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《 Sorties , RNG And The Need For A Token System 》


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Fenrushak said:

Rivin's ought to be hella expensive. More like 200.

Rivens should be 200, or even 300 if you have the possibility to choose for which category the weapon is. (just my opinion..)

But some people (on the french warframe) said that DE would never do that and instead ask for 2k tokens (20 days... yeah sure), and i'd like to remember to players that rivens are considered a "common loot" in the table

As I said I do not agree with the prices proposed by OP, and i'm a bit lazy to write all my prices suggestion right now, maybe later :p

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14 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

That's the problem, it's not a medium, it's even easier than a token system. (in some way)

You see the MAIN aspect of token system, is that it's fair for the players AND the devs.

Instead of obtaining instantly what you want if you get lucky, you farm for it, which is good for the devs (for obvious reasons)

As said several time, less reward, better quality.

And it's way more fair between players, instead of having some lucky people who are already at 15/15 rivens (and some others that even got a legendary core) while some others are stuck at 1/15 rivens because of how unlucky they are, you could have ALL players get the exact same loot during sorties and just decide by themselves what they want out of the loot table.


A suggestion has to be good for the players, but even better for the devs, a token system ensure that people will have to farm for what they want instead of being just lucky, but on the other hand, they'll be happy to be 100% sure of geting what they want after a certain amount of missions.


If you don't like his behavious toward the thread/suggestion or toward someone/you, simply ignore him.

I haven't been lucky myself, I have gotten 3 riven mods, none of what I wanted.  I do see your point, I don't back it, but I do see it and understand where you are coming from.  That reward system I said about, does give better rewards on average so I see the downsize to that as well.  I don't see a 100% get what you want being good for the devs, in the long run anyways.  There is room for improvement that's for sure, I just can't get behind this one.  That all being said, this will be my last post, I hope you don't get what you want but i will wish you luck all the same.  I did fully enjoy this debate, if the devs actually do read this not only will they get ideas, but see view points from both sides, which is good for any thing.  Thank you good sir, you defend your view well, while still remaining very respectful.  Off to work though, Happy New Year, may our paths cross again.

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 My Internet connection is currently 300 down, 15 up.


despite that, I had over 25 missions where I disconnected from the host while loading in to the mission.


 After a literal hours of trying to accomplish the sortie, another 2000 Endo.


 If I were to a farmed Heiracon, I could have had  well over 20,000 for the time that I spend trying to accomplish the sortie today.


This is a load of absolute bull crap, and anybody reading it knows it.


this has to change immediately.

Edited by (PS4)Fenrushak
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While I share everyone's exasperation over Endo rewards, I'd be quite happy with a choice of 3 or 4 rewards - just like relic missions. 

I dislike the idea of another currency, and I can't seriously imagine DE giving out catalysts and reactors for 3 hours worth of 'hard' missions.  If they implemented this token system they'd have to make those items very very expensive to prevent them from becoming farmable.  I'd guess they'd be at least 1500  'tokens' - because that would match the non-plat availability of potatoes.

So my suggestions are:

  • Sorties should never give you 'normal' rewards (credits, Endo, resources)
  • Sorties should never give you warframe parts
  • Sorties should often give you things that cost plat (colors, lenses, potatoes, icons, sigils)
  • More common rewards (normal lenses, random decorations / colors, untradeable plat, icons, sigils, sprays)
  • More rare rewards (tradable plat, non-farmable mods)

It baffles me that Riven mods are so rare.  I've only ever gotten 3.  Considering the number of weapons, and the amount of RNG involved, these should be the most common sortie reward.  'Uncommon' Riven mods might be for 'better' weapons, or have higher MR, or roll their stats from 'better' tables.

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1 hour ago, Phezzan said:

I can't seriously imagine DE giving out catalysts and reactors for 3 hours worth of 'hard' missions.

They give one every 2 week for free... i'm sitting on more than 10 of each.

1 hour ago, Phezzan said:

It baffles me that Riven mods are so rare.  I've only ever gotten 3.

Funny because it's like 20% of being obtained while endo is 28%.

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2 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

They give one every 2 week for free... i'm sitting on more than 10 of each.

