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Remove the Infested Cyst


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36 minutes ago, Flustershy said:

Just a head up, that cyst will grow 5x the size and it will have this hair coming out of it aswell.

There will be a option to remove it later on or use it to make the infested helminth charger pet, (that will remove the cyst for 48 hours) before it starts to grow again.

thanks but i know, unfortunately this is the second time my loki has got it 

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Helminth Cyst ruins the Visual of Warframe  and on some frame wit smal heads this ugly thing (cyst) look mega giga very bad i remove (make infect dog) it from nidus and dont equp nidus after and i see there is again same ugly thing on the neck. my banshee have bein infected and i remove this thing (make  again infected dog) and never equp it i hope tomorrw not see this ugly thing again on her nek but more important is to stop this plague (disease) must end i dont wish infected frames any more dont need more infected dogs how many dog eggs we wil need :)


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

I love how half of the community is complaining about a small blemish at the side of their avatars neck on a free to play game because "it looks ugly" when they probably have something similar on their own faces irl 

Yes, because life isn't fair games shouldn't be fair either. i mean who want's a game to be fair... other than everybody on the planet.

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Honestly if this isnt fixed soon I think I'm done with Warframe. The fact that the players choice wasn't put into consideration whatsoever is a sign of a developer who either doesn't know their audience or doesnt care about them in the least. This was a terrible move on DEs part. Absolutely terrible.

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Plain and simple, DE messed up again. No one has a choice to opt out of it. It should have been a simple yes or no option that was implemented at, say, the end of a mission, giving us the choice to be infected or not.

Mind you, I have Nidus and DIDN'T sit in the seat, but I have seen what happens. You just sit. No option like, "Are you sure?" THAT would have been pretty good.

But no. It's basically forced. I don't like playing solo, but I find myself forced to do that since I don't want any of my other Frames infected.

Also, the cyst doesn't go away after you drain it. It just starts growing again. I know this because I used the one on my Nekros Prime, and after coming back and checking on him, I noticed that yet another cyst was already on his neck. This isn't fair!

So now, not only do I need a cure and a way to get rid of my Incubator Upgrade segment so that my Charger can just die (not go into stasis or consign it, I want it to DIE), but a way to keep from getting infected again. I already play solo, which I honestly do not like (unless I'm playing Spy or Sabotage), and I would LOVE to play in groups again.

This cyst was a terrible idea. Funny how they dumped it on us before they went on vacation.

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I'm just hoping they'll release a hotfix sometime this week with cure that supposedly Steve tweeted out. Can't confirm that but that's what I've heard and hopefully it's true and DE will do something about it soon. Yes DE should of know what it would cause especially when they messed with vacuum reducing it's range by half. The community definitely let them hear about it and they changed it quickly and apologized. 

The only problem is it's an unfinished idea that they pushed out too quickly before the year ended. I would of been fine if they had waited until after their holidays so they could of released a more completed idea and concept. The cyst isn't a problem it's how they went about it making not counter play towards moon and being infected - except isolating your self in solo mode or invite only. Even than the people you invite might be infected and the cycle continues. Thankfully still only four of my Warframes are infected but it's annoying and frustrating. I feel bad for those who have a lot more frames infected who would need to breed so many Charges it's not even funny. I guess draining doesn't remove the cyst permanently? That would suck if that's the case PatternistSlave. 

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I'm hoping to find some concrete information amidst all of the rumors.

Currently, all of my frames (that I utilize, anyway) now have this "cyst." Equipping my Mag Prime, I decided to try draining this cyst. I ended up, as expected, with a Helminth Charger. This process removed the cyst from my Mag Prime. I realized thereafter that all of my other frames still had this cyst.

Then - within 24 hours time, my Mag Prime has, yet again, another cyst. I can't imagine we'd have to keep a constant cycle of selling off pets, rendering them useless, just to drain one of any number of cysts every 24 hours. I've been reassured that there is a "fix" being created, or at least a far less tedious manner of removing this cyst. What has been proposed thus far, and when can it be expected? I've heard all about something coming, but nothing of the how/when, etc. I'm eager to remove this thing for good. One Helminth Charger is plenty enough for me!


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I have three cysts right now, and if I wanted to remove them all that's 300k and argon farming just to build the necessary incubator cores, and the fact this thing will grow right back on the frame you drained is downright obnoxious.

There needs to be a vaccine or some solution to the infection before long, it's actively sapping my interest in playing.

