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The whole "It's a free game so stop complaining" people.


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Has I said before, the people that spend money is what moves the game foward, its painfull to see a game that you love and where you invested money and time sink because of some greedy or poorly thought  decisions made by the Devs, being silent about it and just embrace it because "it is a free to play" wont lead this game to a better shore, the Devs must know the opinion of the players, so they can improve 

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2 minutes ago, ninjadeboxers said:

Has I said before, the people that spend money is what moves the game foward, its painfull to see a game that you love and where you invested money and time sink because of some greedy or poorly thought  decisions made by the Devs, being silent about it and just embrace it because "it is a free to play" wont lead this game to a better shore, the Devs must know the opinion of the players, so they can improve 

I agree. The people who use "it's free to play, you don't have to spend any money in this game" as an argument don't realize that 1. people have to purchase plat before it appears in-game, and 2. if people didn't purchase plat, Warframe would not be at the level that it currently is. It might not even exist anymore. What's even more funny is that I find the people who use "F2P" argument are also those who are most likely to say "the devs have to eat" as an excuse whenever something outrageous such as Hema comes along.

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that "It's a free game so stop complaining" line has never washed with myself

it may have been FTP for yourself, but i put cash into this game (out of my own choice to help support it and move forward)
therefore its not FTP for me, but for you XD

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4 hours ago, Rhekemi said:


Leyou didn't invest in DE for nothing. They invested in them because DE makes a popular game that we play.

When we play it less, which includes purchases, it still affects DE's livelihood (and Leyou to an extent).

Our actions still affect DE.

1. Agreed. Never said they didn't though.

2 & 3. Not quite as much as someone seem to think.

See, here's the thing. As callous as it may sound, I'm not going to play and fund a game that's going south due to bad decisions made by its dev studio, just because I feel sorry for its employees. I'd feel sorry for the employees being in the situation they're in...I've been there and done that myself....but I'd rather invest in a game with potential and whose devs have their hearts in the right place and who genuinely care...not just about their game but also the people that play their game.

Treat me and others like fellow players and give us something compelling and fun to play with, and I'll happily invest and help out where I can of my own free will. Treat me and others as nothing more than sources of income and turn your game into a source of frustration and I'll definitely take my money elsewhere.

Respect is earned...and respect can be lost as well. And speaking as a long term player (at least 3 years of playing on an almost daily basis) who has invested a significant amount of funds on Warframe...the great respect I had for DE is slowly dying. The introduction of both subtle and obvious cash-grabs, the failure to fix long standing bugs in favor of throwing even more broken content at us, the empty promises to reduce grind and ease up on RNG...all these issues have made me think twice about spending another cent on DE.

I love this game...but I hate the direction it's heading in.


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First guys i want to apologies for my rly bad explaination ( i'm missing a lot of sleep so my translation skills are super bad )

"almost always" part guys stop looking for it ^.^ it was my bad hyperbole.

Ill try to make it short and easy to understand .

"Stop complaining its a free game" is actualy a sophism also known as false argument. Its not because something is free that you cannot complain about it ( cancer is free you know) or that you cannot have a good point.

BUT here on the forums Destructive Feedback , Bashing and personal attack are not allowed so in the first place the "Stop complaining its a free game" is not the problem in my opinion the real problem is the Destructive Feedback , Bashing and Perosnal attack that should not be there at all.

I said "Almost always" because in the other situation lets say a REAL CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK. If someone give the answer "Stop complaining its a free game" Is actualy non-sense because its constructive feeback and not complaining. Prety much well said by Rhekemi  right here

5 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

The Op and trunks, I believe, unintentionally exagerate the nature of the issues raised.

"It's a free game" is not always used to respond to poor feedback and attacks, and "It's a free game" (no matter how often it is leveled at constructive criticism and feedback) does not impede proper feedback.

In the face of proper feedback, the response is nonsense, and this topic is, therefore, a meta-complaint.

Leyou didn't invest in DE for nothing. They invested in them because DE makes a popular game that we play.

When we play it less, which includes purchases, it still affects DE's livelihood (and Leyou to an extent).

Our actions still affect DE.

Chuck actualy it was not the point  like Rhekemi said but here is the post from steve.

10 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

Except you haven't really pointed it out, just made an unsubstantiated statement.

Do you have sources to back up that claim?



So the TL:DR : "Stop complaining its a free game" is a sophism ( the false argument version of a spit in the face ) dont use it. But i honestly think that the root of the problem is non-constructive feedback , Bashing and personal attack. In the situation of a real constructive feedback "Stop complaining its a free game" Makes no sense at all. That why i never saw in 3 years of warframe "Stop doing constructive feedback its a free game" either.


