it lowers enemy accuracy.

Okay, so, aside from me asking for a lesson being BEYOND sarcastic, allow me to explain.

1: None of what you described is instant like Ash's old Teleport or Itzal's current Blink

2: That still takes a hek-load more effort than simply pressing ONE button.

3: While what you're describing there does make you fast (trust me, I do it) old Ash's Teleport and Itzal's blink make you a speed running maniac, and trivializes literally anything about any tileset DE will ever make, so I genuinely don't see why you're so against his current teleport considering his old one was simply and outright bad for the game as a whole.

But then, I'm an advocate for fun over balance and condemn & despise the words "nerfing is necessary," so obviously I should be cast to the ninth ring of Dante's Inferno for even talking on the forums about this sort of stuff.

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As an avid Nova player, I personally feel like she's playing well enough as is, especially after they reworked her ultimate. Her 1st plus Null Star does what it needs to, her 2nd is absolutely devastating as it should be, as long as you pump enough into it of course, her 3rd makes travel a breeze, and her 4th can either save you in a pinch,hurry things along if the enemies aren't fast enough, or just is generally fun for making things go boom. Why change what doesn't need to change?

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Don't dare changing my Nova!

No, to be honest I would be fine with some change in her abilities such a giving them a bit of synergy. But aside from that I don't see her needing much of a rework. My only issue would be her portal that can be an annoyance and is pretty sight obstructive.

I consider most reworks has improvement from the original although Excalibur got nerfed a bit to hard afterward in my opinion and Saryn only prove useful against very high level enemies. Ash is just a lot funnier to play now, and I used to hate this frame. Next should be Oberon, Limbo, Banshee and Zephyr imo.

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14 minutes ago, Synville said:

so I genuinely don't see why you're so against his current teleport considering his old one was simply and outright bad for the game as a whole.

Because a Free teleport would help make up for hit to survivability Ash took with the BS nerf. 

4 minutes ago, Neofaucheur said:

such a giving them a bit of synergy

No, DE doesn't understand that synergy should make things greater than the sum of their parts. Instead, they make one skill required for the other to be useful at all. 

Every frame they reworked, besides Frost, has gotten worse.  Like you said, they made Excal really fun, but then nerfed that too.

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