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Can we please nerf Mirage + Simulor?


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5 minutes ago, xXduncanXx said:

Could you please stop asking for nerfs? if you dont like to get a mirage in squad in defense then make a team with friends before going i mission, only because you don't  like something it doesn't  mean it has to be nerfed


Exactly what i am trying to say. Thank you !

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Just now, (PS4)SageHeed said:

Synoid Simulor should have its ammo pool reduced to 35.

Keep it strong, but force people to make their shots count and at least aim in the GENERAL DIRECTION of the enemy.

Most Simulor users don't even bother with checking if there's any enemies around, they just run through the mission firing non-stop. 

what's the point.

200 amo pads is the answer

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

using that logic if you don't like the suggestion of not joining a pub or leaving on that bothers you you should quit warfame. 10/10 best argument.

Yup that is exactly what I mocked in my post, thanks for reading the last line only.

No other combo can trivialize content across the game like Mirage+Simulor, nothing that I know of.

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Just now, (PS4)SageHeed said:

Synoid Simulor should have its ammo pool reduced to 35.

Keep it strong, but force people to make their shots count and at least aim in the GENERAL DIRECTION of the enemy.

Most Simulor users don't even bother with checking if there's any enemies around, they just run through the mission firing non-stop. 

Ladies, Gentlemen, fellow Tenno, this post wins the thread.

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5 minutes ago, Midrib said:

Equinox requires you to build up maim, Ember doesn't get past level 40, banshee has stupid high energy cost and is stationary but its probably the only example I agree with you on, and saryn which requires 100 times the brain power that is required to operate a mirage simulor.

1 out of the 4 examples you gave is somewhat valid, and mirage+simulor can easily kill even enemies that are level 100+.

You are welcome to join this thread but valid responses would be appreciated.

I did say Starchart level didn't I? Highest level should be 40 or so which Ember just slays.

I could say that you need this mod, that mod and this other thing to make Mirage + Simulor good, but that doesn't justify how it can nuke, doesn't it?

And no Mirage + Simulor can't kill above 120s as say, Excalibur or Mesa or Telos Boltace.

But as I said, nerf threads, mainly Simulor + Mirage threads, are mostly chaotic, that's why I wouldn't want to join in.

Edited by secret9005
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Just now, Zepp_ said:

It's never reasonable to ask for the whole player base to be affected when you don't like something personally.  It would be easier for you to just not group with players using strategies you don't like.  Will you call for a World on Fire Nerf next?  It's pretty much the same feeling playing with a geared Ember.

Solo players would be adversely affected by a blanket nerf like the one you are calling for.  It's the only easy farming they have.

WoF tweak:

Each second WoF is active you get one "Overheat" stack, each stack increases WoF drain by 0.5 and damage and range of all of Ember's abilities by 5%.

Stacks can't be nullified and decay at a rate of 2 per second when WoF is not active.

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I really wish these threads would cease to exist


This is what NERFED trinity to uselessness, nerfed ember from endgame potential. it's what caused shotgun damage falloff to creep up.

It's what's driven thousands of players away from their favorite frames and out of the game.


I understand it's frustrating to play with people that outclass you because they have 1000% more time to farm the mods and forma all of the best equipment in existence.


The solution ISN'T to nerf someone's fun...


The best way is to balance matchmaking so people can be matched with people within a wide conclave braket.


This can be skewed to allow new players the help they can get in public games, but let others like you play with people with similar loadouts, so you don't have to worry about a mix/max efficient-load-out ruining how YOU want to play the game.


And I can have my min-maxers in my nekros games to farm all of the Nanos-pores need

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Regardless of where people stand, for or against a potential nerf, it's undeniable to say that the combo isn't extremely powerful.  The Synoid simulor is locked behind a higher mastery rank, but I personally dont feel that justifies the raw power the weapon has. It's got clunky mechanics anyways, a player can have millions of kills with it and have a 0% accuracy, not what I would call particularly rewarding gameplay.  The combination with Mirage makes it just that more powerful as well. I feel like making the Simulor have a charge time for vortex shots, or perhaps an overheat function would be a balance, also a change to the radius of the merge explosion would benefit it.

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Just now, Midrib said:

Yup that is exactly what I mocked in my post, thanks for reading the last line only.

No other combo can trivialize content across the game like Mirage+Simulor, nothing that I know of.

which is a steaming pile of subjective nonsense. max range fire quake ember CC's constantly.

max range saryn with molt and detonated spores with lash either kills everything or makes it a push over.

max range irradiating disarm can be spammed for no fights ever.

rhino with max range can stomp for long stuns.

i can go on. you are targeting this specfic combo purely for your own reasons. and any attempt to explain how its worse or other methods are not as bad just futher proves your vendetta.

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Just now, secret9005 said:

I did say Starchart level didn't I? Highest level should be 40 or so which Ember just slays.

I could say that you need this mod, that mod and this other thing to make Mirage + Simulor good, but that doesn't justify how it can nuke, doesn't it?

And no Mirage + Simulor can't kill above 20s as say, Excalibur or Mesa or Telos Boltace.

But as I said, nerf threads, mainly Simulor + Mirage threads, are mostly chaotic, that's why I wouldn't want to join in.

