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July 11Th: Community Hot Topics


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July 11th Hot Topics:


1) Mastery:

A lot of questions have emerged around when will Mastery account for (Slots, Rewards, More meaning?). This is an ongoing discussion here – we have content that is restricted for our higher-mastery players, but agree more can be tied to this system and more will come.  


2) Tiers and Alliances:


Clan tiers are coming, so are Alliances. The original proposed tiering can be seen here:

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/75701-dojo-clan-sizes-alliances-tiers-and-changes-coming-soon/ We are looking to make tweaks based on a lot of feedback we’ve received (10 to 100 discrepancy is high, etc). Remember these changes are coming for many reasons – a combination of resource scaling, competition tiering, and technical issues all come into play for this change. We will be expanding clan management tools to help our players (a common request is a “last active” list for those who wish to manage clan size based on activity).  


3) Mobility and Knockbacks:

Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay. Right now we agree too many enemy types have this.  Reviewing the enemies that rely on this mechanic is on the table.


4) Events:


Having the Spy Drone event showed us a lot: a great reward like the Snipetron Vandal that our players know about before hand does a lot to keep Drones at bay. However, valid complaints emerged that focused on:


This event felt like it did not encourage co-op play.

This event did not have enough notice.

Tiered rewards should be introduced.

Drones as content could have been more challenging.


All noted and in the brains of the team as we move forward with planning more events. Thanks again to everyone who played!


5) Sound Changes:


A lot of voices have spoken up about Sound in the forums, namely weapons. Please see this thread from our Lead Sound Designer DE_George: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76095-weapon-sound-issues/. He explains why things change and how a nasty bug has come into play in weapon sounds.


6) Strict NAT Issues:


We have done a lot to get the game client to operate and connect properly, the primary issue now is client side hardware being incapable of proper NAT routing. We are aware that large contact lists (friends + clan) can aggravate network problems with certain routers. A placeholder solution is to user the "/invite" feature when forming squads from global chat, this will alleviate worsening the problem as the contact list will not grow. This is unfortunate for the users affected by this, we will work on this.

As an aside here, Glen hopped into Broframe to test out the list-induced-lag. His router handled it without issue (DD-WRT). It's important to note how hardware relates to this: syncing the presence of hundreds of contacts takes time (2 minutes for all of Broframe on Glen's router). Not all routers are equal - this is all part of the technical reason why clan caps are coming.


This link may help those affected by Strict NAT: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Warframe/


7) Energy Customization: Optional


We have been seeing a lot of discussion on this, the team is informed of the request to have energy colour customization be optional.


8) Trading when?


We talk about this a lot, I’ve updated our FAQ with the continued intel we’ve discussed. Slow and steady!  Check it out here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/5898-warframe-faq/



For last weeks Hot Topics (Alerts, Melee Surplus, etc) , see here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/73306-july-4th-community-hot-topics/

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7) Energy Customization: Optional


We have been seeing a lot of discussion on this, the team is informed of the request to have energy colour customization be optional.




great to hear! I like to have saturated colors for energy because the amount of color is few compared to others, but having saturated powers, it's hum.. sometimes it hurts my eyes >.>;

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Funny how so many people had voiced concerns about tiering clan sizes in the beginning and were ignored. Now those problems have come up as issues that need resolved.

Hope the Mastery level will finally mean something, But what does this mean for those that are at higher mastery already?

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Thanks for the update on what is being looked at. Tiered rewards sounds like a good idea to really drive event participation, though, I can't say for future events if I'll be able to play enough to get the good stuff being offered. And I can easily see how people (whether they truly don't have the time to play or not) will argue that this is not a good idea either, especially if they lose out on pretty decent rewards. Keep in mind though, that not everyone is getting a Primed Chamber Mod from the last event, and not every clan is getting a Drone statue. In that aspect, there was already some tiering, based on the achievement of the players and clans last weekend. I do agree that not enough notice was given; I was only able to find out about the rewards being offered Saturday night.


And well Energy Customization. Personally, I like being able to change the colour of the "lights" on my Warframes (Not sure if you guys know what I'm talking about, but it's like the colour of the lights on Trinity's mask and stuff) However, I was satisified with the natural colour of the Warframe's powers e.g. a pale blue Snowglobe and so on. Since Energy Colour customization has been reconfigured, people have been seen with blinding World on Fires in maps...it feels rather out of place and unnatural. And personally, I'd vouch for this change being reverted to what it was originally. I'm not saying no to having that extra bit of personality on your Warframe, but perhaps a different solution is a better approach, such as a vinyl, a belt or scarf.

