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I'm Really Disappointed in the Decision to Keep Mandatory Mods


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12 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

So give us less use of abilities so enemies that through actual interaction give us less use of our abilities don't need to exist.  This really makes any sort of sense to you?  Enemies you're interacting with is not "arbitrary".  "Arbitrary" is some guy on the forums deciding how much use of our abilities we should or shouldn't have.

Yes, it makes sense, because you're ignoring the fact that I'm suggesting alternate methods of energy generation (synergistic casting and all that) in addition to nerfing the over-the-top passive generation (Zenurik, Trin on the team) we currently have. Nullifiers simply ignoring powers is completely arbitrary. There is no lore explanation for how they do so, or why they don't simply outfit all of their troops with this technology now that they have it developed. Nullifiers are a poorly-designed and poorly-justified arbitrary unit. And I'm not deciding anything. Let's be clear on that. I'm suggesting, and it's completely up to DE whether or not they go along with the suggestion... so don't falsely accuse me of somehow seizing dictatorial power here.

You are not entitled to being affronted at the fact someone else on the planet might have ideas and preferences different from yours.

12 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

What you're suggesting is "nerf energy renewal and all our problems will go away.".  Literally the only concrete idea you've put forth is "nerf energy regen" like it's a magic wand that will fix the game.  Stuff like this

No, what I'm suggesting is that fixing the completely ineffective usage gate that is practically unlimited energy is necessary to completely fix the problem... not that it will fix the problem all by itself. I even expressly stated earlier in the thread that this thread alone is not intended to fix all of the problems in Warframe. It is merely addressing what looks to be like a completely ineffectual solution to a different problem.

If you actually bothered to read instead of insisting that you have a better notion of what I'm suggesting than I do, you would know that. But the subject of energy and energy generation is actually completely off-topic within the context of the thread, so I'm not going to continue discussing it further.

12 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

is not an idea.  You might as well say, "Oh and make game good."  You don't think game designers might try to do stuff like balance abilities without your important advice to do so?

I write threads with specific and detailed suggestions for how I think a problem might be solved, and I get people telling me that I'm being arrogant and presumptive to dare to tell DE how to make their own game, when all I've written are suggestions intended as inspiration and examples.

I write threads where I deliberately keep things more general (e.g., this one) and try to stick to discussing concepts and general directions of change, and I get people telling me that I'm not giving enough concrete ideas.

There's no pleasing some people.

Let's try this again:

I am disappointed in the decision to address the issue of mandatory mods by adding in new enemy types, because adding new enemy types has zero effect on existing enemy types and therefore does not affect the bottom line when it comes to modding weapons and Warframes. Simply adding new enemies that "require skill" instead of basic aim and an instant-death cannon will not change the status quo at all. 

It is, simply put, a pointless solution.

Thus, I am suggesting that DE instead fix the roots of the problem: the mods and the enemies themselves.

Now, I'm through with re-emphasizing that no, I'm not actually saying what you're telling me I'm saying. You can either listen, pay attention and comprehend the key differences in what I'm actually saying, or you can refuse to do so. Either way if your next response is something along the lines of "Ermahgerd your suggestions are so oppressive! You have no idea what you're talking about," this conversation is over.

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1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

You are not entitled to being affronted at the fact someone else on the planet might have ideas and preferences different from yours.

I'm allowed to think it's stupid to spend time removing an interactive element to replace it with an non-interactive one that does the exact same thing.  You're allowed to want the game to be more of a bland shooter.  I'm allowed to wonder why you don't just play one of the thousand bland space marine shooters out there.  I'm entitled to the magic space ninja game I've been playing and not the garbage shooter you want.

1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

There is no lore explanation for how they do so

Well it makes sense to me that at some point they might have developed something to combat the things killing them en masse.  No?  So any actual gameplay element giving enemies a defense doesn't fit the lore.  That's convenient for you.  Not like you were just saying the game was too easy or anything.

1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

I am suggesting that DE instead fix the roots of the problem: the mods and the enemies themselves.

"I'm suggesting that DE just change absolutely everything about the game."