Once again guys rly sorry for the big misunderstanding hope this will clarify the whole thing.

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7 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

First guys i want to apologies for my rly bad explaination ( i'm missing a lot of sleep so my translation skills are super bad )

I had no idea from your post that English wasn't your first language, had I realised I wouldn't have been so critical of your phrasing.

Thanks for the clarification, it looks like you actually have a very similar view to the OP, sorry for misinterpreting what you wrote.

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1 hour ago, Irorone said:

That whole 10x-1000x cost increase on a research project while not having a similar plat price increase on the cash shop is exactly one of the major reasons the hema argument is a valid criticism.

Also people have been trying to say that there is no trend of increasing costs.  That's a flat out lie.  Look at any launch frame's/weapon's build requirements and compare to anything released in the last six months.  Even if you try to say that it's happening because of player progression the numbers don't add up for the kind of resource explosions we've seen in key instances i.e. sibear, vauban prime, and now hema.

Yet literally the same things that I've said get used as "counterarguments" to those examples are rampant on this forum.  Just look back even in this thread itself and you'll see examples of it being used.

You can call that valid if you want... The fact remains that you can earn the item through gameplay alone. This undercuts that logic rather neatly

If the grind bothers you, buy it... That was clearly the intent imo.

If the grind doesn't bother you, earn it through gameplay.

"Their encouraging me to buy it...That's not fair" rings hollow because it is fair in that it's consistent— it's just not convenient. 

...Of course, they encourage you to buy it, they didn't make it for free.  Hema, Sibear, or Vauban Prime are fairly terrible supports for this criticism in truth because the only modifier between players in this case is time.

If you feel like it's a blatant money grab then don't buy it. Action speaks louder than words. That said, I'll remind you that the entire game is a blatant money grab (just like almost every other game).

If it's going to make you mad to acquire the stuff to get the item... Don't do it. The game is supposed to be fun.

If you disagree with the company and/or the direction of the game... Stop playing.


Spouting "Not fair, Not fair, not fair...let me show you how paying players have it better and don't tell me to stop complaining because the game is free" accomplishes nothing in the short or long term.

You are, of course, welcome to do that if you want. I'm just saying that it's hard to call their business model "nefarious" in this case as it's both consistent and transparent.  

Kubrows and Kavats though (as an example)... Pretty "nefarious" setup and supports your stance fairly well imo as the results aren't consistent.

Nerfing stuff 3 weeks or more after it launches due to obvious imbalances on the day it launched?... Smells "Nefarious".

FWIW, I'm not saying I entirely disagree with you; I just don't see where they are doing it in this instance.

In this instance, I see something incredibly inconvenient implemented that I won't touch as I am fairly certain it has to get nerfed.

...We'll see what it looks like in a few weeks.


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Warframe is one of the best free to play games ever created. 


That being said it comes with its share of issues and complaints just like any other game. The difference though is that this is a game that you didn't pay $60 for and you aren't being charged for expansions and new content. 

No one is saying that the arguments and complaints aren't valid (At least I'm not saying that) they are just saying that you need to lower your expectations. This isn't a multi-million dollar AAA franchise with an army of people behind it. 

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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

You can call that valid if you want... The fact remains that you can earn the item through gameplay alone. This undercuts that logic rather neatly

If the grind bothers you, buy it... That was clearly the intent imo.

If the grind doesn't bother you, earn it through gameplay.

"Their encouraging me to buy it...That's not fair" rings hollow because it is fair in that it's consistent— it's just not convenient. 

...Of course, they encourage you to buy it, they didn't make it for free.  Hema, Sibear, or Vauban Prime are fairly terrible supports for this criticism in truth because the only modifier between players in this case is time.

If you feel like it's a blatant money grab then don't buy it. Action speaks louder than words. That said, I'll remind you that the entire game is a blatant money grab (just like almost every other game).

If it's going to make you mad to acquire the stuff to get the item... Don't do it. The game is supposed to be fun.

If you disagree with the company and/or the direction of the game... Stop playing.


Spouting "Not fair, Not fair, not fair...let me show you how paying players have it better and don't tell me to stop complaining because the game is free" accomplishes nothing in the short or long term.

You are, of course, welcome to do that if you want. I'm just saying that it's hard to call their business model "nefarious" in this case as it's both consistent and transparent.  