Edited by kalikilic
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3) Mobility and Knockbacks:


Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay. Right now we agree too many enemy types have this.  Reviewing the enemies that rely on this mechanic is on the table.

Oh, thank god! I'm so sick of getting up and getting knocked down again by 3 shield lancers and 2 heavy gunners. Bad experience.

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July 11th Hot Topics:


1) Mastery:

A lot of questions have emerged around when will Mastery account for (Slots, Rewards, More meaning?). This is an ongoing discussion here – we have content that is restricted for our higher-mastery players, but agree more can be tied to this system and more will come.  



One free color box per mastery level!



3) Mobility and Knockbacks:


Stuns and knockbacks will always have a place in gameplay. Right now we agree too many enemy types have this.  Reviewing the enemies that rely on this mechanic is on the table.


No, no, no, no, no......

This game is stupid easy, dont go on to change the one thing that actually has me keeping any sort of attention when i'm playing. Keeping aware of your environment so i can navigate through all the obstacles while using all the tools you have given us is something that everyone should learn to do. Dont start adjusting stuff for people who REFUSE to play any other way but their own even if its completely useless.


You guys made ammo boxes a complete waste of space because you folks caved in to the people who REFUSED to learn any sort of ammo conversation or use items you provided to help with this.


And please dont bring up the Super Sensational Ninja Mode that Steve brought up because enemies doing more damage and having more health means nothing when their reaction patterns are few and extremely predictable. So predictable that you can make the enemies do what you want.


The one thing that this game has that is extremely fun is figuring out different methods to deal with the enemies using all the different options that you have given us and if you are going to start removing certain obstacles from enemies that is going to remove those different methods of play. 


We are SPACE NINJAS! for all the gods sake! Dont devolve the gameplay to im standing over here shooting at you while you stand over there and shooting me back. Having enemies that attack at all different ranges, enemies that make you react in different ways is what keeps gameplay alive.





4) Events:



This event felt like it did not encourage co-op play.

This event did not have enough notice.

Tiered rewards should be introduced.

Drones as content could have been more challenging.


All noted and in the brains of the team as we move forward with planning more events. Thanks again to everyone who played!


A- You cant hit every base all the time. People are always going to complain about something. I dont think you can make one event both be team and solo play, what you are going to have to do is separate the event into two parts where one is for solo and one is for team and then make sure that one cant be exploited for the other. So the easiest way is to just have separate events. One event for team then the next event that comes up it's for the individuals.  


B- If you dont come to the board or look at your Youtube page you are simply not going to know. There were people that had no idea about the Warframe changes. There was a dude in a Defense mission asking what was up with this Roar thing and where was my Radial Blast. The only way to solve this is for you folks to continuously update the launcher whenever something is done because if people do not keep up with the game in any way the game telling them is the only option.


C- You already get a reward for participating, i dont think you should then get extra rewards because you gave it your best shot. You already had enough spots for folks to get the extra rewards. But if you folks want to give extra stuff just be ready for the "feedback" about the rewards..... anyone can see this coming.





5) Sound Changes:

A lot of voices have spoken up about Sound in the forums, namely weapons. Please see this thread from our Lead Sound Designer DE_George: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76095-weapon-sound-issues/. He explains why things change and how a nasty bug has come into play in weapon sounds.




Change the backward sound of the DBronco.

That siiiip at the end is sooooo annoying.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I'm super excited that one of my ideas is being discussed. Thanks for listening Rebecca!

By the way, I suppose I'm way behind but I just figured out you are are Canadian? This cant be true is it?


DE is in Canada, and Rebecca is most certainly Canadian. You don't hear the accent in Lotus's voice?  "Great work Tenno, now get the hell oat", or whatever the exact phrase is? Always throws me off to hear such a distinct regional accent for a setting so far in the future. :D

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2) Tiers and Alliances:


Clan tiers are coming, so are Alliances. The original proposed tiering can be seen here:

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/75701-dojo-clan-sizes-alliances-tiers-and-changes-coming-soon/ We are looking to make tweaks based on a lot of feedback we’ve received (10 to 100 discrepancy is high, etc). Remember these changes are coming for many reasons – a combination of resource scaling, competition tiering, and technical issues all come into play for this change. We will be expanding clan management tools to help our players (a common request is a “last active” list for those who wish to manage clan size based on activity).

