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Second Riven Mod nerf?


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I don't know when this happened, but I just noticed my Soma Riven Mod had degraded even further. I kinda understand the need to lower the stats on some of these, but I just would like to know if anyone else has had their riven mods reduced for a second time and if someone can point to the patch notes that implemented this change.

The original:



After the first nerf:



When I checked today:


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12 minutes ago, Ididdie said:

someone can point to the patch notes that implemented this change.

Disposition has been reduced for the following weapons:

  • Soma
  • Simulor
  • Tonkor

Looks like they (rather oddly and unfortunately) made the dispositions static rather than dynamic which means they will manually change them any time they feel a weapon is too powerful or "meta".

Edited by Xekrin
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

at this point, it makes you wonder why they even made Rivens for the Meta weapons, given that they nerf them so hard.

won't stop people paying stupid amounts of Plat for them though, so I'd say take advantage and ditch your meta Rivens for a payday!

Exactly, DE Nerfed theses Riven Mods into the dirt, that now it's pointless to even put a Riven Mod on theses Weapons.

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5 minutes ago, Monsterwithin said:

Exactly, DE Nerfed theses Riven Mods into the dirt, that now it's pointless to even put a Riven Mod on theses Weapons.

Unless it happens to Increase Crit damage, crit chance Multishot and add an Elemental, you'd probably be better off running one of the standard elemental mods I reckon.

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1 minute ago, Monsterwithin said:

Exactly, DE Nerfed theses Riven Mods into the dirt, that now it's pointless to even put a Riven Mod on theses Weapons.

Only for the meta weapons everyone and their third cousins use.... And even then the right combination is worth it.

That is the point of the disposition, to make the weaker less used weapons stronger to compete. Not just make the strong weapons even more stupidly strong.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

at this point, it makes you wonder why they even made Rivens for the Meta weapons, given that they nerf them so hard.

won't stop people paying stupid amounts of Plat for them though, so I'd say take advantage and ditch your meta Rivens for a payday!

They sort of seem like sidegrades to me. Although it makes no sense Since they'll probably work just as well, if not worse than keeping your normal builds.

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I argued that riven mods have no place in a game like this. My reasons are that it is not user friendly for the newer generation of Warframe players and I'd hate to see more of these mods on Warframes like a vitality riven or even pets if they decide this is a good idea.

Warframe-Builders or even Youtubers that do Warframe, often like to share their builds and I remembered thinking to myself "Hey, this is something I can get too, with enough grind." My question is this then, how can they get that specific riven mod when one shares their build now? Aside from buying it off someone else and re-rolling like mad, it's basically a time-sink and perpetuates this divide, special snowflake riven players vs players without the mod.

The game is becoming less like a shooter and more like a Warcraft MMO posing as a shooter, with Rivens we will be losing more of the shooter aspect. Stats like that on a gun? Really? It's almost already like that with how much power spam they introduced into the game. Ask yourself, why do gamers like shooters like TF2, CS:Go? Heck, why do players even like Dark Souls? While grind can be fun, I believe what makes Dark Souls fun is that experience and skill, with skill in dodging making the journey easier. Everybody starts off the same and the key difference is that skill is what separates the two. When player A can tank a full blown blast and player B cannot because of gear, then it's not really about skill anymore, it's about who has the best gear determines who survives longer and kills more. Adding this mess to guns and with powers having better scaling than guns, we've lost a lot of what makes Warframe a shooter.

Edited by ivlr3vil
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Those 3 likely got nerfed again as there were still among the top percentage of used weapons and like more so with a Riven installed. They will likely keep getting nerfed untill their usage rate drops and it becomes questionable wether to use a Riven or not and other weapons gain more usage. A likely reaction DE is looking for is a huge price drop on Soma/Tonkor/Similar to the point most people don't care for meta rivens and the prices of other weapons who needed the help to pick up a fair bit.

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