Kubrows and Kavats though (as an example)... Pretty "nefarious" setup and supports your stance fairly well imo as the results aren't consistent.

Nerfing stuff 3 weeks or more after it launches due to obvious imbalances on the day it launched?... Smells "Nefarious".

FWIW, I'm not saying I entirely disagree with you; I just don't see where they are doing it in this instance.

In this instance, I see something incredibly inconvenient implemented that I won't touch as I am fairly certain it has to get nerfed.

...We'll see what it looks like in a few weeks.


Yup I can still earn it for free.  It's just ten times harder minimum than any other research option before (and that's the lowball value).  So no, it doesn't undercut the logic.  Like at all.

Yeah and when plat acquisition is still the same level when the free option is made intentionally harder, by a very significant multiplier that dwarfs any other singular multiplier in the entire game?

The grind didn't bother me that much till now.  It's had some roadbumps of considerable note, but I didn't support this game for it to turn around and start doing the same **** that make people make fun of other FTPs for.  Look at path of exile, they literally only had to sell skins and supporter packs and they still do content updates.  If warframe starts going full "freemium" they're probably gonna make LESS money because some people will stop investing on principle.

Ten times harder, again that's the low ball number.  There's a fine line for people where "encouraging people to buy it" crosses over into cash grab territory.  Needless to say a 1000% increase can pretty easily cross that line.

Yeah, but here's the thing, there's ethical ways to make that money.  You know why nobody complains about the plat rushing feature?  Because for the most part waiting times for new gear if you didn't want to shell out the plat were reasonable.  You know why almost nobody complains about skin pricing?  Because the skins are purely cosmetic it doesn't affect the player power ceiling.  This game, that was crowdfunded to launch initially, then repeatedly funded by plat purchases and prime access packs, is now artificially bloating resource costs in a perceived effort to get more money.  If you don't want to see an issue there fine, doesn't mean there isn't an issue though.

And you're whitewashing it now.  The wait times and rng for free acquisition has increased notably in certain content while the plat prices don't reflect those changes.  Why?  Because they're "encouraging" people to spend money if we go by your choice of words.

It is neither consistent nor transparent in the case of Hema.  Feel free to try and tell the majority of a 124 page thread they're wrong by all means though.

How did kubrows and kavats come into it?  Kavats admittedly have pretty questionable RNG though considering I've scanned over a hundred of them and I only got enough "genetic samples" to build the segment for them.  Kubrows have only had a relatively low egg drop chance but still nothing in comparison to a number of existing examples on the game's RNG.

I don't understand some nerfs/buffs.  But here's the things the only prices those changes affect are the trading chat prices, which I might add try to sell vaulted prime frame sets for 1k plat.

Ahuh, don't see the 1000% to 100000% range of change that hema costs enacted?  Right.  :corpus:

No idea whether or not they will change Hema costs.  That said I'm waiting till at least the first week of the new year since many of the DE employees are still out.  It shouldn't be too hard to change a number and run a refund script given DE's track record on that count.  Whether they will or not, that's the standoff at this point.


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23 minutes ago, Irorone said:

Yup I can still earn it for free.  It's just ten times harder minimum than any other research option before (and that's the lowball value).  So no, it doesn't undercut the logic.  Like at all.

Glad you caught on... Even if only sarcastically. It means you know that your argument is of the feel/felt variety.

...That's not actually an argument btw.

24 minutes ago, Irorone said:

Yeah and when plat acquisition is still the same level when the free option is made intentionally harder, by a very significant multiplier that dwarfs any other singular multiplier in the entire game?

So? The modifier didn't change... Time.

26 minutes ago, Irorone said:

The grind didn't bother me that much till now.  It's had some roadbumps of considerable note, but I didn't support this game for it to turn around and start doing the same **** that make people make fun of other FTPs for.  Look at path of exile, they literally only had to sell skins and supporter packs and they still do content updates.  If warframe starts going full "freemium" they're probably gonna make LESS money because some people will stop investing on principle.

...It happens.

26 minutes ago, Irorone said:

Ten times harder, again that's the low ball number.  There's a fine line for people where "encouraging people to buy it" crosses over into cash grab territory.  Needless to say a 1000% increase can pretty easily cross that line.

Then have nothing to do with the item or stop playing... Kinda simple. 

