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Rhino Arcane Helm(Worth It?)


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3 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

Not worth it if you are going for speed runs, better results can be achieved with max range and charge.

Arcane Vanguard Helmet can be used with max range and charge. It also reduces power strength which is good for stomp builds. My Rhino Prime has Arcane Vanguard, Arcane Energize, and a stomp build. If you are serious about speedrunning, Arcane Vanguard and Arcane Storm are actually a must have for any Rhino Stomp or Volt player.

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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10 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

It also reduces power strength which is good for stomp builds.

How is it actually good for stomp builds? To me the reduction is too insignificant and it's better to take an extinguished key if min damage is needed.

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5 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

How is it actually good for stomp builds? To me the reduction is too insignificant and it's better to take an extinguished key if min damage is needed.

It is a benefit and this makes the helmet have no downsides if you use it for speedrun stomp.

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19 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

It is a benefit

Again, how exactly is it a benefit worth several hundred plat? If you are running solo mode and even if you kill someone, you will simply press 4 again, the number of enemies in missions is fixed and they most likely will respawn in your cell within range anyway. If you are rolling solo interception with rhino, eventually you will stop killing enemies with stomp no matter what your power is. If you're running speed spies with rhino, you'll charge through most rooms anyway.

Quite questionable benefit from my perspective.

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59 minutes ago, (PS4)SmallOh5 said:

Hey guys, was thinking of buying the Rhino Arcane Helm from the market. But i want to know if the speed difference is really noticeable. And also do you guys know what the price for the helm is?

If you're talking about purchasing the helmet from the in-game market...don't bother.

The bonus stats do not exist on those helmets.

They're only cosmetic.

Edit: P.S. - However, if you're talking about trading for the rhino vanguard helmet the last time I saw one was 350p, but that was a year ago.

Not worth it honestly.

Edited by (PS4)Magician_NG
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Thanks for your input guys, still not sure what to do tho. When you put on rush you can see the difference in speed right? can the speed increase from the helm be measured? i think that would help me decide if i will buy it or not. Are there any other good arcane helms that you guys would suggest?


P.S. Iknow that its not in the market anymore and the chat trade is the only way...i feel the pain. 

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)SmallOh5 said:

Thanks for your input guys, still not sure what to do tho. When you put on rush you can see the difference in speed right? can the speed increase from the helm be measured? i think that would help me decide if i will buy it or not. Are there any other good arcane helms that you guys would suggest?

It's really tiny imo... It would let you move at roughly the same speed as a Loki Prime (not modded for speed) if you are on a Rhino Prime with it equipped.

It's worth it from the stand point of," every little bit helps" but it won't be a magical cure-all for speed.

In order of noticeable impact, I'd say:

Range/Duration/Efficiency on charge builds 


Rhino Prime

Vanguard Helm

This presumes you are eschewing bullet jumping, parkour, etc and just want to zip through missions on the ground.

That's just my opinion though.

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As a Rhino player: absolutely a must. Rush is a waste of a mod slot (better used for strength or armor mods). The vanguard helmet gives you enough of a speed boost to generally be able to keep up with 80% of the other frames. Without it you'll be left in the dust with the other slowpoke frames. In combination with a parcour mod you'll be as fast and agile as any other of the speedrun frames. 
I sometimes try to run without it and, since I'm used to the speed now, it's a horrible experience.

But.. Let's be honest about it:

Only get this if you're planning on maining Rhino. If not, then it's a waste of your platinum.

As for the naysayers, they either don't main Rhino and use him only for his Meta or their taste in visuals doesn't allow them to pick it up. The first is self explanatory (ie: they don't run with him more then 20% of their time, and if they do, they don't run) or their objection is subjective (ie: taste).

The pricing is really subjective too. If, for any reason, I'd lose mine - I would pay good money to get it back (anywhere up to 700/800 plats). I'd imagine completionists would have a lower threshold. Any price around 500p seems totally reasonable to me. If someone would offer it for 350 or lower, I'd still buy that either as an investment (the price for it will only go up) or to keep in store until someone I like decides to main Rhino and I can gift it to them.

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23 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

It's really tiny imo... It would let you move at roughly the same speed as a Loki Prime (not modded for speed) if you are on a Rhino Prime with it equipped.

LOL... Really tiny? Loki Prime is currently the fastest frame out of the box. Rhino is about the slowest  frame out of the box. That is not tiny, that is HUGE.

Really, of all the comments on here, this one absolutely blew my mind. Nice try, no bonus bud... :D


http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Vanguard_Rhino_Helmet : 

"With this helmet equipped Rhino has the fourth fastest speed (1.125), while Rhino Prime will have the fastest speed (1.25), tied with Loki."

Edited by ComCray
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22 minutes ago, Ghogiel said:

makes Rhino tied as the fasted WF in the game

No, it doesn't. Vanguard rhino is still inferior to Loki, Limbo, Nova Prime and Nezha* if we consider moving along a straight line. It is different if you use charge of course, but moving with charge does not benefit from vanguard.

*if modded for speed.




Edited by SeaUrchins
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Just now, ComCray said:

LOL... Really tiny? Loki Prime is currently the fastest frame out of the box. Rhino is about the slowest  frame out of the box. That is not tiny, that is HUGE.

Really, of all the comments on here, this one absolutely blew my mind. Nice try, no bonus bud... :D


Yes...Really tiny.

...It's contribution to that speed is just under what you would get with a full rush mod without the downsides of modding restrictions/considerations.

Rhino Prime moves you up to 1.0 with no potential downsides... More valuable as I don't have to mod or fashion my playstyle around it.

This all presumes you are actually only running...

That's always been a silly premise anyway as it's faster to parkour (now and copter in 1.0) and charge if you are actually speed running it.

Likewise, Rhino never possessed Loki's actual full speed... If a Loki is good with D>ST, the challenge was never on the table to begin with.

I can see why you might feel that way you do and all though. Completely respect it.

...but it's mostly antiquated or niche thinking at this point. 

This helm made a bigger difference before parkour 2.0 and Rhino's re-work, but it's value is outdated now imo unless you are equipped with hobbled key or are working lower str builds.

If your only goal is "GO FAST!!!!" That's a niche playstyle and no one needs to convince you that this helps do it...The numbers do that for itself.

And this is also coming from a Rhino main... For all the value that's worth.

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21 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

No, it doesn't. Vanguard rhino is still inferior to Loki, Limbo, Nova Prime and Nezha* if we consider moving along a straight line. It is different if you use charge of course, but moving with charge does not benefit from vanguard.

*if modded for speed.

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That video is a bit weird because loki P is faster than Nezha, but in the video he isn't, What is going on there?


Edit: oh I see, he is using parkour and rolling. Which is a different thing entirely.



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31 minutes ago, CeePee said:

Once you use the helmet you cannot live without it anymore, so get it at your own risk

I beg to differ but your mileage may vary.

One thing can't be denied though... It's this brand of rhetoric that helped make helmets with stats Arcane to begin with.

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3 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

Again, how exactly is it a benefit worth several hundred plat? If you are running solo mode and even if you kill someone, you will simply press 4 again, the number of enemies in missions is fixed and they most likely will respawn in your cell within range anyway. If you are rolling solo interception with rhino, eventually you will stop killing enemies with stomp no matter what your power is. If you're running speed spies with rhino, you'll charge through most rooms anyway.

Quite questionable benefit from my perspective.

Value is subjective. Arcane Helmets are cheap if you find the right person ;). Also, your preference of CC can differ, but you can't argue Rhino Stomp has 100% CC for 12 seconds with a stomp build and you can recast. Bastille competes but IMO vanguard is worth the plat.

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