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Looking for a specific sidearm.



I am very much in love with the Latron right now, and I was wondering if there was a sidearm that behaved like it.

i.e. Good accuracy, powerful shots, ammo efficient, moderate recoil. I've tried the Vasto but that one has way too much recoil to be able to let off multiple rounds in quick succession.

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13 answers to this question

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The Lex (or Lex Prime) is wonderful. It has some recoil, but the fire rate is slow enough that it's little concern, even with Lethal Torrent installed. If you're looking for a different damage distribution, the Magnus handles fairly similarly, but has a larger clip size and impact damage rather than puncture. I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard the Marelok (and it's Vaykor variant) is similar--high power, high accuracy, but low(ish) fire rare and clip size. Any one of those would probably be a good bet.

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Vaykor Mary requires mastery rank 8 to wield, but it's also my suggestion. There are likely other statistically superior sidearms, but V.Mary has a giant radial explosion and restores your HP every so often. Just a better overall tool IMO.

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OK besides the Lex Prime (which is a great choice! and I don't really feel like the recoil is all that bad myself) I'm going to go way outside the box on this one and say...
the Acrid.

It has pinpoint accuracy with no recoil. I've been finding that it rapid fires (semi-auto) very nicely. Seems to have a pretty good reload speed too.

Bad things are it has a low crit chance and looking at Warframe builder for some numbers it does half the raw damage that the Lex Prime does.

That said so far I've found it to be surprisingly effective just running around the star chart and popping a couple of shots into pretty much anything you'll find there.

It can use the Toxic Sequence mod which is nice if you like to have a weapon with a Syndicate Proc.
- that said I've actually been using it without the syndicate mod myself. I haven't felt it worth giving up a mod slot for it, but to each their own on that one. 

It has an innate Toxin proc that seems pretty strong. Most of what I've shot with it tends to die just from getting shot but the toxic ticks do some work too when they're given a chance.

Since it also has a built in feature where mobs killed by it have their bodies dissolve right away, I've been using it Silenced on Ivara and had no problem using it with her for normal day to day Alert Missions and such.

And actually for that it's probably very comparable to the Latron Prime as to just what level of content it works at. Looking at the numbers on Warframe Builder their sustained damage is pretty close for what that is worth.

Bonus Points that it is just a very unusual looking weapon and makes funky sound when you shoot it, haha



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9 hours ago, R34LM said:

Best suggestion is Lex or Lex Prime. If you are early in the game, Lex is great until you manage to get the prime version.

As noted, go for the Lex/Lex prime. I however would suggest just jumping ship on the Lex and going strait to the Lex prime. Lex prime has a MR requirement of 0 and it's easy to find the parts for. Heck, if you can manage to hit me up in game I'll just give it to you. I've got about a dozen pieces that I keep around for ducat fodder and as many relics with the drops on them. Try and catch me online on the US- east servers.

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6 hours ago, Rolunde said:

OK besides the Lex Prime (which is a great choice! and I don't really feel like the recoil is all that bad myself) I'm going to go way outside the box on this one and say...
the Acrid.


i remember when that badboy was considered the best secondary in the game and ill admit it's actually still pretty good

although it does have a mastery rank requirement of 7 and requires forma to build

Back to OP's question, though: if you are very new to Warframe there are a few options available to you if you are after semi-autos like the Latron

  • Magnus
    8 shots, fast fire rate.
    2 second reload.
    Decent damage.
    Good status and critical chance (if you are new you dont need to worry with crit builds just yet).
    Balanced toward impact damage meaning its better against corpus enemies.
    Unfortunately requires orokin cells, a rare resource you may want to keep for other projects.
    Can be made into the AkMagnus (dual wielded).
  • Vasto
    6 shots, fast fire rate.
    Though very fast 1 second reload.
    Slightly more damage than the Magnus but far less critical/status worthy.
    Balanced toward slash damage which is better against infested
    Unfortunately requires neurodes, a rare resource you may want to keep for other projects.
    Can be made into the AkVasto.
    A prime variant is also available.
  • Bolto
    15 rounds per magazine, very fast fire rate.
    Quick 1.3 second reload.
    Same damage as magnus.
    Poor critical/status stats.
    Balanced toward puncture damage, better against grineer.
    Consumes the lato in construction so make sure you maxxed that to rank 30 first.
    Can be made into the AkBolto (which requires you to get a second lato).
    Not hitscan (projectiles have flight time)
  • Lex
    6 rounds per magazine, slow fire rate.
    Slow reload time of 2.35 seconds.
    Very high damage. (significantly more than the latron)
    Halfway decent critical/status stats.
    Balanced toward puncture, best against grineer.
    Does not require resources, but needs to be bought from market for 50,000 credits.
    Can be made into AkLex, which greatly helps with fire rate but stretches reload time to 3 seconds!

Alternatively, if you dont mind repeatedly killing Captain Vor, you can acquire parts for the Seer, a very powerful semi auto with extra zoom distance

I hope i have helped!

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obvious choice is (vaykor) marelok and lex (prime) but I'm going to go outside the box a little like Rolunde (akrid is a good weapon too) and suggest the (Rakta) Ballistica.  You will need to forma most of these to get the best out of them and you may not be at their respective MR requirements. 

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