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Ignis and Tigris prime vs Miragulor


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29 minutes ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

Remember when the whole community united to nerf Saryn and Ash? Good times, good times.... Why don't we do the same for this Mirage and Simulor abusive combo?


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(Ash main/favorite here and i love the nerf simply because i hate Bladestorm and now no one can bother me because some mindless Tenno abuses that unnecessary button. Plus he became more ... Mobile!)

Saryn is stronger than she was before, what are you talking about exactly? I have one and I deal some massive damage using Spore by itself and only because it spreads throughout the level as the mission and spawn rates get higher. And they didn't even touch Bladestorm's damage, so its actually more op now because it can be directed instead of aim at 1, kill the room, though they still need to fix it so enemies aren't invincible when that Ash takes HOURS to kill that 1 high level bombard/napalm/heavy gunner.

Mirage and the simulor is an assault on eyes and ears on top of the fact they tend to run outside of the affinity range and therefore become a useless addition to the squad because no one gains anything during that time, and usually they end up being the hallway hero who dies in a room on the other side of the tile and then complain at you when they bleedout. Plus, its currently the only combination (alongside ember and day form equinox in low and mid level missions) that directly reduces the effectiveness and personal efforts of Nidus, Inaros, Nekros, and some other frames by wiping the room on their own with zero regard for who may be doing what.


Can I share how many times I've taken Nidus to survivals and a mirage came in making it damn impossible to get above 10 stacks due to that gravity gun when we all know at this point how tedious it is to spam a single button for those stacks when you need bodies for it to work?

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

Saryn is stronger than she was before, what are you talking about exactly? I have one and I deal some massive damage using Spore by itself and only because it spreads throughout the level as the mission and spawn rates get higher. And they didn't even touch Bladestorm's damage, so its actually more op now because it can be directed instead of aim at 1, kill the room, though they still need to fix it so enemies aren't invincible when that Ash takes HOURS to kill that 1 high level bombard/napalm/heavy gunner.

Mirage and the simulor is an assault on eyes and ears on top of the fact they tend to run outside of the affinity range and therefore become a useless addition to the squad because no one gains anything during that time, and usually they end up being the hallway hero who dies in a room on the other side of the tile and then complain at you when they bleedout. Plus, its currently the only combination (alongside ember and day form equinox in low and mid level missions) that directly reduces the effectiveness and personal efforts of Nidus, Inaros, Nekros, and some other frames by wiping the room on their own with zero regard for who may be doing what.


Can I share how many times I've taken Nidus to survivals and a mirage came in making it damn impossible to get above 10 stacks due to that gravity gun when we all know at this point how tedious it is to spam a single button for those stacks when you need bodies for it to work?

OH crap did i say nerf? i meant rework and yes i have Saryn too and she is A.Mazing! xD

For Ash though as i said, i do not give a flying damn about Bladestorm because i prefer it never existed. i use Shurikens instead mixed with Corrosive and explosive Hikous!

God dang it i got used to calling every single change a nerf ... just like half of the forums.

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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5 hours ago, Xekrin said:

This thread and the hundreds like it are why I have not revived a Mirage in a very long time.

Mirage isn't really the problem. The issue is the Simulor, that just happens to be made 10x worse when she's using it. I have fun with her, and I don't use the Simulor. I have every frame so I tend to switch frames almost every mission, but when I get around to her I never have an issue having fun or keeping up with damage while using other weapons. It's only when it comes to spam-able AoE damage weapons that don't have a self-damage risk that are really hurting team play. Lowering any particular aspect of their stats could fix a lot of those issues (range/reload/clip/damage).

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I love the Ignis. Everytime I use it on the Infested I can hear that famous line. "Childs, Mac wants the Flamethrower!" And then I BURN THEM ALL TO HELL!!! Lucky I wasn't in that movie, the minute Blair said the cells were still alive it would have been Pee Pee City for everyone. a couple scientists vs. world population=RIP Scientists.

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There's a recent thread on here were OP claims there's no point trying to get kills with Mirage Simulor on the team.  There's this thread where OP is bragging about how he outscored the combo, claiming that Mirage isn't interactive while advocating everyone camping a capture point the entire game.  Meanwhile all the complainers cry for nerfs.  

You guys are ridiculous.  If it wasn't for the light show no one would even notice Mirage and Simulor.  

Edited by (XB1)ThermalStone
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Synoid Simulor is an abomination and should never have been added to the game imo. It too closely mimics a frame's #4 and what it loses in CC it makes up for in damage.

That said, it's here now so what "should be" is irrelevant. 

Likewise, Mirage outputs ridiculous amounts of damage simply due to the ability to mimic itself and it's loadout.

We can argue the merits of either to death and we will still arrive at the fact that the two together is devastating.  I don't see humdrum nerfs fixing it either though.

Simulor isn't the 1st, 2nd, or even the 3rd weapon Mirage could do this with and it won't be the last. 

1 Simulor in a group is annoying on it's own because of the way it's designed.


@AntoninDvorak, some friendly advice given with no malice... Please take it as it has been given.

 A DPS race against an unwitting opponent isn't a DPS race... Bragging about winning such a contest is a bad look.

