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Mag 8.3 Feedback


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I think the main problem is that the CC ability of it really is only practical in solo play. If your soloing and all of a sudden two Heavy Gunners appear that can't be killed with crush, it's a much more efficient use of energy to use BA on one to have some kind of cover while you take care of the rest. When you have a group of 4 this problem for the most part disappears because if all four target one gunner, they'd kill him so fast BA's CC wouldn't even matter.


Thats not cost efficient, also only solo viable = bad.


I have since decided to not run SP or BA on my Mag at all.


I have only Pull and Crush slotted now and will max all energy mods after my next polarization.

Unfortunately Energy Syphon is now a - polarity and the Mag Aura slot is a V polarity making the frame even weaker.


I call utter bullS#&$ on this.

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Pull them into a stack and smack them around with an assortment of weapons.  There are plenty of offensive options.


I meant with shield polarize. If you make it an insta-shield recharge on all friendly units, what will you have it do to enemies? Addressing both sides of the power would help a lot more.


As it is now, if you time it right, you can save yourself a lot of bullets, especially on bosses. (assuming your not a player who has a thrice forma'd potatoed arsenal)

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Thats not cost efficient, also only solo viable = bad.


I have since decided to not run SP or BA on my Mag at all.


I have only Pull and Crush slotted now and will max all energy mods after my next polarization.

Unfortunately Energy Syphon is now a - polarity and the Mag Aura slot is a V polarity making the frame even weaker.


I call utter bullS#&$ on this.


I never said that only solo viable != bad, I was just pointing out that that's where I've found it useful. And I have found it's cost efficient when you don't have 100 energy or/and when you're in the middle of leveling your weapons and therefore can't mod them much at all.


The energy siphon business is definately crippling though. It's like they intentionally put the wrong polarities on the frames.

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I think Mag needs to have her abilities get stronger as the enemies are closer to her. It would tie Crush and Pull together and it could spread to Shield Polarize and Bullet Attractor like so:

Bullet Attractor - As the target of Bullet Attractor gets closer to Mag (within X distance or less) her focus greatly improves, allowing her to direct all projectiles to vulnerable areas on the target. Ranks increase duration as well as minimum distance.

Shield Polarize - Mag can disrupt shields within a personal radius. Enemies that get too close to Mag will have their shields drained as she diverts their energy to herself and her allies. Ranks increase speed of shield drain(enemies)/recharge(allies)

Crush - Mag suspends enemies in mid-air and slowly pulls them towards herself. The closer the enemy is to Mag, the greater the amount of damage she can inflict to it. Ranks increase pull speed and minimum range for maximum damage.

Built this way, Mag centers around the idea that magnetic forces are stronger the closer you get to them. Her AoE Pull skill will reflect greatly on how the rest of her abilities work from then on.

Edited by Thaumatos
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I'm not sure about Crush (surviving enemies would swarm Mag, and may even lock her in place) and Shield Polarize would need some tuning, but I think the distance-theme really makes sense. It also fits Mag's description, because even if it's true that she's not tanky or resilient enough to outlast many close range enemies (yes, that's an "in b4"), she supposedly "operates in extremes, and her polarizing nature is reflected in her abilities": an high risk / high reward build definitely suits her.


That said, I still think the best way to improve Bullet Attractor is to make its AoE damage dependant on the number of bullets pulled in. It would improve teamwork, some weapons effectiveness, and overall BA's utility.

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i have Mag

for me Pull seems ok

BA need to function like trinity link, pass the ball to another nearby enemy, duration stays the same.

Shield sth, shld be re-work into an team buff, temporarily increase shield recovery rate + recover even when under fire.

Crush need damage buff or armor ignore.

Edited by KaoKill123
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Crush takes a long time to perform and any enemies that are far away, will shoot her or melee, resulting in some pretty inefficient results to your HP/shield on high levels

Well that can happen with many frames' AoE skills. I know I've been killed before I was able to get a Radial Javelin off many times in harder situations. Be thankful that you don't need Line of Sight for Crush to work.

