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Arsenal 2.0 (less hassle and more customization)


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The Arsenal is a system that is long due to incorporate items to make players have more elasticity for their builds and not have to run around the ship changing arcanes, making sure their focus school is perfect, and making sure they have that proper cosmetic on for arcanes. There needs to be a UI addition/QoL rework to allow players to setup a warframe in the ship. I made a concept of improvements to the Arsenal below and explained each section after.



Arcane Enhancements

Arcanes currently are tied to cosmetics and take a long while to change through which cosmetics you want for a certain frame. This procedure is very tedious and sometimes can discourage players into using favorite cosmetics. Ex: Misa Prime using Arcane Grace for your Inaros, but you switched to Ember Prime and want Arcane Energize. Arcanes should be part of the mod/upgrade menu. Changing Arcanes would bring up the same UI the Foundry has. The Foundry would be updated to display which frame arcanes are attached to. Arcanes can be used on as many frames as you want, but wanting 2 sets on the same frames still requires 20 of that arcane (2 sets). This change ALSO adds more sets into the market as players do not need more than 20 of the same arcane. This makes trading easier for the newer players or the players who will never touch raids.

Focus Schools

Focus can be annoying when you want to use certain passives/abilities on other frames more than others. Allowing players to separate the affinity being earned from a focus lens (symbol next to frame above) and the school abilities and passives they want creates more diversity. Ex: I want to level and earn affinity for Zenurik on my Valkyr Prime, but want to be using Vazarin Focus for the damage reflection and instant revives WITHOUT having to go to the operator to change focus each time I switch frames. Allowing my Vazarin to be stuck when using Valkyr Prime.

Syndicates, Sigils, and Reputation

Fashion with sigils is just as important as the armor and syndanas. Syndicate sigils are forced to be used when a player wants to earn their reputation points in the system. Removing all stat percentages from syndicate sigils allows for a player to simply select which one they want to represent on their frame. In the image above I selected Cephalon Suda. This system will used the highest tier possible rep gain. Once a level is reached it cannot be taken away (Ex: I was Rank 3 with Red Veil, but now I am Exiled. If I choose to gain rep with them again, it earns at the rank 3 percentage).

Player Feedback 1: Renaming Configs @Black-chameleon

"Also, I kinda wished we could rename the configurations so we'll remember the specialties of that specific configuration. (rename config A to "efficiency" for a build for energy reduction sorties, and rename config B as "power str" for *select weapon* only sorties and the like)"

Player Feedback 2: Showing Hidden Stats @Xekrin



On 1/7/2017 at 10:21 PM, Xekrin said:

Also any and all 'hidden' stats and alternate mechanics need to be displayed/described.  Cloud radius on mutalist cernos.  Size of radial cone of embolist, range of melee weapons, slamm attack radius/range/extra procs (dual heat swords proc heat etc...).

Better 'attack speed' indicators (sparring weapon has lower speed than fist weapon yet clearly attacks like 4x faster - furax wraith vs. hirudo).

More realistic and useful 'accuracy' information (guess what 25% of 100 is 80! WHAT!).

A whole melange of other stats that are only available on the wiki that should be accessible in the game.  Such as how long does slash procs last?  How much longer will it last with a status duration mod equipped?

Every single stat (flight speed) that has a mod that increases it, should be displayed in the game.  Multiple windows could be used.  Little arrows below the "mod tip" can switch between basic, advanced and alternative information and stats.


Player Feedback 3: Simulacrum access from the ship, Sandbox mod mode, Tagging loadouts with a Glyph, Pets and Sentinels, Tying ship to loadout @fr4gb4ll

10 hours ago, fr4gb4ll said:

i will just copy past from my post (since i didn't saw your earlier when i wrote it):