1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

specific and detailed suggestions

"With better abilites.  Better AI.  Better guns.  Make it better DE."

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18 hours ago, PatternistSlave said:

"With better abilites.  Better AI.  Better guns.  Make it better DE."

Not this thread specifically; I'm saying that no matter what rhetorical style I choose, there's always people who complain. Your complaints are non-constructive, delusional, and ultimately a waste of my time. You have repeatedly refused to engage in meaningful discussion, instead choosing to seek refuge in ridiculing caricatures of my suggestions because you can't get comfortable with the fact that we are working with opinions rather than objective truths. I have made every effort to reconcile your knee-jerk alarmist responses through clarification, and it is clear to me now that you have no interest in even trying to meet me halfway.

Because it's simply easier to point your finger and feel self-righteously vindicated.

Okay. Get over yourself.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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37 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

You first.  I want one concrete idea out of you that doesn't involve removing content.  Go.

Once again, you have misconstrued the intent of my message.

I'm done accommodating your pettiness when you have proven yourself incapable of maintaining respectful discourse. Case in point with your most recent response. I'm also not obligated to tell you what you want to hear. I'm allowed to have my opinions and preferences, and you are sorely mistaken if you think there is any reason I should feel compelled tailor my suggestions to be more palatable to you personally.

For the record, I haven't really suggested removing any content. Only altering it.

Good day.

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As with every time someone throws out this threat, you're being melodramatic.

Nobody says that mods have to be deleted. I'm suggesting that they remove the mandatory nature of some mods. Serration can still exist. It just shouldn't provide 150% extra damage effectively for free. There's nothing compelling about slotting Serration on every compatible weapon I have without thinking twice about it.

Let me put it this way:

Why do you use serration? Because you need that damage to be effective.

Does that mean serration is a good mod? No. It means that every weapon in the game's base damage at level 30 is too low by about 150%.

Let's say serration is removed, and built straight into the weapons. Obviously, DE being DE your credits and Endo that went into maxing serration are refunded. Have you lost anything? NO. You have gained an extra slot to use on whatever you want, and you can spend those credits and endo on other things.

Let's say serration is not removed, and instead changed to have a more reasonable effect so that it's useful if you want the damage but not so useful that you wouldn't consider using something else. That would still require increasing the base damage of all weapons because they would be too weak otherwise. So have you lost anything? NO. You will have gained more freedom of choice.

How can you defend perpetuating a false choice, outside of "I won't be able to make as much plat off of Serration?"

3 minutes ago, PatternistSlave said:

Might want to glance up at the title of this thread again.

Might want to try reading before running your mouth. Heck, try re-reading the OP again and point out where I said "delete mandatory mods."

The entire point of this thread has been making them not-mandatory, not removing them from the game. Removing them is certainly a possibility, but it's not what I would consider an ideal solution.

Hence altering content, not removing it.

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On 1/10/2017 at 8:39 AM, DiabolusUrsus said:

So, following that logic...

  • Dark Sectors are fine, don't touch them.
  • Fissures are fine, don't touch them.
  • Archwing is fine, don't touch it.
  • Drop chances across the board are fine, don't touch them.
  • Warframes (e.g., Zephyr, Limbo, et. al) are fine, don't touch them.
  • Enemy scaling is fine, don't touch it.
  • Don't add new content to the game until all the bugs are fixed, because that will inevitably introduce tons of new bugs.


The idea that bug-fixing is the ultimate and overriding prerogative of development strikes me as... misinformed.

Dark sectors are not fine, they are obviously broken.

Fissures are also broken mess

Archwing is S#&$

Don't even start me on drop table

Warframe balance again is not fine

enemy scaling yet again is not fine and is a broken mess

None of the above fulfills the criteria i mentioned because none of them are fulfilling it's purpose. Now go ahead and quote me again and start telling me "this is not what you said and bla bla bla..."

The last point i will say : yes don't add more broken content on top of all the horrendous broken mess.

When a game has more bug than features and continue to be added more bugs than feature, then bug fixing should be the only criteria. If you want to continue playing a bug ridden game and want more buggy content to be added, then i have nothing more to say.