Excalibur has to aim his blade waves that lose damage the further they go, Mesa is again stationary, has a energy drain and the sight line gets smaller as she shoots. All very strong abilities with deficits to balance them out.

Mirage has to cast her 1 which lasts like 50 seconds and all she has to do is press LMB for a huge radius explosions that leave whirls that continue to kill enemies even after mirage left the area. She doesn't even have to aim.

Telos boltace is not fine, but at the same time it does radial damage and it falls off.

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

i can go on. you are targeting this specfic combo purely for your own reasons. and any attempt to explain how its worse or other methods are not as bad just futher proves your vendetta.

Have you ever been in a mission with a mirage spamulor?  Or are you always the spamulor user?  Either way really you'd clearly see the dozens of blinding vortexes floating in the air, left in your/their wake, which you/they are far too lazy to detonate with a push of a button.

Difference is, when you are doing it you think its funny, you feel cool because you know you're getting all the kills and you snicker that your team can barely move without being blinded by the aftermath of your spamulations.

Not a single one of your examples can claim that much annoyance.  Yes plenty of frame/weapon combos can lay waste to entire maps, spamulor is just motherfraking annoying to be around. Period.  Nothing you can say to explain your love for this combo will deter those who hate it to believe otherwise.  

It is basically a stalemate.

Edited by Xekrin
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The best fix I always say they should do for Mirage is to leave the clones there, but they don't fire anything and just increase the damage of whatever weapon she's using. So if she's using a simulor, it'll have damage like she does now (I guess), but there's not gonna be 3-7 singularities just sitting there every 3 presses. Same for any other weapon they may use, Penta, Tonkor, Torid, Ignis, etc. Just increase the single fire, but get rid of the multiple instances.

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Just now, Xekrin said:

Have you ever been in a mission with a mirage spamulor?  Or are you always the spamulor user?  Either way really you'd clearly see the dozens of blinding vortexes floating in the air, left in your/their wake, which you/they are far too lazy to detonate with a push of a mouse button.

Difference is, when you are doing it you think its funny, you feel cool because you know you're getting all the kills and you snicker that your team can barely move without being blinded by the aftermath of your spamulations.

Not a single one of your examples can claim that much annoyance.  Yes plenty of frame/weapon combos can lay waste to entire maps, spamulor is just motherfraking annoying to be around. Period.  Nothing you can say to explain your love for this combo will deter those who hate it to believe otherwise.  

It is basically a stalemate.

I don't have either the frame or the weapon and i've been in plenty of pub farms that had it. annoyance is subjective and can't be quantified in any factual mannor. I find all nukes to be annoying at an equal level. but as I said in my first reply efficiency means more to me in these situations.

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:


which is a steaming pile of subjective nonsense. max range fire quake ember CC's constantly.

max range saryn with molt and detonated spores with lash either kills everything or makes it a push over.

max range irradiating disarm can be spammed for no fights ever.

rhino with max range can stomp for long stuns.

i can go on. you are targeting this specfic combo purely for your own reasons. and any attempt to explain how its worse or other methods are not as bad just futher proves your vendetta.

Saryn that again requires more brain power then mirage could handle.

I never said Loki is fine, yet you assume that I did.

Rhino and Ember can CC but they don't destroy entire tilesets with 1 ability and LMB. Even then Ember isn't even close to how strong Mirage+Simulor is nor is Range rhino.

All that you are doing is pointing at other stuff to try and salvage a brainless combo. None of the methods you posted are even close to mirage simulor, not even irradiating disarm.

Call it vendetta or whatever at least im not blind.

I'm fine with Mirage, but that combo is literally brainless.

And even the stuff you are pointing at... are @(*()$ ultimates... almost every single one is an ultimate. which cost 100 energy at base or high maintenance toggle ults.

Edited by Midrib
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1 hour ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

I am sick of getting into missions with Mirage that just spam the Simulor. It sucks every bit of fun that the game can provide. Especially if its a defense mission where there is very little room to do much. I have no choice but to stand around and basically do nothing as the Mirage lazily shoots the Simulor and kills everything. Especially if you are using a Warframe like Inaros, Saryn or Atlas which requires alot of moving around and your enemies staying alive for you to be able to perform your abilities. 



I am all for making the most of your Warframe and what it can do, but this interupts OTHER peoples enjoyment of the game. 


Its just like Mesa before she was nerfed. 

Don't PUG...

If your in a PUG, it is what it is.

No one is going to slow down or hold back, you need to do your part and keep up so that the team can get the mission done as fast as possible with the least amount of effort required.

You want to take in the scenery ? talk about current events ? Then go play with your friend or Clan mates.



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30 minutes ago, (PS4)SageHeed said:

Synoid Simulor should have its ammo pool reduced to 35.

Keep it strong, but force people to make their shots count and at least aim in the GENERAL DIRECTION of the enemy.

Most Simulor users don't even bother with checking if there's any enemies around, they just run through the mission firing non-stop. 

That wouldn't make any difference as it uses the most common ammo drop in the game. Even if you changed it to use sniper ammo, carrier + vacuum + ammo case would keep it fed just fine.

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I just wish I didn't have to see and hear it every time a Mirage+Simulor shows up in my mission, I don't care about the damage, I can usually compete, it's just the visual effect and THAT NOISE. 20 straight minutes of this:



Drives me nuts.

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