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What themes of warframes are we missing ?


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Plant frame would be awesome.  He could entangle enemies with vines summon an AoE garden that ensnare enemies as it heals the team and become more powerful as he grows.  Wait, don't we already have that?

Seriously, we need a blast themed warframe to work with that element, like Ember or Frost or Saryn, but for blast damage.  Immunity to self inflicted damage, swarms of homing missiles, blast damage boost, explosions and crazy ragdoll effects everywhere.

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Awesome! I love that you're open to ideas.

A simple concept is a vampire frame, stealing health, energy and supporting teammates. And he/she can be highly mobile, possible on the higher speed bracket with flight capabilities?

A good reference would be to watch interview with a vampire for ideas since I think it's the best vampire series to date.

Since people are attracted to edge; I think selling this character out as easy to use and supportive would definitely attract new players.

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I think people really enjoy wizards and sorceresses because they are very iconic, so making a frame that people can look at and go "yeah I get what he/she can do". What's great is how you have great artists on your dev team who you can utilise to make some situational glyphs that attach to different things on a mission, the glyphs can be for healing and support or trapping and weakening enemies. A "mage" frame basically. assaults his enemies with attacks, while placing trap glyphs on the ground, placing glyphs of healing to allies, and a final fourth ability could be anything really.

A Long and flowing frame outfit would look pleasing. Plenty of people would like something easily identifiable. This frame would be perfect for the most balanced abilities, able to support, manipulate and switch to offence and defence on the fly. A truly  "mystical" frame with very balanced and helpful abilities.

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59 minutes ago, AeroVero said:

Isn't Oberon the plant frame?

Wukong is the martial artist frame

Light and darkness is equinox

Smoke is... ash?

Space-time should be limbo(travels through rifts)or nova(has a literal wormhole)

  • Oberon isn't a "plant" frame as he has no abilities themed to this. He is a jack-of-all-trades, satisfactory for all,  master of none.
  • Technically, all Warframes are martial artists. Don't believe me? Equip the Ninkondi.
  • Equniox isn't light and darkness, but rather night and day. Being light and darkness would imply that "light" is supportive. In Equinox's case, it's the opposite.
  • Ash is the one true Space Ninja, and while he has a Smoke Bomb and particles with his ultimate, he doesn't have any other abilities associated with ash (ba dum tss).
  • And Limbo isn't really a space-time manipulator, but rather a dimensional manipulator, and although Nova has a wormhole, her moveset is primarily focused on antimatter.
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3 hours ago, Teloch said:

A leprechaun

This speaks to the basic trend I predicted years ago:

Abstract cool (Brand Archetype) would eventually lead to modern, legendary, and mythical archetypes (gunslingers, necromancers, ranger, man's best friend, etc) and then to overtly Whimsical themes (magic cats in wizard hats, pixies, DJ Dance Sequencer Frame (DE do you know what a bard IS? Lol).

Certainly, you can see all 3 aspects in any given frame but there are definite trends and pendulum swings.

Nidus was a fantastic return to Archetype Branding while expanding the lore.  I'm very thankful.

Bardframe is rather daring and innovative, but due to it's whimsical nature, it will probably be received with extremely divided love/hate reviews.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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I wonder if a design inspired from the MD Geist Armor, TALOS Helmet and the Edge of Tomorrow Exosuit weapon placements could be a possibility for a warframe concept? From what I've seen so far, this concept seems different enough from the ones I've been able to find so far, but easily could have missed one, with so many threads to look through.

The look of the Warframe would be utilitarian, function over form, meaning boxy and rugged. Could visualize Vauban Prime, but instead of angular shapes like in the shoulders and arm details, to be more retro robotic, squarish, with cubes and rectangular shapes, to hold the necessary armor and ammo for the Frame. Here is a super crude mockup I made in like 10 min, now that I have a means to get the image in my PC. So don't laugh at it too hard.


Essentially a Warframe version of the Gundam Heavyarms / Marvel War Machine with its abilities rooted in Offensive abilities to deal with the Sentients at any range.