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1) Remove mods like serration and include it in the weapons base damage is a good idea if you think that it is just dumb because you include them in all weapons - Well seems fair

2) Remove mandatory mods will give more freedom to mod - WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Come on, people will just fit the next bext damage mod or Qol only if REALLY needed. 


Now " lets remove Serration and we will change our Soma Prime build entirely"  mentality is just... naive...

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I really feel that a big part of modding should be your use of status'. But I also feel that the status' also need to be viable for use on all factions so your choice of status is meaningful rather than mandatory eg. Corrosive for grineer. Or magnetic vs corpus. For that we need new status effects. Instead of magnetic halving shields for instance shooting an enemy with magnetic damage should draw other enemies near it closer to it, kind of like a short range noise arrow. Corrosive could jam enemy weapons for x duration. Thay sort of thing. But the main thing about this is youd need to remove the faction specific damage for elemental combos.

Elemental wise there also needs to be a change to the mods. They should convert the base damage to that element, so stormbringer would convert 90% or whatever they make the conversion, to electricity. Buzzkill could convert x base damage to slashing. This would let you customise to how you play. 

Which leaves us with the usual spread of mods.. but you can then run any status vs any faction, and that War you gave buzzkill can now slash damage for a decent amount for bleeds.

After all that is changed all that is left is working on enemy balancing to factor in the reduction of damage (because elements convert instead of adding damage)

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17 hours ago, Harutora-Joushiro said:

When a game has more bug than features and continue to be added more bugs than feature, then bug fixing should be the only criteria. If you want to continue playing a bug ridden game and want more buggy content to be added, then i have nothing more to say.

You... completely missed my point.

You're saying that bugfixing should take ultimate priority over content development, and the reason I listed a bunch of broken stuff that needs a lot of improvement that shouldn't be put on the backburner just because the game has bugs. Especially when Warframe tech support is as competent and helpful as it is. Bugs need to be fixed, sure, but stalling development while trying to fix bugs is an exercise in futility.

Edit: To be clear, the things I listed are arguably fulfilling their purposes.

  • Dark Sectors provide good grind-spots. That's ultimately the only end-game WF has atm. Not counting Fashionframe, obvi.
  • Are fissures letting people get Prime parts? Yes? Then working as intended.
  • Archwing functions as advertised and distributes rewards correctly? Working as intended.
  • You can get loot, yes? Drop chances are fine.
  • All Warframes are playable? Yes? Working as intended.
  • Enemy scaling makes enemies tougher? Yes? Working as intended.

Point being that all of these systems are arguably doing exactly what they are supposed to do. The distinction is that they aren't necessarily doing those things well. They need improvement, but they're not non-functional. Which is precisely why your "conditions" are faulty.

12 hours ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

1) Remove mods like serration and include it in the weapons base damage is a good idea if you think that it is just dumb because you include them in all weapons - Well seems fair

2) Remove mandatory mods will give more freedom to mod - WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Come on, people will just fit the next bext damage mod or Qol only if REALLY needed. 


Now " lets remove Serration and we will change our Soma Prime build entirely"  mentality is just... naive...

Again, that's not what I am suggesting here.

I would rather see Serration, etc., built into weapons and the mod itself changed to have a weaker effect + a drawback.

It's not about removing all the best mods. It's about shrinking the gap between damage+ mods and other types of mods to the point that a) the damage mods aren't entirely necessary for good performance, and b) the other mods are still worth considering over damage. You don't get rid of "mandatory" mods by simply deleting the best mods. You get rid of "mandatory" mods so that the difference between using those mods and not using those mods is less like night-and-day.

11 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

I really feel that a big part of modding should be your use of status'. But I also feel that the status' also need to be viable for use on all factions so your choice of status is meaningful rather than mandatory eg. Corrosive for grineer. Or magnetic vs corpus. For that we need new status effects. Instead of magnetic halving shields for instance shooting an enemy with magnetic damage should draw other enemies near it closer to it, kind of like a short range noise arrow. Corrosive could jam enemy weapons for x duration. Thay sort of thing. But the main thing about this is youd need to remove the faction specific damage for elemental combos.

