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Enough is Enough : RNG and The Glast Gambit


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Rivens are a huge mistake to begin with. They expect that people (who have already found what weapons they like) will actually use outclassed weapons due to people getting mods for them that may or may not have good stats or even have relevant stats, despite the weapons outclassing them also getting similar mods. The basic framework of the Riven system is in a terrible state, and so instead of using half an ounce of common sense and fix the dang thing they decide to roll out the system for everything. God bless DE.

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2 hours ago, Trichouette said:

You are free to give your upvote to this thread :

And, just like me, spread the idea on other threads & players

I hate to say it, but this is ultimately a fruitless attempt, as it is one that has been tried for years now and the closest thing we got out of it was the Void Trader.

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11 minutes ago, Tyrian3k said:

I hate to say it, but this is ultimately a fruitless attempt, as it is one that has been tried for years now and the closest thing we got out of it was the Void Trader.

The void trader was supposed to be a solution to the grind of prime part, and they turned it into another part of another problem (like damage 3.0 and the primed pressure point)

Don't worry, we know that token system will probably NEVER happen, but it won't stop us from spreading the idea until DE does something, or until the game dies because of their inability to do something good for their playerbase.

We managed to gather 200 upvotes, and we'll continu

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17 hours ago, Xzorn said:

I have to assume to research cost for Hema is a mistake.

I can buy 191 Hema from the market for Plat but I can't come close to the research cost of 15k Mutagen.

Outside that, the quest was alright. Little boring since I've already done the Index plenty.

The Nidus farm however is not good at all. The rotation rewards are garbage. There's no reason to do this mission outside Nidus.

Put some Endo or something in there and how's this going to work once players have Nidus? Just a wasted of Rotation C? This was poorly planed.

I so wanted to believe that it was, but the fact DE haven't changed the amount in the hotfix shows me that they have no intention of reducing it. At least not before Christmas is over, too good a chance to get money. I'm finished with Digital Extremes and Warframe for now, the grind has reached a level where it just isn't fun anymore.

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23 minutes ago, ShogunNoir said:

I so wanted to believe that it was, but the fact DE haven't changed the amount in the hotfix shows me that they have no intention of reducing it. At least not before Christmas is over, too good a chance to get money. I'm finished with Digital Extremes and Warframe for now, the grind has reached a level where it just isn't fun anymore.

Yeah I also gave up the game weeks ago. I lurk in the forums (for a temporary amount of time) so I hope they redeem themselves but I doubt it.It just wasn't worth it to put in hours and hours of excruciating grind and for what? For a new warframe or a new weapon that kills enemies faster or equally? 

Sometimes I really wish they would just do a monthly subscription so that they don't have to resort to cheap mechanics like increasing grind, increasing build requirements for researching weapons, too much RNG etc. Here is the money and now do something interesting. I know it is a stupid idea but atleast they would be forced to be creative because lets face it, the mission design is boring and there is no endgame. You do the same stuff over and over again (fissure mission, sortie, farm for relics, fashion frame) until the end of time. For me this was also the breaking point where I just had to uninstall the game and be done with it.

The game has nothing to offer anymore and in my opinion it needs much more than new skins, weapons or warframes to make many players come back.

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On Thursday, December 22, 2016 at 1:00 PM, ShogunNoir said:

I desperately want to believe it's not all about the platinum. But then again, they're a business and they need to make money. I just feel like the community is being purposefully and selectively ignored when they suggest improvements to the game that would make it 'more fun' but would mean less Platinum being bought. 

That is just not true... they ignore people like you. Maybe, instead of telling everyone how the game sucks and how it should be, you could say some of the good things you got from it and tell everyone of ideas of improvements... just a thought.

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)Mythic Lord 03 said:

That is just not true... they ignore people like you. Maybe, instead of telling everyone how the game sucks and how it should be, you could say some of the good things you got from it and tell everyone of ideas of improvements... just a thought.

