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Nidus really needs to get reworked


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On 1/11/2017 at 8:09 PM, SoulEchelon said:


I feel this is yet another kneejerk reaction.


You DO know Nullifiers are squishy right? It wouldn't even take half a second to kill them even at higher levels. If you're playing Nidus right, the stack drain would barely effect him if you kill them quickly, even in sorties.

I can't help but think alot of the people that complain so much about Nullifiers don't actually play like space ninjas, because I've yet to have a truly serious problem with them as long as I brought the correct gear to deal with them and used the parkour skills provided to us to take them down quickly.

and thats the big problem it requires certain weapons to deal with the nullifiers i went into a nullifier bubble with a venka prime and started to try swinging at him and lost 2 stacks because of that. while using spira prime can quickly drop the shield cernos prime can phase the nullifier shield and from what i gather from the nullifier rework still  wont work. i can still stank to the point where i am breathing on the fricking bubble and still the cernos prime doesn't work with the nullifiers. i don't want to sacrifice any enjoyment just to pick up one of your fricking meta guns. if you stop and pay attention to why or what the person is having issues with then you can find a little understanding of why they have issues.

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On 1/13/2017 at 2:36 PM, KrazzyKracker said:

Then by this logic Nidus should not have been nerfed because many other frames are far more powerful then he is. Frost is a tank that has a snowglobe and a press 4 button to win. He can nuke most enemies on a map no problem. He literally dosnt have to move just sits still press 4 over and over gg. While Nidus had to run around line enmies up and hit them with his 1 which is very small and only goes in a straight line. and his 4th wasnt ment for CC cause it dosnt do it very well it was ment to get stacks from maggets exploding but they already nerfed that. The only reason he got a nerf was because people cried about him on the fourms because they do that every time a new frame comes out.

I'm not sure how you extrapolated that first bit from my statement.   I literally said the opposite of what you said.  

Frost's skill set is pretty balanced as his ultimate tapers off pretty heavily and becomes more a CC and armor stripping tool.   You could make the argument for lower level content becoming a breeze.  That's a fair argument to make though. Should tanky frames have powerful DPS abilities? Maybe not.   

Nidus's kit is fine now.  I did an hour in an infested survival Axi.  I got four stacks and just cast Link and Ravenous the rest of the time.  I got max stacks in about seven minutes and got undying twice due to not noticing my link expired. I was talking to my son.  The lining them up argument is a bit of a lark because larva negates that problem.  Nidus is hands down the best control frame there is.  

Lastly, every frame gets tuned up or down based on player feedback.  No frame should be weak compared to others.   Look at the sad state of Oberon and hydroid.   No frame should be able to decimate the map or walk around nearly untouchable.  I think they could probably tune him a touch more though, but in his current state he's amazing.  

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On 13/01/2017 at 4:55 AM, jfhsanseiIII said:

I agree that underused items should be balanced, that's what rivens are supposed to do after all, so they get more play.  However, makingbthem all super powerful doesn't make the game balanced.  Again power creep.   Most people don't go deep into games, in fact not many go above sortie level.  So, it doesn't really matter what you bring.  A six forms Paris MK-1 is suitable for the content most people do.  However, that should be the case for all items.   Yet, no item should be so powerful as to be untouchable.  Balancing overturned items keeps the game fun and challenging.  Overpowering everything will just make it so it's a competitive "I can push four and kill everything faster than you" game, instead of a coop game.  Which is what DE appears to want. 

So instead of just direct buff weak gear, you prefer to create mod who might or might not real helping to make the weapon usefull as the most popular ? interresting, I though that most people won't go deep into games,since riven are in the sortie reward, will just a minority will benefit from this ? We will have the same for under used warframe ?

A PVE game will never being competitive by the simple fact that AI can't adapt as fast as a human, the only thing that they can do is like you said, making the ennemy way more stronger than us.  Perhaps one day AI will be capable to adaptly without patch to our tactic, but it's not today, I don't see why I do have to coop in order to kill bots, I don't see where is the competition in this process . But hopefully I don't play warframe for any competition, (I already pvp games like OW, SC2 for that).

12 hours ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

Frost's skill set is pretty balanced as his ultimate tapers off pretty heavily and becomes more a CC and armor stripping tool.   You could make the argument for lower level content becoming a breeze.  That's a fair argument to make though. Should tanky frames have powerful DPS abilities? Maybe not.  

Frost don't need it since he can control the map. Equinox for example don't need to be a tank too since he can already dps & control.

12 hours ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

Nidus's kit is fine now.  I did an hour in an infested survival Axi.

what a progress, can do that with almost any forma reactor frame, in fact it's the minimum I waited from this frame, designed for longer fight


12 hours ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

Look at the sad state of Oberon and hydroid.


That why I'm quite annoyed when DE prefer to nerf a newborn frame instead of buff/rework this kind of frame, especially when it come from a request.

12 hours ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

No frame should be able to decimate the map or walk around nearly untouchable

Perhaps if foes was at our level (120+), we may not being able to kill them all in only one large aoe, if foe could kill you with hitscan weapon in 1 sec you won't say that.