30 minutes ago, Irorone said:

Yeah, but here's the thing, there's ethical ways to make that money.  You know why nobody complains about the plat rushing feature?  Because for the most part waiting times for new gear if you didn't want to shell out the plat were reasonable.  You know why almost nobody complains about skin pricing?  Because the skins are purely cosmetic it doesn't affect the player power ceiling.  This game, that was crowdfunded to launch initially, then repeatedly funded by plat purchases and prime access packs, is now artificially bloating resource costs in a perceived effort to get more money.  If you don't want to see an issue there fine, doesn't mean there isn't an issue though.

And you're whitewashing it now.  The wait times and rng for free acquisition has increased notably in certain content while the plat prices don't reflect those changes.  Why?  Because they're "encouraging" people to spend money if we go by your choice of words.

Yes, I'm sure this is a very meaningful and frighteningly new development for you.

To me... It's Thursday.

32 minutes ago, Irorone said:

It is neither consistent nor transparent in the case of Hema.  Feel free to try and tell the majority of a 124 page thread they're wrong by all means though.

Sure it is... It just so happens to be consistently and transparently expensive and inconvenient this time around.

That's actually fair...Not sure how that keeps getting past you.

The mountain isn't unfair because only a few people manage to climb it.

That thread is probably chock full of folks like me telling folks like you to,"relax, breathe and leave it alone if it bothers you.". 

34 minutes ago, Irorone said:

How did kubrows and kavats come into it?  Kavats admittedly have pretty questionable RNG though considering I've scanned over a hundred of them and I only got enough "genetic samples" to build the segment for them.  Kubrows have only had a relatively low egg drop chance but still nothing in comparison to a number of existing examples on the game's RNG.

Because the way both were implemented (think incubation results)actually support your initial argument whether you realize it or not. 

41 minutes ago, Irorone said:

I don't understand some nerfs/buffs.  But here's the things the only prices those changes affect are the trading chat prices, which I might add try to sell vaulted prime frame sets for 1k plat.

Those are irrelevant... Unless you plan to complain about players overcharging you too.

42 minutes ago, Irorone said:

Ahuh, don't see the 1000% to 100000% range of change that hema costs enacted?  Right.

...Likewise irrelevant. It's a blip long term.

42 minutes ago, Irorone said:

No idea whether or not they will change Hema costs.  That said I'm waiting till at least the first week of the new year since many of the DE employees are still out.  It shouldn't be too hard to change a number and run refund script given DE's track record on that count.

Then why are you meta-complaining?

You are saying that it's too expensive... You have to know DE intended it to be very expensive (increased costs coupled with low(ered) drop rates). 

I'm not saying I agree with the business decision. I just don't see it as "nefarious"... Or any more nefarious than most Prime Access drop spreads.

If you don't like it or agree with how it's being done, don't get it— That's the best way to get them to stop doing stuff like this.

...It's not like DE is in the back pulling a Snidely Whiplash waiting on hapless suckers to buy it.

Well....It's probably not like that. 


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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:

Glad you caught on... Even if only sarcastically. It means you know that your argument is of the feel/felt variety.

...That's not actually an argument btw.

So? The modifier didn't change... Time.

...It happens.

Then have nothing to do with the item or stop playing... Kinda simple. 

Yes, I'm sure this is a very meaningful and frighteningly new development for you.

To me... It's Thursday.

Sure it is... It just so happens to be consistently and transparently expensive and inconvenient this time around.

That's actually fair...Not sure how that keeps getting past you.

The mountain isn't unfair because only a few people manage to climb it.

That thread is probably chock full of folks like me telling folks like you to,"relax, breathe and leave it alone if it bothers you.". 

Because the way both were implemented (think incubation results)actually support your initial argument whether you realize it or not. 

Those are irrelevant... Unless you plan to complain about players overcharging you too.

...Likewise irrelevant. It's a blip long term.

Then why are you meta-complaining?

You are saying that it's too expensive... You have to know DE intended it to be very expensive (increased costs coupled with low(ered) drop rates). 

I'm not saying I agree with the business decision. I just don't see it as "nefarious"... Or any more nefarious than most Prime Access drop spreads.

If you don't like it or agree with how it's being done, don't get it— That's the best way to get them to stop doing stuff like this.

...It's not like DE is in the back pulling a Snidely Whiplash waiting on hapless suckers to buy it.

Well....It's probably not like that. 



Long story short DE hiked an uncommon resource cost by a 10x-1000x multiplier depending on certain circumstances that arise in clans and people don't like it.  That's not "feels" that's not "complaining" that's math.  If you "feel" that they're wrong, complaining, overreacting, blah de blah de blah well I guess you're entitled to how you feel.

