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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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Why should people be calm?

How many times did they said on DevStream they want to reduce the grind, and how many times did they said it's part of their objective of the year?

What do we get?





Progressively increasing the resource requirements? Look at the comparison of the new stuff to the old stuff.

The community has every right to be not calm. 

It's like I'm saying that I love you while pointing a gun at you.

Words doesn't mean anything, only action does, and their actions are telling us that they are lying to us.

I mean I don't know how calm you are when people lied to you, but I wouldn't expect everyone to be calm nor will I ask them to because they have every right to be angry.


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2 minutes ago, TaintedReality said:

I don't see the point of this thread. Let the drama die and wait for DE to increase the mutagen sample drops. There's nothing else to do. Talking about it, reopening wounds and rubbing salt in them won't help. Save your energy for the next time they screw up.

They pretty much said on the DevStream that they wont do ANYTHING about it

Wont change Hema costs, wont increase Mutagen droprate, wont make Mutagen drop in packs, wont fix the droprate from Mutagen on Eris being infinitely smaller than Derelict, wont make Mutagen drop from other planets.

But you know what they WILL do? More crazy stuff like that, just like Steve said, due the 'good feedback' from the Hema.

Remember Iztal? Wukong? Knux? Vauban Prime? Sibear? What all these had in common? Insane research costs or insane build costs. On EVERY SINGLE one, the community complained, they said they would take that feedback into account on future stuff and nothing happened. We let it pass, they do it again, we complain, they say that we should deal with it and do that again.

We always lose.

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It went according to my prediction.

Of course they care about their money more than people who give money to them.


Instead of thread merging, it makes more sense to just lock smaller threads and create links to them in the main thread. 

Edited by Volinus7
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32 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Stop making threads about this.

Edit: I appreciate your calm rationale and sentiment, but this is a metacomplaint, and metacomplaints are not cool.

No. Not complaining about obvious faults can snowball into a an unfixable mess. Besides This is DE's fault, and they're refusal to fix it is just further breaking peoples good will on the

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1 minute ago, Valteria. said:

Why should people be calm?

How many times did they said on DevStream they want to reduce the grind, and how many times did they said it's part of their objective of the year?

What do we get?


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Progressively increasing the resource requirements? Look at the comparison of the new stuff to the old stuff.

The community has every right to be not calm. 

It's like I'm saying that I love you while pointing a gun at you.

Words doesn't mean anything, only action does, and their actions are telling us that they are lying to us.

I mean I don't know how calm you are when people lied to you, but I wouldn't expect everyone to be calm nor will I ask them to because they have every right to be angry.


Careful, some people might make witty remarks against you that could leech off upvotes from other people. 

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3 minutes ago, Valteria. said:

Why should people be calm?

How many times did they said on DevStream they want to reduce the grind, and how many times did they said it's part of their objective of the year?

What do we get?


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Progressively increasing the resource requirements? Look at the comparison of the new stuff to the old stuff.

The community has every right to be not calm. 

It's like I'm saying that I love you while pointing a gun at you.

Words doesn't mean anything, only action does, and their actions are telling us that they are lying to us.

I mean I don't know how calm you are when people lied to you, but I wouldn't expect everyone to be calm nor will I ask them to because they have every right to be angry.


It's a video game.

One that takes very good care of it's players.

Clearly you haven't ever dealt with bad customer service in a video game ever.

No one lied to you.

I'm perfectly calm.

Also, hyperbole doesn't prove your point, just makes you look silly.

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6 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

They pretty much said on the DevStream that they wont do ANYTHING about it

Wont change Hema costs, wont increase Mutagen droprate, wont make Mutagen drop in packs, wont fix the droprate from Mutagen on Eris being infinitely smaller than Derelict, wont make Mutagen drop from other planets.

Steve actually said they wouldn't increase the drop rate? Well that's hypocritical, seeing as in the previous Devstream he said he would. How nice to go back on his word..

Dude I was one of those people in the previous threads raising hell over the Hema situation. I've noticed this trend for a while now. Steadily increasing resource costs and implementing new resources to grind for. I know. But right now. I don't see what good this thread is going to do.

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I am calm, but for me, this is strike one against DE. Simply because it boils down to them admitting they made a mistake and refusing to fix it. Sure we all make mistakes, it's a given. But, when you out right refuse to correct the mistake, it does become an issue. Also, I'm simply holding DE to the same standards that I hold myself and pretty much everyone else. 

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1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

It's a video game.

Yea? So? Not a company pushing it's product to their customer?

1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

One that takes very good care of it's players.

Yea I agree to a certain level.

1 minute ago, JSharpie said:

Clearly you haven't ever dealt with bad customer service in a video game ever.

Uhh What makes you think you can make that claim?

You ever deal with Asian companies?


Which took them 2 years to reply back to me.

Also which part did I said anything about customer service?

Do you mean PR?

2 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

No one lied to you.

