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Cap the Cumulative Login System's Unique Rewards


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1 minute ago, TheMetrocop said:

with twenty years of dedication to a sport, you'll always be behind x's amount of awards, unless they fall sick or die in a cataclysmic perpetuity of antagonism and shoe-oppression inception. same goes for warframe.

life is life. it's not a race, buddy.

except that's not how life works at all. We don't see 100 year old olympic records, do we? Olympic records are set by the most dedicated, talented people, not those who've just been in the olympics the most times.

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Just now, Phasedragon said:

except that's not how life works at all. We don't see 100 year old olympic records, do we? Olympic records are set by the most dedicated, talented people, not those who've just been in the olympics the most times.

they still have a better chance than you. life is unfair, and the login system has a few mods that only affect your experience a little. 

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Just now, TheMetrocop said:

games can still apply to rules of life. 

if they didn't, you wouldn't be able to make sense out of it or have fun with it.

That doesn't make any sense. Just because life is unfair we don't make unfair games. Just because life can end for anyone at any given second we don't implement random sudden death in games.
Games are games, and they have different rules and objectives to "the real world".

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Just now, The_Doc said:

That doesn't make any sense. Just because life is unfair we don't make unfair games. Just because life can end for anyone at any given second we don't implement random sudden death in games.
Games are games, and they have different rules and objectives to "the real world".

they still have rules and unfair moments though, do they not?

what i'm trying to say is the login system cannot fulfill your special wants specifically. it's not going to completely hinder you because you can't catch up to one little thing and need to pout.

just ride the wave like everybody else. it's not worth a five-page argument.

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Ok, let's put this into another perspective. Something you probably care about, OP. Founders package. 

If I, who started playing only 10 months ago, were able to purchase a Founder's package, would that be fair? No, you were there to support the game long ago. You've been playing for a while, and you deserve those rewards, right? But if I were able to bypass that and get them without having been here from the start, that's just flipping a bird to anyone who was dedicated for a long time and committed to the game.

Same deal with any of the CB items or old event stuff.

Yes, rewarding time spent seems unfair to those who can't or choose not to spend that time, but to those of us who ARE dedicated, it seems like a fitting thing for us to get things others do not. 

But more than that, you can always get the rewards. In time. Everything we're getting can be gotten in game by only logging in. Don't have to pay, don't even have to play, it's only a time gate that you can go through at your leisure, but you can't rush it. 

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There isn't anything unfair about this system in the slightest.  The opportunity to log in is there.  Yes, someone who logs in every day will get it sooner than someone who does not.  That's....really all there is to the system, it's a pretty simple thing.  Nobody can prevent a person from getting these rewards at the exact same moment in their game time as everyone else who gets them.

I mean, really, the premise of all of this is that there is an incentive to log on and if you don't do it you won't get the incentive, and that's unfair because somebody else got something?  We know what we need to do, we either do it or don't.

All told over the last year I've dropped a month, maybe two.  I don't get the things at the same time as everyone else.  I can still solo sorties and play the game at whatever level I feel like playing it.  Primed Fury is great but not that big a deal, Primed Vigor will be the same way.  The weapons are cool but neither has made my "permanent" loadout and if they are for someone else....you know how to get them, you won't hit 100/200/300 days or whatever milestone and get a morphic instead of your mods or weapons.

It is not punishing in the slightest.  When I'm not going to log in, I just don't do it, my feelings aren't hurt, I don't find it unfair that somebody else logged on and got something, it doesn't make any sense.  It doesn't bother me to not get things in a game I'm not playing, that doesn't even make sense.

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4 minutes ago, Thrymm said:

There isn't anything unfair about this system in the slightest.  The opportunity to log in is there.  Yes, someone who logs in every day will get it sooner than someone who does not.  That's....really all there is to the system, it's a pretty simple thing.  Nobody can prevent a person from getting these rewards at the exact same moment in their game time as everyone else who gets them.

I mean, really, the premise of all of this is that there is an incentive to log on and if you don't do it you won't get the incentive, and that's unfair because somebody else got something?  We know what we need to do, we either do it or don't.

All told over the last year I've dropped a month, maybe two.  I don't get the things at the same time as everyone else.  I can still solo sorties and play the game at whatever level I feel like playing it.  Primed Fury is great but not that big a deal, Primed Vigor will be the same way.  The weapons are cool but neither has made my "permanent" loadout and if they are for someone else....you know how to get them, you won't hit 100/200/300 days or whatever milestone and get a morphic instead of your mods or weapons.