Elemental wise there also needs to be a change to the mods. They should convert the base damage to that element, so stormbringer would convert 90% or whatever they make the conversion, to electricity. Buzzkill could convert x base damage to slashing. This would let you customise to how you play. 

Which leaves us with the usual spread of mods.. but you can then run any status vs any faction, and that War you gave buzzkill can now slash damage for a decent amount for bleeds.

After all that is changed all that is left is working on enemy balancing to factor in the reduction of damage (because elements convert instead of adding damage)

This, this, this, and this again.

If I want to use heat damage, I should have ways of using it effectively against Grineer, Corpus, and Infested. Same if I want to use electric damage... but how I accomplish that should be different for each faction.

I would also like to suggest that following the "converts damage" model, "combined" elements work differently:

  • Only ONE element per weapon.
  • Two separate basic elements combine into a greater conversion of combined, BUT
  • Advanced element mods exist (e.g. +Radiation) with lower total damage conversion and cost (point-wise and slot-wise) than combining basic elements.

On the subject of status, I want to see an "auxiliary" (every hit) and "proc" (periodic) effect assigned to each element. For example:

Electricity Aux: Chains between enemies dealing low bonus damage. Additional enemies in the "chain" increases the bonus damage.
Electricity Proc: When X number of enemies are chained, or after X number of hits, affected enemies are stunned.

I would also like to see different TYPES of effects rather than just "on hit."

For example, gas could create small, short-lived gas clouds wherever bullets/arrows/missiles hit. The size of the cloud would be directly influenced by total damage. Enemy pathing AI is programmed to try to avoid the clouds, clouds deal an increasing amount of damage the longer an enemy stays in the cloud. Bonus points if you can cause the gas to explode by hitting an enemy with heat damage inside of the cloud. (Melee could create a cloud on the struck enemy.)

Magnetic could increase projectile speed in addition to being effective against shields.

Stuff like that.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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I think one of the things many are forgetting is that when this discussion first started ( year and a half ago??) there weren't nearly as many mods out.   Remember when Boltor Prime was the defacto wrecking machine?  Who uses it anymore?   Haven't seen one in a game in months.    It was hands down one of the top 3 primaries. Argon scope totally made it worthless weapon.    My how times have changed, and more mods have only been added.    We have so many more options with mods yet still only have a couple slot to realistically work with.   

Most of us want any of our weapons to do the job of killing the particular enemy we're fighting.   Anyone get tricked in a sortie by looking at the planet and realizing on arrival, it was a different faction and your magnetic/toxin build is almost worthless against lvl 100 grineer?    So with the addition of all of these mods how do you use them or even experiment when at least a few mandatory mods are required?

Solution:  Make the damage mods a 90%  and multishot use ammo.  Bingo.   Done.   Nothing else changes,    Now you can decide, do I want to go for a red crit build with that fancy new riven and scrap split chamber cause I'm always out of ammo?   Or whatever.    Wouldn't have to refund anyone anything and it would literally be like corrupted, some benefit some costs.    Getting extra 90% serration damage costs a slot that may actually be better spent putting in hammer shot or 3rd elemental or whatever.   For primed versions, they could stay, just reduce the amount accordingly same as regular versions.

I just think the idea that a mod is mandatory kinda misses the point in creating customization.   Everything else in this game is totally creative, albeit most go the popular routes for efficiency, and that's why some of these riven challenges are really cool.   They force a bit of creativity.  Same with some of these strange mission types, like index and rathuum.   And that's the point.  We now have so many more mods to be creative with but lack the ability and keep the damage to make the weapon actually viable as it is now.

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16 hours ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

Edit: To be clear, the things I listed are arguably fulfilling their purposes.

  • Dark Sectors provide good grind-spots. That's ultimately the only end-game WF has atm. Not counting Fashionframe, obvi.
  • Are fissures letting people get Prime parts? Yes? Then working as intended.
  • Archwing functions as advertised and distributes rewards correctly? Working as intended.
  • You can get loot, yes? Drop chances are fine.
  • All Warframes are playable? Yes? Working as intended.
  • Enemy scaling makes enemies tougher? Yes? Working as intended.