There's more than one way to win an interception. They way you describe works in some CTF games and definitely works on some of the maps in this game.

... But not all or even most of the maps here tbh (because they tend to be in sight distance of each other).

One person covering each flag really only works if folks call the incs. Otherwise,  it's a fantastic recipe for 1-2 players sitting idle the whole match and one player either getting overwhelmed or racking up all the kills.  One player with decent LOS, range, and aim can keep 2-3 nodes covered into the higher levels.

Hek, I don't like Hydroid for most missions but freely admit how beastly he is at Interception missions on most maps.

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6 hours ago, PierceSG said:

I don't get the part where the Mirage with Synoid Simulor is griefing other players by denying them of their kills.

Is there anything special from kills made by who in Warframe?

I'm more than happy to have a hyperactive player doing all the killing for me really.

I will choose to tolerate these kind of players over those that just stay at the mission starting point and $&*^ around, waiting for the rest to complete the mission for him/her.


8 hours ago, AntoninDvorak said:

Riiiiiiight... sure... so now miragulor is just a rare character  legend created by players? -snip-

Never said so. But they aren't in 99% of matches, that's an exaggeration by people with CoD mentality salty about the occasional miramulor or ember "stealing" their kills/fun/whatever. If I'm in a match and there's some stupidity going on that I don't like, I just look for another squad or run solo, ez pz.

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1 hour ago, Padre_Akais said:


@AntoninDvorak, some friendly advice given with no malice... Please take it as it has been given.

 A DPS race against an unwitting opponent isn't a DPS race... Bragging about winning such a contest is a bad look.

There's more than one way to win an interception. They way you describe works in some CTF games and definitely works on some of the maps in this game.

... But not all or even most of the maps here tbh (because they tend to be in sight distance of each other).

One person covering each flag really only works if folks call the incs. Otherwise,  it's a fantastic recipe for 1-2 players sitting idle the whole match and one player either getting overwhelmed or racking up all the kills.  One player with decent LOS, range, and aim can keep 2-3 nodes covered into the higher levels.

Hek, I don't like Hydroid for most missions but freely admit how beastly he is at Interception missions on most maps.

oh my god!!! how he was unwitting about it if he was the first to start it by jumping around following us everywhere we went? As i said i didn't start playing a week ago. I know perfectly when a mirage justs drops in the mission to get all the kills, and it's stupidly annoying. But now it turns out that mirages are the poor victims? And i look bad? hell, if i look bad outperforming a mirascrubulor and bragging about it , then they look 1000x times worse, outperforming poeple with average equipment and low mr's and then braggin about it. 
I made this thread in revenge, for all those times that people had to leave the squad, for all those times we have felt annoyed to hell by them.

Edited by AntoninDvorak
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2 hours ago, AntoninDvorak said:

I made this thread in revenge, for all those times that people had to leave the squad, for all those times we have felt annoyed to hell by them.

This is precisely why bragging about winning a DPS race against an unwitting opponent is a bad look.

It's basically, "I just got vengeance on someone else with a setup that annoys me because I feel like they are chasing me around stealing my kills.".

Bragging about it is your right of course... Feel free to exercise it.

Have a party.

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I recently picked up Simulor+Mirage, and decided I don't find it fun. The only time I'll consider picking it up is if I'm running with some of my lowbie mates on an Interception they want to do. Even then, I know to not disrupt play and go where I'm needed. 


My verdict: I prefer Supra/Quanta Mirage. 

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I just abort the mission as soon I see that, I don't complain about less than a minute...


btw I don't want this to be nerfed, one time I was playing sortie  kuva def with eximus, failed 5 times then I used mirage and simulor was ez.. lol

Edited by jessicakqs
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It's an inevitable trend in a farm game, and becomes more mainstream when the grinding goal is more painful


nerf mirage+simulor, next people will take the aim at telos boltace spam


you will always met those kind of meta load out if playing PUG


get used to it


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If we didn't have one of these threads every night I would get bored of these forums. It's as easy as running Ember, or a well modded Banshee to out-damage Mirage, even with a simulor as they can both kill enemies as they spawn at insane distances. Can literally stand on the cryopod in Akkad hit 4 once, and watch until you can extract at 5. The combo of mirage + simulor is quite powerful, but not the best combination. In fact all mirage does is take a weapon and make it much more powerful. Simulor is great in it's own right, but nothing is stopping mirage from running a sancti tigris to much greater effect than most others could. You could simply remove simulor and a new weapon would replace it. If you think hall of mirrors (her clones) is the problem, you have never met a friend with total eclipse. ~600% damage bonus in light, or 90% damage reduction in darkness. With trinity's recent blessing nerf, mirage now has the highest percentage mitigation ability in the game. Keep complaining about the one combo, that's fine. Prism runs on tears.

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DE will nerf the combo eventually. Players who are around for a while know that.

It may take some time but it will happen.

I have a different opinion about this combo. Do you know why dont use it? It is boring after some time. You just run around and click a button -  no need to aim, to think or maybe to be awake. I used it in the early days but then it gets repetitive, no challenge at all.

There are other, even more powerful combinations, in this game that not a lot of people even know, but this one has the AOE advantage which means it covers a large area BUT it does fall off eventually. 


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