As for the name, I'm still going back and forth on the name, considering Lamassu, Seraph, Wyvern, or Xiao as some possibilities, basically looking to feature the nature of the wings in the name. But maybe there's a better idea to fit the concept.






Rank 30 Stats

Health: 500

Shields: 450

Armor: 550

Power: 150

Sprint: 0.85




Ability 1: Burst Fire - one handed ability, Left Arm Mounted, when activated the arm mounted weapon can be fired in tandem with some Primary and/or Secondary Weapons with the 'Fire Weapon Key'. An ammo counter appears on the ability (like Mesa's Ballistic Battery or Frost's Globe), as it is fired, it uses ammo in the counter. Ammo count is based on Duration and Efficiency. Range affects distance before damage drop-off occurs. Strength affects Damage of the projectiles.

Ability 2: Explosive Ordinance - can interrupt certain actions when used, since Right Arm Mounted, shreds enemies with Blast damage. Works like any other Warframe ability, cast and fire. With enough energy can cast several times. Duration and Efficiency affect Blast Radius. Range affects velocity, potential traveling distance. Strength affects Damage.

Ability 3: Angel Wing - Fires both Shoulder Blade mounted Rail Guns at a target with Devastating effect, like having two Lankas/Opticors, but dealing Puncture damage. Duration and Efficiency affect how long the weapons cycle from closed position to opened, acquiring designated target and charging shot. Range affects point for damage drop off, Strength again influences damage.

Ability 4: Void Channeling - Toggle Ability that decreases movement speed and limits parkour abilities, while adding damage boosts to first three abilities and reduces their casting cost. Duration and Efficiency affect energy drain. Range affects amount of casting cost reduction. Strength affects Damage.

Passive: Optimized Shields - Shields recharge delay is 2.5 seconds instead of 3. And recharge rate is 18 units per second instead of 15.



I've been mulling this idea over in my head for some time now, so certainly can use tweaking here and there, but that's one theme I'd like to see.

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There is far much in themes and their variation and combination are almost infinite. Simple elements like fire, air, cold-ice, water, toxin etc can have many different uses so pretty much not now this team will run out of Ideas. Some person above Me wrote a list which covers Just the 0.001% of all possibilities. Those whom not like the variety nor enough creative will say we have this or that theme already when there is much more in the table. Stop beign butthurt and think about the possibilities there is so much.

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I was reading all this and thought of 3 frame ideas that might be unique or different enough from the ones we already have..

Vampiric / Life force draining frame:

I see this as potential for a great support frame. Could have an ability that would drain the health from an enemy/enemies, which would be stored and could later be applied as a buff to a target ally or all allies that would be used if getting critically wounded or downed.

Bestial frame:

Maybe an ability to be aimed that would latch onto walls and surfaces for a duration. Could have an increased armor buff during this, and maybe when pressed again for the same energy cost, latch onto a new surface for a renewed duration. One ability could be an aoe roar that would apply fear or stun to everything in a radius, for crowd control. I would imagine its forth ability to turn into a hulking beast, increasing slightly in size and muscular structure and do melee attacks. During this time its melee attacks would be equivalent to or greater than your melee weapon damage, for a duration or consuming energy while toggled.

Pure energy frame:

Someone mentioned blast damage, so maybe a frame that would specialize in energy attacks, like a nuclear reactor. Could have canisters of liquid or energy coming out of portions of its body. One of its abilities could be a wide beam of energy to be toggled and drain energy per second while locking you in place, maybe able to swivel. Another ability could be a team buff to add an amount of blast damage to everyone's attack damage or something. Its forth ability could have it turn into a ball of energy, pulling everything into it in a radius for crowd control and dealing blast damage while touching the ball of energy at the center, would be toggled and drain energy while on.

To see any of these themes come to Warframe would be awesome, but I won't hold my breath. Anyway a guy can dream.. and maybe even a second dream.

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