P.S. I would post a more in depth reply but I'm getting sick of the whitewashing of valid points.

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On 28/12/2016 at 6:10 PM, IKenofoxI said:

Just thought I'd mention that I've seen many people use that excuse to attempt debunking or countering valid arguments or feedback to the game. (In bold so that you know these are

not to be confused about flat out complaining with no proper basis) I believe that it's a very regressive act of anti-criticism and should be stopped.

I just wanted to say that warframe has a store that people can purchase items from. With people purchasing their product, for them their experience with this game would no longer be free.

They would have every right to make complains or voice their concerns.

As with people who play this game for free, indeed while it's a free game some people spend over thousands of hours into this game, which shows the company their marketing potentials with dedicated players spending time into their game. 

Rather than dismissing legitimate concerns over the game just because it's a free game, I think these people like them need to realize the importance of feedback people are attempting to give to this game to further improve it's experience.  Tldr:No. It's a free game so stop complaining is a bad argument and needs to be stopped because it's regressive.

alright...heres another one then

https://38.media.tumblr.com/075e74a4bfb054e08956c9751c15af3c/tumblr_ngnd97QdBQ1sx331no1_400.gif so stop complaining about a free game...oh wait...

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On 12/28/2016 at 4:10 PM, IKenofoxI said:

Just thought I'd mention that I've seen many people use that excuse to attempt debunking or countering valid arguments or feedback to the game. (In bold so that you know these are

not to be confused about flat out complaining with no proper basis) I believe that it's a very regressive act of anti-criticism and should be stopped.

I just wanted to say that warframe has a store that people can purchase items from. With people purchasing their product, for them their experience with this game would no longer be free.

They would have every right to make complains or voice their concerns.

As with people who play this game for free, indeed while it's a free game some people spend over thousands of hours into this game, which shows the company their marketing potentials with dedicated players spending time into their game. 

Rather than dismissing legitimate concerns over the game just because it's a free game, I think these people like them need to realize the importance of feedback people are attempting to give to this game to further improve it's experience.  Tldr:No. It's a free game so stop complaining is a bad argument and needs to be stopped because it's regressive.

I dont believe ive ever seen that used as a response to a valid concern with the game. In fact these are the forums, are there any actual valid complainst/feedback here?


It is a free game, stop complaining. You want something fixed or changed, you come with a solution not a problem. If its a bug or a glitch submit a ticket not a forum post. Criticism and feedback are not one in the same and complaining is neither. 


It doesnt matter if you have purchased plat or prime access, that does not change the fact that this is indeed a free game and the fact that you chose to donate your funds(because you arent paying for anything except seeing pixels on a scree. You dont recieve a product, you dont even oen your account)


This isnt a "regressive act of anti critisism"  because they arent wrong you have literally no right or reason to complain about something you have willingly chosen to take and partake in for free. You metely have the ability. So how about we stop posts like yours which make an attempt to convince ppl to silence a very valud aegument when it comes to a f2p game. If this were a full priced release and you purchased like lisence to play and you got what was advertised on the tin, then a free expansion comes along with the option to purchase cosmetics with real money and you didnt like it? Shut up, stop complaining, it was free and you dont need to partake.


Of course we are pretending there are legitimate concerns on an internet forum about a video game which only the very vocal minority of the playerbase uses. Nothing here is a legitimate concern unless they start stealing or burning children nor is it representative of the majority of players.


Video games. Its free, stop complaining and enjoy the ride. If it dies it dies but thats going to be up to the developer. If the majority of yall were on the devteam this game wouldve been dead long long ago. 


Provide feedback with suggested fixes. Otherwise youre useless and you should leave.

Edited by (PS4)thedarkness1962
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1 hour ago, Irorone said:


Long story short DE hiked an uncommon resource cost by a 10x-1000x multiplier depending on certain circumstances that arise in clans and people don't like it.  That's not "feels" that's not "complaining" that's math.  If you "feel" that they're wrong, complaining, overreacting, blah de blah de blah well I guess you're entitled to how you feel.

P.S. I would post a more in depth reply but I'm getting sick of the whitewashing of valid points.

No you are literally complaining for the sake of it. See other responses

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24 minutes ago, (PS4)thedarkness1962 said:

No you are literally complaining for the sake of it. See other responses

You mean the ones that literally used just the math on the hema like the one you're labeling as complaining for what I can only assume is the P.S. message?

Or the ones literally explaining the times when OP's gripes are at the very least understandable because of examples you can find in this very thread?