No one lied to me?

Who are you again for making that claim? 

I mean my mom said santa was real.

What do you mean by no one lied to ME?

2 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I'm perfectly calm.

Which part did I said you are not perfectly calm?

Are you just laying down you are perfectly calm to make sure you differentiate yourself from the angry crow? 

Why do you have to do that if you never participate in any of those aggressive discussion?

No one is accusing you of being not calm.

2 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

Also, hyperbole doesn't prove your point, just makes you look silly.

Hyperbole? Where?

All I did was putting things as they are. 

Which part did I exaggerate anything? 

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Something that would be great to end this discussion would be if DE released the number of clans in each tier that have actually completed the Hema. If we had actual numbers this whole discussion could maybe evolve beyond one side saying "This is impossible" and the other saying "You're lazy."

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For me as a one man clan its a slap in the face. Its their game, the can do what they want. I'm only disappointed. Normally I would play the Sorties now but I dont fell like it.

Everything is OK...Mass Effect - Andromeda is coming, Destiny 2 will come! So no need for the Hema or Warframe.

Edited by Doc-Orange
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For me as a one man clan its a slap in the face. Its their game, the can do what they want. I'm only disappointed and tired. Normally I would play the Sorties now but I dont feel like it.

Everything is OK...Mass Effect - Andromda is coming, Destiny 2 will come! So no need for the Hema or Warframe.

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Well, to clear the thing about ''raining mutagen samples in Derelict''. 20 waves of ODD with a Hydroid and a Nekros, but no boosters. (could not find 2 more people for it from recruiting)



As we can see, 1239 kills 25 mutagen samples. Almost 50 kills per sample.

So without boosters to get 500 (the best case) you need to kill 25000 infested in Derelict with a Nekros around.


1573363 total kills in 1941 hours. So 810,59 kills in an hour on average. Of course it's with spying and such. For survival it's about 3k an hour.

8.3 hours of playing nothing but derelict survival to get 500 samples because I have none after dumping about 3.5k of them in the dojo.


And we only need 5340 more.

We'll probably manage. In a month or two. If there will be anyone left playing at that point.

Because it's positively raining mutagen samples in Derelict. (about 1 drop per minute kind of rain)

You opened my eyes on that, Steve. Thank you.

P.S. notice how it's 50k credits and the same 50k samples. I didn't notice it until now. But my god. I'm expecting the next research to require 5 million credits at least from a ghost clan. It would only be fair... it's raining credits all over the Sol system, after all. Especially with the upcoming Secura Lecta nerf and the credits economy mentioned in the stream.

Edited by Flirk2
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6 minutes ago, Dranaron said:

Something that would be great to end this discussion would be if DE released the number of clans in each tier that have actually completed the Hema. If we had actual numbers this whole discussion could maybe evolve beyond one side saying "This is impossible" and the other saying "You're lazy."

Yeah,I'd like to see how many clans have actually finished this thing. Frankly,this is a slap in the face to clans that don't have enough members to grind Derelict until they have 5k mutagen samples. I literally have 5 people in my clan,none of which are on regularly. I can't grind with them,I can never find a squad that wants to go long amounts of time on derelicts for anything other than vault runs,and I can't last long enough solo to get that many in a reasonable amount of time. I am honestly thinking about just giving up on Warframe if DE refuses to correct their mistakes.

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They can force 8hrs per day grinding like other jmmorpg kmmorpg just because they can and that's the fact. 

They cannot force people to buy cosmetics this is also the fact.


Looks like DE got tired of subtle ways and want to adopt asian mmo style. I didn't say that their parent company was involved in these 5-6 controversies since May2016 not at all.


Edited by Volinus7
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32 minutes ago, TaintedReality said:

Steve actually said they wouldn't increase the drop rate? Well that's hypocritical, seeing as in the previous Devstream he said he would. How nice to go back on his word..

Dude I was one of those people in the previous threads raising hell over the Hema situation. I've noticed this trend for a while now. Steadily increasing resource costs and implementing new resources to grind for. I know. But right now. I don't see what good this thread is going to do.

He said he would 'look into increasing the mutagen drops' on his tweet. Then he just went back and said they wont change anything at all, if you want the Hema go do Derelict (His actual words)

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I say DE have to take 10 people to farm 5k samples on a weekend (those who made the decisions about cost).

They're free to use any legitimate way to farm them (no special lv1 infested-filled rooms that 100% drop MS and the like). Let them grind those 5k samples, in their free time. Once.

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19 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

P.S. notice how it's 50k credits and the same 50k samples. I didn't notice it until now. But my god. I'm expecting the next research to require 5 million credits at least from a ghost clan. It would only be fair... it's raining credits all over the Sol system, after all. Especially with the upcoming Secura Lecta nerf and the credits economy mentioned in the stream.

On the topic of credits - they are nerfing the Secura Lecta, so your guestimate for future credit costs are most probably not off the mark.

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