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Something Big is coming


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Now this is just a theory,  but I have been thinking that since the release of the Nekros Prime pack, most Notably the addition of Galatine Prime, Tigris Prime, two weapons that are beasts, doing ton's of damage and are just pure gravy to have in any inventory.  

An now that we have access to the riven mods, which, depending on how well you roll, you can get some pretty sick stat increase of what ever rifle you decided to slot in upon.

Now this got me to thinking, is this part of D.E way of preparing us the players for a future content update, in which we are going to be facing something Bigger and Badder then we have ever faced before, are we going to be seeing something that requires us to up our game and get ready for a fight with higher stakes.

Do the Dev's have plans to start another War or maybe have us face off against the Sentient in a way that up until now, have been happy keeping themselves on the moon. 

Is  Hunhow going to cross the void or maybe he's going to send another one of his family member to over see and complete the mission that  Natah\The Lotus refused to do and wipe out the Tenno.


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If DE locks gameplay with rivens, I will probably quit or burn down the forums. Rivens are a terrible excuse for content, and I don't understand the point of it if it only produces power creep mentality. Sure, you might get a gorgon mod, but you don't all of a sudden dump 5-6 forma into it and not use any other weapon. You might go "ooo that looks good", forma it out, play a few missions and just end up at good ol soma. 

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I hope by big you mean Bard frame. HYPE! 

(seriously though, I need the bard in my life. I already main him on LoL. I need more bards)


There's also the infested frame, and whatever they had planned for that infested door. And they said something about dark sectors and dojo upgrades. (Probably all things veterans don't care in the slightest about. Cus seriously, who spends all their game play time in the dojo for anything other than trading when you've already mastered all the things in the research labs) 

If I was to beg them for something big.. I want a nef anyo 4 man raid, to replace The Sargent with since he was supposed to be a place holder anyway. Something super hard, long, and another way to get arcanes other than 8man missions. 

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That's called power creep - a common occurance in games with power progression (level-up system is usually the first sympthom).

Power creep reffers to increase of the gap in power between older and newer gear/content.

Power creep is not necesserily bad, it becomes bad when it renders older gear useless and worthless diminishing the work that players put into it. But as far as i'm concerned - that's not the case in Warframe. Your old default tigris is still just as viable, so is default paris. Yes it takes 1-2 more shots to kill the same enemy, but that's not an issue.

It would become an issue if it would take 10 more.

And i doubt it's indication of anything, just a bonus reason for people to actully farm/buy and build the things.

Edited by Artek94
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58 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

That's called power creep - a common occurance in games with power progression

Power creep is not necesserily bad, it becomes bad when it renders older gear useless and worthless diminishing the work that players put into it. But as far as i'm concerned - that's not the case in Warframe. .

My Kohm is basically worthless, but my TP does like 20k slash damage and has over 95% status chance.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

My Kohm is basically worthless, but my TP does like 20k slash damage and has over 95% status chance.

Tigris is a one-shot shotgun, Kohm is full auto. It's quiet viable if moded for fire rate and status. The only change it badly needs however is to consume rifle ammo instead of a shotgun.

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7 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

Tigris is a one-shot shotgun, Kohm is full auto. It's quiet viable if moded for fire rate and status. The only change it badly needs however is to consume rifle ammo instead of a shotgun.

Kohm used to be one of the best weapons in the game. Now it is garbage because it blows its entire load of ammo near instantly. TP on the other hand, has ridiculous stats and is ridiculously ammo efficient.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Kohm used to be one of the best weapons in the game. Now it is garbage because it blows its entire load of ammo near instantly.

So is every full-auto assault rifle ever. Especially quick ones like Grakata.

You are basically saying that Kohm is bad because it doesn't work like a shotgun (one shot, much hurt). If you'll treat kohm like some sort of assault rifle / machine gun then it's not that bad.

But as i said: because Kohm uses shotgun ammo - it completely diminishes all the advantages because no way you are refilling that 700 ammo pool at any sort of acceptable rate. Once you run out of ammo - that's it.

I'd guess they implied for Kohm to be a rush-weapon when you want to complete the mission faster than you run out of ammo, but i doubt it since it does not sound wise at all.

Kohm's past and nerfs and changes that followed are a subject of another topic, not power creep. 

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

No. My Soma P is very ammo efficient. Also, look up how the ammo works on it.


I know how it works and i'm telling from my experience: kohm does (mostly) well, it just needs to use different ammo source that is easier to refill. When even primed ammo transmutation does not solve the issue - then its a good sign something is wrong.

Kohm uses ammo like a machine gun, yet it refills it with the speed of a shotgun. That's conflicting mechanics.

Oposite example: You know what weapon in the game has godly ammo efficiency? Opticor. Shoots like a cannon, uses assault rifle ammo instead. It's IMLOSSIBLE to run out of ammo with this thing.

What i'm trying to get to you is: shotgun ammo pack drops rarer than pistol or assault rifle ammo and restores 10 instead of theirs 20. So if Kohm would use assault rifle ammo instead - it would be much easier to refill lost ammo. Ammo transmutation would also become more efficient.

If you are talking about damage per bullet that's a different topic. If you feel that Kohm is underpowered (which he probably is) that's also a different topic.