Yeah w/e.  also you probably shouldn't expect me to read through a triple post after you given no real reason not to put you on my ignore list.

Marvel's Daredevil phone daredevil hanging up phone

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11 hours ago, trunks013 said:

Interesting find there @trunks013

Person above [DE]Steve: That tweet was begging for a possibly hostile reply, mate. Just saying.

[DE]Steve: We know you love your game and all, and at least some of us (me included) respect that...but seriously, you need to stop being so defensive. "Criticism" does not necessarily equal "being S#&$ on"

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8 hours ago, Irorone said:


Long story short DE hiked an uncommon resource cost by a 10x-1000x multiplier depending on certain circumstances that arise in clans and people don't like it.  That's not "feels" that's not "complaining" that's math.  If you "feel" that they're wrong, complaining, overreacting, blah de blah de blah well I guess you're entitled to how you feel.

...That's "feels" brother. You say so yourself.

And the math is irrelevant because it's just another OP weapon/mod with a time differential between players that purchase it vs players that grind for it.

I.E. Thursday (the day after new stuff gets released here).

...I don't see you or others complaining about the fact that you are able to earn stuff that costs more than a hundred bucks the same day it's released (Prime Access anyone?).

...There are mods, frames, and weapons that take longer too than the resource needed to build this weapon (some you can buy and some you can't) making the point you are trying to make irrelevant.

Those are imbalances too and I don't see you calling them "unfair" or "nefarious".

...Because you benefit from it.

Stop your bleating dude.

Long Story short? You could have stopped at, "DE hiked an uncommon resource cost ...and people don't like it.". and your argument would have had more weight as relevant feedback. 

Right now though? Sounds like bleating to me.

8 hours ago, Irorone said:

P.S. I would post a more in depth reply but I'm getting sick of the whitewashing of valid points.

Get one actually worth "whitewashing" and then we can talk.

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14 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

...I don't see you or others complaining about the fact that you are able to earn stuff that costs more than a hundred bucks the same day it's released (Prime Access anyone?).

I have to completely agree with this.  No one person is calling any of those situations cash grabs, Hmmmm.  When faced with a stupid argument or one that is just too far out there, reminding someone that it's a free game can be a valid response.  Especially when used in context of comparing Warframe with other Triple A gaming trends of late. 

I mean seriously think about how many times you/we have been burned in the last few years by some Triple A titles.  I'll name a few: Evolve, No Man's Sky, Batman Arkham Knight PC, AC Unity, Watch Dogs, all EA sports games, BattleFront, etc.  Not all of those mentioned are "bad", but they surely were not worth the 60+ dollars up front price.  Now when you compare Warframe directly with those games, It holds up well or even better.  Then you realize that you didn't/don't have to pay a single cent to enjoy it.  "It's a free game." statement then has quite a bit of weight (when used in the right context) in an argument/discussion. 

Thank you for reading Tenno.  :D

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2 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

I have to completely agree with this.  No one person is calling any of those situations cash grabs, Hmmmm.  When faced with a stupid argument or one that is just too far out there, reminding someone that it's a free game can be a valid response.  Especially when used in context of comparing Warframe with other Triple A gaming trends of late. 

I mean seriously think about how many times you/we have been burned in the last few years by some Triple A titles.  I'll name a few: Evolve, No Man's Sky, Batman Arkham Knight PC, AC Unity, Watch Dogs, all EA sports games, BattleFront, etc.  Not all of those mentioned are "bad", but they surely were not worth the 60+ dollars up front price.  Now when you compare Warframe directly with those games, It holds up well or even better.  Then you realize that you didn't/don't have to pay a single cent to enjoy it.  "It's a free game." statement then has quite a bit of weight (when used in the right context) in an argument/discussion. 

Thank you for reading Tenno.  :D

Except for a few things.  One you can't earn it same day for free.  Even if you get the parts the lowest wait time is 24 hours without using plat and that's assuming that you go through RNG required at a rather amazing pace given certain drop rates.  You can earn the prerequisites same day nonetheless but you're not gonna get it same day without plat.  That's not been a problem in the past here since either people would buy it directly through prime access/cash shop, shell out plat for the parts in trading, or just grind through the game's FTP acquisition option.  However because of the resource hike for a LOT of people the Hema's margin between "grind through the game's FTP acquisition option" and buying it directly has changed a lot from any previous example.

Also saying that just because other games with the AAA moniker have lowered their bars doesn't mean the bars of measure here has changed when talking about warframe itself. 

Edited by Irorone
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