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Hotfix 8.3


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It doesn't matter if anyone is forcing anyone to pay. This is economics not an idealist coconut island. Why do white knight knob goblins always end up using this excuse with free to play games? Do you expect a cookie for being content with something bad and accepting it? Just because I don't have to pay for the air I breathe doesn't mean I can't criticize someone when they let loose a massive fart in my presence. Use logic sometime. Money exchanges hands and it's still a product which takes your time which you should consider an investment which should be respected regardless. Despite not being the only one funding, I have a large group with substantial word of mouth, respected in blogging and game coverage. When so many (actually significant) people consider a change to be horrid, it can indeed snowball and reflect a tendency for bad changes if such changes continue. I know math and program games and even a complete mouth breathing imbecile should be able to do the math and realize that this weapons balancing is so off mathematically now (after the patch) that it's a joke. The sound of the gun now is also pathetic - by any reasonable standards.

I don't hold this game to reasonable standards. I hold it to the highest standards because it has the highest potential for being the best game.

It -could- be a bug. DE is an outstanding company and most content is amazing. If it isn't changed back it either reflects inability to fix a show stopper bug which renders a gun useless in end game content, or poor ability to gauge balance. Neither are acceptable because DE should continue excellence.

this game doesnt "take" anything from me. see, you want to talk about logic, and yet you're placing blame on a program you are willingly logging into. im not saying there aren't issues,(hell i keep getting powerlocked to where my abilities dont function and i cannot use my melee) but im not whining about them like a self entitled child. i make a post, say here's the problem, and wait for it to be fixed. you want to talk about white knighting? hop off that soap box for a second and take a look at what you are saying. it is YOU who makes the choice to log in, play the game, and spend money. you. nobody else. nobody from DE is pointing a gun at your head and saying PLAY MY GAME AND GIVE ME MONEY, which if you read your posts, is what you make it out to seem. we ALL are playing this by choice. if you aren't having a fun experience, then make a post on the forums stating the issues, and move on. if this beta test is bothering you so much, please, feel free to engage in another form of media entertainment.


but making threats? do what i say or i wont give you money! dude, thats beyond childish. cmon, you're better than that. you have to be.

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It all looks like changes for the better, but I've got two questions.


Firstly, why the changes to Rhyno's abilities? He seemed to work rather nicely before and I'm just curious as to why the combining of the two abilities (with the reduction in damage), and why the addition of the new ability?


And lastly, why hasn't Crowd Dispersion been fixed for the Wyrm Sentinel yet? There is a really big issue with it's stun not actually stunning and just making a bright flash of light.

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And lastly, why hasn't Crowd Dispersion been fixed for the Wyrm Sentinel yet? There is a really big issue with it's stun not actually stunning and just making a bright flash of light.

It was fixed with Update 8.2 (June, 28). Crowd Dispersion works fine now.


I hope rainbow powers will be fixed too. My Ember's flame doesn't look now as normal fire (I checked all my available colors). Too bad.

Edited by AntLion
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It was fixed with Update 8.2 (June, 28). Crowd Dispersion works fine now.


I hope rainbow powers will be fixed too. My Ember's flame doesn't look now as normal fire (I checked all my available colors). Too bad.

Awesome, thanks for letting me know. I've been scanning the updates looking for when it was fixed so that I could equip it again. ^^

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There is a strange thing i noticed in the new update 8.3 in the void that you go in to a pretty big room with a large glass circle, and in the middle of the glass circle there's a small white circle, if i get on it it says "PRESS X TO HACK SYSTEM (DATA MASS REQUIRED)". Can someone please explain me what the hell is this?

Edited by MisterDude9800
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Note: Star Chart connections have changed in this Update in prep for rolling out the upcoming reworked UI.


...I kinda have to ask.. WHY has it been overhauled SO MUCH?


> The Planets are no longer moving around the sun.

Which is sad, because that little bit of animation was AMAZING. I admit, it made finding the right planet a bit difficult, but adding a 'pause animation' button would've been a better change than this.


> The nodes are so COMPACT!

Sometimes it's pretty hard to click on the right node, due to the incredibly small spacing. I admit, I had hoped that you would lower the size of spacing, as often descriptions were off-screen.. but this is a bit much...



It's now WAY MORE LINEAR. We don't even get to pick Saturn over Venus anymore? And Neptune is no longer following Venus? The mission selection already was pretty damn linear, but now there's hardly ANY choice whatsoever!



I'm highly disappointed with this specific change. Everything else? Super happy- but this just ruined my day.

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another amazing update. nj devs.


 If i can just say though...Volt was amazing beforehand, despite not being an 'alternative to gunplay'. Volt WAS gunplay, and probably my favorite and most fun frame to use. It just took a little leveling of his mods to get full enjoyment since the duration for electric shield was pretty low and unhelpful at lower levels.  


You could just speed into a crowd, slap a couple electric shields down, hit overload, then melee everything through the shields as they make a futile attempt to shoot you, then use a gun like the dera (or anything else) for improved damage taking out any remaining through the shield. The gunbattles with Volt were INTENSE.


The only change i would have made personally is a slight improvement in the damage overload does...and to decide whether Volt is intended as a faction-dependent frame or one that can just outright blast anything. Faction-dependency , although not necessarily noob-friendly, would work with an easier way to switch mods between frames, which would be great to have anyway-(savable, customizable, mod load-outs anyone?...with the option to name them ourselves-ie: 'Loki stealth loadout' 'Frost defense loadout'.)  This way the player if he is so inclined, could switch to Ember really quickly for infested, and back again to Volt for corpus, etc.


I'm sorry, no offense intended, but anyone complaining that he was underpowered at higher levels must just have had a bad mod setup, doesn't know how to use him, or isn't that skilled with gunplay... which his abilities complemented beautifully.  He was sort of a more advanced frame imo, like say, Loki (still not sure why hes's a starter frame),  but once you get the hang of him, he was a top 3 or 4 frame for sure (and made the game SO much fun to play!) along with Banshee, Vauban, and...Nyx or Loki.  I feel like he's been dumbed-down and now he seems like just a blend of support/overpoweredness (once a couple wrinkles are ironed out anyway.) and there are already frames for that...


I know how hard is to balance gameplay in the midst of rolling out changes on top of changes and that you can't please everyone, but anyway, that's just my 2 cents. Everything else you guys are doing is unbelievable, rolling out such quick and HUGE updates. Keep it up and thanks!

Edited by awave
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