Edited by Soketsu
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On 1/12/2017 at 6:21 PM, jfhsanseiIII said:

Hmm.  I played Nidus extensively yesterday.  I'd say the changes just make it more fun to get play.  I've a question though.  Why is it always a nerf if we don't like it and balancing when we do? I think frames, and weapons as well, need to be in a constant state of balancing as new things come out.  Nidus still functions pretty much the same but got balanced so there's more to lose and less a feeling of invincibility.  I asked for balancing on the release thread, after playing him for a while, I could tell that it was possible to go deep in endless missions by hitting link, casting four, and letting your minions do all the work.  Now you're actually required to play a little bit more. It's fun.  

try playing in a corpus map in a sortie were the nullifiers flow in like water and everything hits like a mac truck. better yet try running a high leveled void mission where you can be knocked on the floor while a nullifier sitting around draining your stacks.  and try to keep thouse stacks going with out any way too cheese it.

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instead of being a bunch of nerflions barking nerf nerf at any decently fun frame that swings on by. maybe you could think of something that while be better then nerf? like actual replacing nullifiers with something a lot more better in the challenging department. because nullifiers are a cheep blow a very cheep and uncalled for blow. this is a mmo here and it should not have a room for any cheep as f method for this long. there is absolutely no way for a melee orientated person to get by unscathed no mater how mlg you think you are. when you think it is just 1 stack when that very stack could of been used for things like paracite link, undying, or ravenous. this change was so fast and sudden for me to the point i can't find any entertainment in any games because of this. and you guys may think that is not a very good reason for getting burnt out on but here is the thing thats going to put your foot into a mouth before you can say anything. I am clearly not you.

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I have 5 formas on Nidus, I do not agree with the OP post. 

Nidus is only OP when certain nontrivial conditions meet, it is even getting harder to survive especially if you jump into a ~lvl 50 mission with fewer opportunities to stack, you need strong weapons to survive first in this case, but then it loses the purpose to use Nidus if one relies on the weapons. I do not believe Nidus needs rework or nerf at all.

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On 1/12/2017 at 4:15 PM, KrazzyKracker said:

I agree with you I too will vote with my wallet. My family and I have spent about 4000-5000 dollars on warframe combined since we started playing and will no longer be supporting DE with our money I have had it with the nerf mentality at DE. I hope that they soon see that every time they hit something with the nerf bat they will be hitting their bank accounts too. 

I agree with you.  Some weapons and characters in a game are supposed to be much stronger or even OP to make the game fun, I do not think it is fun if the power of everything in the game needs to be more or less the same.   Variety is the key, in fact being extremely powerful is just one of the fun factors, sometimes it is more fun to use a less powerful frame in some missions.

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On 6/1/2017 at 1:25 PM, Genoscythe said:

So, a frame comes out that is not vastly underpowered and actually has new, well-playing and fresh design and mechanics and now everyone wants it to get nerfed? I would like to turn this around:


Make all Warframes like Nidus


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  • 3 weeks later...

No, he doesn't need a nerf, your favourite warframe needs a buff/rework so that he/she also scales better. Nidus isn't overpowered, because he only really comes into his own when the difficulty starts ramping up. A weapon or warframe being more powerful than some others doesn't make it overpowered, it just means those others are underpowered. People who call for nerfs are all hypocrites without exception. What they really want is for their favourite items to be the most powerful. Once they've got something nerfed, they'll eventually move on to the next thing they think is more powerful than their preferences. They don't understand that it would be better if their favourites were buffed to the same level, because they are blind to any problems with them.

Please don't listen the the nerf herders DE. They don't know any better, but they are, without a doubt, wrong. Nidus is possibly the best designed warframe you've ever made with his progressive scaling mechanic. He's better designed than loki, one of the only other frames who can scale as far as needed. If your aim is to make a game that can hold up if/when the regular updates stop, this is how the frames should be. You've hit on a fantastic idea with this, and I hope you keep this sort of idea in mind for further development.

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This kind of attitude is why we can't have nice things. Nidus uses all of his abilities to be good not just one. You don't just press a button and win.

They also nerfed the maggots so you have to detonate them. That means you're not just standing there. When a frame is new obviously many people will be using it.

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On 1/6/2017 at 1:25 PM, Genoscythe said:

 I would like to turn this around:


Make all Warframes like Nidus


Seriously, it has a unique playstyle and can be played in various ways. Every frame should have a unique machanic that let's it scale into endgame and improve during a mission by using its skillset well. Nidus is one of the only frames where you have to play all 4 abilties and actually get rewarded for it.

Hell Yes! Can we start with Mag!?(heavy breathing)

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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On 1/6/2017 at 2:14 PM, AethonWalker said:

Heck, as far as I'm concerned I'd like to see some other frames get nice treatments like his *coughcoughoberoncough*

Exactly! DE finally makes a frame that is everything a WF should be and people say it's OP, typical forum nonsense. Yes, he is hard to kill, yes he is somewhat easy to use, but he still requires you to be constantly paying attention and gaining stacks or you will die fast/easy, not to mention 3-4 forma and an exilus adapter.

Nidus needs no more changes, but all other frames need to be revamped in a similar manor that corresponds to their theme/ability set.


Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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