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The Glast Gambit: Update 19.8.0


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16 minutes ago, AythenaBlackStar said:

There is already credit tax for every trade that gets heavily pricey without a million credit cost just for the trade not to mention the plat you would spend its ridculous this is going to hurt DE in the aspect of players won't bother buying plat because they can't afford the tax for the things they would spend it on, secura lecta was a positive thing if for nothing else enabling the market growth and giving players that want to buy things with plat a way to earn enough credits REASONABLY to afford the tax to go with it. I've done my share of hierchon and even that isn't great compared to a 50 wave of akkad for 1.25mil the point is its a nerf with nothing else to balance with it. Hence it is not 'balancing' the game it is ruining it. I mean sure if mods stopped costing credit to upgrade and were just endo only I would be a little sour about the credits i spent but also would have to remember I had the chance to use a secura back when it was worth using to farm with. So yes once you are one person that this doesn't affect versus thousands it hinders severaly congratz you are the 1% that has no affect from this. As for the rest of us 99% we really have every right to be pissed off about it ^-^

just accept the changes, i got mad when De nerf Valkyr, but so what? we still breathing, is NOT the end of the world

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1 hour ago, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

just accept the changes, i got mad when De nerf Valkyr, but so what? we still breathing, is NOT the end of the world

How can we accept it when instead of addressing the core issue, they are making minuscule changes that don't address the main problem, but only make it even more apparent instead. Lets face it, if earning crcredit wasnt as much of a pain as it is and prices for certain actions and items in the game werent so inflated, weapon such as secura lecta would barely be used if at all. Take baros prices as an example. 

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8 hours ago, andotz said:

i really dont understand the secura lecta nerf... was there a trade inbalance in the game that prompted this nerf? can we now buy stuff on market with credits instead of platinum? can we now buy stuff from other players with credits, and not platinum? does credit farming hurt DE that much? i dont get it >_<

met a lot of good people on akkad while cred farming (imo it was a good basis on how cooperative the other guys were, which leads to semi-permanent squads for other missions), now we dont have that, guess back to soloing

That's what I'm screaming. Where is the logic. Even if it did enable some people to make crazy amounts of credits with their exploit squad, where is the harm. Credits are trash to those people. It was just enough to make credit farming less painful for most of us. IF it was somehow a problem that those people were able to get so much, could all the minds at DE not come up with a way to nerf that without making it trash for us? And yes, it IS trash now. An extra 2-3k credits for a quick dark sector run doesn't give it any real value, and keeping it going in endless missions will never start to pay more than restarting the mission first chance you get. Better off to move to the faster dark sector missions and use weapons that can nuke everything fast, or one of the many frames with stupid overpowered exploitable skills that DE should be spending time on fixing.

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I'm starting to wonder if it isn't herding. Herding is when they want us to play a certain way, so they stack things so that we have to. They mentioned major changes to dark sector missions, and nuked the weapon that made it possible to make farming any endless mission pay decent credits. Are they just wanting more people to play Index? Outside of the one daily sortie set and raids that not just anyone can get in to, once they nuke dark-sector missions and the SLecta, that's all I can think to do for credits. I personally hate index.

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9 minutes ago, quebirt said:

That's what I'm screaming. Where is the logic. Even if it did enable some people to make crazy amounts of credits with their exploit squad, where is the harm. Credits are trash to those people. It was just enough to make credit farming less painful for most of us. IF it was somehow a problem that those people were able to get so much, could all the minds at DE not come up with a way to nerf that without making it trash for us? And yes, it IS trash now. An extra 2-3k credits for a quick dark sector run doesn't give it any real value, and keeping it going in endless missions will never start to pay more than restarting the mission first chance you get. Better off to move to the faster dark sector missions and use weapons that can nuke everything fast, or one of the many frames with stupid overpowered exploitable skills that DE should be spending time on fixing.

DE MO (Modus Operandi) seams to be going in the direction of fix what is not broken and pretend what is broken is fixed
PS: your idea about the index? probably right, they did give us quite a feast of it in The Glast Gambit

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6 minutes ago, NaeRyda said:

DE MO (Modus Operandi) seams to be going in the direction of fix what is not broken and pretend what is broken is fixed

I haven't been around long enough to know, but that seems to be the common consensus.

If anyone at DE is still looking for a way to screw only the new players, the Sonicor is a good next nerf.