  • option to change the ship we use for an loadout, and save it with the rest - reason: even though the most of the ship powers are rather weak, they have their use and might be enhanced in the future. clicking through this damn menu everytime i want to change between the liset and the mantis (which are my most used ones) is to troublesome and therefore i often use the liset, which power has the best use in sortie rescues or messed up spy sorties.
  • i often wish we could put one glype picture to each loadout too - not really important, but a nice addon if one has a lot of them. shouldn't be too hard to make that happen, right?
  • sentinels and companions... ever wondered the nonsense with the hibernating animal companions? sure, i don't want to have a zoo running around my ship too, but why must we always use the damn incubator and it silly control to wake up the kavat or kubrow ("cute" little chager now too) in there, wait for 30min (or more if you does not have the addon) and only then be able to put them into our loadout again. even though it would be best to forget the whole "acclimating" wait time at all, at least let it happen automatically via the arsenal (and put an timer to it how much longer it takes until one can his cat into a mission).
  • we al know it: the warframe builder! not that i want the revered person/people who brought it about to us out of business, but lets face it, it only exist because we don't have the possibility to preplan frame and weapon build in-game, where it should belong from the start. so, an sandbox where we can test builds without the need to forma off our behind would be nice. alternativly, this whole thing could be put into the simulacrum where it would even more logical... and this brings up the next idea too...
  • access to the simulacrum from the arsenal - once we have get the key for it. it does load into a seperatemap anyway, right? so why must we always fly to a relay station when we want to enter?

link to it:



Feel free to add anything or give your opinion on my feedback/concept. I feel this would be very nice in the Quality department and would make builds less of a hassle when adding arcanes, worrying about fashion, and selecting focus/syndicates. Thank you for reading :clem:!

Edited by -Voltage-
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Why is this not getting more upvotes!?

Also, I kinda wished we could rename the configurations so we'll remember the specialties of that specific configuration. (rename config A to "efficiency" for a build for energy reduction sorties, and rename config B as "power str" for *select weapon* only sorties and the like)

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10 minutes ago, Black-chameleon said:

Why is this not getting more upvotes!?

Also, I kinda wished we could rename the configurations so we'll remember the specialties of that specific configuration. (rename config A to "efficiency" for a build for energy reduction sorties, and rename config B as "power str" for *select weapon* only sorties and the like)

1) If you want this to be seen and not just pushed by other posts, quote it and post it around (Mofojokers does this with his amazing sortie token post).

2) Yes ALL MY YES. I would love to have WoF as config A, or Snowglobe as my frosts Config A etc ...

Edited by -Voltage-
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1 hour ago, -Voltage- said:

Feel free to add anything or give your opinion on my feedback/concept.

Also any and all 'hidden' stats and alternate mechanics need to be displayed/described.  Cloud radius on mutalist cernos.  Size of radial cone of embolist, range of melee weapons, slamm attack radius/range/extra procs (dual heat swords proc heat etc...).

Better 'attack speed' indicators (sparring weapon has lower speed than fist weapon yet clearly attacks like 4x faster - furax wraith vs. hirudo).

More realistic and useful 'accuracy' information (guess what 25% of 100 is 80! WHAT!).

A whole melange of other stats that are only available on the wiki that should be accessible in the game.  Such as how long does slash procs last?  How much longer will it last with a status duration mod equipped?

Every single stat (flight speed) that has a mod that increases it, should be displayed in the game.  Multiple windows could be used.  Little arrows below the "mod tip" can switch between basic, advanced and alternative information and stats.

Love all your ideas too btw, especially the syndicate switching one.  So annoying that a major game feature is hidden behind 'appearance' which should be purely aesthetic with no impact on the gameplay.
Edited by Xekrin
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On 1/7/2017 at 10:21 PM, Xekrin said:


Quoted, Tagged, Added to OP. I like this idea. My post covered more warframes and arcanes, but this is really needed for special weapons like Zenistar, Exalted Weapons, Dual Toxacysts etc..