It is not punishing in the slightest.  When I'm not going to log in, I just don't do it, my feelings aren't hurt, I don't find it unfair that somebody else logged on and got something, it doesn't make any sense.  It doesn't bother me to not get things in a game I'm not playing, that doesn't even make sense.

This is all well and good for all of us who've been playing the whole time, sure. But it actively discourages new players from really getting into the game because they had no such chance to log in for all those missing days.

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13 minutes ago, TheMetrocop said:

they still have rules and unfair moments though, do they not?

what i'm trying to say is the login system cannot fulfill your special wants specifically. it's not going to completely hinder you because you can't catch up to one little thing and need to pout.

just ride the wave like everybody else. it's not worth a five-page argument.

Yeah it has rules. So do crossword puzzles. That doesn't mean much. The unfair moments simply shouldn't exist in a videogame tbh.

Oh but I don't want it to fulfill my "special wants" (in this case), I consider the system to be horrible for new and returning players. It wouldn't be that significant if it didn't hand out exclusive playable content, but someone who joins in two months will have to log in a whole year to get to where we will be then. There is no catching up, period, no matter how loyal you are.

I am riding the wave, but I'm also giving feedback. And you are not the one who decides if it's worth a 5 page argument.

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I'll start with caustic sarcasm; How about... NO. Also, take your salt away and feed some people, they need it.

On to the topic; you are so wrong, it's not even funny. The system isn't there to 'discourage people from taking breaks and punish them when they try something else'. It's to REWARD those that stay with the game through thick and thin.

It's there for people to say 'hey, DE actually gave me something for spending 2.5k hours of my life here, how nice', not for self-entitled little children that want whatever everyone else has delivered on their platter because 'it's not fair'.

Stop being so negative, see the glass half-full and enjoy the game. If you're gonna complain about the login reward system, what's next? Not receiving the exact part you want from killing a boss? Find a better and more important thing to whine about- there's plenty of'em, but this isn't one of them.

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It should have let us keep as many login days as we had from the first system to begin with. I can see this system being okay for new account where it makes sense to get a reward for playing 3 months, a year and so forth.
But people who joined 2012 being on the same step as people who joined 2015 is really strange. The system is already bad but not counting the days from players who played before it which might as well be a punishment is really strange from my perspective.

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1 hour ago, Callback said:

The weapons (and to a lesser extent mods) are a big deal and that's exactly the issue.

Considering that they are average weapons at best, not really. Plenty of other equally good and better weapons to choose from. A few login exclusive ones wont hurt anyone.

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50 minutes ago, TheMetrocop said:

with twenty years of dedication to a sport, you'll always be behind x's amount of awards, unless they fall sick or die in a cataclysmic perpetuity of antagonism and shoe-oppression inception. same goes for warframe.

life is life. it's not a race, buddy.

Sports careers end.  It's not 100% fixed but there's only so many years of any person's life where they can be considered in their prime.  That still works as a fixed window.  A new rookie will have roughly the same "prime" window as a hall-of-famer to try to achieve those same awards.  Babe Ruth is not still playing baseball and racking up home runs.  He is dead.

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Heck you should be happy that the login days you have don't reset to day 1 after taking a break or missing a day. There are older games that had a login system to get certain rewards and if you missed a day, well you were screwed. But back then, people didn't complain about being behind everyone else. So what I'm saying is get off your entitlement horse and be thankful that you can pick up right where you left off. DE could have chosen to make it reset but they didn't. Be thankful and move on 

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42 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

Ok, let's put this into another perspective. Something you probably care about, OP. Founders package. 

If I, who started playing only 10 months ago, were able to purchase a Founder's package, would that be fair? No, you were there to support the game long ago. You've been playing for a while, and you deserve those rewards, right? But if I were able to bypass that and get them without having been here from the start, that's just flipping a bird to anyone who was dedicated for a long time and committed to the game.

Same deal with any of the CB items or old event stuff.

Yes, rewarding time spent seems unfair to those who can't or choose not to spend that time, but to those of us who ARE dedicated, it seems like a fitting thing for us to get things others do not. 

But more than that, you can always get the rewards. In time. Everything we're getting can be gotten in game by only logging in. Don't have to pay, don't even have to play, it's only a time gate that you can go through at your leisure, but you can't rush it. 