Funny because it's like 20% of being obtained while endo is 28%.

Those numbers don't sound correct, because I've had 2k Endo as my reward for the last 10/12 or so Sortie runs.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Sange13 said:

Those numbers don't sound correct, because I've had 2k Endo as my reward for the last 10/12 or so Sortie runs.

That's RNG, and that's how you can obtain a rare from relic with a 3% chance, several times in a row, and sometimes you can't even get riven that has 20% chance of looting...

The thing is, the 20% are split between the 3 riven type, so it's even less likely to obtain a riven.

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1 hour ago, Trichouette said:

That's RNG, and that's how you can obtain a rare from relic with a 3% chance, several times in a row, and sometimes you can't even get riven that has 20% chance of looting...

The thing is, the 20% are split between the 3 riven type, so it's even less likely to obtain a riven.

That's more than RNG, and remember the PS4 hasn't updated the list yet, so we still get worthless Nitain as a reward. All week I've only seen Endo, and every day the week before except on 2 days. Your "20%-30%" or whatever you think it's supposed to be is not correct. RNG means it's 'possible' to get the results that I did, but EXTREMELY improbable. If it were only 20%, my last 15 attempts should only see it 3-4 times, give or take a couple--not 13.

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I agree with changing the reward screen for sortie to be more like the relic system.  Give us a choice of 2 to 3 items.  This way we can keep the current reward table and if you want endo take endo, lens, mods, etc.  Just a thought.  I used to run sorties daily and have stopped since it switched to the new list.  Too many lenses and endo.  I like the relic system.  Keeps the rng but mitigates it.  Please switch to this.

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)XOutcastX212 said:

I agree with changing the reward screen for sortie to be more like the relic system.  Give us a choice of 2 to 3 items.  This way we can keep the current reward table and if you want endo take endo, lens, mods, etc.  Just a thought.  I used to run sorties daily and have stopped since it switched to the new list.  Too many lenses and endo.  I like the relic system.  Keeps the rng but mitigates it.  Please switch to this.

The problem with this is... Well you straight up get better reward, there is nothing good on devs' side. In the relic system, at least it eats all your relics, here it just remove your ability to get a reward today.

The token system brings some grind into the game, which is good for it and for the devs ;)

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I wonder if it would be possible to add small numbers of tokens to regular high tier mission rewards. Something like a chance of seeing 1-5 tokens on rotation C of higher level defense, survival or interception missions. Maybe limited to later tilesets like Lua and Kuva Fortress.

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I really like this idea, in multiple ways do I *really* like this idea.

With tokens done like this, then players are still getting decent rewards even if they forget to or aren't able to finish all 3 sortie missions. (Whether this is due to them not having enough time in the day, they aren't powerful enough, don't have the specific "X weapons only" that they need for a certain mission, etc.)

Sorties will be able to earn players many more types of rewards since they will be able to choose & work towards specific things. Instead of RNG giving you one item out of a hugely diluted pool, we will be able to get many more rewards from sorties without feeling cheated that DE put 3 Nitain on the reward table again.

If the RNG reward pool was all resources like Endo & Nitain, then keeping it RNG would be just fine. The problem is now that we have Secondary Rivens, Shotgun Rivens, & Rifle Rivens. Not knowing or being able to choose which one of these to get is awful. Not to mention you're still more likely to get a resource you don't need any more of like endo. Not to mention you can go for weeks without getting *any* type of riven, let alone the very specific type of riven that you might need. There's too much diversity in terms of Sortie rewards for there *not* to be a token shop, it's needed.

Overall it will make Sorties much more fun & satisfying to play. Getting just a few sortie tokens from the first missions out of 3 will make it feel like you're making progress, like your earning some rewards before you even finish it. I can see some problems with this system, but overall it's still a mile ahead of how Sorties are right now.

I do feel like they might need credit taxes with the rewards as well though. Maybe not huge ones like what Baro-Kiteer has, but just moderate ones that will be more than offset by the credits earned from the sortie.