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Bullet Attractor seems to be not attracting homing missiles. Disappointments.

If it only worked like General Sargas Ruk's annoying ability... casting a bullet attractor-like thingy on a single target and having them take damage from their own weapon everytime they attack for a limited time.

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Well that can happen with many frames' AoE skills. I know I've been killed before I was able to get a Radial Javelin off many times in harder situations. Be thankful that you don't need Line of Sight for Crush to work.

well, the thing is you have your 3 to escape from crowds if you need to, and your slash dash to deal quite a lot of damage. Now think about Mag, her 1 pulls all the enemies to her and doesnt deal much damage at all and her other skills wont save her from the fight either.

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well, the thing is you have your 3 to escape from crowds if you need to, and your slash dash to deal quite a lot of damage. Now think about Mag, her 1 pulls all the enemies to her and doesnt deal much damage at all and her other skills wont save her from the fight either.


welp, you could pull whole room and run away while they get up

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well, the thing is you have your 3 to escape from crowds if you need to, and your slash dash to deal quite a lot of damage. Now think about Mag, her 1 pulls all the enemies to her and doesnt deal much damage at all and her other skills wont save her from the fight either.



welp, you could pull whole room and run away while they get up


Or use a shotgun to end their life.

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well, the thing is you have your 3 to escape from crowds if you need to, and your slash dash to deal quite a lot of damage. Now think about Mag, her 1 pulls all the enemies to her and doesnt deal much damage at all and her other skills wont save her from the fight either.

Excal does have Slash Dash, but he's not immune to damage while casting Radial Javelin nor are the enemies stopped from attacking. We're talking about burning the same amount of energy for a similar tactic. If you really wanted to, put Bullet Attractor on a target nearby for the occasional damage you may take while performing Crush in a less-than-ideal location.

Its all about perspective. When arguing a particular skill's effectiveness, you need to compare it to a similar skill in a similar situation. You can't take Mag's Crush, for instance, and compare it to all of Excalibur's skills at once. That's illogical.

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Excal does have Slash Dash, but he's not immune to damage while casting Radial Javelin nor are the enemies stopped from attacking. We're talking about burning the same amount of energy for a similar tactic. If you really wanted to, put Bullet Attractor on a target nearby for the occasional damage you may take while performing Crush in a less-than-ideal location.

Its all about perspective. When arguing a particular skill's effectiveness, you need to compare it to a similar skill in a similar situation. You can't take Mag's Crush, for instance, and compare it to all of Excalibur's skills at once. That's illogical.

That's true. Its just, mag's a high risk, high reward frame, and its just not shining out so well on the damage side.

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If it only worked like General Sargas Ruk's annoying ability... casting a bullet attractor-like thingy on a single target and having them take damage from their own weapon everytime they attack for a limited time.

It already does that.

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It already does that.

Can you shoot rocket(with Ogris) out of Ruk's attractor?


btw, what if Bullet Attractor functions in similar way as Vauban's Tesla so that you can stick it to either enemy(like what we have now), teammates(Iron Skinned Rhino/Overheated Ember/Linked Trinity can become walking fortress while other warframes can roll it off if miss fired) or just toss it on the ground for a temperary lesser effect Snow Globe?

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As a full on Mag user. No. Just no.


The new Pull is a horrible idea. I just tested it in-game and it's just no. NO! I can pull a whole group of enemies to my feet and some of them land ontop of my head. Mag can't deal with that many enemies with her abilities. In order to pull anything I have to aim at a wall or their feet. It does not work with targeting the enemy directly. The pull also no longer effects allies either. So instead of pulling an ally to a safe spot to revive I now pull the several Toxic Ancients at me instead, leaving my ally still way over there, and now I'm going to die from this ability. I'm sorry but I really do not approve of the new Pull. It's called knockdown attack, it does the same amount of damage as a charge attack, its fast and you can do it in rapid succesion and afterwards keep slashing and kill quite a few guys, as for the not work with direcltly targeting that was a bug. 