I never wanted founder stuff to be exclusive.  DE forced themselves into it by advertising it as never-again-available.  I'd be glad converting founder items into skins and making them share mastery with umbra items or something so that the difference in mastery can be made up.

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5 minutes ago, Callback said:

Sports careers end.  It's not 100% fixed but there's only so many years of any person's life where they can be considered in their prime.  That still works as a fixed window.  A new rookie will have roughly the same "prime" window as a hall-of-famer to try to achieve those same awards.  Babe Ruth is not still playing baseball and racking up home runs.  He is dead.

And eventually development will stop for this game.... and you can "catch up" at your leisure.

Your logic on this is off this planet. You chose to take time away... YOU. The burden of responsibility is on your shoulders. If this game meant that much to you, then you shouldnt have disappeared for a YEAR. When you decided to no longer play this game, or keep up with news about it, you effectively decided that you would be ok with missing some things. In this case, youve missed nothing but time and the chance to have something immediately.

This system was created to reward dedication..... of which you had none. Thats your problem. Own it.

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Just now, Faulcun said:

And eventually development will stop for this game.... and you can "catch up" at your leisure.

Your logic on this is off this planet. You chose to take time away... YOU. The burden of responsibility is on your shoulders. If this game meant that much to you, then you shouldnt have disappeared for a YEAR. When you decided to no longer play this game, or keep up with news about it, you effectively decided that you would be ok with missing some things. In this case, youve missed nothing but time and the chance to have something immediately.

This system was created to reward dedication..... of which you had none. Thats your problem. Own it.

If you're really bringing my case into it, then I can argue that the system was introduced behind my back.  When I took a break, I did so with the expectation that anything I missed (mainly event rewards) would be added into the main game as they always are, making catch-up possible when I return.  But instead of that, they went and added a system that made catching up impossible, a move unprecedented in the game and unheard of in the market as a whole.  It's like someone deciding "I won't buy Star Wars on VHS now, I can always go buy it later when I do want to watch it," only to come back later and realize that they no longer make the original cut and the only thing for sale is the special editions.


So no, in my case it's more like being lied to, but I'd rather not focus on that.  I'd rather focus on the core reasons why the system is bad for the community and needs to be capped off.

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and this is what happens when people like the OP get "participation" trophies growing up.


life is not fair, people will always be ahead of you and there will always be people behind you.

you want the rewards then put in the time... btw it takes under 5min from turning the pc/console on everyday and login in for these in your eyes "godly" rewards.

i can find 5mins a day and so it seems a lot of others can also.. even if we dont play everyday... hell i have a pc acct with 2 frames at MR5 and over 200 days

worth of logins... all from just loading the game in the backround... alt-tabbing to it and loging in and then alt-tabbing to it again to collect the reward and close the game


same work for the console...  turn it on, wait for a commerical to come on while watching tv, swtich tv input, start loading game, next commerical break, smash buttons for 20s to collect rewards and shut down the system....

not home for a day of 3... bring my old laptop that barely meet the system req to play the game (old enough that it still has win vista on it) find free wifi from anywhere and take 5min to login during some downtime and collect my rewards.... 


keep the login reward system the way it is...  it is the only dose of reality not being fair some of these entitlement types get...  here is to hoping they all get locked in

their "safe spaces" and become to scared to ever come back out


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2 minutes ago, Callback said:

If you're really bringing my case into it, then I can argue that the system was introduced behind my back.  When I took a break, I did so with the expectation that anything I missed (mainly event rewards) would be added into the main game as they always are, making catch-up possible when I return.  But instead of that, they went and added a system that made catching up impossible, a move unprecedented in the game and unheard of in the market as a whole.  It's like someone deciding "I won't buy Star Wars on VHS now, I can always go buy it later when I do want to watch it," only to come back later and realize that they no longer make the original cut and the only thing for sale is the special editions.


So no, in my case it's more like being lied to, but I'd rather not focus on that.  I'd rather focus on the core reasons why the system is bad for the community and needs to be capped off.

As I said, when development stops, the system stops and you can catch up all you want. So there already is a limit.

Sorry but no, not everybody gets a trophy for participating. Take responsibility for your actions, and accept reality. Your "expectations" are unrealistic.

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Why are you trying to defend a system that's exploiting you so hard?


A change to how the system works would benefit you too.  it would mean an end to the forced struggle to keep up with progression and a start to collecting your own continuous actual rewards while the rest of us try to catch up on the progression core.


It would mean making your time a meaningful bonus instead of calling it the minimum.

Edited by Callback
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