Point being that all of these systems are arguably doing exactly what they are supposed to do. The distinction is that they aren't necessarily doing those things well. They need improvement, but they're not non-functional. Which is precisely why your "conditions" are faulty.


that is your idea of "working as intended"? a man's penis is for taking piss and... another important stuff, now if a man can pee but can't do the other stuff you won't say that his penis is "working as intended". All of those stuff you mentioned they are not workign as intende, why? you know far better than i do. don't bring out nonsensical argument to justify your point. 

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I think everyone is pissed on this decision.

"Mandatory" mods kill progression. They're not even mods if they improve damage. Think of modding a REAL gun. What do you add? Suppressor, scopes, sights, magazines, stocks, underbarrel attachements, etc etc.

if they keep this sh*tty "mod" system then at least give us the option to have a completely SECONDARY modding section that actually allows people to mod and customize their weaponry. Like keep the mandatory mods (damage increase basically) dedicated to a section that affects ALL your primary weapons, ALL your secondary weapons, ALL your melee. Maybe like a side tree or something I don't know this sh*t's all messed up. Then have the customization section.

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15 hours ago, Ranchpig said:


I agree with you and disagree with you at the same time. Absolutely, power-creep is a thing. Absolutely, elemental weaknesses are stacked in a pointlessly arbitrary way with little flexibility. Absolutely, nerfing +damage mods a bit so that they're less superpowered would be a good solution.

Simply making multishot won't fix it entirely, though, because that essentially just turns multishot into a +fire-rate mod. Firing two bullets at once is nothing more than a 100% fire-rate increase. Not saying I have a good solution at the drop of a hat, but I'm fairly confident that making it cost ammo is not the best way to go.

6 hours ago, Harutora-Joushiro said:

that is your idea of "working as intended"? a man's penis is for taking piss and... another important stuff, now if a man can pee but can't do the other stuff you won't say that his penis is "working as intended". All of those stuff you mentioned they are not workign as intende, why? you know far better than i do. don't bring out nonsensical argument to justify your point. 

Strictly speaking, yes. Using your analogy: If a man's penis works for urination but not for reproduction, he will be unhappy but survive. If a man's penis works for reproduction but not for urination, he will die a horribly painful death in short order without medical attention.

So my analogy actually works pretty well.

Ideally, you want both urination and reproduction. The features I listed all work for urination (bare minimum, but still functional) but not reproduction. Of course we want to get reproduction working... but your entire original point was "as long as it works for urination, it shouldn't be touched while there are still glitches in the rest of the body."

That's silly. Especially when improving aspects of the game don't require 100% of the available development resources.

There's nothing nonsensical about this.

You can play Dark Sectors. You can play Fissures and get Prime parts. You can play Archwing. All loot will eventually drop. Warframes are not so broken as to be unplayable. Enemy scaling puts increasing pressure on players. Working. As. Intended.

If your "criteria" for warranting attention are "no major bugs and working as intended," then very little should be happening in terms of polish.

My point is that, like the other features I listed, the modding system (in terms of customization) works for urination just fine but not for reproduction. The change discussed as the primary subject of this thread was slated to be a decent start in getting reproduction working.

Because if we strip away the pretense, what your criteria seem to boil down to is "I don't have any complaints about the modding system."

I'm glad that it doesn't bother you, really. But it bothers me, so I'm giving feedback about it.

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5 hours ago, AshenHaze said:

I think everyone is pissed on this decision.

"Mandatory" mods kill progression. They're not even mods if they improve damage. Think of modding a REAL gun. What do you add? Suppressor, scopes, sights, magazines, stocks, underbarrel attachements, etc etc.

if they keep this sh*tty "mod" system then at least give us the option to have a completely SECONDARY modding section that actually allows people to mod and customize their weaponry. Like keep the mandatory mods (damage increase basically) dedicated to a section that affects ALL your primary weapons, ALL your secondary weapons, ALL your melee. Maybe like a side tree or something I don't know this sh*t's all messed up. Then have the customization section.