I can imagine some players saying that it might "Make things easier/too easy" or something along these lines, but I don't consider removing RNG as simply making it "easier". I see it as making it better. Make the sorties more challenging or something if you have to, but this idea is good as it is (Once DE balances out the actual costs VS rewards that is, the softball numbers in this thread might not be perfect)

I have been getting *really* tired of sorties lately. They are getting boring & unexciting. The missions are long and usually just grindy (Waves & waves of defense, 10 minutes of survival, 3 waves of interception, boss fights that drag on...) And even after all of that slog, I don't even really get rewarded for it. Changing sorties like this will benefit everyone. New players won't feel bad they can't beat the 3rd sortie mission. Old players won't play 3 long missions only to be rewarded with some endo they already have one million of. When it comes to sorties, this is the new lifeblood that will make them worth playing for everyone.

Edited by Ninjamurai
Fixes & more thoughts.
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1 hour ago, Ninjamurai said:


Yaaay someone who understood the idea behind the suggestion without complaining about the token cost suggested \o/ (greed is good, have a +1 )

1 hour ago, Ninjamurai said:

we will be able to get many more rewards from sorties without feeling cheated that DE put 3 Nitain on the reward table again

That's one of the things I like most about this suggestion, DE can put a LOT of stuff in the reward pool without any problem at all.

No more forced useless reward, and it's even better since "useless" is different from a player to another.

I find 3 nitain awful as a reward, someone who's trying to build something needing 6 of them will be very happy.

1 hour ago, Ninjamurai said:

I do feel like they might need credit taxes with the rewards as well though. Maybe not huge ones like what Baro-Kiteer has, but just moderate ones that will be more than offset by the credits earned from the sortie.

It's a bit weird to ask for credit to get the reward of a mission that already grants credit... I mean, at this point I even suggested many times to put a bundle of credit in the reward list :p

1 hour ago, Ninjamurai said:

I can imagine some players saying that it might "Make things easier/too easy" or something along these lines

I still have no idea how this is "too easy". I mean, the essence of the suggestion is "you get less reward but they're better".

It's less good for lucky people and better for unlucky ones :D

1 hour ago, Ninjamurai said:

I have been getting *really* tired of sorties lately. They are getting boring & unexciting.

Well warframe can't get very challenging sadly (thank you trinity / energy pizza / bad scaling etc etc..) and while I currently don't even have time to play warframe, if I had, I sure wouldn't play sortie. What a waste of my (currently precious) time.

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Steve mentioned looking at sortie rewards in passing during his latest podcast.

After all the backfires they've had lately DE is probably paranoid about saying anything out loud.

I really hope they're considering at least something to reduce the grind. I hope to hear from them sooner than later though.

I mean, It doesn't even have to be tokens themselves. It could just be a different type of Rep. Call it Lotus Love or something like that instead, all the notes in the initial topic would  still apply without actually being tokens. They've already got a bunch of data to draw from to put in a reputation system.

But following from that first point. Steve is making a point of playing through warframe to get a proper feel for the game. My impression is that he's there for more than the initial honeymoon phase. Seems he's playing to feel what it's like at the deep end. Lets all hope for some good news.

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44 minutes ago, Caelward said:

After all the backfires they've had lately DE is probably paranoid about saying anything out loud.

Well of course there were backfires, I mean ANYONE who just think 2min about the game can notice how stupid some things are.

Sometimes I tell stuff about warframe to one of my friend just to laugh about how stupid the design and decisions are.

me : there is a weapon and frame combination that can kill anything around you just by spinning and shooting randomly, it rapes your ears, take 0 skill at all and one-shot pretty much everything

him : wtf that doesn't even make sense, who designed that thing...

(I'll let you guess what i'm talking about ;) )

47 minutes ago, Caelward said:

I really hope they're considering at least something to reduce the grind.

Actually this whole suggestion doesn't reduce the grind, but it reduces RNG and increase the quality of rewards which makes players happy to grind for their reward.

48 minutes ago, Caelward said:

Steve is making a point of playing through warframe to get a proper feel for the game

A lot of people are saying that steve is actually paying more attention to some minor details without noticing how in a dire state the game is... Like caring more about some interface and tiny features instead of focusing on how unbalanced and unfinished the game is. (and all these forgotten features...)

Well, we'll see.

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