It's great that this is being reconsidered/tweaked based on community reaction. However, I would suggest you try to push the dojo-gate implementations out asap.

As it stands now, a portion of the playerbase is simply sitting still and waiting for a full update worth of content to be finally available to them (exaggeration of course, there is the void and market weapons, etc). Some of these players are going to be bored and leave, and some are just going to feel the slow burn of stagnation and gradually lose interest (I am the latter).

There's lots to come in terms of new systems and content, as well as old warframe/content tweaks, so it's understandable that devs have their hands tied. But just understand from our point of view that having to wait this long to finally be able to see content from months ago/content that large clan players are starting to get bored with, might be a passion-draining exercise.

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5) Sound Changes:


A lot of voices have spoken up about Sound in the forums, namely weapons. Please see this thread from our Lead Sound Designer DE_George: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76095-weapon-sound-issues/. He explains why things change and how a nasty bug has come into play in weapon sounds.


7) Energy Customization: Optional


We have been seeing a lot of discussion on this, the team is informed of the request to have energy colour customization be optional.

5) Thought this would be an apology for the Viper/TVipers sound, lul~ But if there's a better sound system in the works, sure the playerbase would be all for it.

7) Not quite sure what this means. So players will be able to turn off color customization on their client's end, so powers used by other players all appear as their default color?

This is obviously a very good solution to the "I DUN LIKE SO YOU NO HAVE" objections.

How about implementing some sort of forced-default color option on the client side as well? Stalker-themed (black w/ red) warframes and outrageous colors like yellow+pink themes are starting to get a bit cliche.

LOLOL, jk jk. I jest. Player customization is always king.

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Thanks for the update!


2) Clans do need caps for various reasons, and there are people who are too stubborn (or otherwise) who will never seem to understand why. Keep going, DE!


3) Stunning and knockdowns themselves aren't the issue, but rather, stun locks. But also don't listen to folks who think that stun is the only thing that's hard in this game so you shouldn't remove any. That belies a larger problem, where enemy AI needs improvement, and enemy types should require more thought/prioritizing to dispatch of, not just shoot anything and everything. Stun is a fine element, but anything can get out of hand if not kept in check, especially when it comes to the player's mobility and control.

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good job all around, but something that got snuck in in a few hotfixes ago makes me a little confused. The infected runners got updated so that if you are close enough to them when they go off, rather than being momentarily stunned you are thrown several feet and knocked to the ground. Then on the other hand i see this rhetoric in the hot topics and livestreams about how no one likes the stuns. It seems in-congruent that the party line seems to be "let's move away from stuns" and then to see a stun in game receive not just a buff, but a stealth buff at that. 


To me being a ninja, and especially being a ninja in warframe, is all about smooth movement. You guys nailed it with the wall running, the new mantling animations, the sliding, the ninja flips and the new QOL (quality of life) adjustments on the slide-sprint-slide stamina management boogie. It's the little things though that really throw a monkey into the works and make the whole experience feel more clunky. I.E. the little half second crouchy bounce a frame does after falling a great enough height while not moving in any direction, or that little roll they do after falling while moving a direction (a roll that has sent me into many a spiral continuously falling off a precarious position). With the new knockdown I've been locked in loops where my frame is on the last few moments of a getting up animation from one runner, only to be knocked down again by another runner who just arrived. This situation can be deadly in a crowd, but it's much more annoying when the runners just seem to trickle in one by one stun locking you forever with no purpose. 


I would also like to state that i know it's hard to nail seperate "feels" for all three factions and i think that so far DE has done a fantastic job of just that. The corpus all always trying to hem you in and overwhelm you, fighting the infected you can go from perfect safety to life threatening danger by missing on thing and the when i'm fighting the grineer i can feel their brute force doctrine in the sheer weight of bullets flying at me. I know you guys worked hard on making each of these feel unique and challenging in different ways. DE is a group of intelligent creative people though, I have faith that you guys can come up with a way to challenge your players that doesn't make them want to tear their own, and then your, hair out.

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love the changes! About color customization: you know what i would LOOOVE? the ability to change the color of MY elemental damage independently of others.


to clairfy, when i shoot an infested and it gets set on fire, if i were to be able to customize the color of my fire, then when i see blue fire that i am the one who killed/deal dmg, etc, whereas if it turned green or purple, then i know someone else got to it first.

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