I'm sorry but it really is true. I'm not going to stand by and say 'Oh yes everything is fine, i'm not going to mention anything negative' while they consistently screw the fanbase over with poor decisions and ignore the extremely popular improvements being suggested all across the Forums.

And it's not as if i haven't complemented them in the past for the good work they HAVE done, it's just they haven't gotten anything really right in this update.

If it makes them money and keeps people grinding, they won't change anything.

Edited by ShogunNoir
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8 hours ago, Chakravikari said:

The reason they do things like this, and will continue to do it is because a large portion of their userbase is completely ignorant of these glaring problems and honestly believes DE can do no wrong.




This. This is an enormous part of the problem, and the reason I'm back to actually having fun with Skyrim. That thread sounds like a cult, and the fact that people will defend something that directly inconveniences them to try to get money astounds me. Naturally, threads like that get pushed up, while threads like this get flagged with some arbitrary reason for deletion.

Then the kind of person who made that post would go, "You don't have proof of censorship!"

Yup, your right. Because we're ignored.

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On 23.12.2016 at 4:00 PM, ChillZi said:

Sometimes I really wish they would just do a monthly subscription so that they don't have to resort to cheap mechanics like increasing grind, increasing build requirements for researching weapons, too much RNG etc.

You are not alone with this thought. I would be all in with a monthly subscription that gives a monthly free frame, ressource drops and formas each month. 

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10 hours ago, Lowsodium said:

Doing your daily Sorties will always give you 100K.

Not everyone wants/love to do sortie... I'm one of them... Riven used to pull me back to sortie but the amount of trash in the reward pool is making me re-consider my decision on whether to drop sortie again.

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The problem with Warframe has alwas been Quantity over Quality.

The playerbase spikes when quests and special events are released, but otherwise will drop during 'dead weeks'. The Devs end up implementing a lot of quests and new systems that feel incomplete or grindy since it revives the playerbase again. Problem is, these systems don't add any real depth to the game (remember Focus? Derelicts? Kubrows (now replaced by Kavats)? Solar Rails? Dojos? Raids?). Afterwards the playerbase dies a bit (again) and the systems introduced are left behind. The ''next shiny thing'' is what Warframe is all about, which is also its core problem.

On the other hand, great Quests (like SD and TWW) add great story and depth to the world around us, but the time between each one is gigantic (wasn't 2016 supposed to be the year of cinematic quests? We got one). I'd understand if TWW had been amazing, but it wasn't worth all that wait (quote QuietteShy/TP).

The Nidus grind resembles Mesa's when Mutalist Alad V came out. Inaros' and Titania's quests were really well done and represented a good balance between grind and reward, but now came Nidus and it feels like we went back in time. 

Edited by Rush95
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On 12/22/2016 at 9:56 AM, VermillionScourge said:

I am actually reinstalling warframe right now to see it but might not bother if its really this bad?

Like I've been here since frost prime and known DE can pull some really crazy stuff especially with weapon resource requirements but this really does sound like overkill and most people I've talked to about this told me its done for the sake of platinum sales for Nidus.

No it is not *that* bad.  It has taken an alarming turn with one horrible decision (mutagen research cost)  which could turn clan life toxic and ruin the game if it becomes typical.

Otherwise it is the same game as always with an interesting new quest, a cool new frame, and the ultimate new troll mechanic in the form of a strange infection spread by playing co-op with the new frame.  If you are at or near Sedna it is still worth playing the War Within and Nidus quests if you have missed them.  

> There's no reason to do this mission outside Nidus.

This is my biggest complaint.  I kind of like the new mission and I'm happy to see it outside of JV but sadly no one will play it soon.

I know -- instead of Nidus BP's selling for credits they should be convertible into 100 mutagen samples :)


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On 12/22/2016 at 0:06 PM, UltimateSpinDash said:

I agree it's a drag, especially if you've participated in the Preview, but there are worse things. The only thing that really annoyed me was the victory margin imposed in one mission.

If they had removed like two of the index stages it would have been fine.

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