Unfortunately, if you read the thread you'll see that very clearly NOT everyone is pissed at this decision. Though I'd prefer "disgruntled/disappointed" to "pissed."

I would support some more... immersive naming conventions to mods, but I think that Warframe has plenty of interesting mechanics built into modding. The problem is that all of those interesting mechanics take a back-seat to MOAR POWER. I think you understand this, so I digress.

Your suggested additional modding system would actually be a viable alternative. To be clear, my complaint is not that progression comes in the form of mods. My complaint is that progression directly competes with customization (though how anyone could call that a legitimate competition, idk), and that progression is random because of drop chance. If we simply segregated "progression" mods and "customization" mods into two separate pages not drawing from the same pool, that would be a huge step forward.

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1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

-snip- If we simply segregated "progression" mods and "customization" mods into two separate pages not drawing from the same pool, that would be a huge step forward.

Funny, this is what was suggested by many people (me included) almost all the way back to the beginnings of open beta. And yes, it would indeed help out a whole bunch as it would be an actual way to "please both crowds".

Furthermore, it felt like DE was trying to ever so slightly test this out with the introduction of the exilus slot. But the fact that it draws from the same modding pool cost was not the brightest execution, then drift mods also happened and the point of the exilus slot was kind of wasted.

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3 hours ago, Azamagon said:

Funny, this is what was suggested by many people (me included) almost all the way back to the beginnings of open beta. And yes, it would indeed help out a whole bunch as it would be an actual way to "please both crowds".

Furthermore, it felt like DE was trying to ever so slightly test this out with the introduction of the exilus slot. But the fact that it draws from the same modding pool cost was not the brightest execution, then drift mods also happened and the point of the exilus slot was kind of wasted.

And, in keeping with their track record thus far I expect that they will ultimately (after multiple iterations) go with what the community has been suggesting... but with their own unique twist that magnificently deconstructs the whole point of the suggestion to begin with. It's just so frustrating that they got so close to taking the "mandatory" out of mods and then got cold feet at the figurative last second.

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5 hours ago, Harutora-Joushiro said:

No it doesn't but you have the right to live in your delusion. Carry on.

I'd really prefer not to be deluded; it strikes me as healthier to be in full possession of my faculties. So could you please elaborate on how my analogy doesn't work? And please don't say "because it's all obviously broken." I've heard that from you already, but it doesn't make sense to me.

I doubt support gets many tickets regarding Dark Sectors or high-level enemies. I'm also fairly convinced that bugs with rewards are typically related to network issues, not issues with the game simply refusing to give up rewards (and when that DOES happen, DE compensates everyone affected and then some: example being the recent Nitain alert). Archwing is boring, but not particularly buggy in my experience... There are some Warframes I don't really use, but that's more because they don't interest me than because they're terrible.

All of the features I listed are in need of improvement, but they're not broken beyond function. How is that any different from the modding system? Or the Focus system for that matter?

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  • 2 weeks later...


You know what suggestion I would make, is to take every topic that garners the kind of attention/thought that yours started, and have DE run the numbers,  Every month they get stickied  in a "TOP 5" list of the month, quarter, year, etc..  So that these ideas are centered and focused and warframe really sees and can distill good ideas from it.   So many  ideas are floating around out here that would absolutely make warframe unstoppable in it's class.     DE could even get the top voted respondants to be included in a monthly forum post to try solve players issues in a way that helped both DE and the community.   It's such a shame that they don't utilize more of their players talent and ideas.

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I mostly agree, even if I don't personally have an issue with random mod acquisition.

There can never be any balance with "mandatory" mods, mods that add 90-220% damage and can be stacked, and mods that have absolutely no drawbacks. That is simply not customization, it's a binary choice between being more powerful or handicapping yourself.

By limiting player power they'd also be able to put a ceiling on enemies and give us the freedom to use more varied loadouts effectively. It'd be the first step towards getting rid of blatant powercreep, cheesy enemies, ridiculous enemy scaling, "mastery fodder", etc. (although I believe it should all be done at the same time, lest the game became unplayable)

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