If you think that Kohm is in the lowest weapon thier thats power creep, but acceptable one like MK Braton or Lato. Then again SHOULD Kohm be a low-tier? Thats... a different topic.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Like I said, look up how it uses ammo. No automatic rifle functions in that way, and least none that I am aware of. Making it rifle ammo would not fix the issue.

Why do you ignore the rest 99% of my posts?

I uses a LOT of ammo. That's what i refer to as "like a machine gun". A metaphor.

And then, above that, it has issues with reffilling it. Because it uses shotgun ammo - THE 2nd worst ammo efficient ammo type after sniper rifle / bow ammo.

Combine the two and you get a weapon that becomes dead once you run out of ammo. It does what it can and then just dies because you are never getting that 900 of shotgun ammo back without side-help and in acceptable amount of time.

I honestly don't know if you are trolling me, if you don't read / don't understand my posts or if i'm just this bad at explaining myself.

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18 minutes ago, Artek94 said:

"like a machine gun". A metaphor.

Actually, that would be a simile.

It's you. Do you even know that at full rev every single shot takes something like 12 ammo? I don't mean that "like a machine gun" it fires fast and so ammo is used up quickly. I mean it literally uses like 12 ammo for every shot. Imagine if the Soma P only had 200 ammo, and if you held the trigger down, it would use 12 of those 200 ammo for every bullet it fired.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Actually, that would be a simile.

It's you. Do you even know that at full rev every single shot takes something like 12 ammo? I don't meant that "like a machine gun" it fires fast and so ammo is used up quickly. I mean it literally uses like 12 ammo for ever shot. Imagine if the Soma P only had 200 ammo, and if you held the trigger down, it would use 12 of those for every bullet it fired.

Soma maybe shoots only 1 bullet but shoots 15 of them per second. 

Kohm shoots 12 per shot but makes 3.7 shots per second. Round that to 4 and we are getting ~48 bullets per second. So about x3 worse ammo economy of soma prime.

Yes its a terrible ammo economy, objectively. That's why i believe that DE probably implied ammo transmutation mods to be used for kohm at all times. But feeding kohm with shotgun ammo is an overkill. Not to mention that the damage could get a slight buff too.

The question is: was it implied by DE to be that way or it's a left over after all the nerfs and DE simply forgot that Kohm exists? Maybe. Maybe we should post a new topic about it.

Anyway: i'm done with this. We - you and i - pretty much hijacked and derailed the thread and i don't like that at all.

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4 minutes ago, Artek94 said:


Look, I don't recall all the actual numbers for the Kohm, but my point is simply this:

It used to be good. They nerfed it into the ground. Then they released the Tigris Prime with ridiculous stats that blew he Kohm out of the water, and they let you skip the MR requires for it if you paid real money.  Ergo, power creep (and P2W) in WF is real.

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Just now, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Look, I don't recall all the actual numbers for the Kohm, but my point is simply this:

It used to be good. They nerfed it into the ground. Then they released the Tigris Prime with ridiculous stats that blew he Kohm out of the water, and they let you skip the MR requires for it if you paid real money.  Ergo, power creep (and P2W) in WF is real.

I remember mentioning normal default tigris.

It's just as viable. Takes a bonus shot or two to kill level 100 bombard, but thats tolerable. Definetely not worth paying 50$ for.

I think we (or rather - you) are making a mistake of comparing Tigris Prime to Kohm simply because Kohm is a different animal and has his own issues not related to power creep but rather to how carelesly DE handles their in-game mechanics. Just like they took away Tonkor's self damage. You know... The only thing that could balance out Tonkor's destructive power. (which they are aware of and thinking of turning it back on)

Considering HOW long ago kohm was introduced and nerfed i think DE simply dont even remember it exists and they had different look on the game at the time, tus the outdated weak stats. Guesses and theories are all i have... And no way to prove any because Steve and Scott are not my best friends (unfortunately) so i can't approach them directly.

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4 hours ago, Artek94 said:

 making a mistake of comparing Tigris Prime to Kohm

Considering HOW long ago kohm was introduced and nerfed i think DE simply dont even remember it exists .

I am comparing it to the Kohm because the Kohm is a shotgun and used to be one of the best weapons in the game.

That does make it better; it just strengthens the argument that power creep is real.

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OT, but you can spray and pray with Kohm all day long at like 5 shots a second with out ammo transmutation on your weapon if you use carrier and his transmutation mod.  Not sure why anyone has ammo efficiency problems with Kohm anymore. 

My beef is that I miss the original flight physics as the spread pattern was wide but short with the right lob, allowing for more focused fire at full spread.

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1 hour ago, Ironelle said:

OT, but you can spray and pray with Kohm all day long at like 5 shots a second with out ammo transmutation on your weapon if you use carrier and his transmutation mod.  Not sure why anyone has ammo efficiency problems with Kohm anymore. 

My beef is that I miss the original flight physics as the spread pattern was wide but short with the right lob, allowing for more focused fire at full spread.

Why would I waste time with the Kohm now when my TP does almost 20k slash damage alone with over 95% status chance?

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3 hours ago, (PS4)DesecratedFlame said:

Why would I waste time with the Kohm now when my TP does almost 20k slash damage alone with over 95% status chance?

As is apparent form my post, I was only speaking to the points raised regarding Kohm ammo efficiency.  If you want to compare the absolute effectiveness a full auto weapon against the firing mechanic of the Tigris, knock yourself out.  I for one find the attempt at such a comparison vain at best,

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