Shield Polarize! Still just as useless. I mean really? They didn't change anything other then giving the same targeting system Pull now use. The skill is still just as useless. Enemies with no shields are still unaffected. The rest of the function if virtually the same. I can now hit a larger amount of teammates if they ever do stand next to eachother but other then that... Nothing even change.Range increases with each level up, same as numbers, i agree that the values need to be buffed, but remember it can also heal YOUR shields, which can be lifesaving 


I slightly love the new Bullet Attractor for the new ending effect. However I still don't love it enough to say it was a good idea. You made the default range of the Bullet Attractor larger forcing teammates to lose DPS on attacking stronger enemies. Hell even shooting the enemy in the Bullet Attractor is still bad DPS. People wanted Bullet Attractor to not effect well aimed shots that would hit but to attract shots that miss and was about to leave the bubble on the other side. So it can do damage to a group now? I still rather shoot it normally instead of using the skill. It'll never add up to the amount of damage players would do in the few seconds the skill is up.Someone said you can aim at the top of the bubble and get headshots, try that, if Sonar is active, try aiming next to where the weak point is, Also, it helps shotguns with wide spread IMMENSELY.


Final Thoughts?


No. These changes didn't help Mag at all. They turned her into a support that can't effectively support anyone. No ability to rescue teammates who are downed far away. Shield Polarized is still useless against enemies and still didn't heal enough on allies. Bullet Attractor is still messing with team DPS. The skill wouldn't help players defend from infested very well, it ruins player's ability to aim at weakpoints. Just no. Mag did not need these changes.


All testing was done with no mods that edited Power Range or Power Damage.


I'll revive and update my topic on Mag. Now... Let's Fix: Mag! Again!


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I LOVE the new Pull: destroys out-of-sight cameras, killing groups of pesky Ospreys, immobilizes huge amount of enemies at once that can combo into either charged attack or freeze jump attack, simply pulling all the enemies away from defending target...


I'll gladly use Pull 4 times instead of Crush if I know the general location of the enemies. If there's anything that should be changed, I'd say give it back the ability to pull one teammate if it is aimed directly to the teammate.

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I like the new mechanics of her skills, but please do something about her scaling.


Bullet Attractor, Shield Polarize and Crush just scale horribly into semi-high levels. Anything above ~lvl60 just giggles erratically whenever i try to blast them with a Bullet Attractor (ye i know, it's not its main function, but you rarely need it for anything else) or even a Crush.


Pull on the other hand i find decently useful even against large high level hordes. For nigh-zero energy i can pretty much lock down quite a large amount of enemies for a decent amount of time... with substantial risk to my well-being, but hey! At least it's fun.


Sometimes I almost don't feel completely useless in defense missions with it at least.


My suggestion: add some better scaling damage on at least 1 or 2 of her skills OR forget the damage altogether and give her even more cc. At the moment she's kind of halfhearted on both.

Edited by Lers
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I've recently tried this on Pluto's outer Terminus:


Team comp: Mag, Frost, Vauban (or Trinity), Volt (or Trinity).


You stand all clumped up on the cryopod, have your Frost drop his bubble. As enemies begin to spawn, your Mag spams Pull (works best with Coil Mag Helmet) and brings all the enemies to a single area ( you may need to repeat this several times as the enemy tends to spawn in a steady stream rather than one large clump). Once all (or many) enemies are clumped, your Vauban can pop Vortex or your Volt can Overload. Pretty much everyone should be able to drop in any kind of attack since all the enemies are clumped. This tactic makes waves end almost instantly and given the right situation, you may see that the cryopod doesn't even take a scratch.


I recommend the Coil Helmet simply because its range will help take more enemies per Pull. But ultimately even the Gauss helmet serves a purpose since you need to spam pull so much. Honestly, the Mag's pull is all you really need. Slap on Stretch, Flow, Streamline and you should be good to go.


AoE Pull ftw.

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