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Hopes for U20


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What i hope is a fix to the armour problem and stop making higher lvl enemies just bullet sponges.

what i hope is a fix to archwing and an expansion onto it

what i hope is a fix to the focus system with the operator mergered into it

what i hope is a fix to the AI

what i hope for is a expansion onto the dojos, so they are more then a gloried trading post

These are some of the things i hope for, but instead we well get a new quest that introduces new bugs and half finish systems. We will get a cinimatic quest that we will finish in about 2 hours. Another frame to throw onto the pile we have already, along with another melee/secondary/main.

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Well bard frame will no doubt tide us over until they get the new content they were discussing sorted, the syndicate kingpin system might bring some more to do to the table at least - the defector rescue I'm kinda eh about, since escort missions aren't my cup of tea but hey new gametypes = more variety in stuff to do right.

i would definitely like for more lore related things, I do love lore.

I'm honestly not even gonna hope for umbra this year, it's been delayed for so long already I'm honestly wondering if it's ever gonna get here.

pretty sure there was once talks of going outside our solar system to fight the sentients? 

Edited by FlawedLegacy
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Doesn't have to be U20, but I would like to have more weapons that are actually viable at later levels.  I'd also like all weapons to have either a decent status chance or decent critical chance.  

No more of this 2.5% Crit and 5% status nonsense.

*cough*Supra, Tiberon, etc.*cough*

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On 31.1.2017 at 0:38 AM, (PS4)poonugget99 said:

For U20 I really hope we get not only a longer quest, but also, a new area/planet etc... That is a new level of difficult. With this they could add a new reward pool to gear up for this new area. 

seems ok

On 31.1.2017 at 0:38 AM, (PS4)poonugget99 said:

I also hope they create a intricate and fun system to acquiring umbra frames, something that lasts, something that remains a goal for us to complete for months to come. 

If they make Umbra frames take more than a day to get then the forum will burn. -> see the outrage in all the "the grind for Nidus is horrible" threads people posted just because they didn't get the parts they needed immediately

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Honestly, I want the Umbra, because I choose Excalibur as my starter frame at the beginning, and stuck with him throughout the game (occasionally switching to other frames if an edge is needed). My Excalibur is my baby, and I've put a lot of time and effort in to making him as strong as possible, but it's gotten to a point that there's nothing more I can do with him besides upgrade the mod set up I have on him. I'd like an upgrade to my Excalibur, and since Excalibur Prime is never coming back, Umbra is the only option for that. So DE, please come out with him soon. 

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While longevity is definitely a super important thing to have and to focus on, my hopes for update 20 are quite different (and obvious). Fixes to the ridiculous Hema mutagen cost, a well-balanced and fun Bard Frame, less/no focus on conclave, some love for Clans and Dojo's, the Shadow of Mordor-esque assassination feature for Clans coming out in a fun and rewarding state, a rework of the Riven System with community feedback in mind, no invulnerability on eximus units, the complete annihilation of the Nullifier, lowered grind walls, and of course moar FashionFrame!

Ahhh, a man can dream...

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11 minutes ago, Zerathos_Dagon said:

While longevity is definitely a super important thing to have and to focus on, my hopes for update 20 are quite different (and obvious). Fixes to the ridiculous Hema mutagen cost, a well-balanced and fun Bard Frame, less/no focus on conclave, some love for Clans and Dojo's, the Shadow of Mordor-esque assassination feature for Clans coming out in a fun and rewarding state, a rework of the Riven System with community feedback in mind, no invulnerability on eximus units, the complete annihilation of the Nullifier, lowered grind walls, and of course moar FashionFrame!

Ahhh, a man can dream...

the lowered grind, they already said NO to hema cost changes.  nulls are needed to keep the cc from dominating 

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buff augment: duality duration increased from 7 seconds to something actually viable (like 14 seconds) so you can build other stats that aren't duration that duality scales off of

buff augment: phoenix renewal now disables the auto-toggle off for renewal

buff augment: savage silence silence can now be recast during it's duration

blind rage: now gives 100% power strength at rank 10 up from 99%

narrow minded: now gives 100% power duration and -70% power range at rank 10 up from 99% and 66% respectively

combustion beam: explosion damage also now does 30% of the target's health.

and also revert the mission complete credit nerf they put in during spectres of the rail

I guess I just want general QoL fixes that I find annoying

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New game modes would always be a good thing to maintain player interest.  I've been interested either a dungeon style game mode.  A longer game that could take close to half an hour with a couple of mini bosses and an end boss.  They could have unique moves that make them more than bullet sponges, give out unique mods, weapon BPs, and finally a curencybtgat allows players access to something.  That way you have a short and long term motivation to continue going.  The other is to create missions that show up once a day for one planet, and take the player through a short narrative in one planet that fleshed out some lore, gives a reward, and changes randomly.  I think they could accomplish this a little bit like sorties but the lire being more of the goal instead of the reward or higher level enemies.  

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12 hours ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

New game modes would always be a good thing to maintain player interest.  I've been interested either a dungeon style game mode.  A longer game that could take close to half an hour with a couple of mini bosses and an end boss.  They could have unique moves that make them more than bullet sponges, give out unique mods, weapon BPs, and finally a curencybtgat allows players access to something.  That way you have a short and long term motivation to continue going.  The other is to create missions that show up once a day for one planet, and take the player through a short narrative in one planet that fleshed out some lore, gives a reward, and changes randomly.  I think they could accomplish this a little bit like sorties but the lire being more of the goal instead of the reward or higher level enemies.  

This 100000% yes please

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1-. the Old Physx Particles, for the users that can really handle them or a Physx Slider. d0UGMKg.gif

2-. the ability to colour syandanas, etc separated from the rest of the things.

3-.not a broken item xD

4-. maybe a cool armor set, like the rest of the prime armor sets, as a reward.

5-. more wildlife (maybe in ceres like a guy said, there should be acid spiders in those maps or something like that). According to the enviroment.

Edited by mirx
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