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Just now, lorper said:

Now only if I could kill things in lightspeed.... there was no hitbox anymore

Joking aside, that has happened to me a few times too, that and... well its easier to show than to tell (vid inside spoilers)




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Sinukacrum tnside liset, its so annoying each time to test something you need to go through many locations, Smeeta charm not work, not giving 2x kuva! Nothing to do, wwaiting endgame content! Please dont waste time on archwing stuff improvements, people hate these missions, also puzzlers,spy, trials, raids and pvp these mission types are super boring, and you need years to find team for them, self explayned.

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10 hours ago, Blazability said:

It's honestly not that bad of a farm. People just make it sound bad by being in larger clans with only a small percent of players in the large clan actually farming it while the others are either inactive, leeching clan tech, or whining about the cost. We ran ODD for about 30 minutes to 1 hour per day for about a week or two and we got the 15,000 mutagen sample requirement done with about 6 out of 30 members actually farming it. Sure we complained about it, but when we were actually farming it, it wasn't that bad. If anything, the farming felt faster when we were complaining about it while farming it.


Also the farming actually brought our clan together to do something together for once in a very long time.

This is it. I was looking for this post. This itls what steve said was gonna be there goal this year "make dojo's great again" bringing together TEAMWORK instead of solo work. This guy gets it. Which in turn you guys should be expecting more prices like these. Yeah teamwork! I'm actually really hyped now. I waited for someone to make a post like this. And it finally happened. 

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i love the new sculpture and how much endo it give , 3400 endos sound legits

but doesnt it make 4k endo kinda pointless? the differences is only 600 endo , was thinking if DE make another Sculpt to replace 4k endo cheers!




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Thanks DE.

The power cell being visible on the mini-map is helpful. However, I wish the color is different from the objective because currently it's very difficult to see where the next excavator is when the power cells are all over the place on the map.

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On 1/25/2017 at 10:41 PM, DerpyTW said:

Well. Its about 2000 credits for 50 kills. So that isnt good at all. If you want 50 k. So needed for upgrading a mod from stage 6-7 and beyond 50 k for each step beyond. for each step. You need about 1250 kills. Meaning about wave 20 if A)the person who has the lecta is mr 18. And B) s killing everything. If you were to do 1250 kills before you would most likely have about 190k. And you can double that gap when you add in a credit booster. I doubt just about anyone will use the lecta to farm. 

Your argument makes no sense, why would anyone use anything else to farm? The lecta can certain handle almost anything to wave 20/20 minutes if modded, os there is no reason to use any other weapon to farm credits. The fact that it does it slower than it used to is irrelevant, as it does it faster than any other weapon.

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On 1/25/2017 at 4:18 PM, toafarmer said:

I had spent like 9 millions in a single day buying primed mods, trading sculptures for endo and upgrading the primed. Buying a primed or a legendary core costs 1 million. maxing a primed costs ~2 million. 6 million is change.

Well, with all the plat you got from reselling them, perhaps you can just buy the next items.

What frustrates me is that people who milked the lecta for months now have a locked in, permanent advantage in the game from both credits and (likely) plat.  Uh, thanks for "balancing" the game, I guess?

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18 hours ago, Blazability said:

It's honestly not that bad of a farm. People just make it sound bad by being in larger clans with only a small percent of players in the large clan actually farming it while the others are either inactive, leeching clan tech, or whining about the cost. We ran ODD for about 30 minutes to 1 hour per day for about a week or two and we got the 15,000 mutagen sample requirement done with about 6 out of 30 members actually farming it. Sure we complained about it, but when we were actually farming it, it wasn't that bad. If anything, the farming felt faster when we were complaining about it while farming it.

So, with 42 person-hours spent, you get 15000 samples, or about 360 samples per hour played?

Are you even playing the same game?

I've played a lot of missions on Eris, and a fair amount on the Derelict, and I think I just recently got my 100th mutagen sample ever.

Oh, and I couldn't even get to Eris for the first month the weapon was out, because of the Lephantis/junction bug.

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14 hours ago, ArchPhaeton said:

Oh man this seriously happens?! Now I feel bad for beginners...