Edited by -Voltage-
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i will just copy past from my post (since i didn't saw your earlier when i wrote it):

  • different focus schools to each of our loadout that stays saved there - reason is that some frames or loadouts are better with different focus abilities i tend to forget running to the operator room each time i switch my pre-made loadouts. i'm sure, i am not the only one with that issue.
  • option to change the ship we use for an loadout, and save it with the rest - reason: even though the most of the ship powers are rather weak, they have their use and might be enhanced in the future. clicking through this damn menu everytime i want to change between the liset and the mantis (which are my most used ones) is to troublesome and therefore i often use the liset, which power has the best use in sortie rescues or messed up spy sorties.
  • i often wish we could put one glype picture to each loadout too - not really important, but a nice addon if one has a lot of them. shouldn't be too hard to make that happen, right?
  • sentinels and companions... ever wondered the nonsense with the hibernating animal companions? sure, i don't want to have a zoo running around my ship too, but why must we always use the damn incubator and it silly control to wake up the kavat or kubrow ("cute" little chager now too) in there, wait for 30min (or more if you does not have the addon) and only then be able to put them into our loadout again. even though it would be best to forget the whole "acclimating" wait time at all, at least let it happen automatically via the arsenal (and put an timer to it how much longer it takes until one can his cat into a mission).
  • we al know it: the warframe builder! not that i want the revered person/people who brought it about to us out of business, but lets face it, it only exist because we don't have the possibility to preplan frame and weapon build in-game, where it should belong from the start. so, an sandbox where we can test builds without the need to forma off our behind would be nice. alternativly, this whole thing could be put into the simulacrum where it would even more logical... and this brings up the next idea too...
  • access to the simulacrum from the arsenal - once we have get the key for it. it does load into a seperatemap anyway, right? so why must we always fly to a relay station when we want to enter?


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2 hours ago, fr4gb4ll said:


Quoted, Tagged, Added to OP. I really like some of these suggestions, especially the Simulacrum from Arsenal and Sandbox mod mode. I think this goes in hand with @Xekrin's idea of showing more of the hidden stats behind our gear.

Edited by -Voltage-
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Other thing would be nice to have.

To be able to put more focus on a frame.

I mean you showed a way of switching between them. But right now if you want to change the focus school on a frame,you lose the previous.

I know that is made so you have to buy/obtain others. But it can be made so you can out (let's say) 3 schools max on a frame,and be able to switch between them.

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1 hour ago, JohnCarraway said:

Other thing would be nice to have.

To be able to put more focus on a frame.

I mean you showed a way of switching between them. But right now if you want to change the focus school on a frame,you lose the previous.

I know that is made so you have to buy/obtain others. But it can be made so you can out (let's say) 3 schools max on a frame,and be able to switch between them.

I am confused on what you are suggesting. You want us to be able to gain multiple focus school XP at the same time on one gear, or are you asking for lens to be given back when you switch. The first thing I said is kind of stupid as eventually you never will use lens, and for the second, Sortie lens have to be useful to atleast some folks right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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5 hours ago, -Voltage- said:

I am confused on what you are suggesting. You want us to be able to gain multiple focus school XP at the same time on one gear, or are you asking for lens to be given back when you switch. The first thing I said is kind of stupid as eventually you never will use lens, and for the second, Sortie lens have to be useful to atleast some folks right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. Not being able to gain focus with multiple schools at the same time.

But being able to put 2 schools and be able to switch between them without losing the lens.

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9 minutes ago, JohnCarraway said:

No. Not being able to gain focus with multiple schools at the same time.

But being able to put 2 schools and be able to switch between them without losing the lens.

oh, that would be nice. I will add this to OP after school today :P

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3 hours ago, JohnCarraway said:

No. Not being able to gain focus with multiple schools at the same time.

But being able to put 2 schools and be able to switch between them without losing the lens.

the problem i see with this idea is the way lenses work - if two of them were in one pice of equipment, i think the amount of focus would be split between them. else, it would essentially make the focus gaining twice as fast as DE had intended it should be (not, that i would complain about it ;).

but you idea haf me thinking, that removing a lense in a way we can do with arcanes would be a nice addition.

...and speaking arcanes, the removal of them from a helm or syandana should be also places into the arsenal, and not in the foundry (i wonder who thought putting them in THERE was a good idea - it took me quite some time to find the options in there when i was first using them).

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