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The Glast Gambit: Hotfix 19.5.7


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Still no fix for:

-Starchart automatically moving you back to Kuva Fortress if the last mission you did was on that tileset. This bug is so annoying! It most likely happens because the Kuva Fortress moves, but it's still extremely annoying if you're trying to look at other nodes or choose another mission. The only way I can think of to fix it is to do a mission on a different tileset, or go to a relay or something.

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Dear DE

              Can you buff Dakra Prime? To be a bit more powerful then Broken War

                                                                                                                               Love, Bendd

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Adding a 5k paywall isn't funny.

Paywalls can/will be the demise of any free game.

It's not a joke to any of your players and you should seriously consider the backlash of any plat addition.


We all know you added HEMA to push plat purchasing of HEMA. Throughout the community you see the outrage/disgust, keep adding items that are so blatantly a money grab and your player base will steadily decline.

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Hello my The New Strange is still bugged. It says I already completed it but in real, no.


DE fix this please. I messaged support a couple of times and I feel i'm ignored


Edit: thx my warframe now is not having fps drops!

Edited by elitetrollz
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8 hours ago, AntoineFlemming said:

Sure would be nice if you'd fix those weather effects not showing up for clients. No point in implementing them if only hosts can see them.

Thank you for posting this!

And here I thought it was only me having this problem. After seeing my threads about the issue goes away unnoticed, that felt like the case to me. I've even tried to uninstall and install the game several times.

Relieved to know the problem is on DE's end..

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Sorry to bother you all but I recently completed the Spy mission for Glast Gambit (stealing Anyo's cheats) and I never received the transmission between the Lotus and Ergo, I've tried logging out and logging back in but no luck, please help!

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Im soo angry  right now trying to play a dam mission but when ever i try to do a mission on public i came in a mission and leave cant do sortie 2 always host migration took 30min to finisha axi capture mission due to being kicked out on everymission plz fix

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  • Changed Interception to prevent new players joining right before the round ends (it now locks the mission at the 60% mark).


Considering I had constantly people joining defense at waves 21, 26, 31 etc. something seems to have gone really wrong with that.

Also 4 years and host migration still breaks everything. Any fix for that ever? Keeping state isn't that difficult, you know...

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4 hours ago, Archonos23 said:

Thank you for posting this!

And here I thought it was only me having this problem. After seeing my threads about the issue goes away unnoticed, that felt like the case to me. I've even tried to uninstall and install the game several times.

Relieved to know the problem is on DE's end..

Yeah. And the problem is that I haven't seen DE even acknowledge this issue.

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6 hours ago, AlexanderLS said:

Adding a 5k paywall isn't funny.

Paywalls can/will be the demise of any free game.

It's not a joke to any of your players and you should seriously consider the backlash of any plat addition.


We all know you added HEMA to push plat purchasing of HEMA. Throughout the community you see the outrage/disgust, keep adding items that are so blatantly a money grab and your player base will steadily decline.

Honestly I do not know what this “5k paywall“ is supposed to be. I fully recognize that my Clan is not reptesentative in that matter as the five active players just happend to have twice the Mutagen Samples we needed lying around, but let me zell why I am sure that the number of samples shpul not be that much of a problem:

After I had contibuted my 2.4k or something and another player had given his 2.2k we texted a third player to contribute the remaining samples. Then I realised that having 0 samples remaing could be a bad idea. So I leveled my next weapon on an ODD, just to have some samples again. Then I realized that I only had 10 Mutagen Masses left and started building 5 Mutagen Masses. As I needed a lot of Kuva I bought a Resource Booster a few days later (yes with plat, but they ate also available from Baro). While that was running I got a Resource Drop Chance Booster as a Login Reward. That made me consider farming samples for real, which I did. I went to the recruiting Channel and offered an ODD in which I would play Speed Nova. I was the only one with a RDCB, but I had posted that I had one so everyone knew. The first three strangers who responded were the ones who I invited. We actually played with Nekros, Hydroid with Pilfering Swarm and an EV Trinity for about half an hour (40 waves), which earned me way over 400 samples as well as 20 Orokin Cells and 20 neurodes. Furthermore, I was able to level my Hema. That is were I stopped farming for samples as I realised with 3 other guys from my clan that would have been about 1,700 in half an hour. So the 5,000 can be done in less than 2 hours with booster (at maximum 200 platinum needed but possible with 0), whilst also farming the Neurodes needed some cells and a boatload of Credits for a Clan with 4 active members. If I did it solo it would be 7 hours with a booster for 40 platinum and some ducats on the right weekend.


So I honestly ask: What paywall? There are plenty of items that took me way longer to farm. Some Prime parts took me more than 12 hours of survival missions until I had them complete and even farming Mag from Nef Anyo was in the 6 to 7 hour range as the helmet just did not drop.

Edit: Even if these estimates seem too optimistic, the drop rate will rise next week to 2.5 of what it was so you can even divide by 2 if you farm next week or later.



Also: Tanks DE tgat there will be a cure forbthe cyst.

Edited by Opacor79
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