Dont  get  me wrong,  but i  dont feel  bad  for  beginners at all. When i started playing this  game 2 years ago, nobody asked me was it hard, do i  have enough credits, do i need help, having prime stuff was just a dream, pretty much "git gud, scrub" system... There were no chances to farm credits easely like today. In these modern times of WF, beginners dont need to make any effort to get something. And you all know it... Farming  for prime parts is just a joke. Because all of us, who started playing this game before 2nd half of 2016, we needed to deal with seriously vicious RNG, prices on trading chat, lack of void keys, lack of understanding from higher ranked players, even bigger grindfest, etc.
So, its time for beginners to feel the same way. Because thats how things go in WF since forever. Because WF never ment to be an easy game. The lore itself is complicated, as much as gameplay. And i see nothing bad in it. WF requires (at least thats how it were before 2016) a lot of effort and dedication.
So this "H credit farm, ... LF Mr18+" actually makes me feel better, because finaly DE is making gap between beginners and veterans. And looks like DE is about to bring back well known steep learning curve.

If you are new player and this offends you, i am sorry, but you need to understand the facts about WF (then and now). I am not bashing beginners, i am just saying that WF needs to be harder (like it used to be), it needs back well known steep learning curve and this will make everyones game expirience equal. In 2015 there was no secura lecta with credit booster for me. So, if we speak about equality, you shouldnt have it too. And yes, this nerf was expected.

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On 1/25/2017 at 1:50 PM, outseeker said:

2k endo always felt like a total boobyprize; it's kinda similar now but at least its a shiney sculpture instead :D

Thank you devs <3

Now it literally is a booby prize. Other than Unairu Lenses.

On 1/25/2017 at 3:52 PM, ArchPhaeton said:

You got it wrong buddy. 4k hour vet here, I have no idea how some MR14's go around with 600m creds. I barely had an average of 7m, often dropping to 3-4m (specially after DS pay nerf). At this point you start doing stuff like maxing primed mods, buying pedestal primes etc etc. Which means, if you actually play the game, creds are always burning out quicker than you earn them, playing "normally".

And don't touch my Rhino. Specific frame setups take work to achieve, it's not like i pay 200 plat and insta win everything.

They're probably people who just bum-rush raids for credits. Or run Heiracon for 2 excavs, or Akkad for one wave, with boosters etc. Honestly I haven't gone back above 3 million since my Nekros Prime Access boosters ended. Mind you I'm unlocking everything when I can, so its not as if I'm just derping around.

On 1/25/2017 at 11:26 PM, ZAXNIGHTMARE said:

I have to say, if you don't want to far all that mutagen mass, then save 225 plat and buy it, i see how lazy/effortless people want everything in 5 seconds, i don't mind on farm 15k endo all by myself to have the research, and the rest for build it, i have all the time to farm, as farming some other stuff i need, so, what's the hurry on having everything if most of the comunity is young? 

If you don't have so much time, then spend the time you have to play in farm the mutagen samples. I'm just giving you some options, not sure if i'll get a salty answer or toxic sarcasm from you, anyway i'm jus helping.

Lazy? Effortless? Your generalizations are pitiful. People who have real life responsibilities, the ones who work and earn a living, are the exact same people who purchase founders packs, plat, prime access, and vault access. In other words the people who dont have 8 hours everyday to dedicate to a video game are not "lazy", they're hard working people. Whereas individuals like you, or at least people you seem to think are "hard working" spend more time playing video games than to do anything else. You seem to advocate for others to waste several hours, if not the majority, of a day during their only free time to sit staring at a screen and mindlessly click buttons to continue a never-ending quest to grind. Hard workers know when they're being bent over a barrel by a bad deal, and they aren't the type to just sit back and take it. Without people putting actual money into this game, it would not exist.

So when people say something is wrong, your first reaction should not be "you're just whining" it should be looking at their arguments, and comprehending whether or not they make sense. In this particular case the Hema's research cost is not only high, but it scales even higher based on Clan size. So unless your entire clan is tiny, or is filled with a bunch of automatons, or no-lifers with infinite hours a day to play, it will take an exorbitant amount of time to finish the research. It doesn't help the fact that while the weapon may not be very good, any new bio-lab weaponry will be research-gated so it isn't even something which can be ignored. You need to realize the difference between grinding and mindless tedium. Grinding implemented correctly into a game can be fun and interesting, but the Hema grind is none of those things. Even compared to the Equinox grind (killing Tyl Regor 40+ times), the Hema grind is worse in every way, because not only are you being strung along for the ride, so is your entire clan.




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