Edited by Reynard_Fox
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On 12/31/2016 at 4:13 PM, TaintedReality said:

I think people are making mountains out of molehills. We've had the infection for little over a week. Isnt it a bit too early to mourn over the 'loss' of fashionframe?

Yes, the cyst looks ugly but it's definitely not going to be forever. DE is on break, and I suppose it was an oversight not giving us a way to remove the cyst without creating a charger. Just wait until DE is back and they can provide us with a solution. You can tell how spoiled the community is by seeing the amount of whiny comments.


I fashionframe hard as well and it doesn't really bother me.

i think people are just goofing around.

i mean, where exactly are these people staring at their frames for such long periods of time that this bothers them?

do people do actually load the game and just hang out in a relay doing nothing?

On 12/31/2016 at 11:02 PM, PatternistSlave said:

The upsetting thing to me is that DE had to know what this would cause.  They just didn't care.  We're their customers.  Keeping us happy is what they should be doing.  Not trolling us.  And can confirm.  There is currently no cure whatsoever.  You drain the cyst and it grows right back.

no i dont think anyone could predict that people would flipout over the look of their frame being such a big deal that one little pink ball would bother them so much.

At least i think that they thought people would handle it for a couple weeks.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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11 hours ago, Jackviator said:

The cyst even regrows after you drain it, regardless of player interactions. I put my Frost P in essentially quarantine after I drained the cyst on it, didn't interact with other players or anything. Then I log in a day later and it's back, but small again.

*sigh* I suppose it's here to stay.

Yep. That will grows infinitely until there is no a real cure for it.

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Be me... 

Level nidus, cyst on neck. Waite 7 days, create abomination unto the Sol system. "Sticky" Level sticky to 30. Sweet sweet MR points. Sticky meets its end. "Bye Sticky"

Few days later Fave frames ready to be drained. YAY! 

Get egg, pay 15p Create "Killme" Pay credits to puppy blender. "Clean,jpg"

Load second frame, get new egg (Solo mode only from now on!) 

Pay 15p Create "Killmetwo" pay puppy blender. 

Cyst comes back, UNCLEAN!!

Close Warframe, "Feelsbadman.jpg" Ill come back in a few months after I find space penicillin and condoms.

Any one wanna play Gamecube?

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Just open up the infested room to all frames, make them able to receive a vaccine from the stabby thingie on the chair. Also make every account not yet opened up the room incapable of getting the virus so new players won't go "what the hell is the thing on my warframe's neck?". Or, if DE wants players to be able to get Chargers even before getting Nidus, just make it so that the cyst disappear by itself after 7 days and the warframe gets immunity for 3 months (if it doesn't have the vaccine).


The cyst will probably need to be farmed to feed Helminth. This will be an actual farming as we're actually growing a thing over time. Then you collect the cysts as a new resource. Probably to make the new infested arm thingie. Maybe this new mechanic will be a way to reward players with a large collection of warframes. More warframes means more cyst farming. Then clans would hold infection orgies parties with one infected dude sitting around as everyone comes to get infected. "Poz mah neg a$$ brah!!"

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On 1/1/2017 at 10:21 AM, ShadowFox14 said:

I have like 9 of my frames infected now, drained 1 cyst and it grew back 1 day later.
Also, I don't think I even had to wait 7 days to be able to drain it for the Helminth Charger, because I got my Nidus on Wednesday, didn't have any other frame infected before that, and I started the incubation on Saturday already. That's not 7 days at all.

BUT: Steve said on his twitter that there's another, final stage. I wonder when we'll get there...

well with their performance with War Within, probably sometime around June

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Eh, Looks like this cyst thing will be with us for a very, very long period of time, and there is no promised "secret stage" for sure. (at least for now) Plus game got a bunch of brand new game breaking bugs (i've seen a lot of messages about broken quests lately).  And no one is eager to do something about it.  And if developers doesnt care much about game breaking issues - i doubt they care about some ugly pimpie thing.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

I love how half of the community is complaining about a small blemish at the side of their avatars neck on a free to play game because "it looks ugly" when they probably have something similar on their own faces irl 

well since one of the primary things people spend money on for this game is Cosmetics, having something come along that ruins the look of a frame you have spent real money/plat getting the look just right on is something to complain about, and honestly if the best you can come up with is a variation of the standard "ha ha, you are all basement dwelling no lifers" insult I would like to point out that you are playing this game as well, so the same could be said about you

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